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0 A 27 DDCCB 62 e 8 de 7 e 203
0 A 27 DDCCB 62 e 8 de 7 e 203
Victorio di Giusto
Denneweg 2A
2514 CG Den Haag NL
+ 31 84519893
facebook.com/Victorio di Giusto art
Birthdate: 07/01/1986, Amsterdam
nationality :holland, france, italy
langues :dutch, english, french, italian
N° siret : 808 224 224 000 10 (France)
'My art has always been a spiritual search of the reality I live in and
I perceive. My recent projects have been, in a sense, more focused
on the appearance of reality on the outside, using portraits and
everyday objects as a way of projecting what it really is that we see
when we look at something. Based on a molecular understanding of
the universe I draw and paint the motions of light in space.
Understanding an image of any thing is merely the reflection of
light traveling to the sensors in our eyes and brains. This meaning,
the fact of seeing is not really about the object we are seeing, it is, in
fact, about us. Like colors, when we observe something red, the
reality of that object is that it absorbs all of the other colors and
only rejects the red, but we say it's 'red'. In a way, everything is
illusion when you think about it like that. Not in the way that
concrete matter doesn't exist, but that our perception of it is
actually only in our heads. It is this un-materialistic view that i'm
trying to transmit through my paintings back into the material
world. But then again, what is matter? We are all and all we see is
just a combination of atoms floating through space.'
2001-2003 : Etude secondaire, Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
Parcours artistique
2004 : Résidence artistique, Marrakech, Maroc