Qualitative Characteristic Financial Statements
Qualitative Characteristic Financial Statements
Qualitative Characteristic Financial Statements
Accounting information has predictive value if users use it, or could use it, to make
predictions. Accounting information is not intended, in itself, as a prediction or as
synonymous with statistical predictability or persistence.
Materiality relates not only to relevance, but also to faithful representation. Materiality
should be included in the converged framework as a screen or filter to determine whether
information is sufficiently significant to influence the decisions of users in the context of
the entity, rather than as a qualitative characteristic of decision-useful financial
The converged framework should include information about the types of costs that
should be considered in deciding what financial information to provide, as well as criteria
to help standard setters decide how to take particular types of costs into account. The
converged framework should include presumptions not only about the capabilities of
financial statement users but also about the capabilities of financial statement preparers
and auditors.