T Rec M.3170.0 200703 I!!pdf e
T Rec M.3170.0 200703 I!!pdf e
T Rec M.3170.0 200703 I!!pdf e
ITU-T M.3170.0
The TM Forum's multi-technology network management (MTNM) solution suite realizes a
TMN interface between the NML and EML according to ITU-T Recommendation M.3010 for the
FCAPS management of multi-technology fixed transport, access and aggregation
telecommunications networks.
This Recommendation provides a physical and logical overview of the MTNM solution suite where
the logical overview focuses on the MTNM business objectives and the suite of MTNM supporting
documents. This Recommendation also explains the chosen approach to reference the TMF MTNM
deliverables in ITU-T Recommendations such that they get hooked into ITU-T's management
architectures and frameworks without the need to change any TM Forum deliverable.
ITU-T Recommendation M.3170.0 was approved on 16 March 2007 by ITU-T Study Group 4
(2005-2008) under the ITU-T Recommendation A.8 procedure.
Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA), element management (EM), EM layer
(EML), EM system (EMS), enhanced Telecom Operations Map (eTOM), FCAPS (fault,
configuration, accounting, performance and security) management, interface, management interface
specification methodology (MISM), multi-technology network management (MTNM), network
element (NE), NE layer (NEL), network management (NM), NM layer (NML), NM system (NMS),
next generation network(s) (NGN), NGN management (NGNM), operations system (OS),
Q interface, requirements, analysis and design (RAD) (and conformance), service-oriented CORBA,
tele(com(munications)) management (TM), TM Forum (TMF), TM network (TMN).
In this Recommendation, the expression "Administration" is used for conciseness to indicate both a
telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency.
Compliance with this Recommendation is voluntary. However, the Recommendation may contain certain
mandatory provisions (to ensure e.g. interoperability or applicability) and compliance with the
Recommendation is achieved when all of these mandatory provisions are met. The words "shall" or some
other obligatory language such as "must" and the negative equivalents are used to express requirements. The
use of such words does not suggest that compliance with the Recommendation is required of any party.
© ITU 2008
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without the
prior written permission of ITU.
1 Scope
This Recommendation provides a physical and logical overview of the TeleManagement Forum's
multi-technology network management (MTNM) solution suite v3.0 [TMF MTNM v3.0] where the
logical overview focuses on the MTNM business objectives and the suite of MTNM supporting
documents. This Recommendation also explains the chosen approach to referencing the MTNM
deliverables in ITU-T Recommendations such that they get hooked into ITU-T's management
architectures and frameworks without the need to change any TM Forum deliverable.
The MTNM solution suite v3.0, a TM Forum-approved document set ([TMF513], [TMF608],
[TMF814], [TMF814A]), is an implementation standard of a TMN interface between the NML and
the EML according to [ITU-T M.3010] for the FCAPS management of multi-technology fixed
transport, access and aggregation networks. The MTNM implementation view specifies a
CORBA-based TMN Q interface between an NMS (CORBA client or TMN manager) and an EMS
(CORBA server or TMN agent which is in contact to the NEL).
This Recommendation is a part of a series of Recommendations dealing with MTNM, and which
has the following structure:
M.3170.0 Multi-technology network management: Introduction and supporting documentation.
M.3170.1 Multi-technology network management: Business agreement (TMF513).
M.3170.2 Multi-technology network management: Information agreement (TMF608).
M.3170.3 Multi-technology network management: CORBA IDL solution set (TMF814) with
implementation statement templates and guidelines (TMF814A).
The MTNM specifications fulfil the very strong industry demand for a full-featured, commercially
available, scaleable and non-proprietary element and network management interface
implementation standard, which allows multi-vendor, multi-technology and multi-domain
management systems to interoperate easily and seamlessly in an open architecture environment,
thereby distinctly reducing the integration tax and overall operational expenses. As widely
recognized achievements, the TM Forum's multi-company MTNM project has:
– first, created a UML-based interface between the TMN network management layer (NML)
and element management layer (EML), which provides the protocol-neutral foundation of
such a "commercial out of the box integration" element and network management solution;
– secondly, developed the UML model of the system view into a CORBA-based, highly
interoperable implementation view that allows for low cost integration of MTNM systems.
This Recommendation provides an overview of the MTNM solution suite and presents the chosen
approach to relate the MTNM deliverables to ITU-T's TMN and NGNM architectures and
frameworks in such a way that the MTNM NML-EML interface and the MTNM document set can
be shown to be TMN conformant and compliant according to [ITU-T M.3010].
3 Definitions
5 Conventions
This Recommendation does not use any particular notational or other conventions.
6 MTNM overview
This clause introduces the four MTNM views according to the popular RAD paradigm and relates
them to the MTNM deliverables, provides an overview of the file structure of these deliverables
including the numerous supporting documents and CORBA IDL files, and summarizes the business
objectives that initiated the multi-company effort to develop the MTNM specifications.
File name of supporting
Description of supporting document
File name of supporting
Description of supporting document
File name of supporting
Description of supporting document
The files listed in Tables 6-2 and 6-3 are not part of the M.3170-series of ITU-T Recommendations
but are available from the TM Forum together with [TMF814] and [TMF MTNM v3.0] (see also
clause 6.1.2). It should be noted that the TM Forum may change structure and contents of the
IDL files in subsequent releases of MTNM.
The certifications of the TMN interface protocol and information conformances depend on the TMN
guidelines for defining CORBA managed objects specified by [ITU-T X.780.x], [ITU-T X.781] and
[ITU-T Q.816.x], in particular on the novel concepts of service-oriented CORBA managed objects,
façade objects and TMN support services, which were developed by ITU-T's former MTNM Focus
Group [b-MTNMFG]. The ITU-T NGN Management Focus Group (NGNMFG), a group sponsored
by ITU-T Study Group 4, identified the MTNM specifications as relevant to NGN management in
the context of its specification architecture (see [ITU-T Roadmap]).
The TM Forum documents are depicted in a network view with dependency links while the ITU-T
Recommendations are depicted in a non-linked NE view ("ITU-T Recommendation cloud") since it
is considered within the responsibility of the referencing Recommendations to explain dependencies
between TM Forum documents but not considered within their responsibility to point out
dependencies between ITU-T documents. Each of the companion Recommendations of the
M.3170-series of ITU-T Recommendations includes a similar diagrammatic presentation of the
referencing role of the respective Recommendation, namely:
• M.3170.1 references the MTNM BA; at the TM Forum side it explains the BA structure and
contents, looks inside the SD box (BA-relevant supporting documents) and relates the BA
to other key TM Forum documents; at the ITU-T side it depicts an ITU-T Recommendation
cloud with the BA-relevant ITU-T Recommendations.
• M.3170.2 references the MTNM IA; at the TM Forum side it explains the IA structure and
contents, looks inside the SD box (IA-relevant supporting documents) and relates the IA to
other key TM Forum documents; at the ITU-T side it depicts an ITU-T Recommendation
cloud with the IA-relevant ITU-T Recommendations.
• M.3170.3 references the MTNM CORBA SS and the MTNM IS for CORBA; at the
TM Forum side it explains the SS and IS structures and contents, looks inside the SD box
(SS- and IS-relevant supporting documents according to Table 6-1), and relates the SS and
IS to other key TM Forum documents; at the ITU-T side it depicts an
ITU-T Recommendation cloud with the SS- and IS-relevant ITU-T Recommendations,
which encompasses the ITU T framework for CORBA-based TMN interfaces
[ITU-T X.780.x], [ITU-T X.781] and [ITU-T Q.816].
The M.3170-series of ITU-T Recommendations are considered to be light documents. They do not
provide a full tutorial on MTNM but may well be considered a sort of crash course on MTNM. A
more detailed TM Forum/ITU-T documentation model is for further study. Its essential parts would
be first an "equivalence document", that mediates between the MTNM TMN framework fragments
and details of the ITU-T TMN framework thereby making more MTNM details more easily
readable, and secondly a version-specific (delta) "interface document" that instructs in
The following references contain information that was used in the development of the
M.3170-series of ITU-T Recommendations.
[b-ITU-T Roadmap] ITU-T Study Group 4, NGN Management Specification Roadmap,
[b-MTNMFG] ITU-T Study Group 4, Telecommunication Management Collaboration
Focus Group – for MTNM,
[b-Siemens AG] Siemens AG (2003), Using CORBA for MTNM, TM Forum MTNM
[b-TMF044] TM Forum TMF044 v2.0 (2003), TM Forum Glossary,
[b-TMF045] TM Forum TMF045 v1.1 (2000), Common Information Structure (CIS),
[b-TMF402] TM Forum TMF402 v5.10 (2005), TMF Business Agreement Template,
[b-TMF404] TM Forum TMF404 v2.8 (2005), TMF Information Agreement Template,
Series E Overall network operation, telephone service, service operation and human factors
Series J Cable networks and transmission of television, sound programme and other multimedia signals
Series L Construction, installation and protection of cables and other elements of outside plant
Series Y Global information infrastructure, Internet protocol aspects and next-generation networks
Printed in Switzerland
Geneva, 2008