What is a REPORT?
What is a fact?
1. Serve as records for planning, directing, and organizing duties for police
2. Used as legal documents in prosecution
3. Used by local media
4. WRITING AND EVALUATING- shall be expounded in separate
chapters of this book. Briefly though, with the filled-out templates, the
writing stage will no longer be as laborious or painstaking as when there
is no organized baseline data gathered in the pre-writing stage.
Evaluating on the other hand, is the stage in the writing process where
you take a closer look at the written work both in content and form. Content
Evaluation or editing is checking whether the report has the qualities of good
writing such as accuracy, clarity, conciseness, objectivity, and completeness.
The investigator signs the report. On top of the letterhead and on the lower
fold of he paper, the word CONFIDENTIAL is typed or stamped.
5. INITIAL INVESTIGATION REPORT- An initial investigation report is a
normal offshoot of a spot report or incident report that requires
resolution-be it in the form of a formal complaint for crimes committed or
recommendations for the closure of a particular case.
6. PROGRESS REPORT- A progress report is a follow up of the initial
investigation report. It covers new findings, statements of additional
witnesses, if any, or simply an update of the ongoing action or
investigation of a particular case. In a progress report, it is assumed that
the incident has been reported and the method of operation or “modus
operandi” of the suspect has been determined.
7. FINAL INVESTIGATION REPORT- This refers to the final report on a
particular incident or case where all important angles and details
considered in the initial investigation and progress reports are taken
account. Details that can be covered in this type of report may include
the apprehension of the suspect and the final disposition of the case
(e.g. filing of information in court by the Prosecutor). Substantiating
documents such as the Initial Investigation Report, Progress Report,
Affidavits of witnesses, photographs, sketches and other pertinent
documents are attached in the report.
8. TRAFFIC ACCIDENT REPORT- This report involve collision between
cars, (or other forms of land transportation), crashes against fixed
objects, hit and run cases or non-collision cases such as accidental
burning or fall from high places which may or may not result to injuries
or death of persons involved.
9. SITUATIONAL REPORT (SITREP) refers to a report which is done on a
need basis. It contains the actual situation on a particular incident or
incidents which are on public interest. This is primarily addressed to the
commander or chief for him to know the actual situation before the
media and the public is informed. A SITREP may be done every hour,
every 6 hours, or every 8 hours depending on the situation.
10. BEAT INSPECTION REPORT- This report is submitted daily by
any duty officer after his/her routine check on foot.
11. AFTER PATROL REPORT- This refers to a report which is
submitted by assigned sector using official vehicles and is signed by the
team leader.
12. AFTER-OPERATION REPORT- After-Operation Report, which
may well be classified under spot report (if reported within 24 hours after
the operation,) is an informative report on common operational activities
involving police action such as service of warrant of arrests or
apprehension of suspects and/or fugitives from law.
13. AFTER-ENCOUNTER REPORT- After-Encounter Report is a
report on special missions or combat operations involving lawless
elements and subversive terrorists or rebels. This report also includes
salient supporting documents such as sketch of the encounter scene,
list of participating troops, summary of ammunition stock status,
recommendation for award for troop members (for exhibiting superior
combat skills and unflinching bravery in the face of dangers) and the
proposed citation. Aside from the reports mentioned, there are still other
types of special reports unique to a particular public safety agency
(BFP, BJMP and PNP).
In the police service, for instance, those who are involves in the investigation
of sensitive cases may be required to prepare additional reports such as
background investigation, coordination, intelligence and after-mission reports,
among others, which are normally prepared by officers on specialized
The examples above have a basic sentence pattern normally seen in a written
report. However, to make an effective sentence, you can use different
techniques in opening sentences that will immensely contribute to sentence
variety and clarity of ideas.
1. SUBJECT - wherein you must name what you are talking about.
2. PREDICATE - wherein you must tell about the subject.
B.1. USE OF ADVERBS- Adverb refers to a word or phrase that modifies or
qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word group, expressing a
relation of place, time, circumstance, manner, cause degree, etc.
1. Quickly, the victim attempted to flee but was held back by the suspect.
2. Immediately, the suspect brandished a .45 caliber pistol and started
firing indiscriminately.
3. Instinctively, Police Staff Sergeant Bartolay went toward the suspect
and grabbed his arm to disarm him.
4. Slowly and cautiously, the snipers crept toward the location of the
5. Fearlessly, the responding policeman exchanged fire with lawless
Examples of prepositions:
running running wildly
working working hard
speaking speaking in a low voice
laughing laughing boisterously
driving driving recklessly
Following are examples of past participles and past participial phrases:
horrified horrified by the news
captured by arresting
arrested arrested inside his office
hacked hacked to death
accused accused of Qualified Theft
1. Having shot the stray dog, the security guard apologized to his
2. Having beaten the man with a club, he was charged with serious
physical injuries.
3. Having arrested the man who has gone berseck, Police Corporal Zuelo
reported back to his chief of police.
As a writer, you should exercise caution in using the perfect participial phrase
as a sentence opener lest the sentence should result in an error known
as dangling modifier. You have to remember that the introductory verbal
phrase should be followed immediately by the noun it modifies.
In the inverted order, the writer opens the sentence with the predicate
first. In other words, the verb comes first before the subject.
Natural order- Five (5) shells of .45 caliber pistol believed to have been used
by the unidentified gunman were recovered from the crime scene.
B.6. START WITH INFINITIVE PHRASE (To + main or base form of the
describing the subject
(Examples) (Examples)
The cadet who was
The cadet with a long The cadet holding a long
holding a long
firearm marched toward firearm marched toward
firearm marched toward
the barracks. the barracks.
the barracks.
The witness in a pair of The witness who was The witness wearing a pair
black jeans and white wearing a pair of black
of black jeans and white
polo skirt appeared jeans and white polo
polo shirt appeared pale
pale. shirt appeared pale.
The firearms in the
The firearms which are in The firearms taken into
custody of the
the custody of the custody of the police are
police are high-
police are high-powered. high-powered.
Clauses, unlike phrases, are groups of words that have a subject and
a verb. They are classified into independent clauses (with ideas that can
stand alone) and subordinate clauses (or ideas that depend on the main
clause to clarify the meaning of the sentence).
As an adverb:
(The phrase to neutralize the hostage-taker is used as an adverb describing
or modifying the verb sent. It shows the purpose of the action and it answers
the question why.
(Why dis the Director issue the memorandum? It is to remind the subordinates
of their duties.)
As Adjective:
Aside from the use of descriptive phrases and clauses, another way to
expand sentences is to combine ideas. That is, if two or more ideas are
related, you can express in a single sentence. Consider the following
Example: Police Corporal Waldo boarded the patrol car. He proceeded to the
crime scene.
crime scene.
The team hunted the prime suspect. The suspect eluded the
Combined: The team hunted the prime suspect, but he eluded arrest.
The investigator did not find any trace of forcible entry at the
main entrance. He proceeded to the back door for clues.
The investigator did not find any trace of forcible entry at the
main entrance, so he proceeded to the back door for clues.
Mrs. Elsie Gao learned about the tragedy that befell her son. She
became hysterical.
When Mrs. Elsie Gao learned about the tragedy that befell her
son, she became hysterical.
The examples above are transitional words that signal time order.
When used appropriately, they help readers understand how ideas relate to
each other over time. These are particularly essential in a narrative report
because they vividly show the chronology or sequence of events as they
The three students-Molino, Salama, and Torre, alighted from the
jeepney and proceeded to the Maharlika Restaurant. They occupied a table
near a window. After about five minutes, a waitress approached them and
took their order. Then, Torre left his seat to go to the men’s room. Shortly
after closing the door of the men’s room, he heard successive
gunshots. Immediately, he hid inside a cubicle, and waited until the
commotion stopped. Thereafter, he slowly opened the door of the men’s room
and slowly peeked through it. From his position, he saw a gun-wielding man
fleeing the restaurant. At the same time, he also saw bloodied bodies strewn
on the floor and slumped on tables.
Transition words can also be used to signal spatial order. The purpose
is to guide readers to follow your ideas easily and clearly. By using transition
words in a sentence, ideas or details in a narrative report and arranged
across space such as from left to right, top to bottom, near to far, front to back
and vice versa.
When the investigating team entered the master’s bedroom, they saw
splintered/broken glasses strewn on the floor. In front of the bed was a half-
empty bottle of pills, with half of the contents spilled on the floor. On the
bed lay two bodies, one on top of the other, apparently lifeless, and
bloodied. On the right side, of the table beside the bed was a pile of papers
with scribbles written in blue ink. Beside it was three crumpled papers with
blood stains. Behind the table and splattered across the wall were these
words: “Para kay Maritess!”
Likewise Otherwise
Similarly However
In the same manner Nonetheless
In spite of Instead
On the contrary On the other hand
Even though Notwithstanding
Regardless Still
Though Yet
Witness Judy Abilay contended that she saw the couple Roberti
Lontac and Josephine Delgado seated on the bench near the covered court,
holding hands and apparently very sweet. Likewise, Rowena Jullado, a
classmate of the couple, who was walking just a few steps behind Abilay on
the fateful night, averred that the couple looked “happy” and whispered “sweet
nothings” to each other. She even contemplated not to greet them so as not to
disrupt the “sweetness”. Nonetheless, she (Jullado) called their attention and
even asked them what time they would go.
These transition words are used to show cause and effect relationship
between ideas or sentences. They are used to signify that an idea or
statement is predicated on a previous idea.
Thus Because of
Accordingly Then
Since Therefore
Consequently So
As a result Hence
In effect And so
According to the subject, he did not employ force or intimidation when
he had sexual relations with the victim as he alleged, they were long-time
lovers. Therefore, he could not be charged with the crime of rape.
Examples: Indeed, In fact, In other words, Especially, Even
The owner-type jeepney was riddled with bullet holed apparently from
high-powered firearms. In fact, upon closer inspection, there were five huge
holes large enough for a normal fist to pass through.
The paragraphs in a police report are not only indented but also
numbered. The beginning of each paragraph signals the change in thought or
focus from the topic discussed in the preceding paragraph.
1. Sentence is a group of words that contains a subject and a predicate (verb). A sentence
expresses a complete thought.
2. Sentences can be opened through various ways. This is by using adverbs, prepositional
phrase, participial phrase, subordinate or dependent clause, inverted order, and infinitive
3. In a narrative report, details which come in descriptive words, phrases, or clauses are
essential to clarity of meaning. There are different ways by which a subject can be
described. Expanding sentences can be done using prepositional phrase, relative
clause, participial phrase, past participial phrase, appositive and infinitives (to+verb).
4. Aside from the use of descriptive phrases and clauses, another way to expand
sentences is to combine ideas. That is, if two or more ideas are related, you can express
in a single sentence.
Before submitting your written report, you need to read and evaluate
whether it is acceptable in both content and form. CONTENT refers to the
substance of your report while Form refers to the structure or the way the
report is presented. Thorough evaluation means you take a second or third
look and meticulously go over the entire writing until you can confidently
exclaim, “My reader will appreciate this report”.
Accuracy also means using the exact words meant to express your intended
meaning. This means using” specific word” rather than vague ones. If the
victim was “strangled to death” or “gunned down”, do not write “killed”. Don’t
leave the reader guessing or wondering what “exactly” occurred.
Example (Vague):
Example (Accurate)
On October 5, 2011 at around 8:00 P.P., duty guard Polo Malvar of
XYZ Pharma Company noticed two suspicious-looking men leaving the
company stockroom. Each was carrying a loaded backpack. Malvar called
their attention and approached them but the duo hurriedly fled toward a
waiting taxi with plate number OTP 519 which then immediately sped off.
About five minutes later, the branch sales assistant-Criselda de Vera, reported
that about ten (10) pieces of BP monitors and could not be accounted for.
Reports that are clear are easy and understand. Clarity means
freedom from ambiguity. It means you do not have to read the same
paragraph repeatedly to understand its meaning. It also means not having to
ask, “who did what?” or “what is that again?” with a corresponding confused or
puzzled look plastered on your face.
A good strategy to make your report clear is to divide long sentences
into shorter ones to allow reader time to breathe and understand each idea.
Having been shot, Norma Lagueno howled in pain and slowly crawled and
dragged her bleeding left leg as she looked for cover.
Having been shot in her left leg, Norma Lagueno crawled for cover.
***Do not use complicated and long sentence when you can send a clear
message using a short sentence. Do not beat around the bush. Be direct.
3. Cut unnecessary words and empty phrases- Eliminate wordy
The key to objectivity or being fair and impartial writing reports is to
use language that has a neutral tone. This means that your report covers all
sides of the story and does not slant toward or favor one side only. To do this,
you need to avoid opinions, personal judgment and emotional overtone in
your sentences which will render your report subjective and partial.
Although the statements of witnesses, victims and suspects may not
be objective, it is important that you as a writer, properly quote or attribute the
statements to your source (s) without adding your personal judgment or
conclusions. Write only facts and include brief details.
Slanted/Partial Upon arrival from work, Mara Santo noticed that her five-year-
old daughter Olivia had bruises, swollen limbs and could not
talk. Her Japanese live-in partner Sinichi
Kowa rationalized that the child accidentally fell from the stairs
while she was playing. His alibi was that he was in the comfort
room when the accident occurred.
A good narrative report answers all questions that may be possibly
asked by the reader-the 5Ws and 1H-the who, what, when, where,
why and how. The why which concerns unearthing or revealing everything
regarding the nature of the crime or action being reported should be carefully
constructed in a manner that can be proven by facts and evidence. Opinions,
judgments concerning the nature of the crime should be backed up by
evidence (real, direct or circumstantial) usually in the form of statement
whether by the victims, suspects or witnesses.
1. WHO?
1. Who was the complainant?
2. Who was the victim?
3. Who was/were the witnesses?
4. Who committed the crime?
5. Who reported to the scene of the crime?
6. Who was the officer-in-charge?
7. Who handled and received the evidence?
2. WHAT?
1. What happened?
2. What was the nature of the incident or crime?
3. What did the reporting officer do?
4. What evidence was obtained?
5. What weapon (s) or tool (s) was/were used in the commission of
the crime?
3. WHEN?
1. When did the incident/crime happen?
2. When was the crime discovered?
3. When did the authorities arrive at the scene?
4. When was the suspect arrested?
5. When was the victim last scene?
1. Where was the crime committed?
2. Where did the incident occur?
3. Where were the tools acquired or obtained?
4. Where was the victim? Suspect (s)?
5. Where was the suspect (s) last seen?
6. Where was the evidence marked?
7. Where was the evidence stored?
5. WHY?
1. Why did the criminal commit the crime?
2. Why did it occur? (This question seeks to determine the motive of
the perpetrator of a crime or the reason why an incident (e.g. car
accident/altercation/riot occurred)
3. Why were the victims reluctant to talk?
4. Why so much time passed before the crime was report?
6. HOW?
1. How was the crime carried out?
2. How was the crime discovered?
3. How did you (the first responder) go to the scene of the crime?
4. How was the crime reported?
5. How did the criminal get away?
6. How did you get informed regarding the crime?
1. With whom did the criminal associate?
2. With whom was the victim last seen?
3. With whom are witnesses connected?
4. With whom did the criminal commit the crime?
5. With whom did you talk at the scene and other places?
6. With whom did you work at the investigation?
1. How much damage was done?
2. How much property was taken?
3. How much money was taken?
4. How much information are the witnesses not giving out?
Competent writers always examine what they have put down. Better
than competent writers-good writers examine the effects before they put them
down. They think that way all the time. Bad writers never examine anything.
Their inattentiveness to the detail of their prose is part and parcel of their
inattentiveness to the detail of the outside world. -Clive James (2007)
Correct: The accused is one of the ten most wanted persons for the month of
December 2011.
Singular subjects require singular verbs and plural subjects require plural
In narrative report writing, there are only two forms of perfect tenses
that can be used: The past perfect tense (had followed by the past participle
form of the verb) and the present perfect tense (has/have plus the past
participle form of the verb). The past perfect tense is used for an action
completed before another past action. Consider the example below:
The suspect had already fled when the police operatives arrived at the
crime scene.
In the example above, there are two past actions involved. Take note
that the past perfect tense refers to the earliest past action or the action which
occurred before another action took place.
A common error committed in narrative police reports is the use of the
perfect tense with incorrect verb form. That is, instead of using the past
participle form of the verb, the writer uses the present or base form of the verb
after the helping verbs has or have. For example, has gain, have develop,
has dispatch.
Wrong: an operations
Correct: an operation
11. Confusion or Mix-up in the use of words that can pass either as
Noun or Verb, e.g. USED OF instead of USE OF
12. Incorrect Form of the Main Verb when used in a Passive Sentence
A common error in narrative report with passive sentences is the use
of the base form of the verb instead of the past participle. Examples: was
dispatch, is/are believe, was submit, etc.
Wrong: The doctor refused the police officer’s request to take a
photograph of the victim while the latter was being treated. According to the
doctor, he was not authorize to grant such request.
Good writers sexercise caution in the use of the passive voice. It is
only used when the writer or reporter wants to emphasize the receiver of the
action rather than the doer of the action.
1. Reference: HWI of Director, MPD dated January 24, 2011 to effect the
arrest of an extortionist in Juan Luna Street, Plaza Miranda, Manila.
2. That this pertains to the operation conducted by MPD Task Force Anti-
Kotong which led to the arrest of MMDA traffic law enforcers Juan Jose
Mateo, 48 years old, married and a resident of #215 Lerma St., Brgy.
Tunasan, Muntinlupa City.
3. That prior to the arrest of said person, this Desk officer received a
telephone call from a concerned citizen that there was on-going
“kotong” (extortion) activity involving two MMDA traffic law enforcers
prompting the undersigned to organize a team to check on the veracity
of the report.
Consider the revised version as shown below, Note the removal of the
“that” in paragraph s 2 and 3.
1. Reference: HWI of Director, MPD dated January 24, 2011 to effect the
arrest of an extortionist in Juan Luna Street, Plaza Miranda, Manila.
2. This pertains to the operation conducted by MPD Task Force Anti-
Kotong which led to the arrest of MMDA traffic law enforcers Juan Jose
Mateo, 48 years old, married and a resident of #215 Lerma St., Brgy.
Tunasan, Muntinlupa City.
3. Prior to the arrest of said person, this Desk officer received a telephone
call from a concerned citizen that there was on-going “kotong”
(extortion) activity involving two MMDA traffic law enforcers prompting
the undersigned to organize a team to check on the veracity of the
14. Use of Present Perfect Tense for Actions that Occurred at a Specific
Time in the past
Wrong: On October 17, 2009 at about 8:00 P.M., Avon Samgan,
neighbor and friend of the victim, have noticed the latter’s unusual behavior.
actions that took place at a definite time in the past. The appropriate tense to
be used is simple
past tense.
15. Use of a verb instead of a noun following the article “the” or “a”
Wrong: The accident resulted in the damaged of the vehicle.
The police officer said that he brought the suspect to the
prosecutor’s office for inquest.
***In the above example, the police officer is the antecedent or the noun for
which the
pronoun he stands.
Wrong: While Maria was waiting for a jeepney ride, suspect Ruelo
Torres, suddenly came from behind and lunged their bladed weapon to her
Right: The District Director ordered the traffic officers to shed light
on the car accident.
21. Incorrect use of prepositions Between and Among
Wrong: Shortly after the program had begun, the lights inside the
auditorium flickered and eventually gone out prompting the spectators to rise
to their seats and turn unruly.
Right: Shortly after the program had begun, the lights inside the
auditorium flickered and eventually went out prompting the spectators to rise
to their seats and turn unruly.
Common sentence errors consist of run-ons, fragments, misplaced modifiers,
faulty parallelism and faulty coordination.
In the first example (comma splice), a comma separates the ideas. In
the second example, there is no punctuation that separates the ideas. Either
example is incorrect. To correct the above run-ons, simply separate the ideas
into two sentences by adding a period at the end of the first idea.
Correct: The altercation occurred in front of the victim’s residence; the
suspect was allegedly drunk at that time.
2. Use of Semi-Colon
4. Use of a period
Two police officers were awarded yesterday. One of them was disabled.
This refers to modifiers or descriptive phrases that are not placed
beside or near the word (s) they are supposed to modify or describe resulting
in ambiguous or confusing sentences.
In the first example, adjectives are used Ii.e. model employee, ideal
wife) followed by another word (verb) loves. This violates the principle
parallelism because of the use of a different grammatical element. To correct
this error, the same grammatical element should be used (i.e. loving daughter)
as in the example.
Punctuation marks found at the end of a sentence can be a period, a
question mark, or an exclamation point. These marks determine the type of
sentence used. Period is used for declarative and imperative sentence,
question mark for interrogative, and exclamation point for a sentence that
expresses strong feeling.
Police Captain Noel Divino, Police Corporal Adel Coya, Police Staff
Sergeant Anita Tio, and Atty. Teody Nagallo participated in the two-day
symposia sponsored by the Department of Justice.
Use two commas when there are three items in a series. Use three commas
when there are four items in a series.
Examples: On April 18, 2011 at about 4:00 P.M., a woman who identified
herself as Kreesha Yu called up this office.
Example: The operatives seized from the suspects the following items: an
icepick, a pair of old rubber shoes, three packs of cigarettes and a lighter.
1. Before an announcement
Here is the latest news: The kidnappers are demanding a one-million peso
1. Quotation marks are used to quote the exact words of the speaker
or source.
The suspect immediately drew his service firearm and shouted, “Don’t you
dare disrespect me!”
3. They are used to enclose titles of stories, poems, songs, chapters,
articles and other parts of books or magazines.
Lyra, in her column, “Here’s the Point,” praised the members of the SOCO
team that handled the crime investigation.
Man’s statement Men’s room
Child’s eyes Children’s clothes
1. Add ‘s to a singular common noun ending in (If the next word begins
with s, add only an apostrophe)
The arrested persons were informed of their constitutional rights under the
Miranda Doctrine. Their statements were taken only in the presence of a
counsel of their choice.
Civilian Letter
There should always be a comma between the day and the year.
The first line shows the addressee’s name and designation; if any; the
second line, the name of the company or the unit the addressee belongs to;
the third and following lines, the address of the company. If not belonging to
any office, the addressee’s local or home address will do.
The Attention Line is strategically written at the center page just below
the inside address and above the salutation.
Extremely Sir:
formal (for
official Mesdames:
communicatio Dear Sir:
n) Still very Dear Sirs:
formal. Dear Mesdames:
Dear Mr. Dear Messrs.
Lee: Lee and Chua:
Formal but
Dear Mrs. Dear Mmes. Lee
Lee: and Chua:
addressed to a
company or to a
group consisting
entirely or men
or even men and
Senen: or
used in
Except for peers and loyalty, the virtually universal form is “Dear Sir:” or Dear
Sirs:”, or “Dear Madam:” or Dear Mesdames:”. The singular form is used for a
person or a particular member, e.g. the manager of a firm, etc.
“Sir:” without “Dear . . .” is usually reserved for honorific distinction in
addressing a person on rank, like a judge.
For titles, “Miss” for an unmarried woman, “Mrs.” for a married woman,
or “Mr.” can be used. “Mr.” and “Esquire” cannot be used together as they
mean the same thing.
In writing to a firm, “Messrs.” for men and “Mmes:” for women are
The title “Reverend” may properly refer to a minister, a priest, or a rector. The
full name of the person, or the title “Mr.” Or “Dr.” and the name follows in his
title as herein example:
But not:
The article “The” is used when the word “Reverend” is spelled
In the inside address, there should always be the first name of the
person even if prefixed by titles “Reverend”, “Principal”, “Superintendent”, or
6. BODY- The body is the message itself. In it, one of the problems that
may confront a correspondent is paragraphing. This, however, does not
pertain to the appearance of the message; but, rather, to its content. A
correspondent gets confused on how to end and how to begin another
The general rule for paragraphing is to have each separate idea or subject
occupy a separate paragraph. For instance, if one were to invite the
Secretary of National Defense as a Guest Speaker on a certain big occasion,
the former mentions the subject to be talked about, the time allotment, and the
anticipated acceptance of the letter. How many paragraphs would there be?
At least three.
7. SUBJECT LINE- The subject line, or the gist of the message, helps a
very busy businessman find out in a split second what the letter is all
about. As it is a part of the message, this line appears logical above it,
below the salutation. For example:
Formal to a Superior:
Yours respectfully,
Formal, business-like:
The tone in the complimentary close must match with that in the salutation.
“Dear Sir:” and “Lovingly yours,” or “Dear Ella:” and “Respectfully yours,” do
not complement each other.
Here are generally accepted forms of address with their salutations and
corresponding complimentary closes:
To a President of a University
Complimentary Close:
To a Dean of a College
Maritess A. Gao-ay
Security Manager
Among men in uniform, the authority line takes the place of a company
signature. The line is typed in all capital letters followed by a period, and is
positioned two roller spaces below the complimentary close, as in:
Initials of the writer and his typist or secretary appear at the left side of the
stationery, about two spaces below the writer’s identification. These initials
are aligned with the left margin of the letter, as in:
This notation refers to anything sent together with the basic communication.
In business, here are enclosure styles used:
1. Contract
2. Invoice
3. Memorandum Receipt
An exception to the rule occurs when a letter is sent from an office not
authorized to keep records, in which cased, both copies accompany the
original, one for the recipient and the other for the first office of record.
All of the materials above the first line of the body comprise the heading.
These are the office of the origin and address, file reference, identifying
initials, date, subject, channels through which the letter will pass, and
addressee to whom the letter is being sent.
DATE - This may refer either to the date of signature or the suspense date.
The date of signature is placed at the right of the page on the second line
below the letterhead and ends at the margin. The letterhead is placed after
the printed word, “DATE” when suspense date letterhead is used.
Both are expressed by day, month and year, in that order. The day
and year are numerals. The month may be spelled out or abbreviated. If the
month is abbreviated, the year may be shortened to the last two digits, as in 1
Jul 03.
The subject line should contain words not exceeding 10. It starts two
spaces below the file reference. The word “SUBJECT” is followed by the
punctuation colon. Title capitalization rules are used.
This means that capital letters for the first letter of the important words
should be reflected and small letters for the unimportant ones. When the
subject extends to two lines, the second is blocked under the first letter of the
first word in the subject.
It is written in block style and with open punctuation. In addition, the “THRU”
and “TO” data begin on the fourth line below the preceding item.
TO: Regional Director
When letters are routed to several addressees, the entire address of each will
be placed on a single line as much as possible. The copy for each addressee
will be identified by a check mark on the duplicate copy by his address.
When the same letter is intended for several addressees, the entire address
of each will be placed on a single line if possible. The copy for each
addressee will be indicated by a check mark.
The name will be used only when there exists a special reason for
calling the letter to the attention of the individual known to handle the type of
correspondence concerned, and when it is known that he will be at the place
NOTE: A Staff Officer may sign under the authority line only when authorized
to do so.
The signature contains the name of the officer (usually first name,
middle initial, and last name), signed in ink (black or blue-black, never blue or
any other color); the name being typed, stamped or printed in capital letters
identical with the written name, the officer’s rank or service and title or
2 Encls:
– Draft of amendment
The first office of record which receives a communication from an office
not of record or from an individual will withdraw one copy thereof for its
record. No other intermediate recipient of a communication will withdraw a
The outgoing letter and relevant papers will be arranged from top to
bottom and fastened with paper clips, as follows:
The file copy and relevant papers will be arranged from top to bottom,
as follows:
In writing and submitting police reports in the PNP, memorandum type
is required. It has the following basic parts such as letterhead, addressee
(sometimes with the use of attention line), sender, subject, date, the content,
and the signature. The letterhead is usually printed using the official
stationery of the PNP office or station concerned. In the absence of the
printed stationery, an encoded letterhead is enough including the official logo
of the PNP (usually positioned on the left side) and the logo of the office or
station concerned (usually placed at the right side) such as the one below:
The addressee is addressed to the chief or head of unit for office or an
installation by his title. If the memorandum is addressed to a higher authority,
the word “FOR” is used whereas when the memorandum is directed to the
subordinates, the word “TO” is written such as the one bellow:
To subordinates:
The sender is the one who sends the memorandum and usually uses
the word “FROM”. The designation or position of the sender is usually used to
identify where the originated such as the one below:
The subject is usually the title or topic of the event or report such
as the examples below:
The date may refer to the date of submission of the report or the date when
the report is signed such as the one below:
In the said TCDS Memorandum 08-41 dated August 16, 2012 and reiterated
in Memorandum dated April 1, 2014, the official font style to be used within
the PNP communications and correspondences is Arial and 12 as the font
This cover administrative instructions which are directory, advisory or
informative in nature, permanent in duration. They are applicable to/requiring
compliance by informing of most of all personnel in a particular directorate or
office only, not to those in the field. Delegation of authority, punching
timecards, appointing/assigning of personnel on duties, or amendments of
previous circulars will fall on this category.
These are primary regulations for the administration. Any Regulation should
be signed by the Chief of Bureau, himself. The chain of communication
emanates from a directorate to The Chief Directorial Staff, then to the Chief of
Bureau, and the Secretary, DILG.
The DILG Training Orders prescribe courses for individuals and/or training
units. Specifics include time, scope, and frequency of opening courses.
These are used to issue directives affecting the status of individuals such as
appointments, transfers, promotions, reductions, reliefs from duty, separation
and leave of absence. The Chief Directorial Staff signs the Special Orders.
These refer to official orders or instructions sent in the form of a letter to the
persons concerned. Assignments, details, designations, and other related
matters belong to this category.
Shortened as OPORD, the Operation Order carries with it the obligation of
immediate execution at a specified time or date.
Each PNP operating unit shall maintain an official police blotter where
all types of operational and undercover dispatches shall be recorded
containing the five “W’s” (who, what, where, when and why) and one “H”
(how) of an information.
A Police Blotter is a logbook that contains the daily registry of all crime
incident reports, official summaries of arrest, and other significant events
reported in a police station (PNP Police Operational Procedures 2013).
1. Who
2. What
3. Where
4. When
5. Why
6. How
7. Disposition of the Case
2019-001 8:10 AM At the stated date and time, an For referral to
alleged shooting incident
along Halsema Highway, Betag, investigation
La Trinidad, Benguet. Upon
of the information, the operatives
of this
office responded immediately to
crime scene. The victim was
identified as Romeo S. Tigasin,
years old, married, carpenter,
and a
resident of Puguis, La Trinidad,
The suspect left immediately
the commission of the crime
toward unknown direction. The
victim was brought at
Benguet General Hospital for
These questions include the complete and correct name of all who were
involved in the incident such as the victim/s, suspect/s, witness/es and
whosoever may be listed as present during the incident, or may not be
present, but have knowledge about the said incident. The wrong name results
in failure to locate a witness or apprehend a suspect. The spelling should be
correct including the middle name, exact home address/es whether residence
or hotel, telephone number, cellular phone number, and other contact details
1. What?
These questions are directed to the crime being committed. Police reports
sometime indicate the crime committed based on Revised Penal Code (RPC)
like Murder, Homicide, or Rape, among others. In initial reports such as Spot
Report, which does not require a thorough investigation yet, this is not
essential. A report of a “Shooting Incident” may be sufficient. It is the duty of
the Investigator-on-Case to determine what crime was committed. What is
more important is to present the detailed facts and circumstances of what
happened (PNP SOP No. 2012-001; Soriano, 2005).
1. What type of property was attacked, e.g. building, residence, car, etc?
2. What type of property was stolen, lost, or found? What items related to
the crime were found at the crime scene? An accurate description of all
such property should be entered in the report.
3. What felony/offense/infraction was committed, e.g. murder, homicide,
rape, physical injuries, robbery, theft, or violation of special laws such as
RA 7610, RA9262, etc.?
4. What type of evidence was found or recovered?
5. What was the crime committed?
6. What are the elements of the crime?
7. What actions were performed by the suspect/s before and after the
8. What actually happened?
9. What do the witness/es say and know?
10. What evidence was obtained?
11. What was done with the evidence?
12. What tools/weapons were used in the commission of the crime?
13. What did the officers take?
14. What further action should be taken?
15. What knowledge, skill, or strength was needed to commit the
16. What other agencies were or needed to be notified?
17. What type of transportation was used?
18. What was the motive or suspected motive of the crime?
19. What other crime/s could be associated with this one?
1. Where?
These questions are concerned with the geographical location of the crime
scene, property, or evidence. Describe in detail where the incident exactly
happened, e.g. “In the master’s bedroom of a two-storey brick brick house
located at 69 Rizal Street, Villa de Calamba Brgy. Halang Calamba City,
Laguna” (PNP SOP No. 2012-001; Soriano, 2005).
1. When?
These questions include the date and time when the
felony/offense/infraction was committed, property found, suspect
apprehended, etc. (Soriano, 2005).
1. Why?
These questions provide the object or desire which motivated the
commission of the crime. In crimes against persons, the usual object includes
revenge, ransom, and sexual pleasure, among others. In crimes against
property, he reason may be to acquire money and property (Soriano, 2005).
1. How?
These questions pertain to the manner in which the crime was committed.
The narrative on how the incident happened shall be indicated to show the
description of the chronology of events that led to the incident and all the
circumstances thereafter. The actions taken during the initial investigation at
the scene shall also be included. This shall include the weather, lighting,
sounds, activity in the vicinity of the incident and all other peculiar details that
come to the senses of the trained police responder. There is no limit to what
to include in the “How” portion of the narrative (PNP SOP No. 2012-001;
Soriano, 2005).
Each PNP operating unit and utilize the PNP Crime Incident Reporting
System (CIRS), an electronic reporting system that facilitates crime
documentation, modernizes data storage and provides quick and reliable
transmission of crime information from lower units and NOSUs of the PNP to
the National Headquarters at Camp Crame, Quezon City. This is also known
as electronic blotter or shall also maintained more popularly known as “e-
blotter” (PNP Police Operational Procedures 2013).
Before entry into the blotter book, the Duty Officer (DO) should first evaluate if
the report is a crime incident, arrest or event/activity, which is for records
purposes only. If the report is a crime incident, the DO shall first accomplish
the Incident Record Form (IRF) from which the entry in the blotter book and
IRS shall be extracted. All other reports shall be reported directly to the blotter
book (PNP SOP No. 2012-001 “Incident Recording System”).
The Chief of Police shall likewise ensure that crime data are gathered
from all sources, such as Barangay, NBI, PDEA, BFAR, DENR, DSWD, BOC,
BI, and other agencies with law enforcement functions in the locality.
1. Incident Reports
All crime incidents whether reported by the victims, witnesses or third parties
must be recorded in the police blotter, even under the following
1. When the offender is ill and is unlikely to recover or is too senile or too
mentally disturbed for proceedings to take place;
2. When the complainant or an essential witness is dead and the
proceedings cannot be pursued;
3. When the victim or an essential witness refuses, or is permanently
unable to stand as a witness; and
4. The victim or complainant or witness is a minor.
1. Reporting Jurisdiction
The police unit with the territorial jurisdiction where the crime was
committed shall have the primary responsibility to record and report the same.
If a continuing crime is committed in various areas of responsibilities, it should
be recorded and reported as a single crime by the unit taking cognizance of
the crime (PNP Police Operational Procedures 2013).