Jee Main Online Unit Exam: Straight Objective Type Qns. (4, - 1)

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29- 04-2021 Batch: LT22 ALL Residential IIT

LT22L/P/TP Electrostatics

Time : 1 hr. Marks: 100

1. Point charges are kept at the vertices of a cube as shown. The electrostatic potential energy of the system
will be

1) Positive 2) Negative
3) Zero 4) Independent on the side length of cube
2. Two points P and Q are at equal distance d from a large conducting plate having uniform charge density  .
P and Q the on the opposite side of the plate. The line joining P and Q is not normal to the plate. Then, the
potential difference between P and Q is

  
1)  d 2) 2 d 3) Zero 4) 4 d
0 0 0

3. Three charged particles A, B and C with charges -4q, 2q and -2q are present on the circumference of a
circle of radius d. The charged particles A, C and centre O of the circle formed an equilateral triangle as
shown in figure. Electric field at O along x-direction is

3q 3 3q 3q 2 3q
1) 2) 3) 4)
4 0 d 2 4 0 d 2  0 d 2 0 d 2

4.  
Electric field in a region is given by E  3iˆ  2ˆj  5kˆ V / m . The potential difference between points
(1,1,1) m and (2,3,4) m will be
1) 6V 2) 4V 3) 8 V 4) 3V

5.  
An electric dipole of moment p  ˆi  3jˆ  2kˆ  10 C m is at the origin (0, 0, 0). The electric field due

  
to this dipole at r   ˆi  3jˆ  5 kˆ (note that r .p  0 ) is parallel to

1)  ˆi  3 ˆj  2kˆ  
2) ˆi  3 ˆj  2kˆ  
3)  ˆi  3 ˆj  2kˆ  
4) ˆi  3 ˆj  2kˆ 
6. Electric potential is given by V  6x  8xy 2  8y  6yz  4z 2 , where V is in volt and x, y and z are in metre.
Then electric force acting on 2C point charge placed at origin will be
1) 20 N 2) 8 N 3) 6 N 4) 2N
LT22L/P/TP 2 JEE MAIN- Physics

7. Two identical metal balls with charges +2Q and –Q respectively are separated by a fixed distance and
exerts electrostatic force of magnitude F on each other. They are joined by a conducting wire which is then
removed. The magnitude of force between them will now be [Assume charge is uniformly distributed over
metallic balls]
1) F 2) 3) 4)
2 4 8
8. Consider a sphere of radius R which carries a uniform charge density  . If a sphere of radius is curved

EA  
out of it, as shown, the ratio  of magnitude of electric field E A and EB , respectively, at points A and
B due to the remaining portion is

21 18 17 18
1) 2) 3) 4)
34 54 54 34
9. Two charged particles A and B of charges +2q and –q respectively are fixed at the positions shown in
figure. A third charged particle of charge + 4q is moved along the path CDE slowly. The work done by
electric forces is

q 2 4q 2 q2 q 2
1) 3 r 2) 3 r 3) 12 r 4) 12 r
0 0 0 0

10. Shown in the figure is a shell made of a conductor. It has inner radius a and outer radius b, and carries

charge Q. At its centre is a dipole p as shown. In this case

1) surface charge density on the inner surface of the shell is zero everywhere

2) surface charge density on the inner surface is uniform and equal to

 Q
4a 2
3) electric field outside the shell is the same as that of a point charge in the centre of the shell

4) surface charge density on the outer surface depends on p
LT22L/P/TP 3 JEE MAIN- Physics

11. Two positive point charges, Q each, are placed at the points (a,0) and (–a, 0). The graphical representation
of electric field intensity along y-axis which is not correctly shown in the domain, is

1) 2)

3) 4)

12. Four point charges -q, +q, +q and -q are placed on y-axis at y = -2d, y = -d, y = +d and y = +2d,
respectively. The magnitude of the electric field E at a point on the x-axis at x = D, with D >> d, will behave

1 1 1 1
1) E  2) E  3) E  4) E 
D3 D D4 D2
13. A positively charged particle with charge q and mass m is made to circulate around a long, uniform linear
charge distribution of linear charge density  in a circular orbit of radius r. The speed of the particle is

q q
1) 20 m 2) 40 m

q 2q
3) 80 m 4)  0 m

14. Figure shows AB is a line charge uniformly distributed over its length. P is a point in X - Y plane such that
APN  2NPB  60o . The electric field vector at this point P is, along the straight line

1) y  x 2) y  3x 3) y  x 4) y   tan 75o  x
LT22L/P/TP 4 JEE MAIN- Physics

15. A point charge q is a distance r from the centre O of an uncharged spherical conducting layer, whose inner
and outer radii are equal to a and b respectively. If r < a, then the potential at the centre O is

q 1 1 1 q q 1 1 1 q 1 1 1
1) 4  r  a  b  2) 4 r 3) 4  r  a  b  4) 4  a  b  r 
0   0 0   0  

16. A fly, symmetrical sector of arc length a and radius 3a , mounted on the vertical axis. A charge q is placed
at height 4 a from the centre along its axis. The flux that passes through fly would be

q q q 9q
1)  2) 60 3) 4 4) 4
0 0 0 0

17. A ball of mass m with a charge +q is present in a uniform gravitational field g and in homogeneous
electrostatic field symmetrical about vertical axis OZ. The field lines in one of the planes are shown in
figure. At the initial moment, the ball is at rest at A. Now when charge of the ball is changed, its new
equilibrium position is found at B. Using the picture, find how many times the charge of the ball changed.

1 1 1 1
1) 2) 3) 4)
2 3 4 9
LT22L/P/TP 5 JEE MAIN- Physics

18. The positive charges and a negative charge of same magnitude is fixed on vertices of an equilateraltriangle.
For this set up electric field is investigated on x-axis. Answer following questions for given case.

Number of points of equilibrium on x-axis is

1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4

19. Assertion : In a given situation of arrangement of charges, an additional charge is placed outside the
 
Gaussian surface. In the Gauss’ theorem  E.ds  Qin , Qin remains unchanged whereas electric field E
at the site of the element is changed.

Reason: Electric field E at any point on the Gaussian surface is only due to inside charge.

A) If both Assertion & Reason are True & the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.

B) If both Assertion & Reason are True but Reason is not a correct explantation of the Assertion.

C) If Assertion is True but the Reason is False.

D) If both Assertion & Reason are false.

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

20. Assertion : Charge is invariant.

Reason : Charge does not depend on speed or frame of reference.

A) If both Assertion & Reason are True & the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.

B) If both Assertion & Reason are True but Reason is not a correct explantation of the Assertion.

C) If Assertion is True but the Reason is False.

D) If both Assertion & Reason are false.

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

Section II - Integer answer type (4,0)

For each question enter the correct integer value. Rounded off to the next integer if the answer
is decimal. Eg: If the answer is 25.67, rounded off to 26. If the answer is 9.35, rounded off to 9. If
the answer is 0.75, rounded off to 1. If the answer is 0.45, rounded off to 0.

21. A charge +Q is located in space at the point  x  1m, y  10m, z  5m  . The total electric flux that passes
through the y- z plane is n . Find n.
LT22L/P/TP 6 JEE MAIN- Physics

22. The maximum charge that can be given to the outer surface so that there is no breakdonw of air around is
n 0 R 2 E b . Find n. Given that breakdown field strength of air is Eb. (Both spheres are made of conducting

23. An electric field E  4xiˆ   y 2  1 ˆj N / C passes through the box shown in figure. The flux of the electric
field through surfaces ABCD and BCGF are marked as I and II respectively. The difference between
 I  II  (in N m2/C) ..........

24. Figure shows a uniformly charged spherical shell B of charge (qB= q) kept inside uniformly charged spherical
 
shell A of charge (qA = q). Let electric field due to A and B at any point are E A and E B respectively. If dV
 

 
represents elementry volume, then the value of  E A .E BdV will be

25. A thick shell with inner radius R and outer radius 3R has a uniform charge density  C/m3. It has a
spherical cavity of radius R as shown in figure. The electric field at the centre of the cavity is 12 .
29- 04-2021 Batch: LT22 ALL Residential IIT
LT22L/P/TP Electrostatics

1. 2

2. 3

3. 3

4. 3

5. 3
LT22L/P/TP 2 JEE MAIN- Physics

6. 1

7. 4

8. 4

9. 2

10. 3
LT22L/P/TP 3 JEE MAIN- Physics

11. 4

12. 3

13. 1
LT22L/P/TP 4 JEE MAIN- Physics

14. 4

15. 1

16. 2

17. 4

18. 2 By continuity argument the points of zero electric field must be 2.

19. 3
20. 1
LT22L/P/TP 5 JEE MAIN- Physics

21. 02

22. 08

23. -48

24. 4.00
LT22L/P/TP 6 JEE MAIN- Physics

25. 7

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