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Willy Resume-July .2016

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Name : Kiluki Willy, Kioko.

Profession : Mechanical Engineer

Sex : Male
Age : 37yrs
Citizen : Kenyan.

Telephone No. : +254704058976/+254717794159

Email Address : kiokoll@yahoo.co.uk
P.O Box 209-00510 Nairobi.
Professional affiliation : Registered Engineer (R.Eng) Zambia EngRB No.003918
Member of Engineering Institution Of Zambia(MEIZ) (EIZ
Registered Proffessional Engineer Practising In Mechanical
Engineering -Zambia(1979/2011)
Registered Graduate Engineer(ERB-Engineering Registration
board of Kenya-B5099)

Mechanical Engineer with 11 years experience. I have excellent skills in Engineering design
,maintenance,Contract & project management,supervision and have mostly participated in
petroleum and construction related engineering projects.
1998 - 2004 University of Nairobi.
Degree in BSc,Mechanical Engineering.
2008 Certificate in Health and Safety course
Directorate of Occupation,Health and safety (DOHSS)

2015 Certificate in Maintenance of Generators by FG Wilson (Mechron of


Computer Skills:
Microsoft Office
 Word,
 Excel,
 Access
 MS Visio
 Power Point
Ms project
Proficiency in AutoCAD (10 yrs experience)

June 2015 to Date
Engineer on Private Practise
Responsibilities included
Preliminary Design with CAD drawings & Cost Estimates for :-
i. Horn Of Africa Teminal,Pipeline and Existing Depot Improvent In Djibouti &
ii. Kenya/Uganda Pipeline Tankage Cost Estimates In Kampala,Uganda.
iii. Proposed Fuel Terminal In Kismayo and Mogadishu for Banoda Oil Company.
iv. Proposed Fuel Minidepot In Kapere,Kenya For Dalbit Petroleum.
v. Proposed Extension of Fuel Depot In Lubumbashi,DRC for Dalbit Petroleum.
vi. Proposed Fuel Terminal at Konza,Kenya For Ray Engineering.
vii. Proposed Fuel Minidepot in Juba,South Sudan for KENGAS
viii. Proposed Fuel Depot in Juba South Sudan for ARECH Petroleum.
ix. Proposed LPG Bulk Storage depot with cylinder bottling facility for COPANA
x. Proposed LPG Bulk Storage depot with cylinder bottling facility for VICTORIA
xi. Proposed United Nations Depot In WAU by MILIO.
xii. Proposed Minidepots for PetroAfrique Ltd in Kenya.
xiii. Proposed Petrol Station for Lunar Stations
xiv. Proposed Fuel Terminal In Matadi,DRC for Groupe-Ledya.
xv. Proposed Fuel Depot In northern Congo.

xvi. Proposed Fuel Depot in Kivu,Rwanda.
xvii. Proposed Fuel Retail outlet In Kivu,Rwanda.

Feb.2015-May 2015 Project Manager for

RA International,Mogadishu,Somalia
Responsibilities included:-
i. Plant,Equipment and Facility maintenance for UN & AMISOM ie
generators,refrigeration and air conditioning systems,water treatment
plants(ROWPU),Sewage system,electrical and kitchen equipment.
ii. Staffing of technicians
iii. Raising task order proposals with cost estimates for potential revamp and new
iv. Preparation of Bill of Quantities for facility,plant and equipment maintenance
v. Invoicing of work orders against agreed manhour rates and schedule of rates for
supply of equipment and material.
vi. Overseeing timely execution of work orders
vii. Material procurement and allocation
viii. Manpower allocation
ix. Developing gant charts for projects execution
x. Developing technical drawings on AutoCAD
xi. Scheduling of travel for technicians to outer sectors and facilitating MOP
xii. Resource allocation for various projects
xiii. Enforcing Enviroment ,health and safety practices at place of work.
xiv. Deployment of technicians in various sectors of somalia to attend to equipment
xv. Introducing maintenance plan and systems.
xvi. Overseeing execution of projects within Key performance indicators(KPI) set by
xvii. Proffessional response to client issues
xviii. Report writing.
xix. Supervision of site works

Aug.2012-July 2014: Project Manager for
Oilcom (T) Ltd in Tanzania. An oil marketing company with petroleum bulk
storage terminal in Dar es salaam, Tanzania
Responsible for:-
i. Maintenance of Oilcom chain of retail outlets in Tanzania.
ii. Design of new petroleum storage depot in Bunjubura, Burundi.
iii. Supervision of ongoing construction of LPG bottling
facility with a storage capacity of 500MT-completed and now
iv. Support of affiliate oil companies in the region by providing
engineering solutions e. g Petroda Malawi, Oilcom Rwanda & Oilcom
v. Preliminary design of lube storage and blending plant
in Dar es salaam
vi. Preliminary design of Bitumen storage and distribution
plant in Dare s salaam
vii. Maintenance of oil depot equipment including pumps,
tanks, loading arm & meters

viii. Support of design and construction for the new petroleum

depot in Kigali,Rwanda.(JABALI)
ix. Maintenance supervision of aviation
fuelling trucks
x. Procurement of petroleum depot

xi. Routine office administration.

Jan.2011-Dec.2012:Project Consultant in full design and Construction of Government Fuel

Depots in Zambia in Lusaka,Solwezi,Mongu,Mpika and Ndola Tazama Depots.
Employment by Belgravia Services Ltd,a subsidiary of Dalbit Petroleum Ltd.
Belgravia is a construction company involved in erection of fuel storage facilities amongst
other construction activities.EPC Projects undertaken include
1) LUSAKA FUEL STORAGE DEPOT-New Project Cost US$13,000,000.00
a. Total Depot Capacity -25,000m³
b. Scope of Work Included
i. Site Preliminaries including Cadastral & Topographical Survey,Change of
User,Design Approvals,Obtaining of Permits(building & hoarding)
ii. Staffing of site team including Welders and overseeing the qualification
of welders
iii. Design,Procurement & Construction of
iv. Depot Facilities that include
v. Tank Farm with tanks designed to API 650 11th Edition
1. 2 nos.x7,000m³ AGO vertical Steel Tanks,
2. 2nos.x5,000m³ PMS vertical Steel Tanks,
3. 2nos.x500m³ IK vertical Steel Tanks
vi. Product Transfer Facilities
1. Dedicated Product Pumps @150m³/hr for loading and Off-
2. Truck Bottom Loading Facility @1800LPM
vii. Fire Fighting System, Fully Fledged ,for both primary and secondary
protection including Fire Water tank,2,000m³,Both Electric and Diesel
Engine Driven Fire Pumps @ 10,000LPM & 10 bar as per NFPA 20,Piping
complete with valves & fittings,Fire Water Ring Main with Fire Water
Monitors & Hydrants system,fixed sprinkler system with cooling water
on Tanks and Foam Protection(Suitable top foam pourers,Bund Foam
viii. Buildings and Establishments
1. Office block,Ablution Facility,Gate houses,Accesses,Pump
Houses,Generator room,Switch Room,Fire Equipment Shed
ix. Rail Siding Facility with loading and off-loading capability
x. Electrical Installation including Power Supply,Power Correction
Factor,Power Supply to Pumps,Lighting to Buildings &
Establishments,Emergency Shutdown (ESD),Perimeter
Lighting,Earthing,High Level Alarm (HLA) on tanks,Automatic Tank
Gauging(ATG),Standby Power Generator(500KVA),Lightening
Arrestor,Cathodic Protection on Tank Bottom Plates, Fire detection in
offices ie smoke detectors, Builder’s Work,Testing and Commissioning
xi. Civil Constructions ,External Works, including Driveways and
Gates,Forecourt paving,Oil Water Separators,Drainage,Perimeter
Masonry Wall bunded areas,Water Supply.
xii. Tank Foundation of Raft type
xiii. Civil Works QA/QC-Geotechnical Report,Cube Test,Concrete Mix
Test,Infill Material Test,Slumpness Test,Compaction Test,Soil
xiv. Partial Depot Automation-Fuel Facs.
2 SOLWEZI FUEL STORAGE DEPOT-New Project Cost US$10,000,000.00
Total depot capacity-15,000m³
Scope of work as above(Lusaka depot)
3 MONGU FUEL STORAGE DEPOT-New Project Cost US$ 8,000,000.00
Total depot capacity-6,000m³
Scope of work as above(Lusaka Depot)
4 MPIKA FUEL STORAGE DEPOT-New Project Cost US$ 8,000,000.00
Total depot capacity-6,000m³
Scope of Work as above(Lusaka Depot)
5 TAZAMA FUEL TERMINAL in Ndola- Revamp Project Cost US$12,000,000
Responsible for design(writing of BQs and development of drawings) and
cost estimates for presentation to client.
Tank Repair
Installation of New Bottom Loading Gantry With 7 bays.
Forecourt Improvement
Upgrade of fire fighting system
Partial Terminal Automation.
6). INDENI REFINERY,Ndola,Zambia-Project Cost USD 2,700,000
Design and consruction supervision of tank foundation for 11,000m³ vertical
steel tank.
Status –complete.
1) Project Manager responsible for purchase of tank fabrication
material,equipment(pumps,meters and loading arms).and overseeing laying of tank
foundations e.g raft foundation and ringwall as designed by Monarch Engineering
Services Ltd.
2) Participated in setting up of Belgravia Services Ltd as a mechanical contractor by
mobilizing and recruiting welders and initiating welder qualification process.
3) Responsible for sourcing and analysing bids from several material and equipment
4) Responsible for design and budget presentation to the client(Government of
Republic of zambia)

5) Responsible for submission of design drawings to client and council.
6) Responsible for carrying out fire risk assesment for Lusaka depot.
7) Responsible for scoping and procurement of vapour recovery system for TAZAMA
Terminal In Ndola,Zambia..
April 2009-June 2010:Construction and maintenance Engineer for Galana Oil (k) Ltd.
Company involved in importation of fuel,retail business and export of petroleum
products.Company trading under DELTA brand for its chain of retail outlets.
Participated in
 Prospecting potential sites and independently owned petrol stations for the
 Maintenance of company and dealer owned services stations
 Design & Construction supervison of several petrol stations in
Thika,Limuru,Naivasha,Nakuru and Kericho.
 Design proposal and cost estimates of petroleum depots to consumer customers
 Design and Installation of consumer site for Mboga Tuu.
 Retail station branding works and improvement of existing.
 Procurement of petrol station fuel dispensing equipment and accessories.
August 2005 – April 2009:Mechanical Engineer for Kurrent Technologies Ltd (A Consulting
Firm involved in Petroleum and Environmental Solutions).Nairobi, Kenya.

Designs done to International Petroleum Standards e.g. American Petroleum Institute (API),
Institute of Petroleum (IP) of UK, National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) of USA, ANSI, ASME etc
and Environmental Health and Safety standards.

The following duties were undertaken in the Design,Management and Construction
Supervision of both revamp and turnkey petroleum related projects as below:-
 Site data Acquisition through
 Site visits -taking measurements and technical data on the ground.
 Reconaissance
 Photography
 Interviews
 Engineering design of Tankage to API 650,Computations and hydraulic calculations
for developing engineering systems using petroleum,fabrication and construction
specifications and regulatory requirements.
 Piping & instrumentation diagrams,(P&ID) for engineering systems.
 AutoCAD detailed drawings and filing,
 Project Appraisal-Quantity and cost estimation of proposed projects through
experience in similar works.
 Tender document writing which includes the following tasks
 Writing of General conditions of contract (Client),General conditions(FIDIC
 Technical and Process specification
 Schedule of rates –Mechanical & Civil
 Schedule of works-Mechanical & Civil
 Preparation of Bill of quantities (BQ) for Mechanical,Civil and basic Electrical
 Autocad drawings
 Tender analysis and recommendation for contract award,
 Ms project –making of project programs;Gannt charts and tracking contractor’s
 Site inspections and supervision.
 ‘As built’ Quantities verification
 Writing of project progress reports and Minutes of meetings.
 Processing of payments being certifying authority (project managers)-Computing
Payment against work done based on BQ & Issue of payment certificates and
recommendation to clients on invoices placed by contractors.
 Risk assessment of proposed and existing Petroleum Facilities
 Fire fighting sytem design
 Facility status assessment & recommendations
 Testing and Commissioning


1. Triton Petroleum Bulk terminal in Mombasa.

 Participated in the design &
 Digitizing of the drawings
 Resident engineer on site.

2. National Oil Cooperation of Kenya-NNT-Additional Diesel Tank at Nairobi Terminal.

 Designing &
 Digitizing of the drawings

3. Proposed Kobil Mombasa LPG Terminal (750MT)

 Designing &
 Digitizing of the drawings

4. Installation of Vegetable Oil and LPG Lines at Kurasini Oil Jetty in

Dar es Salaam Tanzania for Tanzania Ports Authority
 Designing &
 Digitizing of the drawings

5. Caltex Wilson Aviation Depot-Additional 2nos. Jet A1 tanks (60CM) and a fire fighting
 Designing &
 Digitizing of the drawings

6. Installation of Mass flow meters for Tanzania Ports Authority (TPA)

at Musoma,Mwanza and Mtwara Ports.
 Designing &
 Digitizing of the drawings

7. Rehabilitation of Military depot in Bigogwe,Rwanda

 Participated in the design &
 Digitizing of the drawings

8. Rehabilitation Of Rwabuye Depot in Butare,Rwanda.

(Government Of Rwanda).
 Designing &
 Digitizing of the drawings

9. Juba Emergency Power Plant in Sudan.

 Participated in the design &
 Digitizing of the drawings

10. Kenol/Kobil Lpg refilling plant in Nairobi industrial area

 Participated in the design &
 Digitizing of the drawings

11. An additional vertical tank for Caltex aviation depot in kigali, Rwanda
 Participated in the design &
 Digitizing of the drawings

12. Fire fighting system for Mbaraki Bulk Teminal in Mombasa

 Participated in the design &
 Digitizing of the drawings

13. Loading arms and Gantry Re -design for Shell chemicals in Msa.
 Participated in the design &
 Digitizing of the drawings

14. Rumbek Aviation Depot for Dalbit Petroleum Ltd

 Participated in the design &
 Digitizing of the drawings

15. Truck Loading gantry and Piggable lines for Chevron SC Kenya,Mombasa
 Participated in the design &
 Digitizing of the drawings

16. Fire fighting system for Kenol/Kobil sagana/Eldoret depots in Kenya

 Participated in the design &

 Digitizing of the drawings

17. Fire fighting system for Total kabuye Depot in Rwanda

 Participated in the design &
 Digitizing of the drawings

18. Improvement of Mombasa Airport Refuelling services depot for Chevron Kenya Ltd.
 Participated in the design &
 Digitizing of the drawings

19. A number of Proposed LPG facilities for –

i. Triton Petroleum co Ltd - Proposed depots in Nairobi and Kisumu & also joint LPG
depot with KPC
ii. Hunkar Gas Ltd - Proposed depot in Nairobi.
iii. Gulf Stream Investment Ltd – Proposed LPG Import Terminal in Mombasa.
iv. Masumin Holding Ltd - Proposed LPG Import Terminal in Mombasa.
 Participated in the design &
 Digitizing of the drawings

20. Installation of New Underground double walled Storage Tanks (UST) for
Caltex Service Stations (Reliable and Five star service stations)
 Participated in the supervision of installation & construction work.
 Knowledge of NUPI & Veeder root Automation Equipment.
 Underwent Chevron training on SWP, (Safe Work Practices) in construction sites.
 Knowledge of JSA (Job Safety analysis)

21. Preliminary layout for Triton Petroleum Ltd-Proposed Petroleum Depot

in Dar es Salaam,Tanzania.
 Designing &
 Digitizing of the drawings

22. Malakal 1 (Cat) & 2 (Ningbosce) & Torit Power Plants in southern sudan
 Designing &
 Digitizing of the drawings

23. Petroleum Depots for UNMIS in Juba (3200M³),Wau and Teamsites which included
Rumbek,Maridi ,Bor & Malakal in Southern Sudan through Mocoh Petroleum
Southern Sudan Company sub-contracted by Tristar Energy of Sudan.
 Designing &
 Digitizing of the drawings

24. Proposed Petroleum Depot in Rwanda for Dalbit Petroleum company

 Designing &
 Digitizing of the drawings

25. Installation of Mass flow Meters at Mbaraki Bulk Terminal In Mombasa

 Participated in the design &
 Digitizing of the drawings

26. Proposed Petroleum Depot in Mombasa for Gulf Stream Investment Ltd
 Designing &
 Digitizing of the drawings

27 Beni& Butembo(EX Mobil),Lubumbashi and Kolwezi petroleum depots in

Democratic republic of Congo for Dalbit petroleum Ltd
 Inspection report
 Upgrading design
 Acquisition value of the depots.

I have also participated in the Enviromental Impact Assesment (EIA) study of the
following.Tasks are EHS and AutoCAD related ;

1) Capacity enhancement for Line 1 for Kenya Pipeline Company.This included

Kibwezi Samburu,Manyani and Konza pump stations
2) Capacity enhancement for Line 2 for KPC.This included Sinendet pump station in
3) Installation of Mounded LPG tanks for Kenya petroleum refinery limited (KPRL)
4) Rehabilitation of Kenya United steel Company (KUSCo) at Miritini, Mombasa
5) Vitafoam Ltd
6) New Petroleum Bulk terminal for Triton Petroleum Company at Kipevu,Mombasa.
7) Kenpoly Manufacturers Ltd
8) A Mobil Service station in Embu town.
9) Sisal Plantations for Rea Vipingo in Taita ( Estates DWA 1 & 2)
10) National Oil Cooperation Of Kenya-NNT-Additional Vertical Tank
11) Proposed Kobil Mombasa LPG terminal
12) Upgrade of Fire Fighting System for Kenol Sagana Depot.

June 2003 – Oct 2003: Industrial attachment at KENGEN COMPANY-Kamburu Power

Station. (a power generating company)
 Engineering work which included maintenance of Pumps,Generators,Turbines
(Francis & kaplan), Air Conditioning (AC),Speed Governors both digital and
Electromechanical for turbines,sluice gates,Inspection of turbine runners and fire
fighting system

January 1997-2000:Unga Maize Millers Ltd.

 Clerical work
 Engineering work which included maintenance of Sifters,Rollers,Cyclones,Dust

Language Reading Speaking Writing

English Fluent Fluent Fluent
Swahili Good Fluent Good

Hobbies: Reading,Travelling,Listening to music,Playing soccer & Basketball,

 Holder of a Valid driving Licence
 Holder of a Kenyan Passport
 Posses a Certificate of Good Conduct

Other qualifications:
 Goal oriented
 Work well with minimal or without supervision
 Work well under pressure
 Good interpersonal and communication skills
 Keen and eager learner
 Good team Leader
 Outgoing
 Proactive
 Conversant with NEMA and Health and Safety regulations

1. Mr. Paul Wanyoike Kungu
Senior Engineer,
Olkaria Geothermal Power Plant
Mob.Tel.no. +254722610639

2. Mr.Lucca Bozzi
Mob.Tel.no. +39335 7174424
Email:luca.bozzi@tin.it / l-bozzi@silea.it

3. Pete Toms
Source China
Mob.Tel.no. +81 136 0160 1649/+86 139 1704 3240

I, the undersigned, certify that these data correctly describe me, my qualifications and my
_____________________________________________ Date: 07 JULY 2016.
(Signature of staff member)

Full name of staff member: Willy Kiluki Kioko.


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