Morgrave University Course Catalog, Autumn Semester 997 YK: Message From The Headmistress
Morgrave University Course Catalog, Autumn Semester 997 YK: Message From The Headmistress
Morgrave University Course Catalog, Autumn Semester 997 YK: Message From The Headmistress
attend Morgrave University is
truly one of the most important
choices you will ever make as a
young adult. It is a Choice to live
a life of Adventure, carrying on
the traditions of the founder and
first Master of Morgrave
University, Lareth ir’Morgrave!
As he sailed up the Hydra River in
Xen’drik, in his Quest for the
Fabled Fountain of Everlasting
Life, he knew that in order to
continue his Legacy, he had to
provide for Future Generations of
997 YK
Explorers. Here, you will gain the
necessary Skills and Experience at
Morgrave University to become
one of the Most Renowned
Adventurers in Eberron.
Morgrave University’s
numerous Courses and
Apprenticeships will give you
the Skills required to begin
your Life of Adventure. In
Morgrave’s classrooms, You
will hear the Tales of Great
Adventurers and Learn the
Theories that will Lead to
Breakthroughs in Archeology,
Business, and Magical
Engineering from our
Honorable Professors.
Morgrave University
Centrally located on
Unlike any other
the University University in Khorvaire,
campus near the top Morgrave University is an
of Dalannan Tower International Campus.
(just below the dome Our Study Abroad
of Lareth Hall), the Programs are the First of
Morgrave University Their Kind in the World,
Library has the most sending our Faculty and
Students to deep into the
extensive collection
Unexplored Jungles of
of books in all of Xen’drik, the Dark
Breland Continent.
Breland Spire is
divided into Three
Halls, separating
Students of
different Years into
their respective
Boranex Hall is
where Freshman
and new transfer
Students first get
their taste for
University’s Great
Adventure. It is on
the lower levels of
the Tower, closest to
Middle Menthis.
Further up the Spire
is Kason Hall, where
Sophomores and
Juniors continue
their Studies into
the Mysteries of
Xen’drik! Finally,
providing the best
view of the City of
Towers, is Wroann
Hall for Seniors and
Graduate Students.
Under the
Protection of the
Morgrave Outreach
Association, the
Adventuring Guild,
students can
participate in
Excavations around
learning First Hand
about the Ancient
Giant Civilizations
that dominated the
Here at Morgrave
University we are
proud to welcome
our first Warforged
educator who will
instruct our
Military Theory
courses. They bring
a wealth and
breadth of
knowledge having
served as a soldier
during the Last War.
Do you have an
interest in drama?
How about being
one of your school’s
ace reporters?
Maybe, you just
want to brew some
beer with your
friends! Morgrave
University offers
hundreds of
based around any
number of
interests! Such as:
The Blackcaps
The Morgrave Voice
The Fusion Student
From art to food,
student life at
Morgrave is a lost
treasure of its own!
Some of the Course
work you can look
forward to exploring
at our University: Our Vocal and
Musical Arts have
Arcane Theory
some truly talented
Divine Applications groups such as our
Druidic Sciences Vicous Mockery
Slam poetry group.
Military Theory Our Acapella group
Practices of The Prestidigitators
Felosophy and and our Hideous
Soulciology Laughter comedy
troupe. Not to be
Psionic Theory outdone our
and more! Athletics and
Programs provide
our teams the edge
they need to be
victorious. Go
If you prefer more Along with our
Field Work, Faculty we have
Morgrave our Facility
University offers operators here
the most keeping students
Comprehensive Informed, Safe,
Apprenticeship and Happy with
Programs in all of regular Meetings
Khorvaire. Learn about college
Blacksmithing life. All
Jewelcrafting and dormitories are
Dragonshard augmented with
Prospecting the Best Arcane
Archeology Security
Alchemy available with
Magical the Morgrave
Engineering as well University Watch
as more traditional providing
instructions in twenty-four
History hour
Business Surveillance.
Economics and Atop this Tower
Your Choices will Guide your Education, dear Student. is Morgrave
We look forward to seeing what success you will bring to University’s
our fine institution and continue its tradition as a Commons, the
beacon of knowledge shining from the tallest towers of peaceful meeting
the city, illuminating the forgotten secrets of the past. place where
Students can
Sincerely, eat, study, and
Iman Welstrand play games.