Chapter 1 - Importance of Business Ethics

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Srikandi Bulan Maharani 1852132007

2. Nur Aulia Yusbih 1852132010

3. Afifah Aprianty Syamhar 1852132028

BE A 18

Questions of the importance of Business Ethics

(Chapter 1)

1. Why should Lael get involved in reporting if she has not experienced any of the
allegations the other employees are making?

Answer: Lael joined the company with so much hope that she can stay with thi
company for a long term. She was able to realize that amployees are leaving the
company at and alarming rate. She was also able to get information from several
of her colleague about he reason for high turnover rate. The franchies employee
handbook clearly mentions that any unethical behavior is not tolerate and that
employees should come forward to report the incident to the propert manager.
Unethical behavior should be reported in accordence with the guideliness set by
the franchies.

2. What are some of the characteristics of Best East’s ethical culture that would
create the current dilemma for Lael?

Answer: Best East Franchies corporation not having a hot line available is a
major hurdle for reporting missconduct when on an organisation urgest its
employees to report any unethical conduct, it is a rsponsibilty of the
organisations to complitly falidite the protocol and make things transparent for
the empolyees so that they can report the incidents. The other dilemma for Lael
is that she was never treated badly by anyone. She can only report if some of the
female employees can support her arguments. In present times many
organisations have hot lines or a drop box where employees can anonymously
report missconduct. This is one of facility thas lacking with this franchise.

3. What should Lael do to resolve her concerns?

Answer: Lael can most probability use her critical judgement in anilyzing te
situations. Research has showen that employee reporting unethical behavior
depends on few critical factors.

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