COMA 100 - Purposive Communication A Module: Prepared and Submitted By: - Date
COMA 100 - Purposive Communication A Module: Prepared and Submitted By: - Date
COMA 100 - Purposive Communication A Module: Prepared and Submitted By: - Date
A Module
In this unit, you will learn about communication processes, principles and ethics.
In your personal life, in school, in the community and in your workplace later, take
note that effective communication is vital for success. Faced with people of different beliefs,
values, attitudes and backgrounds, communication processes, principles, and ethics become
necessary. In real world scenarios, you need to engage in group discussions, make presentation
and interact with different people. If you do not have the necessary and purposive
communication skills, you will have a hard time relating with others in different situations. Your
goal, therefore, is to become a fully-developed, thoughtful and persuasive communicator.
Every time you talk, you present:
your purpose
your ideas; and
information to others
If you:
- are ambitious and want to move up the ladder of success;
- wish to have a positive impact on others;
- want to have your skills and talents recognized and rewarded;
then strive to be a successful communicator NOW. Now is the time to equip
yourself with the mastery of the communication processes, principles and ethics, so that you will
be prepared in your future jobs.
Topic 1: The Communication Process
Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
1. discuss the importance of communication in different situations;
2. share how communication helped in resolving issues you have experienced in different
b. Professional
Desired communication skills vary from one career to another. Being able to
communicate leads to a harmonious relationship within the organization.
c. Personal
The skills to talk with fluency and write with efficiency lead to a person’s
achievement of his aspirations.
d. Civic
One cannot live alone, so being able to blend with the community is a satisfying
endeavor. This can only be done when a person can communicate his/her ideas
with different people coming from different backgrounds in the community.
Avoid searching on Google. Don’t copy your classmate’s work.
You can share your own experiences to lengthen your answers.
1. What are the importance of communication in different situations? Please discuss and share
your own thoughts.
2. How communication helped in resolving issues you have experienced in different situations?
Please share your personal experiences.
Topic 2: Types of Communication
Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
1. differentiate verbal from non-verbal communication;
2. explain how the combination of verbal and non-verbal makes communication more
Presentation of content
Study the pictures below and determine the type of communication being used.
1. Verbal communication
d. It regulates interactions
Example – Hand gestures may signal a person to speak or not.
Consider this:
Communication is a
combination of verbal and non-verbal
aspects. Proper blending of the two
types of communication make the
message clearer.
Avoid searching on Google. Don’t copy your classmate’s work.
You can share your own experiences to lengthen your answers.
1. What is the difference of verbal from non-verbal communication? Please give your own
2. How the combination of verbal and non-verbal makes communication more effective?
Please explain it.
Topic 3: The Elements and Process of Communication
Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
1. identify the element of communication;
2. explain the process of communication.
Presentation of Content:
The diagram above illustrates the components and the flow of communication.
Elements of Communication
1. Sender
- A person, group, or organization who initiates communication
- She/He may be called the source, encoder, speaker or communicator
2. Message
- An element transmitted in communication
- It may consist of the idea, opinion, information, feeling or attitude of the sender.
3. Channel
- A pathway or medium through which the message travels to reach its destination
- It may be oral, written, or visual.
4. Receiver
- A person who receives, analyses, understands, and interprets the message.
- She/He can also be called decoder, reader or listener.
5. Feedback
- The receiver’s response that provides information to the sender.
- The return process in which the receiver provides both verbal and non-verbal signals to
show whether the message is understood or not.
6. Noise
- A form of distortion, barrier or obstacle that occurs in the oral communication process.
7. Adjustment
- Done if the message is distorted or is not clearly understood by the receiver.
8. Context
- It is the situation from which the communication is done. It includes settings or environment
(family, school, workplace, religious communities); social relations (friends, husband and
wife, parent and child, colleagues/boss- subordinate in the office); scenes which include
place, time and occasion (business meeting, job interview, social gathering – parties,
weddings, etc.); and culture (history, tradition, beliefs, norms, values)
The Process of Effective Communication
To communicate effectively, understanding the steps in this information exchange process is
Five Steps of the Communication Process (Schreiner, 2018)
1. Creation
It is forming the communicative intent where the sender generate an idea.
This requires the individual who is sending the message to decide what she/he
wants to say and select a medium through which to communicate this
If the medium she/he selects is a written one, she/he must compose a concise and
clear message that others can understand and if the medium is oral, she/he must
plan out a clear spoken message.
2. Transmission
The transmission may be as simple as meeting with the intended recipient of the
message, and orally sharing the message or calling the individual to communicate
orally over the phone.
If the message is a print one, it may include distributing a paper memo or sending
an email.
3. Reception
After transmitting the message, the communication duties change hands and fall
upon the receiver of the message.
The message is obtained either from the written format the sender selected or
listening carefully as the message is delivered orally.
4. Translation
Once receiving the message, the recipient must translate the message into terms
that she/he can easily understand.
To do this she/he must listen to or read the message in question and paraphrase it
within her/his head, turning the potentially complex context contents of the
message into more manageable and meaningful components.
5. Response
This may be verbal and immediate, which is commonly the case if
communication is face-to-face.
It may also be easily a written response that either expands upon the message or
simply indicated receipt of the message in question.
1. What are the elements of communication? Please share your own thoughts.
2. What is the process of communication? Please explain your own ideas.
Topic 4: Communication Principles
Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
1. explain the seven principles of communication;
2. point out how these principles of communications can be achieved.
Presentation of Content
1. What are the seven principles of communication? Please share your own thoughts.
2. How these principles of communications can be achieved? Please point it out.
Topic 5: Ethics in Communication
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
a. tell what communication ethics is;
b. explain how ethics in communication can be achieved and;
c. enumerate ways of avoiding violations of ethics in communication.
Presentation of Content
Ethics is an integral part of communication. When we communicate, we do not
simply choose words; we choose words for the effect they will have on our audiences, on
ourselves, and ultimately, on society. Also, we choose the manner of communication because
sometimes “what matters is not what you say, but how you say things,” Thus, when we
communicate, we ask ourselves how harmful or helpful our words and our ways are.
In this chapter you have learned the Communication Process, Principles and Ethics.
You have discovered the importance of communication in the different aspects of your life like
in your family, in your community, in your school and in even in your work place later on. It is
also emphasized in this chapter that verbal and non-verbal communication are both needed in
achieving effective communication. It is very important to note that participants of the
communication process must consider the Seven C’s which are Clarity of thoughts, Conciseness,
Coherence, Completeness, Concreteness, Correctness and Courtesy. Lastly, this chapter
introduced you to the Ethics of communication which reminds you of the standards that you have
to practice when participating in a communication process.
1. What is communication ethics? Please share your own thoughts.
2. How ethics in communication can be achieved? Please share your own thoughts.
3. What are the ways of avoiding violations of ethics in communication? Please enumerate
it and share your own ideas.
Montano-Harmon M.R. (2014) Developing English for Academic Purposes, California State
University, Fullerton
Manzano, B.A., Arador, MVP and Ladia Map (2018). Purposive Communication for College
Freshmen. St. Andrews Publishing House, Plaridel, Bulacan