CH Apter Vii Calculating Formula Mass, Empirical Formula and Molecular Formula
CH Apter Vii Calculating Formula Mass, Empirical Formula and Molecular Formula
CH Apter Vii Calculating Formula Mass, Empirical Formula and Molecular Formula
STEM 12-3
Guide Questions
1. Based from what you have written on the Know component of the chart,
what do you know about formula mass and molecular mass?
- The formula mass (formula weight) of a molecule is the sum of the atomic
weights of the atoms in its empirical formula. The molecular mass
(molecular weight) of a molecule is its average mass as calculated by adding
together the atomic weights of the atoms in the molecular formula.
2. If you were to think of a question that you want to ask about formula mass
and molecular mass, what question would that be?
- What is the difference between molecular and formula mass?
Sentence Completion. Complete each statement with a word/ concept in the blank of
the item.
1. Mass number refers to the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus
of an atom.
2. How many carbon atoms in chemical formula CH4? There is only 1 carbon
atom in the formula CH4
3. ___ Empirical formulas___ gives the lowest whole-number ratio of the elements
in a compound.
5. Formula mass is used for compounds that are made up of ions and have
primarily _ionic bonding.
What’s In?
Formula Analysis. Analyze the figures below then answer the corresponding
guide questions.
Guide Questions
1. Which figure show compound whose atoms are bonded by covalent bond?
-No2 is the atom that is bonded by covalent bond
2. What do we call to the formula represented by figures A and B?
- The formula present in both figure is chemical formula
3. What type of compound is in figure A?
- Ionic compound
Can you determine the mass number of the following elements in the periodic table?
2. Si - ___28.086___ 4. P -___31.0_
1. Prepare manila paper, pentel pen, coloring materials and ruler
2. Given set of chemical formula, choose 1 that you want to present before your
teacher. You need to follow the steps below to solve the problem. Write your
complete answers in a manila paper. You may add design that you want or remark
as your expression of your feelings or experiences towards the solving process.
3. Post your output on the wall and explain it before your classmates.
H 5 1.008 u 5.04 u
N 1 14.007 u 14.007 u
O 3 15.999 u 47.997 u
S 1 32.066 u 32.066 u
183.187 u
- Atoms of an atom of the same mass number make up an isotope of the element. Different
isotopes of the same element cannot have the same mass number, but isotopes of different
elements frequently do have the same mass number, e.g., carbon-14 (6 protons and 8 neutrons)
and nitrogen-14 (7 protons and 7 neutrons).
(Critical Thinking)
You have to fill in the L component of the KWL chart to generalize the things
they have learned about the topic.
KWL Chart
Topic Know Want to know Learned
Formula Mass and The formula mass What is the The formula mass
(formula weight) of difference between (formula weight) of
Molecular Mass
a molecule is the molecular and a molecule is the
sum of the atomic formula mass? sum of the atomic
weights of the atoms weights of the
in its empirical atoms in its
formula. The empirical formula.
molecular mass The molecular mass
(molecular weight) (molecular weight)
of a molecule is its of a molecule is its
average mass as average mass as
calculated by adding calculated by
together the atomic adding together the
weights of the atoms atomic weights of
in the molecular the atoms in the
formula. molecular formula.
And the differences
of the two. I also
learned how to
calculate and get the
formula mass of the
elements and lastly I
have also learned
that we should
always double
check the mass
number of elements
so that you will get
the right formula
(Critical Thinking)
Problem Solving (10 pts.)
What’s In?
Problem Solving Analysis. Analyze the sample problem below then answer the
corresponding guide questions.
Guide Questions
1. What are the elements involved in the sample problem?
- The elements that is involved in the sample problem are sulfur and oxygen
2. What will be solved in this problem?
- The problem that will be solved is the empirical formula
3. What is empirical formula?
- A formula that gives the simplest whole-number ratio of atoms in a
1. Prepare manila paper, pentel pen, coloring materials and ruler
2. Given a problem on molecular formula, solve the problem properly. You need to follow the
steps below to solve the problem. Write your complete answers in a manila paper. You may
add design that you want or remark as your expression of your feelings or experiences
towards the solving process.
3. Post your output on the wall and explain it before your classmates.
Output Presentation
Step 1. Convert the given mass of each atom into their equivalent mole.
A compound is found to contain 30.4% nitrogen and 69.6% oxygen. If it has a molecular
mass of 92.0, what is its molecular formula?
1. Is empirical formula related to molecular formula?
-yes, because molecular formulas can be determined from empirical formulas. The
empirical formula is simply a ratio of the different atoms in a compound to each other.
The molecular formula shows the actual number of atoms of each of the elements in a
2. Did you find the problem difficult to solve? Why?
- No, because there is a pattern that you can find in the given module and it is easy to
understand what the lesson all about is.
(Critical Thinking)
You have to fill in the L component of the KWL chart to generalize the things
they have learned about the topic.
KWL Chart
Topic Know Want to know Learned
Formula Mass and The formula mass What is the The formula mass
(formula weight) of difference between (formula weight) of
Molecular Mass
a molecule is the molecular and a molecule is the
sum of the atomic formula mass? sum of the atomic
weights of the atoms weights of the
in its empirical atoms in its
formula. The empirical formula.
molecular mass The molecular mass
(molecular weight) (molecular weight)
of a molecule is its of a molecule is its
average mass as average mass as
calculated by adding calculated by
together the atomic adding together the
weights of the atoms atomic weights of
in the molecular the atoms in the
formula. molecular formula.
And the differences
of the two. I also
learned how to
calculate and get the
formula mass of the
elements and lastly I
have also learned
that we should
always double
check the mass
number of elements
so that you will get
the right formula
mass. The empirical
formula is simply a
ratio of the different
atoms in a
compound to each
other. The
molecular formula
shows the actual
number of atoms of
each of the elements
in a compound.
(Critical Thinking)
Caffeine has 49.48 % C, 5.19% H, 16.48 % O and 28.85% N. Its molecular mass is 194.19. What
is its molecular formula?
Step 1. Convert the given mass of each atom into their equivalent mole.
Given Mass of Atom Mole of Atom Equivalent Mole of Atom
Step 2. The equivalent value of mole of each atom will be used as the subscript.
Step 3. Divide the molecular mass of the compound by its molecular mass by empirical
194.19 / 97 = 2