Care Heart - Piano Fold Brochure
Care Heart - Piano Fold Brochure
Care Heart - Piano Fold Brochure
Entry Age Minimum 18 years Care Health Insurance (CHI) is a specialized Health Insurer offering To know more, visit our website
Entry Age Maximum No Maximum Age
health insurance services to employees of corporates, individual
customers and for financial inclusion as well. With CHI’s operating
philosophy being based on the principal tenet of ‘consumer-centrici-
Quick quote & buy Online renewals Customer support Claim centre WILL NOT STOP YOU
Renewable Life long
ty’, the company has consistently invested in the effective application
Cover Type Individual : Maximum 6 persons in a Policy of technology to deliver excellence in customer servicing, product 1800-102-4488
Floater :2 Adults (self and spouse) innovation and value-for-money services.
Eligibility Criteria
1/2/3 Years
Person/either one Person in case of a Floater
Care Health Insurance currently offers products in the retail segment
for Health Insurance, Critical Illness, Personal Accident, Top-up
Coverage, International Travel Insurance and Maternity along with
Policy with 2 Adults, who have been diagnosed Group Health Insurance and Group Personal Accident Insurance for
with a cardiac ailment/disorder in the past and
undergone a Cardiac surgical intervention The organization has been adjudged the ‘Best Health Insurance
or procedure for the same Company’ at the ABP News-BFSI Awards 2015 & ‘Best Claims
Service Leader of the Year – Insurance India Summit & Awards
Who are Covered Individual: Self, legally married Spouse, Son, 2018. Care Health Insurance has also received the ‘Editor’s Choice
(Relationship with Daughter, Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Award for Best Product Innovation’ at Finnoviti 2013 and was
Respect to the Mother-in-Law, Father-in-Law, Grandmother, conferred the ‘Best Medical Insurance Product Award’ at The FICCI
Healthcare Awards 2015.
Proposer) Grandfather, Grandson, Granddaughter, Uncle,
Aunt, Nephew, Niece, Employee or any other
relationship having an insurable interest.
- All the Age calculations are as per “Age Last Birthday” as on the date of first issue of Policy and
/ or at the time of Renewal.
Option of Mid-term inclusion of a Person in the Policy will be only upon marriage or childbirth;
Additional differential premium will be calculated on a pro rata basis.
- If Insured persons belonging to the same family are covered on an Individual basis, then every
Insured person can opt for different Sum Insured and different Optional Benefits.
- Your Eligibility Criteria is Subject to Underwriting Criteria of the Company.
Ver: OCT/20
Treatment for each and every Ailment / Procedure mentioned below:-
i. Treatment of Up to Up to Up to `300,000
Cerebrovascular `200,000 `250,000
ii. Treatments/
Surgeries for
iii. Treatment of
other renal BEST HEALTH
complications INSURANCE
and Disorders OF THE YEAR
iv. Treatment for
breakage of
**Other sum insured options are also available.
Injury for which a Claim has already been admitted for You during that
Live a Hearty life with - A Stand Out Product Plan Details:
Policy Year. In case of a floater policy, the insured(s) who have not
One medical emergency in the family and the entire household is in a state claimed will be eligible to utilize the Recharge amount for any illness or SUM INSURED** ` 3 Lakh ` 5 Lakh ` 7 Lakh ` 10 Lakh
reflects our commitment of offering access to Quality
of flux. We understand this and therefore will be there by your side at the injury pertaining to that Policy Year. In-Patient Up to Sum Insured
Healthcare to individuals who have been suffering from pre-existing Hospitalization
cardiac ailments/disorders and undergone a cardiac surgery/proce- time of need. Here’s how:
Room Rent / Up to 1% of
dures for the same. And we’re here for the long run, so rest assured
8. No Claims Bonus: Get a flat increase of 10 per cent in sum Room Category SI per day Single Private Room
of lifelong renewability with us. 1. In-patient Care: In-patient Care: Hospitalization for at least 24 insured for the next Policy year. No Claims bonus in any case will not ICU Charges Up to 2% of No Limit
exceed 50% of the Sum insured under the policy and in the event SI per day
hours - We will pay for the medical expenses, through Cashless or
Day Care
Reimbursement Facility (maximum up to Sum Insured) - from room there is a claim in a policy year, then the No Claims bonus accrued will Treatment Up to Sum Insured
Salient Features charges, nursing expenses, ICU charges, surgeon’s fee, doctor’s fee, be reduced by 10% of the sum insured but in no case shall the Total Pre Hospitalization
Sum Insured be less than the Sum insured. It’s just our way to tell you Medical Expenses Pre-Hospitalization for 30 days &
anesthesia, blood, oxygen, OT charges and the like. and Post Post-Hospitalization for 60 days;
Life-long Renewability that we’re there with you in good times and in bad. Hospitalization Maximum up to 5% of SI
Medical Expenses
Cardiac Health check-up
2. Day Care Treatment: Hospitalization involving less than 24
9. Domiciliary Hospitalization: Sometime you are not in a Alternative
hours – We will pay through Cashless or Reimbursement Facility for Treatments Up to 25% of Sum Insured
No Claim Bonus such listed day care treatments, maximum up to Sum Insured. condition to be moved to a Hospital or a Hospital room may not be Ambulance Up to Rs 2,000 per Up to Rs 3,000 per
available when you need the medical treatment the most. Under this Cover Hospitalization Hospitalization
Only 2 years wait period for pre-existing ailments 3. Pre-Hospitalization & Post-Hospitalization Benefit, We will pay you up to Sum Insured, for the Medical Expenses Domiciliary
Up to 100% of Sum Insured covered after 3 days
Medical Expenses: Medical expenses are not just restricted to incurred during your treatment at home, as long as it involves medical
treatment for a period exceeding 3 consecutive days. ‘Pre Recharge 100% of original Sum Insured upon exhaustion of SI
the hospitalization costs, so with Care Heart you are covered for
Optional Benefits pre-hospitalization and post-hospitalization expenses as well. All you Hospitalization Medical Expenses and Post Hospitalization Medical No Claims Bonus 10% increase in SI per Policy Year in case of claim-free year;
Max up to 50% of SI (10% decrease in SI per Policy Year in
need to do is just focus on your treatment and recovery – the insured Expenses' shall be payable in respect of a claim made under this case a claim has been paid; Such decrease is only in SI accrued
provides the flexibility to choose from any of the follow- as NCB)
are covered for 30 days preceding the hospitalization and 60 days Benefit.
ing benefits according to the plan suitable for your needs. Cardiac Health
after discharge (maximum up to 5% of Sum Insured). Check-up Annually
Wait Periods
ACTIVE HEALTH CHECK-UP* 4. Ambulance Cover: Through this cover, we will pay you up-to Initial Waiting
Period 30 Days
THRICE A YEAR a specified amount per hospitalization, for expenses that you incur on
ambulance service offered by the hospital or any service provider , in Specific Waiting
Period 24 Months
an emergency situation.
Diseases 24 Months
OPD CARE* 5. Alternative Treatments: Combination of conventional 20% Co-payment if the entry age<=70 years
medical and alternative treatments such as Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha and 30% Co-payment if the entry age>70 years
homeopathy quicken & aid the process of recovery therefore we will Pre-policy Issuance
pay up-to specified amount towards alternative treatments for your Medical Check up
speedy recovery. Home Care Up to Rs.1,000 per day; Max. Up to Rs.2,000 per day; Max.
(Optional Cover) 7 days per occurrence & Max. 7 days per occurrence & Max.
45 days per policy year per 45 days per policy year per
6. Cardiac Health Check-up: On request, CHI will arrange a Insured Person; Covered Insured Person; Covered
after a deductible of 1 day after a deductible of 1 day
INTERNATIONAL Cardiac Health Check-up on cashless basis for the set of medical tests
2ND OPINION* specified in the policy as per the Sum Insured at its network provider
or any other empanelled providers in India. This benefit shall be
available only once during a policy year for each insured covered
*Optional Cover is available on payment of additional premium. under the Policy.