Subject Outline: Healthcare Sciences
Subject Outline: Healthcare Sciences
Subject Outline: Healthcare Sciences
Healthcare Sciences
Subject Outline
Subject Name Exploring Psychology: from Perception to Reality
Campus Singapore
We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands and waters where our University is
located and actively seek to contribute and support the JCU Reconciliation Statement,
which exemplifies respect for Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait cultures, heritage,
knowledge and the valuing of justice and equity for all Australians.
© Copyright 2020
This publication is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study,
research, criticism, or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be
reproduced by any process or placed in computer memory without written permission.
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For prerequisites, see
Q1. This subject is offered across more than one campus and/or mode Yes ☒ No ☐
and/or teaching period within the one calendar year.
Q2. If Yes (Q1), the design of all offerings of this subject ensure the same Yes ☒ No ☐
learning outcomes and assessment types and weightings.
Q3. If no (Q2), the Academic Head has authorised any variations, in terms of equivalence.
College of Healthcare Sciences Disclaimer: The information provided in this subject outline is correct as at the
time of completion and may change in response to changing University resources. Any changes will be approved
by the College Dean or representative and will be communicated to students by the LearnJCU subject site.
Mon, 1pm-3pm
Dr Jonathan +65 6709 Tue, 4pm-6pm
Lecturer C2.07
Ramsay 3739 Please email to arrange an
appointment during these times
Tutor Kanapathy N/A N/A Via email
Learning learningsupport-
Support C1-01 Visit Learning Support site
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1 Subject at a glance ................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Student participation requirements ................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Key dates ........................................................................................................................................... 4
2 Subject details ........................................................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Subject description ............................................................................................................................ 5
2.2 Subject learning outcomes ................................................................................................................. 5
2.3 Learning and teaching in this subject.................................................................................................. 5
2.4 Student feedback on subject and teaching ......................................................................................... 6
2.5 Subject resources and special requirements....................................................................................... 6
3 Assessment details................................................................................................................................ 8
3.1 Requirements for successful completion of subject ............................................................................ 8
3.2 Feedback on student learning ............................................................................................................ 8
3.3 Assessment tasks ............................................................................................................................... 9
4 Submission and return of assessment.......................................................................................... 16
4.1 Submission of assessment................................................................................................................ 16
4.2 Return of assessment ....................................................................................................................... 16
5 Subject calendar ................................................................................................................................. 17
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1 Subject at a glance
1.1 Student participation requirements
The JCU Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy (4.3) indicates that, “a 3 credit point subject will require a 130
hour work load of study-related participation including class attendance over the duration of the study period,
irrespective of mode of delivery”. This work load comprises timetabled hours and other attendance
requirements, as well as personal study hours, including completion of online learning activities and assessment
requirements. Note that “attendance at specified classes will be a mandatory requirement for satisfactory
completion of some subjects” (Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy, 5.10); and that additional hours may be
required per week for those students in need of English language, numeracy or other learning support.
Last date to withdraw without academic penalty See 2020 Study Period and Census Dates
Assessment task 1: Lab Report [30%] 12:00 noon, Friday 15th May 2020 (Week 8)
Assessment task 4: Take-Home Assignment 1 [20%] 12:00 noon, Wednesday 29th April 2020 (Week 6)
Assessment task 5: Take-Home Assignment 2 [40%] 12:00 noon, Friday 5th June 2020
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2 Subject details
2.1 Subject description
Psychological science explores the 'how and why' behind processes and behaviour. This subject provides a
systematic introduction to the way in which humans perceive, process, learn, retrieve, respond to and utilise
information about their environment. Students are introduced to the pivotal concepts and seminal works in a
number of key areas in psychology: learning, sensation and perception, social cognition, group processes and
consciousness. In order to gain an integrated and comprehensive overview of the content and methodology of
psychology as a whole, students who have not already done PY1101 are encouraged to do so.
• develop a preliminary grounding in the intellectual history of the discipline in key areas of psychology
• identify the way humans perceive, process, learn, retrieve, respond to and utilise information about their
• compare the methods of psychological science and their application in relation to mental processes and
These outcomes will contribute to your overall achievement of course learning outcomes. Your course learning
outcomes can be located in the entry for your course in the electronic JCU Course and Subject Handbook 2020
(click on ‘Course Information’ bar/ select ‘Undergraduate Courses’ or ‘Postgraduate Courses’/ select relevant
course/ scroll down to ‘Academic Requirements for Course Completion’, ‘Course learning outcomes’).
Each source of teaching materials (readings, lectures, tutorials) is essential for developing your knowledge in this
Information and announcements for the subject are communicated through the PY1102 subject page on
LearnJCU. Additional readings, materials, assessment and subject information can all be found on the subject site.
• Forming a study group so that difficult concepts can be discussed and consolidated
• Pre-planning and time management – keep up-to-date with readings, class and assessment.
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Notification of extenuating circumstances
A self-declaration measure has been put in place to relieve pressure on our medical and counselling services both
in the wider community and on-campus during this time. The Notification of Extenuating Circumstances (medical
and/or counselling) form is used to advise the University of exceptional circumstances as soon as their impact on
your academic performance is suspected. Submission of this form can mitigate the requirement for medical or
counselling certificates if you need to apply for assessment extensions, missed compulsory classes, special
consideration, and/or deferred exams at any time.
The current pandemic crisis places an extraordinary demand on medical and counselling services that students
would normally use to substantiate exceptional circumstances that negatively impact their academic experience.
Keep a copy of this completed form, save as a PDF and attach it as evidence to applications for:
Below you can see some feedback from previous students of this subject.
Additionally, you can find the most appropriate library subject resources, including dedicated discipline libguides,
relevant databases and access to library services and staff through the Your Library tool, in your LearnJCU subject
Prescribed Text
Burton, L., Westen, D., & Kowalski, R. (2019). Psychology: 5th Australian and New Zealand Edition. Wiley & Sons:
Milton, Qld.
This text is freely available via the JCU Library as an e-text (limit of 3 concurrent users). Hard copies, e-texts and
value packs can be purchased directly from the publisher’s Wiley & Sons.
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Recommended Text
Burton, L.J. (2017). An interactive approach to writing essays and research reports in Psychology (4th ed.). Wiley &
Sons: Milton, Qld.
Extra resources
The “interactive approach to writing essays and research reports in Psychology” is an invaluable resource that
provides examples of good and bad essays, good and bad lab reports and APA formatting. This is particularly
recommended for students who are continuing on in a B. Psychological Science.
The iStudy featuring Cyberpsych is an interactive online study tool that enables you to efficiently review key
concepts and test your knowledge. It is designed to facilitate active learning that incorporates specific guidelines
to help you remember information. It also features 35 interactive modules with audio voiceover and 44 local
videos designed to enhance your understanding of key introductory psychology concepts.
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3 Assessment details
3.1 Requirements for successful completion of subject
In order to pass this subject, you must:
Assessment items and final grades will be reviewed through moderation processes (Learning, Teaching and
Assessment Policy, 5.13-5.18). It is important to be aware that assessment “is always subject to final ratification
following the examination period and that no single result represents a final grade in a subject” (Learning,
Teaching and Assessment Policy, 5.22.).
Grades will be awarded for all coursework subjects as per the JCU Student Results Policy.
Inherent requirements are the fundamental abilities, attributes, skills and behaviours needed to achieve the
learning outcomes of a course while preserving the academic integrity of the university’s learning, assessment
and accreditation processes. Students and prospective students must be able to demonstrate that they have
acquired or have the ability to acquire the inherent requirements for their degree.
Reasonable adjustments may be made to assist students manage additional circumstances impacting on their
studies provided these do not change the academic integrity of a degree. Reasonable adjustments do not alter
the need to be able to demonstrate the inherent requirements of the course. Students who believe they will
experience challenges completing their degree or course because of their disability, health condition or other
reason should discuss their concerns with an AccessAbility Services team member or a member of College staff,
such as the Course Coordinator. In the case where it is determined that inherent requirements cannot be met
with reasonable adjustments, the University staff can provide guidance regarding other study options.
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3.3 Assessment tasks
• develop a preliminary grounding in the intellectual history of the discipline in key areas
Aligned subject learning of psychology
outcomes • compare the methods of psychological science and their application in relation to
mental processes and behaviour
Aligned professional
Australian Psychology Accreditation Council Accreditation Standards
standards / competencies
Weighting 30%
This assessment item involves writing a laboratory report based on an experiment that students voluntarily
participate in during tutorials. The theoretical basis for the experiment will be based on one of the key topics
being covered this semester. Due to the COVID-19 situation, for this trimester you will be provided with the
results of the experiment without having the chance to participate face-to-face, although you will be given lots of
relevant supporting information in the tutorial sessions. The data has been analysed and will be provided to
students with guidance on how to incorporate into the lab report.
The lab report should be 1500 words long (+ or – 10%) and must conform to the standards and format of the
American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition. The Library has developed a ‘Psychology LibGuide’ with
valuable information on accessing sources for this assignment. The libguide can be found at The LearnJCU site also contains a guide to writing lab reports. Please note
that while a few journal articles will be provided as a starting point for your laboratory report, you are expected
to look for further published works to support your report. Please also note that only refereed publications and
books will be allowed as references for your report. No web sites or web pages will be acceptable references
unless they are for a refereed journal article.
An electronic copy of the report must be lodged through the SafeAssignment submission portal on the PY1102
LearnJCU site by 12noon on the due date. Full details of the assignment and lodging procedures will be presented
in the tutorial classes early in the semester. As this assessment is worth 30% of the overall grade, you must
complete this assessment to be eligible to pass the subject.
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Title: 2%
Appropriate, brief and informative HD D C P N
Abstract: 8%
Adequate yet succinct summary of HD D C P N
whole paper. Does not contain
inappropriate/unnecessary content
Introduction: 25%
Starts broad then funnels to the
aims/hypotheses of the research Leads
logically to the aims/hypotheses Concise
and relevant discussion of previous
Coherent arguments throughout Relevant HD D C P N
theoretical frameworks satisfactorily
explained in respect to the current
Clear statement of research
Method: 10%
Appropriate subheadings for each
section (e.g., Participants)
Contains appropriate information within
each section
Contains sufficient information about the
methodology for another researcher to
repeat the research project Addresses
ethical considerations
Results: 10%
Demonstrates clear testing of the HD D C P N
research aims/hypotheses
Data and analyses are reported
Discussion: 25%
Addresses all research
Interpretation of results is logical and
well situated in the literature
Results are discussed in the light of the
literature from the introduction Contains
discussion of the application/relevance of
the theoretical models/frameworks with HD D C P N
respect to the results obtained
Addresses limitations and implications of
the research and recommendations for
future research
Provides thoughtful and considered
Organisation, presentation and writing skills: 15%
Acceptable grammar, sentence
construction, tense and person
Ability to organise information and
provide a logical sequence
Ability to communicate
points/arguments effectively Evidence
of analytical approach and synthesis of
information & concepts Acceptable
laboratory report format
Use of relevant sources (predominantly
primary source material that is peer
Referencing: 5%
Strict adherence to APA conventions
when citing sources in text
The reference list is presented HD D C P N
alphabetically, using the correct APA
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Aligned subject learning • compare the methods of psychological science and their application in relation to
outcomes mental processes and behaviour
Aligned professional
Australian Psychology Accreditation Council Accreditation Standards
standards / competencies
Weighting 5%
During the semester you will be offered the opportunity by staff members, honours students and graduate
students to become involved as participants in their current research projects. This may involve you in a variety of
tasks, from simply completing an anonymous questionnaire, to attending a laboratory at a subsequent
prearranged time to complete an experimental task. The experimenter is obliged to clearly state what will be
required of you, clearly identifying any likely sources of risk, distress or embarrassment, before accepting you as a
Research participation can be a very useful way of learning first-hand about the various ways of conducting
research in psychology. You should keep the following points in mind regarding research participation:
To gain the full 5%, you must accumulate 20 credit points throughout the semester. Each 15 minutes of
participation will earn 1 credit point (2 if for a laboratory based study). To participate in research projects and be
assigned credit points, you will need to register online with the SONA system. NOTE: laboratory based
participation will not occur due to COVID-19 social distancing advice.
Information will be made available on LearnJCU regarding how to obtain a SONA account if you do not already
have one and further instructions about how to log-in and navigate the SONA site. If you have any questions
throughout semester regarding SONA, please contact the Research Pool Coordinator.
Once you have an active account, you can log in at: http://psychologyjcu.sona‐
Please sign up to the study that you wish to participate in via the SONA‐system. After you have completed the
study, the experimenter will verify your participation. Please note that it is the responsibility of the student to
follow up with the experimenter to verify their participation. Only studies that have been signed up by the
participants in the SONA‐system and have been endorsed by the experimenter will be counted.
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Please note that students may be directed to complete the “Alternative Essay” assignment in lieu of credit points
if the student has repeatedly failed to attend agreed appointment times with a researcher.
IMPORTANT: This assessment is an alternative option to research participation. This means that you only
complete this assessment if you choose not to participate in research for credit points; OR you failed to attend
two or more scheduled appointments with the researcher.
Participation in the research projects discussed above is voluntary. The alternative to participating in the research
projects is to complete a 1500 word essay on the following topic. This essay is due by the last Friday prior to Exam
period and must be submitted to the SafeAssign dropbox under the Assessments folder on the PY1102 LearnJCU
“Let’s say that you formulated the research hypothesis: Exposure to green plants reduces people’s anxiety levels.
Design two different studies to test this hypothesis. The first study should be a correlational study and the second
study should be an experimental study. Clearly describe the research methodology and the results you would need
to obtain in each study to support your hypothesis.
Content : 3%
Clear introduction of topic
Concise and relevant discussion of HD D C P N
Coherent arguments throughout
Conclusion is a thoughtful and
considered conclusion to the
Presentation: 1%
Acceptable grammar, sentence
construction, tense and person
Ability to organise information and HD D C P N
provide a logical sequence
Ability to communicate
points/arguments effectively Use of
relevant sources
Formatting: 1%
Strict adherence to APA conventions
throughout text HD D C P N
The reference list is presented
alphabetically, using the correct APA
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• develop a preliminary grounding in the intellectual history of the discipline in key areas
Aligned subject learning of psychology
outcomes • identify the way humans perceive, process, learn, retrieve, respond to and utilise
information about their environment
Aligned professional
Australian Psychology Accreditation Council Accreditation Standards
standards / competencies
Weighting 5%
You are expected to engage in weekly tutorial activities and discussions stemming from these activities. The task
has two steps:
1. Students are to attend the tutorial time that they have registered for. A roll call is taken at each tutorial.
This will be either by physical sign up or tracking via Blackboard, depending on whether the tutorial is
online or face-to-face.
2. Complete the Tutorial Review Questions by COB Friday of each week.
If for some reason you cannot attend your assigned tutorial time, please attend another timeslot (see list of
tutorial times and corresponding tutors on LearnJCU). You must notify your regular tutor of your inability to
attend via email prior to your allocated class time. Your email should include the following information:
Email Content:
I am unable to attend the tutorial [insert date and time]. [Provide reason if appropriate]. Can I please request to
attend the tutorial this week at [insert date and time].
Thank you,
Materials for tutorial activities and discussion will be available at the beginning of each week. Students are to
attend the tutorial time that they have registered for. Starting from Week 3, by COB Friday of each week,
students need to complete the Tutorial Review Questions on LearnJCU. These questions can be found under the
Tutorial Assessment folder. Students must complete these questions to receive a mark for participation.
If you cannot attend any tutorial in a given week for a medical or wellbeing reason, please follow the College
process for requesting an on-course assessment extension, notification of inability to attend an on-course exam
or presentation, notification of missed compulsory class, or notification of late assessment submission.
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• develop a preliminary grounding in the intellectual history of the discipline in key areas
of psychology
Aligned subject learning • identify the way humans perceive, process, learn, retrieve, respond to and utilise
outcomes information about their environment
• compare the methods of psychological science and their application in relation to
mental processes and behaviour
Aligned professional
Australian Psychology Accreditation Council Accreditation Standards
standards / competencies
Weighting 20%
The first take-home assignment will be in short-response and/or short essay format, due in Week 6. The
assignment will cover material that has been presented in the subject during weeks 2-4. The assignment will be
made available via LearnJCU with online submission. More information regarding the assignment (e.g., the time
that the questions will be released) will be provided later in the trimester.
Note: A deferred take-home assignment will only be considered upon completion of the College process for
requesting an on-course assessment extension, notification of inability to attend an on-course exam or
presentation, notification of missed compulsory class, or notification of late assessment submission.
To pass the first take-home assignment, the minimum grade to be achieved is 50%.
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• develop a preliminary grounding in the intellectual history of the discipline in key areas
of psychology
Aligned subject learning • identify the way humans perceive, process, learn, retrieve, respond to and utilise
outcomes information about their environment
• compare the methods of psychological science and their application in relation to
mental processes and behaviour
Aligned professional
Australian Psychology Accreditation Council Accreditation Standards
standards / competencies
Weighting 40%
The second take-home assignment will assess content from Week 1-9 (i.e., the whole of the subject) with less
emphasis on content examined in the first take-home assignment (Weeks 2-4). The second take-home assignment
will comprise short response and/or essay format questions, and will be completed from home rather than on
campus. More information regarding the assignment (e.g., the time that the questions will be released) will be
provided later in the trimester.
To pass the second take-home assignment, the minimum grade to be achieved is 50%. As this assessment is
worth 40% of the overall grade, this assessment must be completed to be eligible to pass the subject.
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4 Submission and return of assessment
4.1 Submission of assessment
Please submit your take-home assignments and lab report using the appropriate assignment portal in the
LearnJCU subject site.
Note that the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy (5.22.3) outlines a uniform formula of penalties that will
be imposed for submission of an assessment task after the due date. This formula is 5% of the total possible
marks for the assessment item per day including part-days, weekends and public holidays. After 20 days, the
assessment item thus would be awarded 0 marks (i.e. 5% x 20 = 100% of total possible marks in penalties).
4.1.2 Extensions
Extensions for assessment tasks will only be granted where a serious and unforeseeable event has prevented you
from completing the assessment. This applies to all on-course assessment items, including the delivery of
presentations during scheduled class time. Students are required to follow the College process for requesting an
on-course assessment extension, notification of inability to attend an on-course exam or presentation,
notification of missed compulsory class, or notification of late assessment submission.
Requests for review of assessment need to follow the JCU Review of Assessment and Access to Examination
Scripts and Materials Procedure.
Please see the Current Students web page for links to all student resources and support services to optimise your
academic and personal success.
Please see the Learn Student Guide web page for general advice on plagiarism, referencing and examinations.
Here, you can also access individual and group assessment task cover sheets. Note that cover sheets are only
required for hard copy submissions.
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5 Subject calendar
Please note, the sequence of some topics may change due to staff availability, resourcing, or due to unforeseen circumstances.
Lecture content covered in the mid-trimester quiz (A4) and the end
of trimester exam (A5)
Research Methods
2 23-Mar-20 Sensation & Perception (3hrs) Data Collection for Lab Chapter 4 Tutorial participation important for understanding your major
Report (2hrs) assignment (A1)
Motivation & Emotion Lecture and tutorial content covered in the mid-trimester quiz (A4)
4 6-Apr-20 Motivation & Emotion (3hrs) Results for Lab Report Chapter 10 and the end of trimester exam (A5)
(2hrs) LO=2,3
How to Write a Lab Report Lecture content covered in the end of semester exam (A5)
Citations & Referencing Tutorial includes valuable skills and competencies for your major
5 13-Apr-20 Learning (3hrs) Chapter 6
Lab Report Workshop assignment (A1)
(2hrs) LO=1,2,3
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Week/Date Lecture Tutorial Readings / Preparation Relationship to assessment
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