Special Flight Permit
Special Flight Permit
Special Flight Permit
The following fee shall be payablc in respect of r certificare of registration for an rrircrlli having tnaximum perrnissible take-off
rveiglrt -
'15,000 kg or lcss: Rs. 20.000/
ii. Exceccling 15,000 kg: Rs' 5,000/l-or every 1,000 kg or part thcrcof
of may bc issucd on payment
a) Mrere the original certificate of registration is lost or de stroyccl, a du-dieats thcrc
of 100/o of thc fcc PaYablc undcr
to in rule 32, rnry bc issued oll p:lylnent ol- 25o/o of thc fcc
b) A tcmporary ccrtificate of rcgistration ref-erred
c) The certi{lcate of'registration may bc rcncwcd on Paymcnt of 500/o of thc fee payable
Category (Max
Duplicatc tcmPorary Rencwal
takc- off weight) Initial Issuc
procedure For Issue/Revalidation of Typc ccrtif,cate of Aircraft and its Engincy' Propeller
8. For inspcction during construction, DGCIA I';ry strtio' his rcprcse'tetives at the c.'s(ructor's worls to cirry out chccks
ln to cotrstructioll rttrcl insl:rcctiotr trnttcrs.'l'hc proccdure .r duplicatc
chccks an<I inspcction by thc DGCA
rcprcscntativcs will bc laid down as may bc found ncccssary
from timc to timc.
i) AII nraterials uscd i' thc co.structio. rre itr rccordr'ce with the
spccif rcatior-rs :r'provccl Ibr thc typc clcsign, rnd
suit'rl'lc ex;rminati<ltt ol-s;rnrpling arld tcsting by approvcd rncthocls, by
that every 6atc6 ol such rnatcrials co'rplies wit' such
spccilica tions.
ii) Evcry detail and plrt of thc cot'rpo'c't/ecluipmert has bcc'
cxrmincd by thc applicr't's irrs'cctio' stall.a'd that tr,rcy
conform to the approvcd typc dcsign.
iii) Each detailed part approvccl by the applicant's inspcction
stal}'is identilicd or srampecl in such a way that thc incliviclual
responsible lbr its inspection crn subserluently be iclentifled.
iu) During thc work of asscrnbly, rccorcls o{'the progress of inspcction
for caclr coml)onent arc mrintlinecl and the inspcction
record is certifled by thc in.spcctor rcsponsible.
v) Operations and processcs, such as heat trcatmcr-rt, corrosion protccttolt,
etc., are carried out by approved mcthods, ancl that
the finished articles confbnn to approvecl drawings.
"i) All con.rponents and items of equipments xre glven a scrial numbcr. This serial
number shall be displayed in a prominenr
position on the completed componcnt or assembly.
vii) All components and parts obtaincd from sub-contractors or othcr firms havc
bccn inspcctcd and approvcd in
accordancc with thc approvcd conditions.
9. Before submitting any aircrafy'con.rponeny'item of equipment
for inspection to the l.rspcctors authoriscd by the DGCA, the
Inspector oithe applicant shall satisly himsel{itliat thc particular
arlc has been constructed, i'spcctccl ancl wlrcre ,eccssary,
in conformity witl.r the s1;ecifrcations, drawings anci instructions relating
to the rppro'ed design.
10 All relev:rnt inspcction rccords slull be maclc available ro the insPector,
rnd these sl-rall bc rctaincd for a pcriod of l0 ycars
unless earlier disposal is authorisccl by the DGCAA but in
any i.r., ,ro inspection recorcls shrll be destroyecl with.ut
authorisation frorn the DGCA.
l1 Any modifiiation consiclered nccessary by the DGCA as a resu[t of'the
inspcction/ perfbrrnance tests carried out by the officers
of DRD/DAIVof the Department, shall be incorporated before clcarance
fbr use o' aircraft.
12. Upon satisfactory completion of inspection, the DGCA shall require the
applic.rnt ro carry out trials of an aircraft to confbrm
compliance to the relevant Airworthiness Requirements in respect of performance
- etc. Thc tests shall bc carried out in
accordance with thc flight tcst-schedules approved by thc bCCA.
13. Except with the written consent oIthe Director General of civil Aviation, the lbllowing Manuals in respect of'a Type component/
item of equipment must be submittecl for aporoval.
the safety of the aircraft is imperiled
If at any time, the DGCA is satisfied that there is a reasonable doubt to indicate that
or item of equipment of that aircraft, he may cancel' suspend
because of an unsaf'e c.ndition in the aircraft, engine, component
or item of equipment or may require the
or endorse the certificate issued or validated fo, th. aircraft, aircraft component
remaining in force'
incorporation of any modification as a condition of theType Certificate
l- Sub Rule 3 of Rulc 55 of Aircraft Rules 1937, states that no person may operate an aircraft rvhose C of A has been suspended,
or deemed to be suspended, or has become invalid, without specific permission of the Dircctor General of Civil Aviation.
2. However, Sub Rulc 4, of Rule 55, empowers the Director General of Civil Aviation to issue spccial flight permits to an
aircraft under the above conditions.
3. Special Flight/Ferry flight permit is a permission granted by the Director General of Civil Aviation to fly an aircraft that
may not meet current-applicable airworthiness requirements but is capable of undertaking safe flight.
Defects and damages may be encountered during operation of an aircraft for which rcpair facilities may not cxist at en-route
stations. There may be occasions where the aircraft have to be flown for expcrimental or tcst flights including production
test flights without valid C of A. In the above circumstances, special flight/ ferry flight may be authorized if the aircraft is
otherwise safe to conduct the intended flight.
Note: Specra,/ Flight Permit is not rcquircd in case of test [Iight of an aircraft for thc purposc of rcncwal of C otA
. where the C of A has expired provided a certilicate {or fitness of'flight has been issued by qualilied AMEs after appropriate
maintenance checks and tests.
( A special fltght/ferry flight permit may be issued by Regionalr/Sub-Regional Airworthiness Office to an aircraft when Certificate
of Airworthiness has been suspended or deemed to be suspended or has become invalid. Such aircraft may not currcntly meet
applicable airworthiness requirements but is capable of performing safe flight for the following purposes:
i) Ferry fly to a base without fare paying passengers onboard where repair,modification and maintcnance are to be performed
to remove the suspension of the C of A.
ii) Test flying a production aircraft.
iii) Evacuation of aircraft or persons from areas of impending danger.
iu) Flight for special purposes.
a. Customer demonstration flights in new production aircraft that have satisfactorily complete6 production test
b. Ferry fly to a point of Temporary/ Permanent srorage.
c. Operation of an aircraft at a weight in excess of its maximum certifled take off weight for flight beyond the normal
range over water or over land areas where adequate landing facilities or fuelling facilities are not available
6. The owner f operator seeking a special flight permit shall submit al application ro the local Regional Airworthiness
Regional Offrce under rvhose jurisdiction the aircraft has sustained damage. The operator shall also forward a copy of damage
report for information to the Regiona/ Sub-Regional office where the aircraft is basecl.
The application shall be concurred and signed by the engineering and operations deparrments of the operator signi$ring that
the proposed operation is safe fiom engineering and operational aspects. In case the aircraft sustains damage/defect outside the
country, application for specialr/ferry flight permit shall be submitted to the offlce where the aircrafi is based.
8. Regionalr/ Sub regional Airworthiness Office may grant special flight
f ferry flight permit subject to the following conditiony'
a) Inspection or tests by the operator for determining the safety of aircraft fbr the intended flight and certified to that effect
by appropriately licensed AMEG) or authorized f approved persons.
b) A limitation that the oper rting weight on any ferry flight must be the minimum necessary with the nccessary reserve fuel
load and that the C.G. is within limits
c) Any other operational limitation considered necessary for the particular flight.
d) Flight is to be conducted within the performance operating limitations given in the Aircrali Flight M:rnual and any
additional limitation(s) that may be specified by DGCA for the particular flight.
e) As far as possible initial climb should not be over thickly populated area.
0 The aircraft shall be operated only by crew holding appropriate licence issued or valiclared by lXiOA.
'F' Part VIII
g) Crew properly briefed of the nature of deficiencies and defective system, item, and component isolated and suitably
placarded in cockpit.
h) \(eather conditions at the take off and destination airport are to be at least equal to that required forWR flight.
t Persons other than required flight crew shall not be carried during the flight
Fuel and fuel distribution limits.
')k) Maneuvers to which the aircraft is limited.
r) Limits on usage of flight equipment such as autopilots etc.
m) Runway selections if considered necessary for safe flight.
n) Air speed limits as required.
o) Communications required with airport tower personnel to inform them prior to take off or landing of the non standard
condition of the aircraft
9. A copy of the special flight permit must be carried onboard the aircraft at all times when the aircraft is operating under the
terms and conditions of the permit.
10. Special /ferry flight permit issued by Regional / Sub Regional Airworthiness Offices shall be valid till thc arrival of the
aircraft at destination or specific date mentioned in the permit as applicable.
11. If the flight involves operation over countries outside India, the operator of the aircraft must obtain special
/ferry flight permit
from the appropriate authorities of such countries prior to operation of such flight. And such flights shall be in accordance
with the applicable general operating rules of the State in or over which the operations are conducted.
t2. Ifthe damage is sustained or ascertained when the aircraft is in the territory of anothcr Contracting State, the authorities of the
other Contracting States shall be entitled to prevent the aircraft from resuming its flight on the condition that they shall advise
DGCA immediately, communicating to it all details necessary to formulate the judgement necessary for ascertaining the nature
of the damage and its effect on airworthiness and safety.
13. \Mhen the DGCA considers that the damage is of a nature such that the aircraft is no longer airworthy, it shall prohibit the
aircraft from resuming flight until it is restored to airworthy condition.
t4. The DGCA may however, in exceptional circumstances, prescribe particular limiting conditions to permit the aircraft to
undertake a non-commcrcial opcration to an aerodrome at which it will be restored to an airworthy condition.
15. Upon completion of the specialr/ferry flight the operator will render a report to the Regionalr/ Sub Regional Airworthiness
Office, where the aircraft is based and a copy forwarded to the authority who had issued the special flight permit which shall
Maintenance and Certification of Aircraft
l. Rule l5 ofthe Aircraft Rules, 1937 stipulates that all Indian registered aircraft are required to possess a current Certificate of
Airworthiness before undertaking flight.
2. In accordance with sub-rule 2 (a) of Rule 60 the Director General rnay in respect of any aircraft, aircraft component and item
of equipment, specifu standards and conditions for its maintenance.
On completion of any maintenance work, overhaul, repair, modification, replacement, process treatment, tests etc., items of
maintenance / inspection are required to be certified by appropriately licensed AMEs, approved or authorized persons.
Series 'F' Part XIII
(ii) another means of asccrtai'ing if rvrrtcr petretratio' lias trlter pl:rce is to rernovc
bolts holding fitti'gs at spar root end
joints, aileron hinge brackets etc. corrosion on the
surfrrcc of'such bolts and tirnber discoloration will provide a useful
indication of any water pcnetration whicl.r may l.ravc t;rkc' plrrce.
Notc :- when refittittg bolrc it is itttpt,rt,tnt to ensurc tlttrr ilte sante ,urtbet'ol'slrinkage waslters arc litted ts werc fitted
Notc i Where drain lrcles lttvc bccotttc bloclicd, w;rtcr s<'tttk,r;ie will tnvari:rbly be lbttncl.
32. Watcr ocnetration of 'fon Srrrf... '
The condition of the exposccl ply surfrcc should be cxrnincd ancl i{'watcr
pcnctration has occurrccl, this will be shown by
dark grey strcaks along the grain and a dark discoloration, ;rt ply
.ioints on scrcw countcrsurrl< holes, togcther with p:rtches
of discoloration.
Ifthese marks cannot be removcd by light scnpir-rg or, in tlic c:rsc o1t:rclv:rncccl
cleterioration, where thcre arc sn-rall surfhcc cracks
or a separation of the ply laminations, rhen the ply should bc rcjcctc<L
33. Misccllancous l)cfccts :
(i) Elongatcd Bolts Flolcs, the bolts holes shoulcl be ex:rmined fcr elo'gation or surfacc
crushirg ol-thc woocl ljbers. f.he
bolts should be renroved to facilitate thc e.xrminrtion anrl, in cxtrcme cases, the
bolts itself nray be fou'd to be strai'ed.
It is important to cnsurc that thc bolts arc a good fit in thc bolts.
' (ii) Bruising and Crushing : A check should be macle {br cvicie'ce of cl:rmage such as bruiscs or crushi'g of structural
members which car.r bc caused, for cxa''plc, by or.errtightcning bolts.
(iii) Comprcssion Failurcs : Compressio' failures, oltc' wrong,ly rcl'crrcd to xs corrpressi.r 'sh:rkes'
are due to rupture across
the wood flbres' This is a scrious del'ect which rtt (i'cs is ciilficult to <lctect,
ar.rcl special crre is ncccssary whc' inspecting
any wooden mcmbcr which has becn subjected to rbnornrrl bcnding o, .,,n,pr.rrior-r
loarls which may occur during a
In the case of a member having becn subjcctecl to en exccssive lrncling lo:rd, thc failurc will appcar on thc surfacc which has
been compressed, usually at a positior.r of conccntrated stress such rs rt tl.re end
of.a lrarclwood packing block; the surface subjected to
tension will normrlly show no dcfects.
Notc:- whcrc a comprcssion failurc is suspccrcd a hand torch shonc along mcmbcrwith
thc thc bcam of light
runnin6, parallel to the grain, will assisr in rcvcaling this typc of {ailurc.
34' Joint F'ailurc : A glued ioint may fail in scrvice ls r rcsult o1- rn acciclent or due to cxcessive nrechanical lolds havi'g bee'
imposed upon it, either in tension or in shear.
36' If there is no evidence of fibre adhesion, this nrly bc indic:rLive of gluc dctcrioration, but il. the iniprint of wood grai' is
visible in the glue this is ger.rerally due to casc hardcning of the glue during corisrrucrion
of'the joini. If the glue exhibits a
certain amount of crazing or star shaped patterns, this is inciicative of'too rapid sctting I
Airworthincss Requircments for Glidcrs
"Glidcr componcnt" means any part, thc soundness and correct functioning of which whcn
fitted to a glider is essential to
the continued airworthiness or safety of the glider.
'Certificatc of comPliancc" is a certification to the effect that all the work on thc glidcr
or glidcr compone't has bcerl
operated by the
the hirer or by any other person (including griders
1. No glider let out for hire, for the purpose of being flown by of airworthiness'
rides) shall be flown unless it possesses a valid certificate
Gliding clubs for imparting training or giving iJy
issued by the Director General' or manufactured
2. All gliders, manufactured in the country and possessing a valid type certificate'
as considered necessarv'
in a foreign ."r"r;;;; ; ;;;;; a;rtificate of Airworthiness subiect to such conditions
shall be made to the Regional Airworthiness office'
in appropriate
3" Applications for the issue of certificate of Airworthiness
twenty five only'
forrrrr, tog.ther with the requisite fee of Rupees
upto 25 years ?rSN p rovided that they have been subiectcd
to a
Notc :- All wooden gliders can cortinue in service {or gtider having an
of Airworthiness shill not be issued a wooden
satisfactory 20 years inspcction scltedLtle. certificate
- a&e more than 25 Years'
organisation or persons
(ii) or repairedfoverhauled, inspected and certified as serviceable by an approved
appropriately licensed or authorised by the Director
24 hours it
(except for a test flight) unless during the preceding
(r) No glider required to hold a valid c of A shall be flown licensed
schedule and certified as safe for flight by an appropriately
has been inspected in accordance with the approved
.certificate of Safety' shall be made in duplicate. one copy shall be handed over to the pilot and the other shall
(b) The a certiltcate
retained by the operator for one month unless the
flight to *t i.tr l, relates ends in an accident, when such
shall be retained a, ,.qtir.d by the competent
authority investigating the accident'
Series 'F' Part XIV
(r) (i) Glider log book Until such time as the glider
certificate of Registration is to Glider'
procedure/work permanently withdrawn from use and sheets pertaining its
(ii) an accident resulting in damage beyond
General pro',.iJ.a that in the case of t gtiat' meetinfwith
canceled by the Director pr"eservcd for a period of two
years after the date
b..;;;; .rro.irt.d *ort ,rr.ii, ,ia[ be
economicar repair, the grider log authority investigating the accident'
as required by the competent
of the accident or subiect to such o.rioJ, withdrawn from use'
procedure sheets, for is permanently
(b) Records, incruding work/ Until one year after the component
for all components subiect to life limitations'