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Malaria No More Stakeholder Report 2010

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You Lead Thanks

Hope No More Global

No More
Awareness Truth



Me Families



Dads Heart Distinct Education

Go Getter

Nets Mosquito

Forward Energy


Strong Doers Accelerate

Nets Testing African


Effective He
Thanks Long-lasting




Experience Sustainable Involved
Last Mission-Driven

Lap Dads On-the-Ground
Team Truth Medicine Heroes Ownershi
People Rockstars Lead





Lead Rockstars

Possible Do
malaria no more

Education Champions


fective Advocate
Mission-Driven Catalyst
Sustainable Energy Awareness

Mission-Driven Students




Education Forward

Go Getter Ownership Lead Develop


Innovative High-Impact



oers Movers Smart

Empower Nets Testing Experience People









Involved Sustainable
Moms Strategic


Creative You
Truth Teamwork


::: go further ::: MalariaNoMore.org

Distinct 432 Park Avenue South, 13th Floor New York, NY 10016 2010 Stakeholder Report
1201 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, 5th Floor Washington, D.C. 20004


No More Mission-Driven

African Flexible
no more It’s our name, our mission, our goal.

It’s bold, ambitious—and it’s possible.

Leaders like you will make it happen.
The next leader in the malaria fight? You.

T he world’s recent progress

against malaria is unprecedented in the history of the fight
against the disease. Already, nine African countries have
reduced malaria deaths by more than 50% using powerful
tools like mosquito nets and effective medicine. Interna-
tional funding has amped up and global awareness soared.
Most importantly, bold and enduring leadership—from
African governments to global corporations to families
across the continent—has emerged as the greatest weapon
against malaria. The world is better prepared to defeat
the tools and the power to complete the task.
To go further, we need your help. The world needs leaders
of all kinds to invest their skills, expertise and resources to
beat malaria for once and for all. An investment in malaria
provides the greatest return on investment of any global
health issue today: more kids in school, more productive
communities and a stronger, healthier Africa. Ending ma-
laria’s grip on Africa pays off in more than just humanitarian
dividends—it builds a better future for all of us.
So bring on the marketers. Bring on the advocates and
malaria now than ever before. the inventors and the marathoners. Bring on the teachers,
We’re making good progress in our efforts. Now it’s the Senators and the community health workers. Bring
time to finish the job. on the suits. Bring on the musicians. Bring together every
With increasing demands on global dollars and constant individual who can help us in the relentless pursuit of our
competition for public attention, it’s a long road to the mission: to end malaria deaths in Africa by 2015.
finish line. We have the opportunity and the obligation We still have a lot of work to do—this last mile is the hard-
to achieve the first great humanitarian victory of the 21st est. We need your commitment, your vision and your leader-
century—but we still have work to do. Now is the time to ship to make malaria no more. We’re determined to do it.
make sure that the fight against malaria has the leaders, Are you?
16 It Takes a Village 24 Shining
A single success sparks a Spotlight
a nationwide movement The latest weapon in the
in Senegal and online fight against malaria?
tweets turn into A big, bright, hot spot-

on-the-ground action. light. Celebrities, rock

20 Putting Malaria
stars and race cars drive
focus to the issue. inside
Out of Business
Private-sector practices
6 In the Market for make defeating malaria a
sound business decision, as
a New Approach new tools and knowledge
The best local marketers provide unprecedented
craft a new theory for return on investment.
fighting malaria in Africa
using distinctly local
voices and U.S. malaria
awareness skyrockets. 4 The Facts
14 Global Network
10 Leadership: The 18 5 Ways to Help
Best Tool for the Job Beat Malaria
Committed and continued
leadership—in Africa and 28 Everyday Leaders
abroad—will determine
30 Our Supporters
the world’s ultimate
success in the epic battle
32 Supporters in Action
against malaria. 34 Our Partners

:::go further ::: This report provides a glimpse at how we’re working to end malaria deaths in Africa by
2015—but this is just part of the story. We invite you to go online and go further throughout the year:

Keep up with Help us fight ma- Listen to songs Follow the latest Watch success Want to help? Have
the latest news laria on Facebook. from our African malaria and Malaria stories on our an idea? Hosting a
and read the You can write on partners about No More news in special Malaria fundraiser? Email
Buzzwords blog at our wall and com- malaria. 140 characters No More channel us your thoughts at
MalariaNoMore.org ment on photos at Download tracks or less at at YouTube.com/ Ideas@MalariaNo
Facebook.com/ at iTunes.com Twitter.com/ MalariaNoMore More.org
MalariaNoMore MalariaNo More
the facts
91% of all malaria deaths occur in Africa

Malaria was
eradicated in the U.S. in 1951
of malaria’s victims
are young children
in Africa Malaria can account for up to 40% of
public health expenditures

Every No More

45a child
has over
40K Twitter
dies of malaria and 17K
Malaria No More has distributed 2.6 million mosquito
nets in 13 African countries to cover over

In 11 African
countries, childhood
mosquito net use
has increased
malaria is key

10x health
to improving
and child
in the past decade

There are

annual cases of malaria worldwide

Malaria No More
stands as a case
American study of how aid can
awareness of change.” –TIME
malaria jumped
46% in just
3 years Malaria costs Africa at least
$12 billion in lost annual GDP

Malaria affects 9 African

countries have
5 of the 8 Millennium reduced malaria
deaths by more
Development Goals than 50%

In the market
for a new

hink Different. Have audiences with the right local message.
It Your Way. Got In Africa, Youssou NDour is a name
Milk? Every great synonymous with superstar. When the
marketing initiative world-renowned musician steps up to
has one thing in the microphone, all of Senegal listens.
common: they stick. Youssou, with a history of using his
They change the way the world thinks voice to promote social action, is
about an individual product, idea, sharing a message about malaria.
company or belief. And for the con- Market research and local knowl-
sumer, the brand and the message edge indicated that the most resonant
become inextricably linked. message to a Senegalese audience was
In Africa, rebranding malaria as a demonstrating that malaria can get
solvable problem is a daunting task. in the way of achieving their dreams.
Africans have lived and died with Armed with this information, and under
malaria for centuries. Beliefs about the leadership of Youssou and his
what causes the disease vary widely brother, Boubacar, Xeex Sibbiru (“Fight
and malaria is notoriously difficult to Malaria” in the local language, Wolof)
tell apart from other illnesses when launched in June 2009 to complement >
symptoms first appear. Prevention
tools like mosquito nets and indoor
spraying can be considered a nuisance;
an annoying and sometimes uncom- “The idea
fortable step in the nighttime ritual.
To defeat malaria in Africa, a mass
behind the
movement is rising and declaring the campaign is
end of the disease once and for all. To simple and
spur that movement on, Malaria No brilliant.”
More supports the best marketers in
Africa to design and execute national
campaigns that effectively engage Newsweek

surround sound
Malaria No More’s sadors within their lies to seek effective war against malaria
Surround Sound model communities. Locally- testing and treatment must be won at home.
activates nontraditional driven, detailed market at the first signs of Thanks to the ongoing
partners from every research informs the symptoms. We encour- support of Exxon­
sector of society— best strategies to reach age local leadership to Mobil, Surround Sound
entertainment, sport, our objectives: change bring about sustained launched in Senegal
faith, government peoples’ attitudes and social change—because and Tanzania and
and business—and behaviors toward the despite the importance will expand to other
empowers them to be disease, increase net of international sup- countries.
anti-malaria ambas- usage and urge fami- port and funding, the

Senegal’s national distribu- is Unacceptable”). To keep
tion of 2.2 million mosquito <Leading the way> the beat going, partners are
nets to every child under Boubacar integrating the campaign ®
five. The Xeex Sibbiru team, into pre-existing popular
made up of athletes, musi-
NDour events like the Fiesta music
Boubacar NDour,
cians, businesses and health top music producer, Concert Series, reaching
partners including Child-
Fund Senegal and Senegal’s
Senegalese celeb-
rity and brother to
Tanzanians across the
country. As the country
superstar Youssou,
National Malaria Control doesn’t mince his works together to reach its Want to get people
Program, embraced the words: “Some ofit ambitious goals, the battle singing a different
slogan “Bula Sibbiru Tere is good. Some of it against malaria has become tune about malaria?
is crap.” This is his Put the message to
Tekki” (“Don’t Let Malaria a national cause.
verdict of the first music.
Hold You Back”) to show round of auditions Building the malaria For the third time,
how defeating malaria leads for the Xeex Sibbiru brand in the U.S. poses a American Idol’s “Idol
to a better life for all. As Song Contest, major challenge: how to Gives Back” special
as judge and chief showed millions
net ownership and usage make people care about
organizer. Bouba of fans how every-
grows, people are taking makes things a disease that most will
one can be a leader
control of malaria in their happen—and that’s never experience, affecting against malaria. So
homes and communities. As not crap. families half a world away? far, “Idol Gives Back”
for the brand? Now, almost Malaria No More works to fans and corporate
half of all Senegalese link shine a bright light on the sponsor ExxonMobil
have raised funds to
the iconic figure of Youssou and Xeex malaria crisis for our audience at home,
protect more than
Sibbiru with the country’s growing showing the incredible impact of a sim- three million people
momentum in the fight against malaria. ple mosquito net, demonstrating real with mosquito nets
“Malaria is a national disaster.” and lasting progress, and encouraging and support innova-
In early February, President Kikwete non-Africans to be part of the world’s tive awareness pro-
grams in Africa.
spoke these words to a national ultimate victory against the disease. In
In Senegal, a new
audience, challenging all Tanzanians just three years, American awareness kind of Idol emerged
to take responsibility and ownership of malaria as a serious global health with the Xeex Sibbiru
for the country’s efforts against the problem skyrocketed from 28% to 41%. Song Contest. Contes-
disease. Learning from our success in That’s a number we’re proud of—but tants from across the
country competed to
Senegal, we enlisted the best Tanza- we’re not satisfied. Our work won’t be
prove their musical
nian marketers to use their expertise done until everyone is part of the team skills and their ability
and existing health research to craft to end malaria. to act as advocates
the right message. They co-opted the To spread a message about global against malaria.
local phrase, “Zinduka!” (“Wake Up!” in health, marketers are getting creative After a rigorous com-
petition including
Kiswahili), as a rallying cry; an opportu- to break through the clutter. Every-
songwriting work-
nity for families to shake off the burden thing we do drives toward empowering shops and local clinic
of malaria. President Kikwete liked the African families to take the lead. But in internships, nine
concept so much that he incorporated the end, there’s only one message that finalists competed in
it into his national movement, Zinduka! matters when it comes to defeating Dakar at Youssou’s
world-famous club,
Malaria Haikubaliki (“Wake Up! Malaria malaria: Just Do It.
Thiossane, and the
winner—Djibril Diop—
was crowned the new
face of Senegal’s fight
::: go further ::: against malaria.
Download the Xeex Sibbiru and Zinduka! tracks on iTunes.com

Raise your hand If you’ve had malaria
Who Deputy Chief Nana Acquah
Where Village of Berekuso, Ghana
Why A Leader Under the shade of a large baobab tree in the hot summer weather, Deputy
Chief Nana Acquah raised his hand. As the most senior village elder, he had to make the
first move. By boldly acknowledging that he had suffered from malaria and thus admitting
his vulnerability, he served as an example to his village. Slowly, one by one, the people of
the village of Berekuso raised their hands—not only to their shared past, but to their
determination for a shared future without malaria. The community had decided to tackle
malaria as a team and take responsibility for their joint effort against the disease. With
every hand in the air, Berekuso was signaling: we’re ready.
The village of Berekuso received 920 anti-malarial mosquito nets several months
later. However, hands must remain high in the air to signal starting and sharing a life
without malaria.

the best tool
for the job

“There’s almost
nothing the
U.S. govern-
ment does—

I can’t think
alaria is a This is an epic battle—and it is far
of a single
formidable from over. Until no one is dying from
enemy. To malaria, our work will be incomplete. has such a
end malaria Thankfully, despite many obstacles, tremendous
deaths, the
world needs
strong leadership has already saved
hundreds of thousands of lives. If lead-
ROI for every
a robust toolbox filled with time-tested ers remain committed, we will
dollar spent
interventions like insecticide-treated undoubtedly be able to achieve the [than end-
mosquito nets, indoor residual spray- first great humanitarian victory of the ing malaria
ing, and access to effective testing
and treatment. These proven tools
21st century: ending malaria deaths.
Leadership within national govern-
are invaluable weapons in the battle ments keeps malaria at the top of the
against malaria. Yet by themselves, policy agenda. In the United States, the
Dr. Zeke
they are not enough. U.S. Congressional Malaria and NTDs Emanuel
The real key to defeating malaria, Caucus and Senate Working Group on White House
the one indispensible tool, does not Malaria are rallying support on Capitol
fit in a box. The world’s success in Hill for malaria control efforts around
ultimately defeating this disease the world and pushing for continued
depends on visionary and determined funding for proven programs in the
leadership. field. Working with these groups and >

African Leaders
Malaria Alliance
35 countries committed to
ending malaria deaths

Member States
African Union Liberia
Angola Madagascar
Benin Malawi
Botswana Mali
Burkina Faso Mauritius
Cameroon Mozambique
Cape Verde Namibia
Comoros Nigeria
Republic of Rwanda
the Congo
São Tomé and
Democratic Príncipe
Republic of
the Congo Senegal
Djibouti Sierra Leone
Egypt Somalia
Equatorial South Africa
Guinea Tanzania
Ethiopia Togo
Ghana Uganda
Kenya Zambia
Lesotho Zimbabwe
other malaria champions 35 African countries to
and advocacy partner <Leading the way> reinforce their commitment
organizations, the Malaria President to the common goal of end-
No More Policy Center is ing malaria deaths in Africa
encouraging leaders, dem-
Jakaya in 2015. His Excellency
onstrating progress and Kikwete Jakaya Kikwete, President
reinforcing malaria as a high of Tanzania and the first
priority for U.S. interna-
Africa’s heads of
state envision a chairperson of ALMA, is champions
tional policy. future in which an example of determined on capitol
Canada’s All-Party
no African child
dies a preventable
leadership in the face of hill
Parliamentary Caucus on death from ma- an ancient foe. President
Ending Malaria and the laria. Whether that Kikwete is not only leading In March 2010,
United Kingdom’s All- future is near or his own country in the fight Malaria No More
distant depends on recognized leaders in
Party Parliamentary Group the joint efforts of against malaria, but also
Washington for their
on Malaria and Tropical Africa’s leaders and encouraging Africa as a
commitment to fight-
Diseases work with their our national and whole to unite against this ing malaria at the
national governments to global partners. common enemy. Malaria Champions
We must make
ensure that ending the a final push for This historic alliance Breakfast. Admiral
disease is a matter of policy universal coverage provides an ongoing op- Tim Ziemer, Direc-
tor of the President’s
among leaders worldwide. against malaria.” portunity for African lead-
—We Must Do Malaria Initiative,
Malaria No More Canada ers to coordinate efforts was awarded the Ma-
Better Against
and Malaria No More UK Malaria, and share best practices. laria Action Award
help inform and encourage The Guardian (UK) Because ALMA recognizes for his tireless work
these leaders to continue that malaria is not lim- in implementing
malaria policy and
their support of the fight ited by national borders,
fighting the battle on
against malaria. the best step toward the the ground in Africa,
Ultimately, however, the battle world’s ultimate victory is pan-African where the program
against malaria must be won on the collaboration. has already reached
frontlines. Strong leadership from The race to end malaria deaths re- 60 million people
with vital malaria
Africa—which accounts for 91% of all quires every tool in the toolbox—every
control tools.
malaria deaths—is crucial to success. asset, every technology, and every The Malaria Vi-
Such leadership is evident in the Afri- resource available. But these tools are sion Award went to
can Leaders Malaria Alliance (ALMA), a only as good as the leadership that Ezekiel Emanuel, M.D,
forum where African leaders are taking rallies international governments for Ph.D for his leader-
ship as Special Advi-
ownership of the effort to end malaria support and African leaders for action
sor on Health Policy
deaths not only for their own countries, on the front lines. As the job continues to the Director of the
but for all of Africa. and the challenges persist, leadership White House Office
First launched in September 2009, will determine the end of the story in of Management and
ALMA has already succeeded in the world’s epic battle against malaria. Budget (OMB). His
insights in the coming
bringing together heads of state from
years will be instru-
mental to our success
against malaria and
other diseases.

::: go further :::

Watch how Zanzibar has become a leading example on

Getting Malaria…And Fighting Back
Who Kristine Silvesti
Where New Jersey, United States
Why A Leader Imagine Kristine’s excitement at leaving home for her semester abroad
and future adventures in Ghana. Now imagine her far from home—with malaria. When
Kristine contracted malaria, she was examined by a doctor with minimal equipment and
told to take medicine that was not effective. After suffering paralysis, she spent her money
on a clinic that could treat her properly before sending her home to heal with her family in
the United States. Although Kristine is still recovering, her attitude is unbeatable: “I’ve been
given a second chance at life, and I plan to return to Africa to help others. Not even malaria
will stop me from taking part in its end!”
Kristine was an intern at the Malaria No More Policy Center and graduated from
the Malaria Griot project, a program in partnership with Malaria No More and the
ONE Campaign.

global network
Malaria No More’s global network engages citizens and governments around
the world to support the effort to end malaria deaths in Africa by 2015.

Malaria No More United Kingdom

MNM UK launched in April 2009 and immediately created a buzz. Sporting
heroes David Beckham and Andy Murray, founding members of the MNM UK
Leadership Council, joined then Prime Minister Gordon Brown to hang a
mosquito net over the door of No. 10 Downing Street. MNM UK works to
raise political profile, mass awareness and funds using sport, fashion, world
music and faith. This year, MNM UK developed exclusive jewelry with designer
Stephen Webster, raised funds from a World Cup song backed by The Sun
and were charity partner for UK reality TV show I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out
Of Here!. In Spring 2010, MNM UK secured malaria manifesto commitments
from all three main political parties, including a pledge by the new Coalition
Government to spend at least £500 million annually on tackling malaria.

Malaria No More Netherlands

MNM Netherlands launched on World Malaria Day 2007 by philanthropist Fred
Matser and the Dutch Minister of Development Cooperation Bert Koenders.
On World Malaria Day 2010, the organization’s CEO Arjan Erkel raised aware-
ness of malaria among the Dutch public unveiling a display filled with 10,000
malarial mosquitoes in Amsterdam. In 2010, MNM Netherlands
engaged in a partnership with KLM’s AirCares program to encourage passen-
gers to donate funds and airmiles to fight malaria. This partnership is currently
helping the Foundation for African Medicine and Education bring quality health
care and medical expertise to Karatu, a remote area in North Tanzania where
malaria is prevalent. Partnering with Dutch and local African organizations,
MNM Netherlands is currently supporting 10 community-based malaria inter-
vention programs in nine African countries. www.MalariaNoMore.nl

Malaria No More Canada

MNM Canada, founded in 2008, has played an integral and supportive role to
the All-Party Parliamentary Caucus on Ending Malaria, the first caucus of its
kind to support awareness-building efforts amongst parliamentarians. In 2010,
the organization celebrated World Malaria Day with malaria stakeholders and
Her Royal Highness Princess Astrid of Belgium. MNM Canada has also been
working to support Spread the Net, a campaign to raise funds to distribute
mosquito nets to children in Liberia and Rwanda. Spread the Net is often cited
as one of the most successful grassroots efforts in Canada having reached the
goal of delivering 500,000 nets in three years. MNM Canada and Spread the
Net will continue to work together to support the drive to end malaria deaths.

United, We Can Beat Malaria
Who Charles Ssali
Where Bakuli, Uganda
Why A Leader Twelve-year-old Charles wears a number five for his local youth team in
Uganda and, as a star player, is a role model to his teammates and friends. His young
talent has taken him as far away as Sweden, Denmark and the United States. On top of
being a fierce soccer competitor, Charles is also a malaria survivor and has seen how the
disease can impact his community and his best friends. Ever since recovering from malaria
at age four, Charles has played it safe by sleeping under a mosquito net, ensuring he stays
healthy and in the game. He’s even encouraged all his friends and teammates to follow his
lead. As the United Against Malaria ambassador, the message he takes worldwide is that
“United, we can beat malaria.”

It takes
a village

T {
his is not a drill. The Sumitomo Chemical and <Leading the way>
government, which was
mission is to get local heath workers, heavily involved in the
everyone at risk of volunteers conducted a
Chris Velingara project, saw no
malaria in Africa door-to-door census to Hedrick reason why this small
In energizing and
sleeping under a determine the number mobilizing Peace victory could not be repeat-
mosquito net, a task of nets needed in each Corps Volunteers ed across Senegal. Shortly
that requires targeted and coordinat- household. Families gath- in Senegal, Chris thereafter, they announced
ed action. The operation demands dili- ered at a central point to Hedrick is the a new policy for defeating
definition of “lead-
gence not only at the country level, but pick up their nets after ing by example”. malaria within its borders:
district-by-district, village-by-village. receiving detailed instruc- Part international universal coverage across
In early 2010, plans were already tions from coordinators diplomat, part the nation.
community health
underway for a mass distribution in on how to handle, use and Investing in the univer-
worker, part devel-
Velingara, a health district in south- care for their nets. At the opment MacGyver, sal coverage goal in one
ern Senegal with a population of end of the project, nearly Chris inspires his region did more than sim-
more than 230,000. The effort would 100,000 nets were hanging volunteers to go ply cover that area—it
further. When fac-
ultimately make this region among in homes in Velingara. ing down malaria
catalyzed a series of events,
the very first districts in all of West A drop in the bucket, in Velingara, his decisions and actions that
Africa to reach the important target of some might say. A small volunteers didn’t inspired Senegal to adopt
universal coverage: protecting every success on the vast and stop until the job an aggressive and ambi-
was done. Malaria
at-risk man, woman and child with uncertain road to victory has met its match.
tious strategy against the
a long-lasting insecticide-treated over malaria. disease. Just as Velingara
mosquito net. Never doubt the power stands as an example for
To kick off the distribution, of a single success. Senegal, Senegal will stand
Malaria No More provided 89,724 Fresh off the success as a model for Africa. Our
mosquito nets, donated by individual of the government’s distribution to all work will not end until every person,
supporters all over the world. children under five the previous year, in every village, in every country has
Under the leadership of the U.S. the Velingara model infused new the tools and support they need to
Peace Corps and in partnership with energy into Senegal’s fight against combat malaria.
World Vision, Tostan, the Nation- malaria. Velingara demonstrated That’s our mission. Together,
al Malaria Control Program (PNLP), what is possible. The Senegalese we can achieve it.

What A Difference a Tweet Makes
For World Malaria So when it came is making a differ-
Day 2009—as Ashton time to distribute ence, we posted
Kutcher raced the nets in Senegal, photos on Twitter
CNN to a million Twitter came along and told the story
Twitter followers— for the ride to show of the mosquito net
thousands of how online action distribution—140
Twitterers across translates into on- characters at a time.
the globe fueled his the-ground impact. Social media do-
effort by donating To show the gener- ing social good. Now
mosquito nets to ous people at home that’s something to
Malaria No More. that their donation tweet about.

::: go further :::

Follow @MalariaNoMore on Twitter for the latest updates

1 Highlighting Leaders Making a Difference
2 Amplifying the Message in “Surround Sound”
3 Building Technical Strength and Capacity
4 Making Investments that Catalyze Progress
5 Telling the Story to the World

ways to help
Malaria No More partners with African countries to demonstrate


1 President Jakaya Kikwete

leads national movements at
home and chairs the African Leaders
Malaria Alliance (ALMA).

2 Top Tanzanian artists came together to write and

perform the malaria anthem, “Zinduka!” as part of
President Kikwete’s Zinduka! Malaria Haikubaliki campaign.

3 Tanzanian health officials joined Alliance for Malaria Prevention partners

for training workshops to plan nation-wide mosquito net distributions
and learn how to conduct critical monitoring and evaluation of malaria.

4 Malaria No More and “Idol Gives Back”

donated mosquito nets to help Tanzania
reach their target of covering every child in the
country with a mosquito net.

5 Malaria No More brought Zanzibar’s suc-

cess story against malaria to Capitol Hill in
a series of short films, showing policymakers and
Americans that an investment in malaria yields
impressive economic and humanitarian returns.
beat malaria
what’s possible in the race to save lives.

1 President Abdoulaye Wade highlights malaria at

home and abroad—including during a visit to
Chicago where private-sector leaders discussed the
affects of malaria on development.

2 Youssou NDour’s Xeex Sibbiru initiative brings pop-icon

status to the malaria fight and involves all sectors.

3 Malaria No More supported Senegal’s National

Malaria Control Program in developing strong grant
proposals for The Global Fund and putting together a
comprehensive five-year plan to tackle malaria.

4 In partnership with the U.S. Peace Corps in Senegal, Malaria

No More helped reach universal access to mosquito nets in
Velingara, Senegal—a move so successful that the government is
now rolling out universal access plans across the country.

5 Malaria No More reported success in the

Velingara district via Twitter and showed
how a simple tweet can help a child, a family and
an entire nation go further.

malaria out
of business

“The ethos
of Malaria No

More is that
e e are work- ownership, most malaria-endemic aid should be
ing as hard African countries have developed seen not as
and as fast
as we can
robust national plans for tackling
malaria. To produce a greater impact
a noble act of
to put our- and help countries receive public
charity but
selves out sector funding, Malaria No More is as something
of business by 2015. For an energetic working to provide technical assis- that’s in
young organization, it’s an unusual tance to National Malaria Control
Programs as they craft their grant
business model—but this approach
is at the core of our mission to end proposals to The Global Fund. In
malaria deaths in Africa by 2015. 2009, it successfully assisted six Afri-
Founded by business leaders can countries to develop Global Fund TIME
Ray Chambers and Peter Chernin, Round 9 proposals, helping net $593
Malaria No More works to provide million for malaria control.
a private-sector perspective to The increase in public sector fund-
the fight against malaria and apply ing for malaria control from interna-
business solutions to a major global tional bodies like The Global Fund
health problem. The organization has made it possible for millions of
partners with corporate leaders to mosquito nets to be deployed across
break bottlenecks and leverage core Africa. Typically, production of nets
competencies that make public does not begin until institutions fully
funds go further. disburse funding for nets, which can
As a result of increased African hold up delivery for several months. >

To address this challenge,
Malaria No More helped
to thousands of families
requires tremendous plan- rounding
<Leading the way>
develop NetGuarantee, Ray ning and manpower. To
an innovative finance that end, Malaria No More
mechanism that advances
Chambers joined the Alliance for
Big goals call for big
Now UN Special ambitions. When the
the procurement process Envoy for Malaria, Malaria Prevention (AMP), UN Secretary General
and makes it possible to Ray Chambers a coalition of more than set the goal of univer-
was a Wall Street
deliver nets earlier to 40 international orga- sal access to mosquito
pioneer before
families that urgently nizations, to help equip nets in Africa by the
joining with Peter
end of 2010, it was
need them. Chernin to launch National Malaria Control
Malaria No More.
time for the world to
By offering payment Programs with the best step up to the chal-
Ray’s visionary
guarantees to net manu- leadership, no-
knowledge and skills to lenge. To help make
facturers, NetGuarantee nonsense approach manage and implement it happen, Malaria No
enables the grant approv- and compassionate mass distribution cam- More partnered with
humanitarianism McKinsey & Co. and
al and manufacturing to paigns effectively. AMP’s
has helped the the Office of the UN
run in parallel and, most world see that ma- assistance and support Special Envoy for Ma-
importantly, accelerates laria is a problem includes training work- laria to make the case
the delivery of life-saving that can and must shops, planning guides for a rapid mobiliza-
interventions by six to be solved—and and technical assistance in tion of resources from
that private sector the Global Fund to
12 months. practices are key to preparation for net distri-
fight AIDS, Tubercu-
What’s the net effect? success. Read more butions. The partnership losis and Malaria. To
NetGuarantee, Zurich about all of the and support has helped reach the 2010 target,
incredible partners the Global Fund
Financial Services and countries share best prac-
and dedicated would need to take
Malaria Consortium supporters that are tices and strengthen the
swift action.
launched its first transac- working toward continent-wide effort.
It proved to be up
tion in Mozambique with ending malaria Leaders from the
deaths in Africa by
for the challenge.
support from The Global 2015 on page 30.
private sector and some of In the next funding

Fund, net manufactur- the world’s top corporations round, the Global
ers, in-country ministries are putting their minds and Fund encouraged
African countries to
and other stakeholders. skills toward ending the
submit aggressive
Thanks to the support of private- disease with remarkable results. proposals for malaria
sector partner Goldman Sachs and Working together, business and health control. This new
the Betsy and Jesse Fink Founda- leaders will have outsized impact. burst of energy into
tion, this move will help accelerate Malaria is, in many ways, a busi- the malaria fight led
to the most successful
the delivery of 250,000 mosquito ness problem. We have the tools and
round of malaria pro-
nets to those most vulnerable to we know they work. By leveraging posals in the Global
malaria. By matching funding flows core competencies from the private Fund’s history: $1.57
with funding needs, the nets will sector, we can make the tools better, billion in malaria
arrive before the onset of the next the timelines shorter and the fight control funding and,
most importantly, mil-
rainy season, averting approximately stronger. It’s time to put malaria out
lions of families with
85,000 malaria cases. of business. access to life-saving
Once nets arrive in country, the mosquito nets.
real work begins. Distributing nets

::: go further :::

Read more about how Malaria No More uses business
methods to battle malaria at MalariaNoMore.org

Mom: The real malaria-fighter
Who Kates Hechma
Where Village of Kwamoso, Ghana
Why A Leader A quiet leader in the busy farming community of Kwamoso and a queen
in the eyes of her three sons, all younger than 10 years of age, Kates is leading by doing.
Determined to keep her family safe and her children in school so they will learn to read and
write, unlike her, she had the anti-malarial mosquito net she recently received hanging over
the piece of floor shared by the entire family. Thanks to a large mosquito net distribution
that took place in Kwamoso, village leaders predict the village will be malaria-free come the
end of 2010. “By the end of this year, the community will see 0% of malaria,” said Village
Chief Reverend Nana Fianko Bekeo. For Kates, that means a better, healthier future for
her family.

a spotlight

alaria isn’t partnerships with some of the big-
used to the gest names in sports like Fox Sports,
limelight. FC Barcelona and Patrón Highcroft
For thou- Racing, fans from across the U.S. are
sands of learning how they can help score a
years, the win against malaria alongside some
mosquitoes that carry the disease of their favorite teams. As part of the
have been able to fly under the radar, United Against Malaria campaign,
killing millions of people throughout Malaria No More helped catapult ma-
history—including King Tut, Alexan- laria onto the world stage during the
der the Great and Oliver Cromwell. 2010 World Cup in South Africa to
No more. Malaria No More is shin- show soccer fans and leaders across
ing a big, bright, hot spotlight on ma- the globe that they could be part of
laria and engaging people worldwide. the winning team against malaria.
By harnessing the power of popular Under the bright lights of Hol-
culture, Malaria No More is driving lywood, malaria is starting to sweat.
conversation in the U.S. and in Africa Thanks to the American Idol charity
and translating it into action in the special, “Idol Gives Back”, Malaria
fight against malaria. No More has reached over 60 mil-
In 2010, Malaria No More has lion Idol fans since 2007. Millions of
been calling all sports fans to join Americans learned about how they
in the race to save lives. Thanks to can help defeat malaria from stars >

a new role
Malaria No More of the camera and tainment industry
works with enter- Rachel Webber be- are sharing the spot-
tainment leaders hind-the-scenes. By light to tell a new
to drive focus to incorporating ma- story about malaria
malaria in original laria into entertain- and raise awareness
ways. In 2010, we ing content, Malaria among their fans
are working to put a No More brings the and friends. Enter-
new spin on malaria malaria message to tain, educate, en-
with partners like a new audience and gage. In Hollywood,
Elizabeth Banks and motivates action. they call that a triple
Ed Helms in front Leaders in the enter- threat.

like Ryan Seacrest, Jordin
Sparks, Forest Whitaker <Leading the way>
to encourage prevention
and treatment at home
and Elliott Yamin. Raising Andrea and thousands of malaria- malaria the
the profile even further,
Kerzner themed books are being red card
world leaders appeared Originally from distributed to Tanzanian
on “Idol Gives Back” and South Africa, primary schools. To reach In 2010, nearly a third
Andrea Kerzner is of the world’s popula-
highlighted the malaria an older audience, Zinduka! tion tuned in to watch
committed to using
fight—including President creative and imagi-
Malaria Haikubaliki was the World Cup—the
and Mrs. Obama, Presi- native messaging incorporated into the Fiesta first on African soil.
dent George W. Bush, Bill to engage youth. Concert Series, reaching With all eyes on
and Melinda Gates and Malaria No More hundreds of thousands of Africa, Malaria No
and Andrea’s Lalela More joined forces
Prime Minister Gordon Project are working
music fans in cities across with world-renowned
Brown. The result? Over with Senegalese the country and delivering teams, governments,
1.6 million mosquito nets celebrities to bring a life-saving message about corporations, and
delivered to families a malaria message the importance of net use NGOs to launch the
from the world United Against Malar-
across Africa. stage to local and fever treatment.
ia campaign to raise
In Tanzania, Malaria No classrooms. With a Malaria No More will global awareness
More’s Zinduka! cam- goal of increasing continue to shine a bright and renew worldwide
net usage, Andrea
paign is working with the light on the progress and commitment to
is empowering the
Ministry of Education and challenges of the malaria ending malaria, as
next generation’s
Sesame Workshop’s leaders to create a fight—but we need your well as increase the
malaria-free future
use of prevention
Kilimani Sesame to educate help. Every individual can tools and malaria
for themselves and
Tanzanian children about push malaria into the lime- treatment in Africa.
for the world.
malaria. Zinduka! spokes- light and be part of the To get the message
people and Tanzania’s ultimate victory against out, United Against
First Lady, Mama Kikwete, the disease. Together, we Malaria enlisted the
support of prominent
filmed public service announcements can make malaria no more. teams like FC Barcelo-
na and the Ghanaian
National Team; who
helped host the larg-
est-ever malaria event
on Capitol Hill, and
organized multiple ex-
hibition matches and
tournaments in the
United States, United
Kingdom and Africa.
Corporate partners,
including Exxon­Mobil,
Sumitomo Chemical,
Vestergaard Frandsen,
Novartis Pharmaceuti-
cal Corporation, Fox
Soccer Channel and
Pfizer, stepped up to
support the global
advocacy events and
television spots that
::: go further ::: reached over one bil-
lion people in Africa
Join the conversation on Facebook and help us shine a bright and the United States.
light on malaria at Facebook.com/MalariaNoMore

Pregnant with Malaria
Who Maunda Zorro
Where Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Why a leader When Maunda was a little girl, she thought one bite
from a malarial mosquito would mean sudden death. She was fearful
of doctors and their warnings about malaria. As a pregnant adult
and Tanzanian performer, she came face-to-face with those fears all
over again. However, this time it was for her unborn baby. During
her first trimester, Maunda contracted malaria and quickly went to
the hospital. At the hospital, doctors counseled her on treatment and
prevention from future attacks on her health and the health of her baby. The doctor also
emphasized the importance of sleeping under a mosquito net every night, which Maunda
has vowed to do. “It’s time to unite in the fight against malaria for our generation and the
future generations. Malaria is unacceptable.”

Anyone can be a leader in the fight Tweets to Beat Malaria
against malaria! See how individuals This World Malaria Day, Twitterers from around the world
joined together to End Malaria. In 2009, the World
across the country and around the Malaria Day Twitter Race between Ashton Kutcher and
world are making a difference in the CNN to benefit Malaria No More shone an enormous
spotlight on the malaria problem. This year, the malaria
race to end malaria deaths.
community went bigger and bolder. A complete Twit-
ter takeover! In partnership with the Case Foundation,
Twitter, Twitpay and the Office of the UN Special Envoy
for Malaria, the End Malaria campaign successfully
dominated the Twitosphere. It raised $36,360 for Malaria
No More and campaign hashtags were incorporated in
178,000 tweets, including those of Twitteratis Alyssa
Milano, Demi Moore, Larry King, Jeremy Piven, Bill Gates,

Biz Stone and many others.

the Griot Word Stayin’ Alive
In West African tradition, a griot is a storyteller, deliver- Founded in 2007 by high
ing important news and carrying social commentary school student Allyson “It doesn’t
throughout the country. The Malaria Griots project—a Brown, Stayin’ Alive encour- take a lot to
joint effort by Malaria No More and the ONE Campaign— ages students to dedicate join the
trains U.S. advocates for the fight against malaria. school dances to raising funds malaria fight.
Armed with knowledge and tools, our griots raise and awareness for malaria. It’s something
awareness and support in their home communities. American Idol alumnus a kid can
Jason Castro has joined as a do; use their
Stayin’ Alive Ambassador, lunch money
showing kids that they can one day.”
help fight malaria—and
have fun doing it! Jason

Going the
Extra 26.2 Miles
The Malaria No More
Marathon Team is racing
to end malaria deaths in
the ING New York City
Telling the Malaria Story Marathon. In 2010, the
Malaria No More and Novartis Pharmaceuticals marathon runners are hit-
Corporation hosted the World Briefing: Telling the ting the pavement to raise
Malaria Story contest to invite a college student awareness and funds. To
to travel to Africa and learn about malaria on-the- cheer them on along the

ground. The 2009 winner, Jessica Uno, reported- way, a generous donor is
back through blogs, tweets and videos. In 2010, matching their efforts up
three graduate students will travel to Africa. to $100,000.

10,000 Nets Keeping the Faith

Local faith communities Faiths Act Fellows from the Tony Blair
in Denver have teamed up Faith Foundation and Interfaith Youth
with Malaria No More and Core spent a year at the Malaria No More
the ONE Campaign to raise Policy Center, mobilizing youth and build-
awareness about malaria ing interfaith coalitions to embrace the
in their local communities cause of ending malaria deaths in Africa.
and raise enough funds
for ten thousand mosquito Jeremy Piven Dodge Malaria
nets to help families in Throws Malaria a Students and teachers are knocking
Africa protect themselves Curve Ball malaria out. Deerfield Beach High
from malaria. For World Malaria Day, School is dueling in dodge ball
Jeremy Piven took the tournaments to raise money for the
Chicago White Sox pitcher’s malaria fight. Student Ara Parikh
mound to help strike out organized tournaments in her high
malaria. A lifelong baseball school’s gym and has raised over
fan and a malaria survivor, $4,000 for charities, including Ma-
Jeremy joined millions of laria No More. Malaria—watch out!
people around the world
who are determined to end
malaria deaths in Africa. To
take it home, Elliott Yamin
wowed the crowd with the
national anthem.

thank you
Our work is made possible by many generous and dedicated supporters who
share our vision of ending malaria deaths once and for all.

Exxon Mobil Corporation

ExxonMobil is a corporate leader in the fight against malaria and Malaria No
More counts the company as a key strategic partner in making a positive
impact across Africa. ExxonMobil has teamed up with Malaria No More to
provide private-sector expertise and make strategic investments to end malaria
deaths. Their support transformed our ability to break through the barriers that
stand in the way of this goal.
As a result of our partnership, we have launched successful initiatives like
Surround Sound in Senegal and Tanzania (page 7), which help mobilize African
communities to use to effectively combat the scourge of malaria. The company’s
support of NetGuarantee (page 20) moves life-saving mosquito nets into the
hands of families faster, while Alliance for Malaria Prevention workshops (page
21) build country capacity and train local leaders in best practices. As a corporate
sponsor of “Idol Gives Back” (page 24), ExxonMobil is a key partner in helping
to provide hundreds of thousands of mosquito nets to families across Africa.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

A leader in the worldwide fight against poverty and disease, the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation has been instrumental in making ending malaria a global priority.
The Gates Foundation supports the work of the Malaria No More Policy
Center (page 10) in Washington, D.C. as it works tirelessly to keep ending
malaria deaths at the top of the policy agenda. Their support for Malaria
No More UK (page 14), works to raise awareness among individuals and poli-
cymakers alike, and the United Against Malaria Campaign (page 26) ensures
that the fight against malaria has global backing. In addition to helping shine
a spotlight on malaria, their support catalyzed the development and launch of
NetGuarantee (page 20).

Idol Gives Back Foundation

Leveraging the popularity of America’s favorite television show, American Idol, the
Idol Gives Back Foundation has helped raise awareness about malaria on the
“Idol Gives Back” charity special in 2007, 2008 and 2010 (page 24). Millions of
Americans made a difference by tuning in and donating to help families worldwide.
In addition to putting malaria on a national stage, the Idol Gives Back
Foundation has helped distribute 1.6 million life-saving mosquito nets to
families in countries across Africa. American Idol alumni Jason Castro, Melinda
Doolittle, Jordin Sparks, Brooke White and Elliott Yamin have continued their
support of Malaria No More by engaging their fans in the race to save lives.

Our 2015 Leaders Contributed $5,000 or More

Ethel & Philip Adelman Bill & Melinda Gates Panoz Family Foundation
Charitable Foundation, Inc. Foundation Sean Parker
Roger Ailes The David Geffen Patrón Highcroft Racing
AlpInvest Partners N.V., Inc. Foundation Patrón Spirits Company
The Apatow Family Gate City Bank Frank H. Pearl
Foundation, Inc. Global Impact Jord W. Poster
n Goldman Sachs n
John M. Bridgeland Lisa Goldman-Van Nostrand The San Francisco
Bristol-Myers Squibb Daniel Gregory Foundation
Company n SapientNitro
BritWeek, Inc. The Marc Haas Foundation Ginger Sarabia
David Brule Hill & Knowlton, Inc. Schlosstein-Hartley
n Mellody Hobson Family Foundation
The Case Foundation n Schwab Charitable Fund
Kenneth Chenault Jonathan Jackson Select Equity Group
Peter Chernin Jonathan W. Jarvis Foundation
Chip Away Malaria Paul T. Jones Silvercrest Asset
Christopher Clarke n
Management Group LLC
Clothes Off Our Back, Inc. Kick for Hope, Inc. Sony Corporation of America
The Steven A. and Alexandra The Jena and
M. Cohen Foundation, Inc. Michael King Foundation Arthur C. Spinner
Courtney and Christopher n
Loretta Stadler
Combe Macy’s, Inc. Sumitomo Chemical
Comcast Corporation The Masie Center, Inc.

The MCJ Amelior Foundation Virgin Atlantic Airways
Electronic Arts, Inc. Musk Foundation

Elizabeth Erickson Robert J. Mylod Walker Digital, LLC

Exxon Mobil Corporation n
Frank E. Walsh
National Association of Jeff Weiner
Betsy and Jesse Fink Laboratory Schools William Morris
Foundation The Nduna Foundation Endeavor Entertainment
Roger S. Firestone Nelson Family Foundation
Foundation Kadir Yilmaz
The News Corporation
Fox Soccer Channel Foundation
Novartis Corporation
Novartis Pharma AG

Malaria No More supporters
find creative and resourceful
ways to contribute to the
effort to end malaria deaths.

Aboard First Flight

Malaria No More and United Airlines partnered
for the airlines’ inaugural nonstop flight to Africa.
To help celebrate the first flight, the plane brought
along 1,500 mosquito nets to be distributed to two
remote villages outside of Ghana’s capital. Ameri-
can Idol alum and Malaria No More supporter Elliott

Yamin joined Malaria No More for the distribution.

Swat Malaria Clothes Off Every Goal

“No Bugs. No Bites. No Our Back Saves A Life
Kidding.” Such is the Some people are so Launched in August
motto of Mosquito Squad, generous, they’ll give you 2008, the Every Goal
which is turning its the clothes off their back— Saves a Life campaign
sights on malaria with literally! The Clothes Off provided a $10 mosquito
their Swat Malaria cam- Our Back Foundation invites net for every goal scored
paign. Mosquito Squad the public to bid on celebrity in a live broadcast on
franchisees across the attire, with all proceeds Fox Soccer Channel and
U.S. are raising aware- going to charity. As a fea- Fox Sports en Español.
ness and funds for Ma- tured partner, Malaria No In addition to on-air
laria No More by calling More has raised funds for segments about how
in the S.W.A.T. team. life-saving tools thanks soccer fans worldwide
to celebrity closets across could help fight malaria,
the country! the program has raised
enough to protect over
8,000 children from the
deadly bite of a malarial

::: go further :::

Want to host your own event? Email us at Ideas@MalariaNoMore.com

Jamming to
End Malaria
Malaria No
More teamed
up with Sony
Malaria No More RED and Employee Benefit
Scores Charitybuzz to auction To celebrate the holiday
As part of the FOX Sports off autographed celeb- season, employees at
Supports initiative, Malaria rity guitars from Carlos Novartis Pharmaceuticals
No More was featured dur- Santana, Elvis Costello, Corporation—a corporate
ing FOX Sports’ 2010 Bowl Steve Vai and Third Eye leader in the fight against
Championship Series coverage, Blind to raise funds for malaria—rallied together to
seen by 41 million viewers in the malaria fight. The raise funds for mosquito nets.
January 2010. A Malaria No More PSA featuring auction followed the Donating nearly $18,000 from
FOX Sports Bowl Championship Series talent and release of the compila- countries across the globe,
Ryan Seacrest also aired across all FOX broadcast tion album Indie Rocks! the Novartis family helped
channels and raised over $70,000 to put the fight A Benefit Album for African families have a happi-

in action
against malaria into the end zone. Malaria No More. er and healthier New Year.

our partners

19 Entertainment Ltd. Clouds Media Group The Global Fund to

Fight AIDS, Tuberculo-
A to Z Textile Mills Comic Relief
sis and Malaria
Acumen Fund Congressional Malaria
Global Health Advisors
Africa Cola
Global Health
Conseil National du
Africa Fighting Malaria Advocates
Patronat du Sénégal
African Leaders Malaria Global Health Council
Creative Artists Agency
The Global Network
The Church in Denver
Africare for Neglected Tropical
Dakota Films Diseases
Against Malaria
Department for Hedge Funds vs.
Alliance for Malaria
International Malaria and Pneumonia
American Idol Illinois Sports Facilities
Diageo Authority
American Red Cross
The Endeavor Group Initiative for Global
Atlantic Records Development
Entertainment Industry
Blackboard Foundation Interfaith Youth Core
The Tony Blair Faith European Alliance International
Foundation Against Malaria Federation of the
Brad Herbert FC Barcelona Red Cross and Red
Associates Foundation Crescent Societies

Busted Tees Fédération JCDecaux

Canadian Red Cross Sénégalaise des Johns Hopkins

Sociétés d’Assurances Bloomberg School of
The Case Foundation Public Health Center
Jesse and Betsy Fink
Causecast Foundation for Communication
Causes FOX Broadcasting
Company Katalyst Media
Center for Interfaith
Action on Global FOX Sports Kick for Hope
Poverty Lelela Project
Fremantle Media
Centers for Disease L’Observateur
Control and Prevention Friends of the
Global Fight Against MACEPA
Charitybuzz AIDS, Tuberculosis
Madness Against
Chicago Bears and Malaria
Chicago White Sox Fútbol Club Barcelona
Malaria Consortium
ChildFund International FutureBrand
The MASIE Center
William J. Clinton Global Business
McKinsey & Company
Foundation Coalition on HIV/AIDS,
Tuberculosis and Malaria Medicines for Malaria

Millennium Promise
Montrose Africa
Mosquito Squad
Mud-Luscious Music,
Inc Sesame Workshop United Talent Agency
NetsforLife Social Media Envoy USAID
New York Road U.S. Fund for UNICEF
Runners Sony RED
U.S. President’s Malaria
Northern Trust South African Consul- Initiative
Corporation ate in Chicago
Vestergaard Frandsen
Novartis Spread The Net
Vodacom Tanzania LTD
Pharmaceuticals Sumitomo Chemical
Corporation The World Bank
Tanzania Broadcasting
Office of the Secretary- World Economic Forum
General’s Special World Health
Envoy for Malaria, Tanzania House
United Nations of Talent
World Vision
The ONE Campaign Tanzania National
Malaria Control Young & Rubicam
Organisation of the Programme
Islamic Conference Youssou NDour
Television Futurs Foundation
PATH Medias Zurich Financial
Peace Corps Senegal Tickets-for-Charity Services
Plan International Time Warner
Population Services Tostan
International Malaria
Control Tribeca Flashpoint Me-
dia Arts Academy
Prime Time
Entertainment Twitpay
Radio Futurs Medias Twitter
Roll Back Malaria UCSF Global Health
Partnership Sciences
Rondovie Industries UNICEF
SapientNitro UNITAID
Save the Children United Against Malaria
Senegal’s Programme United Airlines
National de Lutte con- United Nations
tre le Paludisme (PNLP) Foundation/Nothing
But Nets

::: go further :::
Keep up with the latest news at MalariaNoMore.org

malaria no more board of directors
© John Rae: 2, 18 (bottom), 21 (top left), 27, 35. © Catherine Karnow: 3 (top left), 7 (top and center), 19 (top). © Maggie Hallahan/Sumitomo Chemical – Olyset® Net: 3 (bottom right), 17 (top and center), 19 (center and bottom), 36. © Erica Lichtenberger: 9,

25 (top). © Rebecca Jane Young: 26 (bottom). Courtesy of the ONE Campaign: 28 (bottom left). Courtesy of Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation: 29 (top left). Courtesy of Caroline Tinker: 29 (top right). © Michael Prizant: 29 (bottom center). © Jen Elv-
23, 32. Courtesy of Kristine Silvesti: 13. Courtesy of United Against Malaria: 15. © Raqey Mohammed: 18 (top right and top left) © Bry Thomas Sanders: 21 (top right), 25 (center). © Georgino Goodwin/Vestergaard Frandsen: 21 (center). © Jeremy Sugalski:

Chairman & Gabrielle Fitzgerald Dr. Rick Warren

Co-Founder Interim Director for Founder and Pastor,
Peter Chernin Global Health Policy & Advocacy, Saddleback Church
President and COO, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Jeff Weiner
Chernin Entertainment
Jeffrey S. Flug Chief Executive Officer,
Former President and COO,
Chief Operating Officer LinkedIn Corporation
News Corporation
& Chief Financial Officer,
The Honorable
Union Square Hospitality Group
Harris Wofford
Co-Founder Former CEO and
Former U.S. Senator
Raymond G. Executive Director,
Chambers Millennium Promise Alliance
(non-voting Board Member) Gary L. Ginsberg Founding Member
The Secretary-General’s Executive Vice President, Advisory Board
Special Envoy for Malaria, Time Warner, Inc.
United Nations Raymond G. Chambers,
Fred Matser Chairman
Founder, Malaria No More! Ambassador
Vice Chairmen Netherlands Nancy G. Brinker
John M. Bridgeland Founder,
President and CEO, Youssou NDour
Artist and Producer Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Civic Enterprises, LLC
Steven C. Phillips, Kathy Bushkin Calvin
Scott Case
M.D., M.P.H. Executive Vice President and
Chief Executive Officer,
Medical Director, COO, United Nations Foundation
Malaria No More
Global Issues and Projects Helene D. Gayle
Exxon Mobil Corporation President and CEO, CARE USA
ing: 29 (bottom left). Courtesy of FOX Sports Supports: 33 (top left). © John Bear: 33 (bottom). Report design by Liza Aelion.

Directors Edward W. Scott, Jr. Dr. Charles F.

Omar Amanat Founder and Chairman, Center MacCormack
Founder and CEO, for Global Development; Friends President and CEO,
Amanat Capital of the Global Fight against AIDS, Save the Children
TB and Malaria; and the Center
Jean Case for Interfaith Action Against Bonnie
Chief Executive Officer, Global Poverty (CIFA) McElveen-Hunter
The Case Foundation Chairman of the Board
Timothy P. Shriver, Ph.D. of Governors,
Chris Clarke Chairman,
Chief Executive Officer, American Red Cross
Special Olympics
SapientNitro Ian Rowe
Christopher Stamos Former Deputy Director,
John L. Damonti Partner, Sterling Stamos Capital
President, Bristol-Myers Squibb Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Management, L.P.
The Honourable Belinda
Reginald E. Davis Stronach, PC
President, RBC-USA Executive Vice-Chairman,
Sir Richard Feachem Magna International Inc.
Professor of Global Health Chair, The Belinda Stronach
University of California, Foundation
San Francisco & University Ann M. Veneman
of California, Berkeley Former Executive Director,
Director of the UNICEF
Global Health Group at UCSF
Global Health Sciences
You Lead Thanks
Hope No More Global

No More
Awareness Truth



Me Families



Dads Heart Distinct Education

Go Getter

Nets Mosquito

Forward Energy


Strong Doers Accelerate

Nets Testing African


Effective He
Thanks Long-lasting




Experience Sustainable Involved
Last Mission-Driven

Lap Dads On-the-Ground
Team Truth Medicine Heroes Ownershi
People Rockstars Lead





Lead Rockstars

Possible Do
malaria no more

Education Champions


fective Advocate
Mission-Driven Catalyst
Sustainable Energy Awareness

Mission-Driven Students




Education Forward

Go Getter Ownership Lead Develop


Innovative High-Impact



oers Movers Smart

Empower Nets Testing Experience People









Involved Sustainable
Moms Strategic


Creative You
Truth Teamwork


::: go further ::: MalariaNoMore.org

Distinct 432 Park Avenue South, 13th Floor New York, NY 10016 2010 Stakeholder Report
1201 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, 5th Floor Washington, D.C. 20004


No More Mission-Driven

African Flexible

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