Existing Technology Analysis
Existing Technology Analysis
Existing Technology Analysis
Activity 3 - ICT.
Deliverable 4.1:
Analysis of existing technology from the BONy’s partners
Manuele Manente (P.M.F. S.r.l.)
Alfio Gliozzo (C.N.R. I.S.T.C.)
Aneta Zydziak (4system Polska Sp. z.o.o.)
Aris Chronopoulos (IDEC S.A.)
Florencia Nava (INK Catalunya S.A.)
BONy Consortium
This document is part of BONy project, financed with the EC funds in the domain of "Lifelong
Learning Programme" managed by EACEA, number 135263-2007-IT-KA3-KA3MP. The following
partners are involved in the BONy project:
Iroon Politechniou 96
Piraeus 185 36
Tel: +30 210 4286227
Fax: +30 210 4286228
ul. Botaniczna 70
65-392 Zielona Góra, Poland
Phone.: +48 (0) 68 451 08 88
Fax: +48 (0) 68 451 08 88 ext. 2
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Analysis of existing technology from the BONy’s partners .
Version 7.0
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Analysis of existing technology from the BONy’s partners .
Version 7.0
Reviews History
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Analysis of existing technology from the BONy’s partners .
Version 7.0
Executive Summary
Analysis of existing technology from the BONy’s partners. The aim of this Deliverable is to analyze
the existing technology that partners would leave at disposal for the BONy’s project so as to define
the final architecture of the BONy’s system. A questionnaire to assess existing owned or open
source LMS as been developed and submitted to consortium member in order to value and select
the best e-learning platform for the BONy use-case.
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Analysis of existing technology from the BONy’s partners .
Version 7.0
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 7
2. Specification of the criteria for the choice of platforms ......................................................... 7
2.1. BONy Partner Survey ........................................................................................................... 7
2.2. LMS Criteria Survey ............................................................................................................. 7
2.3. LMS Features Survey ........................................................................................................... 9
2.4. Survey Delivery .................................................................................................................. 11
3. Candidate Learning Management Systems ........................................................................... 11
3.1. Dokeos ................................................................................................................................ 11
3.2. E-Logos ............................................................................................................................... 12
3.3. Moodle ................................................................................................................................. 12
3.4. WBTServer .......................................................................................................................... 12
4. LMS comparison ...................................................................................................................... 12
4.1. Standards Compliancy ...................................................................................................... 12
4.2. Usability, User-friendliness, Multilingual Support .......................................................... 13
4.3. Developer Documentation, SDK, Community ................................................................. 13
4.4. Integration with other Systems ......................................................................................... 13
4.5. Cost of Ownership and licensing ..................................................................................... 13
4.6. Scalability & Security ......................................................................................................... 14
4.7. Search Engine .................................................................................................................... 14
4.8. Application Portability ....................................................................................................... 14
4.9. Features .............................................................................................................................. 14
4.10. Summary Table .................................................................................................................. 14
5. Conclusions and recommendations ...................................................................................... 15
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Analysis of existing technology from the BONy’s partners .
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1. Introduction
This report gives an analysis of the state of the art of existing technology from the BONy’s partners
to fit to the project’s requirements and provides a support definition of BONy’s system architecture.
To accomplish this task the project team decided to evaluate the Learning Management System
used by the partners. For the evaluation of the e-learning platforms, several criteria were collected
merging and consolidating the results from the questionnaire and from previous evaluations by the
project partners.
On the basis of these results information was gained on which platform would meet best the
requirements of the future steps.
The aim of BONy is to develop a cognitive Learning Management System ( LMS ) allowing users
to find and learn the units strictly requested and strictly necessary to achieve their training
experience. Due to costs and time to develop a new LMS, the project team decided to study an
existing platform in order to implement only the necessary modules. The software modules
developed will interact to LMS with defined communication protocols such as API or Web Services.
For these reasons the platform choice is strategic for the whole project.
In this paragraph we exam the evaluation criteria in order to find the best LMS solution from the
Criteria Question/Rating
Standards Compliancy Does the LMS adhere to specifications like SCORM, IMS, OKI,
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Analysis of existing technology from the BONy’s partners .
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Can the LMS import and manage content and courseware that
complies with standards regardless of the authoring system that
produced it?
Is XML support available?
Usability, User- Will the program require lots of training or is it fairly intuitive to
friendliness, Multilingual use?
How available is documentation, how useful are guides, training
and online help?
How long will it take for faculties to set up their courses at a
basic level?
Does the system support additional languages?
Developer Documentation, How available is documentation for developers?
SDK, Community
Is there a support community?
How available is Source Development Kit ( API Web Services
etc )
Integration with other Does the solution allow for ready integration with other
Systems systems?
Cost of Ownership and What are the costs for licensing, software, hardware and custom
licensing development requirements?
Scalability & Security Is the program suitable for both small and large installations?
How easily does the solution allow for growth of users, content,
Application Portability How efficient is the LMS support portability to PDA phone?
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Work offline/Synchronize
Misc. Comments
The project team has collected and merged the information on the basis of the results gained from
the above mentioned criteria. The evaluation focussed mainly on the open-source platforms (due
to monetary reasons), but the commercial platform as e-Logos and WBTServer were incorporated
Not all partners took part in the survey as some of them do not work with LMS as one of their
corporate core businesses.
3.1. Dokeos
Dokeos is the Open Source platform proposed by P.M.F. and developed by the Dutch company
Dokeos. The project was developed from a previous version of Claroline (a fork) and became in a
short time a project with its own character. The main aim is to help teachers create pedagogical
content, structure activities while using learning paths, interact with students and follow their
learning advacement through the monitoring system. Dokeos has quickly met great enthusiasm
among users in MNEs, federal administrations and universities in some 60 countries for a total of
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1,000,000 users. It’s an LMS easy to use and very reliable at the same time. It supports the
SCORM standard and incorporates tools for contents generation.
3.2. E-Logos
e-Logos ® is the commercial solution offered by P.M.F. The platform was developed by an Italian
company called VITECO S.r.l. and presents as main characteristics the high usability and
userfriendliness. The software was developed with the ASP, II 6 and MySql technology, and
adapts very well to small-scale e-learning projects. This LMS supports the SCORM standard 1.2
and as it has been marketed only in Italy so far, it does not provide a multilingual support.
3.3. Moodle
Moodle is one of the most used Open Source LMS solutions presented in the e-learning market. Its
community of users and developers is spread all over the world and in comparison to other
systems it is renowed, among all its applications, for the high quality of pedagogical aspects
provided, in accordance to the constructionist theory. This LMS possesses all required
characteristics needed for BONy implementation, it is translated into 70 languages, it complies with
the SCORM standards and its functionalities can be developed by using hundreds of plug-ins.
3.4. WBTServer
WBTServer is an LMS developed by the BONy partner 4system and it helps to manage the remote
learning process (effective online education) with ease and coordinate e-Learning trainings. Using
the WBTServer platform allows to fast and easily access the content as well as to quickly
communicate with the system users. Thanks to the structure of WBTServer, it is possible to adjust
the functionality of the learning platform to individual needs of the Client. It is SCORM compliant
and offers many types of customisation.
4. LMS comparison
The project team decided to give more relevance to open source solutions to engage development
team and to have support from community. Moodle got the highest ranking in this criterion.
All LMS proposed are SCORM compliant, in particular with the SCORM 1.2 .
Another relevant criterion on which the final choice was made is the availability of an integrated
search engine. Among all platforms Moodle WBT Server e Dokeos provide such a module.
The explanations below show comparison details for each criterion.
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4.9. Features
Almost all LMS provide a set of functionalities for cataloguing, managing and distributing contents.
Some platforms have richer sets of functionalities compared to others, and these can be explored
by using the “features” parameter, which looks at the various characteristics useful for project
implementation, for example the graphic customisation, content creation tools, access levels and
so on.
Looking at the “LMS features” more differences became apparent: Moodle and Dokeos were
especially designed for collaborative environments, which became obvious in the evaluation.
WBTServer offers a wide range of functionalities and flexibility. E-Logos as well as Sakai offer the
functionalities of a forum and a chat but without the flexibility which Moodle has.
Concerning the "assessment design tools", E-logos showed significant technical deficiencies. The
assessment and test-functions offered by Dokeos seem to be comparable with those offered by
Moodle. Dokeos has an useful authoring tool (Oogie) to convert Word and Powerpoint documents
into SCORM compliant courses. Comparing LMS about “administration tool” showed no significant
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Analysis of existing technology from the BONy’s partners .
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Usability, User- 4 20 12 16 16
Multilingual Support
Developer 5 20 25 15 10
SDK, Community
Cost of Ownership 3 15 15 6 6
and licensing
Scalability & 3 15 15 15 9
Search Engine 4 20 20 20 8
Application 4 20 20 12 0
Features 3 15 15 15 9
As described above, the evaluation focussed mainly on open source platforms but also considered
the commercial platforms WBTServer and e-Logos. Especially WBT Server offers a wide range of
functionalities and seem to be a good solution but because of license and maintenance costs, the
project team decided to exclude the commercial platforms WBT Server and e-Logos from the
Taking into account the specific differences of the systems and looking at the systems as a whole,
both Moodle and Dokeos appear as good choices for BONy requirements.
Moodle has shown its strength in the communication sector for its diffused developers’ community,
but Dokeos is better for usability and authoring tools. Both systems appear to be secure, the
installation is easy and the system works smoothly.
Concerning user-friendliness and usability characteristic the Learning Management System
Dokeos is the best solution among the Open Source analyzed.
BONy project developers team suggest the adoption of Dokeos because its code appears to be
clearer and simple, furthermore the team possess more usage skills over this LMS which can
definitely grant overall project success.
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