GEC3 - Globalization Reflection

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Ian Ralph Y.





1. What is the importance of defining globalization?

 Globalization is opening up of domestic markets to international trade for seamless and
integrated transfer of technology, goods and services. An isolated economy will not sustain
for long. Ultimately its resources will deplete and it will need to open up its gates for other
nations to enter into their market, trade with other economies. Take loans, excport goods
and services, import technology,etc. So we can say globalization is the source of life for
modern economies. The importance of defining globalisation makes you know the economic
climate around you. You understand the economy is larger than one country but capital and
goods flow internationally. This means knowing the definition enables you to find more
2. Do you agree on the ideas presented regarding the characteristics of globalization in modern
 Yes, I agree on the ideas presented regarding the characteristics of globalization in modern
world. Globalization is one of the most powerful forces affecting the modern world, so much
so that it can be difficult to make sense of the world without understanding globalization.
Globalization in modern world is not a mere economic process, but the next stage in the
social and political development of mankind, a process started with the emergence of family
(in the social, not biological sense), clan, tribe, union of tribes, etc.
We/Us humans need for each other and the world is much closer than ever before that
many people live in different countries than their own country that no matter where you
are, we need to help each other. All the diverse in nationality, language, culture are created
under God’s plan of our human life on earth so that we’ll learn the diverse and receive
benefits to each other and grow to be the better and bigger person.
3. Which do you think is more advantageous? Homogenous or heterogeneous society?
 I think Homogenous because it puts people on the same footing and improves
communication and understanding. It has been redefined, incorrectly, as powerful cultures
taking over weak ones. In reality, it is a negotiation between cultures and individuals, where
good ideas are adopted from both. The down side is the changing of both (many) cultures,
into the conglomerate.

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