C Sharp
C Sharp
C Sharp
bitwise books
The Little Book Of C#
Copyright © 2019 by Huw Collingbourne
ISBN: 978-1-913132-06-4
written by
Huw Collingbourne
The right of Huw Collingbourne to be identified as the Author of the Work has been
asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 7
3 – TESTS AND OPERATORS ............................................................................................ 39
IF .............................................................................................................................................. 39
ELSE ......................................................................................................................................... 40
IF…ELSE IF ............................................................................................................................... 42
SWITCH ..................................................................................................................................... 43
OPERATORS .............................................................................................................................. 45
ASSIGNMENT OPERATOR .......................................................................................................... 45
ARITHMETIC OPERATORS ......................................................................................................... 45
THE STRING CONCATENATION OPERATOR .............................................................................. 46
COMPARISON OPERATORS ........................................................................................................ 47
LOGICAL OPERATORS ............................................................................................................... 49
! THE LOGICAL NOT OPERATOR............................................................................................... 50
WHEN TESTS ARE TOO COMPLEX ............................................................................................ 53
COMPOUND ASSIGNMENT OPERATORS .................................................................................... 55
INCREMENT ++ AND DECREMENT -- OPERATORS .................................................................... 56
PREFIX AND POSTFIX OPERATORS ............................................................................................ 57
4 – FUNCTIONS .................................................................................................................. 59
ARRAYS..................................................................................................................................... 83
LOOPS ...................................................................................................................................... 85
FOR LOOPS ............................................................................................................................... 85
FOREACH LOOPS ....................................................................................................................... 87
WHILE LOOPS ........................................................................................................................... 87
DO…WHILE LOOPS .................................................................................................................. 90
STRING AND CHAR .................................................................................................................... 91
STRING OPERATIONS ............................................................................................................... 92
STRINGBUILDER....................................................................................................................... 95
FORMAT STRINGS ..................................................................................................................... 97
STRING INTERPOLATION .......................................................................................................... 98
VERBATIM STRINGS .................................................................................................................. 99
DIALOGS AND MESSAGE BOXES............................................................................................. 100
SAMPLE PROGRAM: EDITOR ................................................................................................... 100
APPENDIX ......................................................................................................................... 147
The C# (pronounced ‘C-Sharp’) language uses a syntax that derives ultimately from the C
language. However, unlike C, the C# language is object oriented and it has many fea-
tures, such as string data types and built-in memory management (garbage collection),
which make many programing tasks simpler and less error-prone. In many respects it is
closer to Java than to C.
However, whereas Java is primarily intended to be a cross-platform language whose
programs can run just as well on Windows, Linux and macOS, C# was developed spe-
cifically for Windows development using the .NET framework. It is now also possible to
develop and run C# on other platforms. However, this book concentrates on C# pro-
gramming with .NET on Windows. The .NET ‘framework’ comprises a large library of
programming code and tools to assist in creating and running programs. In this book I
will explain both the syntax of the C# language itself and many of the core features of
Is C# Cross-platform?
In addition to being one of the most important and widely used lan-
guages for Windows development, C# can also be used to create web
applications, mobile applications for iOS and Android and applications
that run on macOS and Linux. C# is also used to program games using
the popular Unity games engine. These cross-platform capabilities re-
quire the use of various additional tools and code libraries, however
(see the Appendix) and won’t be discussed in detail in this book.
All the source code shown in this book is available for download. The source code Zip
archive contains code in the form of a single Visual Studio multi-project solution.
Download the code from the Bitwise Books web site at:
This book begins with a gentle introduction to C#. Then it quickly moves on to more
demanding topics: everything from C#’s object orientation to file-handling, exception-
handling and generic collections. I know that there is plenty of information online about
C# syntax and the .NET framework, and I haven’t filled the pages of this book with all
that readily-available information. Each of the books in Little Book series aims to give you
just the stuff you really need to get straight to the heart of the matter without all the fluff and
This book is suitable for both beginners and more experienced programmers switching
to C# from some other language such as C, Java, Ruby or Python. While C# can be
used on different programming platforms, its real ‘home’ is Windows and its most com-
plete development environment is Visual Studio. This book assumes, therefore, that you
will program C# using Visual Studio on Windows. If you are a Windows programmer
who needs a quick way to learn to program C#, this book is for you.
In The Little Book Of C#, any C# source code is written like this:
private void Greet(string aName) {
textBox1.AppendText("Hello, " + aName + "!");
This shows that the code can be found in the HelloWorld project in the folder of the
source code archive related to the current chapter. To follow along with the tutorial, you
can load the named project or solution into your copy of Visual Studio. See the section
on Using The Code Archive in this Introduction for more information.
Any output that you may expect to see on screen when a program is run is shown
like this:
Hello, Fred!
Explanatory notes (which generally provide some hints or give a more in-depth explana-
tion of some point mentioned in the text) are shown like this:
This is a Note
This is an explanatory note. You can skip it if you like – but if you do
so, you may miss something of interest…!
Huw Collingbourne has been a programmer for more than 30 years. He is an online
programming instructor with successful courses on C, C#, Java, Object Pascal, Ruby,
JavaScript and other topics. For a full list of available courses be sure to visit the Bitwise
Courses web site: http://bitwisecourses.com/
He is author of The Little Book Of C, The Little Book Of Pointers and The Little Book Of
Recursion from Bitwise Books and The Book Of Ruby from No Starch Press. He is a well-
known technology writer in the UK and has written numerous opinion and program-
ming columns for a number of computer magazines, such as Computer Shopper, PC
Pro, and PC Plus.
At various times Huw has been a magazine publisher, editor, and TV broadcaster.
He has an MA in English from the University of Cambridge and holds a 2nd dan black
belt in aikido, a martial art which he teaches in North Devon, UK.
Dr. Dermot Hogan is a software developer who has led major projects written in
Assembly Language, C , C# and a number of other programming languages. A specialist
in real time trading technologies, he has managed and developed global risk management
systems for several international banks and financial institutions. He is the lead developer
of the independent software company, SapphireSteel Software. He holds a Ph.D in
physics from the University of Cambridge. His current area of research is devoted to
robotic control and imaging systems.
1 – Getting Started
1 – Getting Started
In order to develop and run C# programs you will need a set of tools including a C#
compiler, the .NET framework and a C# programming editor or IDE (Integrated De-
velopment Environment). In this book I’ll assume that you will be using Microsoft’s
Visual Studio environment on Windows.
You may either use a commercial edition of Visual Studio or the free ‘Community’ edi-
tion. The Community edition has most of the same features as the commercial editions
including the code editor, visual designer and integrated debugger. Visual Studio can be
downloaded here: https://www.visualstudio.com/
1 – Getting Started
If you want to create a new project as soon as you start Visual Studio 2019…
Start Visual Studio.
In the Startup screen, select Create A New Project
If you don’t want to create a new project at this stage, you can click ‘Continue
without code’. You can start a new project later on as explained below.
To start a new project from within Visual Studio…
Select File, New, Project
From the Language dropdown list, select C#
From the Platform dropdown list, select Windows
From the Project Type dropdown list, select Desktop
From the project list select Windows Forms App
1 – Getting Started
Alternatively, you can find the Windows Forms project type more quickly by using the
search box on the Create New Project dialog and searching for Winforms.
In the Configure your new project dialog enter the following details:
In the Project Name field, enter a name for the project. I suggest: HelloWorld
Next to the Location field Click the Browse button to find a location (a
directory on disk) in which to save the project.
Accept the default Solution Name (which should be the same as the project
name) and Framework.
Click Create
If you are using a version of Visual Studio earlier than Visual Studio 2019, follow these
steps start a new C# project.
1 – Getting Started
In the Name field at the bottom of the dialog, enter a name for the project. I
suggest: HelloWorld
Click the Browse button to find a location (a directory on disk) in which to
save the project.
In the New Project dialog, verify that the Name and Location are correct then
click OK.
1 – Getting Started
Once you’ve created a new Windows Forms project, Visual Studio will show the project
files in the in the Solution Explorer panel.
You will now see a blank form in the centre of Visual Studio. This is where you will
design the user interface. Make sure the Toolbox (containing ready-to-use ‘controls’ such
as Button and Checkbox) is visible. Normally the Toolbox is shown at the left of the
screen. If you can’t see it, click the View menu then Toolbox.
In the Toolbox, make sure the Common Controls section is expanded (click the
‘arrow head’ icon to the left of the label if necessary). Now click Button. Hold
down the left mouse button to drag it onto the blank form. Release the mouse
button to drop a button onto the form. The form should now contain a button
labelled ‘button1’.
In a similar way, drag and drop a TextBox from the Toolbox onto the form.
1 – Getting Started
On the form, double-click the button1 Button. This will automatically create this
block of C# code:
Don’t worry what this all means for the time being. Just make sure your cursor is placed
between the two curly brackets and type in this code:
Make sure you type the code exactly as shown. In particular, make sure that the case of
the letters is correct.
C# is a ‘case-sensitive’ language. That means that it considers an
uppercase letter such as ‘T’ to be different from a lowercase letter such
as ‘t’. So if you entered TextBox1.Text you won’t be able to run the
program because the name of the TextBox control is textBox1 which
begins with a lowercase ‘t’, so C# will fail to find a control called
TextBox1 with an uppercase ‘T’.
1 – Getting Started
The code shown above tells C# to display the words "Hello world" as the text inside
textBox1. The complete code of this code block should now look like this:
private void button1_Click(object sender,EventArgs e)
textBox1.Text = "Hello world";
This code block is called a ‘function’ or ‘method’ and its name is button1_click. It will be
run when the button1 control is clicked. Let’s try it out …
Press CTRL+F5 to run the application (you can also run it by selecting the
Debug menu then, ‘Start Without Debugging’).
The form you designed will pop up in its own window.
Click button1.
“Hello World” should now appear as the text inside textBox1.
Click the close-button (the ‘X’ at the right of the caption bar) to close the
program and return to Visual Studio.
1 – Getting Started
The code works in the same way whichever formatting option you
prefer. Visual Studio makes it easy to change code formatting defaults
by setting numerous options (select the Tools menu, then Options. In the
Options dialog, go to Text Editor, then Formatting).
1 – Getting Started
Toolbox This contains components that can be dragged onto the form
(user interface) which you are designing.
Tabs Use the tabs to select a code file or the form designer which is
indicated with the label ‘[Design]’
Designer This is where you design a user interface. Select a component
and pick an event from the Events panel to start coding.
Solution Explorer A solution may contain more than one project. Right-click a
project node and select ‘Set as StartUp Project’ to activate it.
Error List Errors (serious), warnings (less serious) and other messages relat-
ing to the code in your project are shown here.
Properties Click the Properties icon to display and edit visual properties of
the selected component.
Events Click the Events icon to create and edit the code of ‘event-
handling’ functions for the selected component.
1 – Getting Started
Project Types
In Visual Studio, you are able to create a variety of different types of project using C#.
These include:
This provides support for creating applications across Windows 10 devices including
PCs, tablets and phones.
This provides support for configurable visual applications with styled components.
This is used to create ‘traditional’ Windows applications with common controls such as
buttons and text boxes.
Console Application
This is a ‘non-visual’ application that is intended to be run from the system prompt.
In addition to the project types described above, Visual Studio also provides options to
create more specialized sorts of project such as ‘class libraries’ and components. In this
book, however, we shall usually be creating Windows Forms (WinForms) applications.
Windows Forms applications are much easier to create (by dragging and dropping
components onto a ‘form’) than either WPF or UWP applications. Moreover, Windows
Forms applications are supported by all versions of Visual Studio and Windows. UWP
applications require Windows 10.
Don’t be concerned about all the alternative project types that are available. The
C# language – its syntax and behavior – works in the same way no matter what sort of
application you are developing. This book aims to explain the C# language. You can apply
the knowledge you learn to other types of C# development later on if you need to do so.
1 – Getting Started
As I mentioned earlier, a Visual Studio solution may contain more than one project. You
can think of a solution as being a convenient way to group together related projects so
that you don’t have to keep loading projects one by one each time you need them. The
file that contains a solution ends with the extension ‘.sln’. The file that contains a project
ends with the extension ‘.csproj’.
When a solution contains multiple projects, these are shown as ‘nodes’ in the Solution
Explorer. Projects may also be grouped beneath ‘folders’. Before compiling or running a
specific project you need to set it as the startup project. You can do that by right-clicking
the project node and selecting ‘Set as StartUp Project’ from the menu. Here I have
loaded the LearnCSharp solution. I have selected the Operators project in the step03 folder
and I am setting it as the startup project.
1 – Getting Started
You may either load the projects from the code archive one by one (by selecting either
the solution or project files from the subdirectories containing each project) or, as I
recommend, you may load a solution that groups together all the sample projects.
This solution is called LearnCSharp.sln and it is found in the ‘top-level’ directory –
that is the directory containing the subdirectories for each chapter in the book (\Step02,
\Step03 and so on). Remember that if you load the LearnCSharp solution you must be
sure to set a startup project, as explained previously, before compiling and running a
Solution Folders
The LearnCSharp solution contains ‘folders’ of projects relating to each step of this
course. The folders are shown as icons labeled step01, step02 and so on. These ‘solution
folders’ do not necessarily have the same structure as the folders (directories) on your
disk. However, in the LearnCSharp solution I have arranged the solution folders to match
the disk folders. When you are working on a specific step of the course just double-click
a solution folder to show the projects it contains.
Compiling Projects
Before you can run a C# program you need to compile it. The C# compiler is a tool that
translates the code you write into ‘intermediate code’ to provide instructions that can be
executed by the C# ‘runtime’ system. The intermediate code is called CIL (Common
Intermediate Language).
When your program runs, this CIL code is executed by a ‘runtime environment’
called the CLR (Common Language Runtime). That is why you must always ‘build’ or
‘compile’ your programs before they are run. Compiling is very easy in Visual Studio.
Once a project has been set as the Startup project, you can simply select Start without
Debugging from the Debug menu. This compiles and runs the current project. If there are
any errors you will be notified and you will need to fix them before re-compiling. You
can also compile all projects in a solution by selecting Build Solution from the Build menu.
2 – Features of the C# Language
When your programs do calculations or display some text, they use data. The data items
each have a data type. For example, to do calculations you may use integer numbers such
as 10 (of the int type) or floating point numbers such as 10.5 (of the double type).
In C#, int is a ‘type name’ for integers. There are some other integer types too, capable
of storing different ranges of values, but int is fine for our purposes. There are also
several types that could be used to store floating point numbers such as float or double.
In my programs, I will normally use double which is able to store much bigger (‘double-
precision’, 64-bit) values than float (which is a ‘single-precision’, 32-bit value).
In a C# program you can assign values to named variables. Each variable must be
declared with the appropriate data type. This is how to declare an integer variable called
myint with the int data type and a floating point variable named mydouble with the double
data-type (be sure to put the semicolon ; at the end of the declaration):
int myint;
double mydouble;
I can now assign integer and floating point values to these variables:
myint = 100;
mydouble = 100.75;
I must make sure that I only assign the correct type of data to each variable. This would
be an error (my program would not compile):
2 – Features of the C# Language
myint = 100.75;
Alternatively, a value can be assigned at the same time that the variable is declared:
While there are many data types in C#, you will need to know these four from the
outset. We will be using them frequently in the sample programs in this book:
You can see some example of variable declarations and assignments in the DataTypes
sample project, which is included in the source code archive. This also shows how to use
constants such as TAXRATE and how to calculate values such as 100.75 * TAXRATE and
assign the result to a variable. If you are new to programming, don’t expect to
understand this right away. Everything will be explained soon:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
// These are constant values that can't be changed
const string WARNING_MSG = "Warning! Do not change! ";
const double TAXRATE = 0.2;
// These are variables - they can be changed
string mystring = "Hello world";
char mychar = '!';
int myint = 100;
int someotherint;
double mydouble = 100.75 * TAXRATE;
string msg = "Goodbye";
msg = WARNING_MSG + mystring + mychar + "\r\n";
myint = 200;
someotherint = myint * 2;
textBox1.Text = msg;
textBox1.AppendText("You owe: " + mydouble + " groats!");
2 – Features of the C# Language
Newline characters are non–printing characters that insert a ‘line-break’
into text. In some cases, it may be sufficient to use a single newline
character '\n'. With some controls such as a multiline text box, you
need to use a pair of characters – a carriage return '\r' followed by a
newline '\n'. NET also defines Environment.NewLine which is a special
identifier that can be used to insert newlines and which will ensure
compatibility across different operating systems. So, for example, I
could have written this:
The value of a variable can be changed. So, for example, let’s suppose you want to write
a tax calculator that allows the user to enter a subtotal and then calculates both the tax
and also the grand total (that is, the subtotal plus the tax). This event-handler function
does that:
private void calcBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
double subtotal = 0.0;
double tax = 0.0;
double grandtotal = 0.0;
subtotal = 12.5;
tax = 2.5;
grandtotal = 15.0;
subtotalTB.Text = subtotal.ToString();
taxTB.Text = tax.ToString();
grandTotalTB.Text = grandtotal.ToString();
2 – Features of the C# Language
Event-Handler Functions
Here calcBtn_Click is the name of the ‘event-handling’ function that
contains the code that will run when a button named calcBtn is clicked.
You can create an ‘empty’ event-handler function by selecting the
calcBtn button on the form displayed in the Visual Studio designer.
Then either double-click that button to create an event-handler for its
default event (which happens to be the Click event), or select and
double-click the Click event by name in the Events panel (see Chapter
1). Once the empty calcBtn_Click event-handler function has been
created, you can add the code that you want to run when the button is
clicked – which is what I’ve done here.
Here I declare three double variables named subtotal, tax and grandtotal.
I have initially assigned the value 0.0 to each variable. But the whole point of a variable is
that its value may vary – that is, once it has been given one value, it may be given a different
value later on. My code assigns new values like this:
subtotal = 12.5;
tax = 2.5;
grandtotal = 15.0;
This simple tax calculator is limited to displaying the same values each time it’s run
which is, of course, not very useful. At the end of this chapter, we’ll see how to create a
tax calculator that calculates tax based on values entered by the user.
Sometimes you may want to make sure that a value cannot be changed. For example, if
the tax rate is 20% you might declare a variable like this:
2 – Features of the C# Language
But now someone might accidentally set a different tax rate (this is not a problem in a
very small program – but this sort of error can easily crop up in a real-world program
that may contains tens or hundreds of thousands of lines of C# code). For example, it
would be permissible to assign a new value of 30% like this:
TAXRATE = 0.3;
If you want to make sure that this cannot be done, you need to make TAXRATE a constant
rather than a variable. A constant is an identifier whose value can only be assigned once.
In C#, I can create a constant by placing the const keyword before the declaration as I
have done in the TaxCalc project:
If I try to assign a new value to this constant, I won’t be able to compile my program.
An error message will be shown and I will need to fix my code either by deleting the
reassignment or by changing TAXRATE from a constant (by deleting the const keyword) to
a variable.
Code can be documented using comments – lines of text which are ignored by the
compiler. Multi-line comments may be placed between /* and */ delimiters, like this:
This function calculates
tax at a rate of 20%
In addition to multi-line comments, you may also add ‘line comments’ that begin with
two slash characters // and extend to the end of the current line. Line comments may
either comment out a full line or the ‘trailing’ part of a line which includes code before
the // characters. This is an examples of a full-line comment:
2 – Features of the C# Language
To comment out code that includes line comments, use the multi-line comment
delimiters, /* and */:
// calculate and display tax and grandtotal based on subtotal
const double TAXRATE = 0.2; // a single-line comment
To uncomment a multi-line comment block delimited by /* and */ you can put single-
line comment characters // before each of the block-comment delimiters:
// /*
// calculate and display tax and grandtotal based on subtotal
const double TAXRATE = 0.2; // this code is now un-commented!
// */
C# defines a number of keywords that mean specific things to the language. You cannot
use these keywords as the names of variables, constants or functions. Keywords include
words such as if, else, for, while and the names of data types such as char, double, int
and string. You can find a list of C# keywords the Appendix.
In C#, single statements are usually terminated with a semicolon ; character. A state-
ment is a small piece of code such as an assignment or a function-call. Here, for exam-
ple, are four statements, each terminated with a semicolon:
someName = "Fred";
2 – Features of the C# Language
When you need several statements to execute one after another – for example, when
some test evaluates to true (here I test if the num variable has a value of 100), you may
enclose the statements between a pair of curly brackets, like this:
if(num == 100) {
someName = "Fred";
Boolean values
In C# true and false (or ‘Boolean’) values are represented by the bool data type. When
you perform a test in C#, it returns a bool which may either have the value true or false.
Typically you won’t explicitly initialize bool variables when performing tests, but you
could if you wished to. For example, I could create a bool variable, tf, and assign it the
value returned by the test (x > 1) which tests if the variable x has a value greater than 1:
bool tf;
int x = 10;
tf = (x > 1);
textBox1.Text = tf.ToString();
The final line of code here returns the string representation of the tf variable and shows
this in a text box. Since x is greater than 1, this is what is displayed:
Typically you will divide your code into small named blocks or ‘functions’. The names of
functions must be followed by a pair of parentheses like this:
2 – Features of the C# Language
The start and end of a function is indicated with a pair of curly brackets and the code of
the function is placed between those brackets, like this:
If you want to be able to pass some kind of data to a function, you can add one or more
‘parameters’ between the parentheses. A function may return a value to the code that
called the function after the keyword return. If (like the sayHello() function) it doesn’t
return a value the function name should be preceded with the keyword void. Here I have
a function called addNumbers() which declares two int (integer) parameters called num1
and num2. It returns a string that includes the sum of num1 plus num2:
The one thing I haven’t explained yet is the private keyword placed
before the functions shown in this chapter. The private keyword is
called an ‘access modifier’ and it affects the ‘visibility’ of the function –
that is, which other bits of code can ‘see’ and therefore get access to that
function. For now, just accept that most of our functions will be
private. I will explain functions, (or ‘methods’, to use the object-
oriented terminology), in more detail in Chapter 4. Access modifiers are
explained in Chapter 5.
At the top of a code file such as Form1.cs in the DataTypes project you will see these lines
beginning with the keyword using:
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
2 – Features of the C# Language
The using directive gives the code in Form1.cs access to classes and types inside another
code module or ‘namespace’. When you create an application, Visual Studio adds the
using statements you will need, at least initially.
Classes are the building blocks of object oriented programming. A class
is like a blueprint for an object. For example, we could have a Dog class
which defines all the features and behaviour of a dog. From that Dog
class we could create individual dog objects called Fido, Bonzo and
Cujo each of which shares the features (fur, tail, paws, etc.) and
behaviour (eating and woofing) defined by the Dog class. We’ll look at
classes in detail in Chapter 5 which is all about Object Orientation.
using System;
When a namespace is used in this way, any classes inside it are accessible to the code in
the current document. Look at this example:
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
namespace Namespaces {
public partial class Form1 : Form {
public Form1() {
2 – Features of the C# Language
The System namespace contains a String class that has a Format() function. Since my
code uses the System namespace, I can use String.Format() like this:
If you regularly need to use classes in a namespace, you should add that namespace to
the using section. If you don’t add the namespace, you may still be able to use a class it
contains. But you will need to add the namespace (here, System) and a dot before the
class name (here, String) in your code, like this:
In most of the simple programs described in the first few chapters of the book, the
statements will be automatically added for you by Visual Studio.
A namespace precisely defines the ‘scope’ or ‘visibility’ of the code it contains. Some
namespaces are nested inside other namespaces. For example, the IO namespace, which
provides lots of useful code for dealing with disk files and directories, is nested inside the
System namespace. One of the classes in the IO namespace is called Directory.
The Directory class provides various useful functions including one called
GetCurrentDirectory(). Assuming I am using the System namespace, this is how I could
use that function:
If I need to use classes from the IO namespace frequently, I can simplify my code by
adding this nested namespace to the using section like this:
using System.IO;
When I do that, I can use the Directory class without needing to qualify it by placing the
System.IO in front of it, like this:
2 – Features of the C# Language
Type Conversion
Many classes and structures (structs) in the .NET framework include built-in conversion
routines. For example, number structures such as the floating-point Double and the
integer Int16 include a function called Parse() which can convert a string into a number.
A struct is a data structure that encloses one or more ‘fields’
containing data items. For example, a struct might contain an employee
record with fields to store each employee’s first name, last name and
salary. In some programming languages, structs are called ‘records’.
In this example, I convert the string "15.8" to the double 15.8 and assign the result to the
variable, d:
double d = Double.Parse("15.8");
This next example converts the string "15" to the Int16 (16 bit integer) value, 15, and
assigns the result to the variable, i:
Int16 i = Int16.Parse("15");
But beware. If the string cannot be converted, an error occurs! This will cause an error:
Int16 i = Int16.Parse("hello");
Numeric types can be converted to Strings using the ToString() function placed after the
variable name followed by a dot. Assuming that the double variable, grandtotal, has the
value 16.5, the following code will convert it to a string, "16.5", and that string will be
displayed as the Text item of the TextBox named grandtotalTB:
grandTotalTB.Text = grandtotal.ToString();
2 – Features of the C# Language
Note that .NET also has a class called Convert which can be used to convert between a
broad range of different data types. For example, this converts, the Text (a string) in the
subtotalTB TextBox to a double:
This next example converts the value of the subtotal variable (a double) to a string and
displays it in the TextBox, subtotalTB:
subtotalTB.Text = Convert.ToString(subtotal);
Type Casting
I’ve decided that I want my tax calculator to display an integer version of the grand total
in the title bar of the window. In order to ‘round’ a double value (dropping the floating
point part) to an integer, I can ‘cast’ the double to an integer.
A cast is an instruction to the compiler to let you treat one data type as
another type. The types must be compatible (for example, you can cast
a floating point number to an integer number but you cannot cast a
number to a string).
To cast one data type to another, you need to precede the variable name with the name
of the target data type between parentheses. Here is how I would cast the double
variable, grandtotal to an integer (int) and assign the resulting value to the int variable,
roundedTotal = (int)grandtotal;
2 – Features of the C# Language
In general, converting data using a casts is less ‘safe’ than converting data using a func-
tion that has been specifically designed to do the conversion. That is because a function
can try to deal with potential problems and return information if an error occurs. In the
present case, therefore, instead of casting grandtotal to int I will once again use a func-
tion of the Convert class:
roundedTotal = Convert.ToInt32(grandtotal);
I convert this back to a string in order to display it in the title bar of the current program:
this.Text = roundedTotal.ToString();
The this keyword refers to the current object. Here the current object is
the form (that is, the main window) of my tax calculator program, so
this.Text sets the text shown in the title bar of the window.
Here is a complete version of the function that computes and displays the values when
the button is clicked:
private void calcBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
const double TAXRATE = 0.2;
double subtotal = Double.Parse(subtotalTB.Text);
double tax = subtotal * TAXRATE;
double grandtotal = subtotal + tax;
int roundedTotal;
subtotalTB.Text = subtotal.ToString();
taxTB.Text = tax.ToString();
grandTotalTB.Text = grandtotal.ToString();
roundedTotal = (int)grandtotal;
this.Text = roundedTotal.ToString();
2 – Features of the C# Language
Notice that I have assigned values to the variables as I declare them. In some cases, the
assigned value is the result of executing some code to do a calculation like this:
Declaring and initializing variables all in one go like this has the benefit of making your
code concise and also ensures that you never have any variables with unknown or un-
predictable values. As an alternative, I could declare the variables first, like this:
double tax;
double grandtotal;
Then, later on, I can calculate and assign their values like this:
In long and complex programs, it may be clearer if variables are declared all in one place,
at the start of a function, and values are then assigned later on in that function.
Programming Style
Different programmers have differing views on what is ‘good’ or ‘bad’
programming style. There are no hard and fast rules. However, you
should generally try to be clear and consistent. At the very least, I
would strongly encourage you to declare all variables in one place,
prior to using them. C# allows you to declare variables in the middle of
executable code as I declare the variable grandtotal here:
subtotal = Double.Parse(subtotalTB.Text);
tax = subtotal * TAXRATE;
double grandtotal = subtotal + tax;
taxTB.Text = tax.ToString();
2 – Features of the C# Language
Uninitialized Variables
Using uninitialized variables in C# is not allowed. This code, for example, won’t compile
(because the tax variable is not initialized with a value):
double tax;
double grandtotal = 0.0;
subtotal = Double.Parse(subtotalTB.Text);
grandtotal = subtotal + tax; // ERROR: tax not initialized
subtotal = Double.Parse(subtotalTB.Text);
tax = subtotal * TAXRATE;
grandtotal = subtotal + tax;
roundedTotal = Convert.ToInt32(grandtotal);
C# lets you declare and initialize local variables without specifying a type. You must do
this using the var keyword instead of a defined type, such as int or double, like this:
var num = 100;
var num2 = 200.5;
var str = "Hello world";
C# infers the actual type from the data that is assigned to each variable. So if you assign
a string, the variable will be given the string datatype. If you assign a double value it will
be given the double data type and so on. If you are used to a language such as Ruby or
Python where it is normal for variables to infer a datatype, this may seem like an attrac-
tive option in C#.
Be aware, though, that unlike Ruby or Python, once some data has been assigned to
a variable, C# does not allow the type of a variable to be changed. For instance, if a var
(implicitly typed) variable has been assigned a string value, that variable’s data type be-
comes fixed as a string and it cannot subsequently be assigned any other type. This is not
2 – Features of the C# Language
Type inference in C# has no real benefit for many programming tasks. Type inference
may, however, be useful for certain specialist types of data querying or looping opera-
tions which may be capable of returning more than one type.
Here is a very simple example of a foreach loop that iterates over an array (a se-
quential list - I will have much more to say about arrays in Chapter 6) containing a
string, an int and a double. The loop defines the thing variable using the var keyword.
At each turn through the loop, the thing variable infers the type of an array element:
This is the complete code that runs when button1 is clicked in the InferredTypes project:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
var num = 100;
var num2 = 200.5;
var str = "Hello world";
object[] somethings = { str, num, num2 };
// str = 2; // Not allowed!
textBox1.Text = str + " is a: " + str.GetType() + "\r\n";
textBox1.AppendText(num + " is a: " + num.GetType() + "\r\n");
textBox1.AppendText(num2 + " is a: " + num2.GetType() + "\r\n");
textBox1.AppendText("--Loop through the array--\n");
foreach (var thing in somethings) {
textBox1.AppendText(thing + " is a: " + thing.GetType() + "\r\n");
3 – Tests and Operators
Most computer programs have to make decisions to take different actions according to
whether some condition is or is not true. C# can perform tests using the if statement.
An if statement is used to evaluate a test. The test itself is placed between parentheses
and it should be capable of evaluating to true or false. If true, the statement, or block of
statements, following the test is run. A single-expression statement is terminated by a
semicolon. A multi-line block of statements must be enclosed within curly brackets.
double someMoney;
someMoney = Double.Parse(textBox1.Text);
if (someMoney > 100.0) {
MessageBox.Show("You have lots of money!");
The line of code enclosed between a pair of curly brackets is what I want to run:
(MessageBox.Show("You have lots of money!");
But I only want the code to run, and display the string "You have lots of money!" if the
value of the someMoney variable is greater than 100.0. This piece of code does this test:
3 – Tests and Operators
Only if the test evaluates to true (that is if the value of someMoney is greater than 100.0) is
the code within curly brackets run so that the message is displayed.
Test operators
You may use other operators to perform other tests. Here I use the
‘greater than’ operator (>) in a test:
If I wanted to test if the variable was less than 100.0 I would use the
‘less than’ operator (<). The test would then be written as:
Optionally, an else section may follow the if section and this will run if the test
evaluates to false. In this example, if the value of someMoney is greater than 100.0 the
message "You have lots of money!" is shown. If it is 100.0 or less, the message, "You
need more money..." is shown:
if (someMoney > 100.00) {
MessageBox.Show("You have lots of money!");
} else {
MessageBox.Show("You need more money...");
When only one statement needs to be run after a test, you may optionally omit the en-
closing curly brackets. So the code above could be rewritten like this:
But be careful. If you omit the curly brackets around a set of statements, only the first
statement is associated with the test condition.
3 – Tests and Operators
For example, let’s assume you want to test if x is greater than 10. If the test succeeds you
want to display the message "Great news!", then assign 100 to x and display the message
"You’ve won $100". If the test fails, you want to do nothing. The code shown below
works as expected because when x is 10 or less all the statements between curly brackets
are skipped:
if (x > 10) {
MessageBox.Show("Great news!");
x = 100;
MessageBox.Show("You've won $" + x);
if (x > 10)
MessageBox.Show("Great news!");
x = 100;
MessageBox.Show("You've won $" + x);
That’s because only one statement – the first line of code that follows the test – is
skipped if the test fails. The other two lines are not associated with the test and they will,
therefore, run both if the test succeeds and if it fails. That means that in all cases x is set
to 100 and the message "You’ve won $100" is shown.
Unbracketed Code
If you don’t place curly brackets around the code you want to execute
after a test, only the first line of code following the test will be executed.
For reasons of clarity and consistency, I generally prefer to use curly
brackets to enclose blocks of code to be executed following a test even if
those blocks only contain a single statement. Here, for example, it is
absolutely clear that only one line of code is associated with the test
condition (x > 10):
if (x > 10){
MessageBox.Show("Great news!");
x = 100;
MessageBox.Show("You've won $" + x);
3 – Tests and Operators
if…else if
You may also ‘chain together’ multiple if…else if sections so that when one test fails the
next condition following else if will be tested. Here is an example:
if (userinput.Text == "") {
output.Text = "You didn't enter anything";
} else if ((userinput.Text == "hello") || (userinput.Text == "hi")) {
output.Text = "Hello to you too!";
} else {
output.Text = "I don't understand that!";
Parentheses or no Parentheses?
Experienced programmers may object that I sometimes use parentheses
where they are not needed. For example, look at this test :
As we shall see, however, with more complex tests, when multiple test
conditions are ‘chained together’, it is quite easy to make a mistake in
the logic of a test. You can avoid many mistakes by always putting each
‘sub test’ such as (userinput.Text == "hello") inside parentheses.
This isn’t always necessary but it does no harm and it can save you
from making silly mistakes accidentally.
The code shown above tests if the text box named userinput is empty (that is, if it con-
tains an empty string ""). If that test succeeds the message "You didn't enter anything"
is displayed.
If, however, it fails because there is some text in the text box, the next test after
else if is made. This uses the ‘or’ operator || to test if the text in userinput is either
"hello" or "hi". If this test succeeds, "Hello to you too!" is displayed. But if that test too
3 – Tests and Operators
fails then the code following the final else is run and, in this case, the string "I don’t
understand that!" is displayed.
If you need to perform many tests, it is often quicker to write them as ‘switch
statements’ instead of multiple if...else if tests. Here’s an example:
switch(userinput.Text) {
case "":
output.Text = "You didn't enter anything";
case "hello":
case "hi":
output.Text = "Hello to you too!";
output.Text = "I don't understand that!";
In C# a switch statement begins with the keyword switch followed by a ‘match expres-
sion’ between parentheses. The match expression is some value to be tested. It can be
any non-null value such as a string, a character or a number. Here I want to use the Text
(a string) of the userinput text box:
switch (userinput.Text)
I can now test this against values in a number of ‘switch sections’ or ‘case statements’.
Each switch section begins with the case keyword then a value of the same data type as
the match expression. Here the match expression is a string and my switch sections
specify various strings – such as an empty string, or a specific string such as "hello".
The value in each switch section is compared with the match expression and, if a
match is made, the code following the case keyword, the test value (such as the string
"hi") and a colon is run:
case "hi":
output.Text = "Hello to you too!";
3 – Tests and Operators
When you want to exit the switch block you need to use the keyword break. If a case
test is not followed by break, the code of all subsequent case tests will be executed one
after the other until break is encountered. You may specify a default which will execute
if no match is made by any of the case tests.
The entire switch block, including all of its switch (the case and default) statements
is enclosed by a pair of curly brackets, with the opening bracket immediately following
the match expression:
switch(userinput.Text) {
// case and default sections go here
In the example code in the Tests project, if userinput.Text is an empty string (""), it
matches the first case test and "You didn't enter anything" will be displayed. Then the
keyword break is encountered so no more tests are done:
case "":
output.Text = "You didn't enter anything";
If userinput.Text is either "hello" or "hi", then "Hello to you too!" is displayed. This
matches "hello" because there is no break after that test and execution ‘trickles down’
until it is stopped by the first break :
case "hello":
case "hi":
output.Text = "Hello to you too!";
If userinput.Text is anything else, the code in the default section is run, so "I don't
understand that!" is displayed:
output.Text = "I don't understand that!";
3 – Tests and Operators
Operators are special symbols that are used to do specific operations such as the add-
ition and subtraction of numbers or the concatenation (adding together) of strings.
Assignment Operator
One of the most important operators is the assignment operator, =, which assigns the
value on its right to a variable on its left. Note that the type of data assigned must be
compatible with the type of the variable. This assigns an integer value (10) to an int
variable, myintvariable:
Arithmetic Operators
I’ve already used some arithmetic operators in previous programs – for example, in the
tax calculator (Chapter 2) I calculated values by adding and subtracting numbers using
the addition + and subtraction – operators. The other operators you need to know are
the division / and multiplication * operators which divide and multiply one value by the
other and the remainder (or ‘modulus’) operator % which calculates the remainder after a
division. Here are some examples of these operators:
100 + 7
100 - 7
100 / 7
100 % 7
Here you can see how I have used these operators in program code:
textBox1.AppendText("100 + 7=" + (100 + 7) + "\r\n");
textBox1.AppendText("100 - 7=" + (100 - 7) + "\r\n");
textBox1.AppendText("100 * 7=" + (100 * 7) + "\r\n");
textBox1.AppendText("100 / 7=" + (100 / 7) + "\r\n");
textBox1.AppendText("100 % 7=" + (100 % 7) + "\r\n");
3 – Tests and Operators
100 + 7=107
100 - 7=93
100 * 7=700
100 / 7=14
100 % 7=2
Bear in mind that the + operator is used not only to add numbers but also to concatenate
strings. C# works out whether the + operator adds or concatenates based on the context.
If + is placed between two strings, then it is obviously a concatenation operator. If
it’s between two numbers, then it’s an addition operator. But what about if it’s between a
string and a number as in this code?
In this case, C# assumes you want to concatenate the string representation of the num-
ber to the string before the + operator. It therefore automatically converts the number
100 to the string "100" before adding it onto the end of the string "Result =". So the
output from the above code would be the string:
"Result = 100"
You might assume that here the integer 155 will be added to 3 and the result, 158, will be
converted to the string "158" and that this string will then be concatenated onto the
string "155 + 3=". In fact, that’s not what happens.
What actually happens is that 155 is converted to a string, "155", 3 is converted to a
string "3" and those two strings are then concatenated onto the preceding string, so that
this is the output:
155 + 3=1553
3 – Tests and Operators
If you want the + between the two integers to be treated as an arithmetic operator, you
should put the complete arithmetic expression inside parentheses like this:
textBox1.AppendText("155+3=" + (155 + 3) + "\r\n");
This ensures that the addition operation is evaluated as a single unit and the result, 158,
will then be converted to a string and concatenated onto the preceding string. Now, this
is what will be displayed when the string is appended to the text box:
155 + 3=158
This is one more example of how the addition of a simple pair of parentheses can ensure
that your code does what you intend it to do!
Comparison Operators
These are the most common comparison operators that you will use in tests:
== // equals
!= // not equals
> // greater than
< // less than
<= // less than or equal to
>= // greater than or equal to
These operators are placed between two values, inside parentheses, to test one value
against the other. For example, this is how I would test if value1 is less than value2. If it is,
then any code between { and } would be executed:
3 – Tests and Operators
The code shown below tests if the value of i is less than or equal to the value of j. If it is,
then the test evaluates to true and "Test is true" is displayed. Otherwise the test evalu-
ates to false and "Test is false" is displayed:
int i = 100;
int j = 200;
if(i <= j) {
output.Text = "Test is true";
} else {
output.Text = "Test is false";
Since, in this case, i (100) is less than or equal to j (200), this is displayed:
Test is true
You can change the test shown above by substituting different comparison operators.
For example, this test returns true if the value of i is equal to the value of j:
if(i == j)
And this test returns true if the value of i is not equal to the value of j:
if(i != j)
= or == ?
While one equals sign = is used to assign a value, two equals signs, ==,
are used to test a condition.
x = 1; // assignment
3 – Tests and Operators
Logical Operators
In some of the code examples in this chapter, I have used the && operator to mean ‘and’
and the || operator to mean ‘or’. You’ll find this example in the Tests project:
if((msglen == 0) && (namelen == 0)) {
output.Text = "You haven't entered anything!";
} else if((msglen == 0) || (namelen == 0)) {
output.Text = "You must enter something into both text boxes";
} else if((msg != "hi") && (msg != "hello")) {
output.Text = "Please enter a friendly greeting ('hi' or 'hello')";
} else {
output.Text = "Well, " + msg + " to you too, " + name;
The && and || operators are called ‘logical operators’. Logical operators can help you
chain together conditions when you want to take some action only when all of a set of
conditions are true or when any one of a set of conditions is true. For example, you might
want to offer a discount to customers only when they have bought goods worth more
than 100 dollars and they have also bought the deal of the day. In code these conditions
could be evaluated using the logical and (&&) operator, like this:
But if you are feeling more generous, you might want to offer a discount either if a
customer has bought goods worth more than 100 dollars or has bought the deal of the
day. In code these conditions can be evaluated using the logical or (||) operator, like this:
3 – Tests and Operators
Short-circuit Operators
One aspect of the logical operators && and || that is not obvious at first
sight is that they are ‘short-circuit’ or ‘minimal evaluation’ operators.
This means that the first part of the expression is enough to determine
whether the action should be performed. So look at this example:
int x = 1, y = 2;
if ((x == 1) && (y == 2)) { ... }
Again, no problem: str is not null and all is well. Finally, look at this:
In this case, an exception will be thrown because str is null and trying
to get the length of a null string pointer is not allowed.
Just as the test for equality can be negated using the not-equals operator != instead of the
equals operator ==, so too other tests can be negated by preceding the test with a single
exclamation mark ! which is called the ‘logical not operator’. So if age is less than or
equal to 30 and salary is greater than or equal to 30000.00, this test succeeds:
3 – Tests and Operators
You will find some examples of using these operators in the LogicalOperators sample pro-
gram (shown on the next page). Notice that, once again, when a test involves multiple
test conditions, I place each test condition between a pair of parentheses. As I men-
tioned earlier, this is not always strictly necessary and experienced programmers (assum-
ing they know all the rules of operator precedence) may prefer to use fewer parentheses.
However, parentheses often help to resolve any possible ambiguities in your code. When
run, the LogicalOperators program produces this output:
Operator precedence
If you don’t put test conditions between parentheses, C# will evaluate
the elements of a test in a predefined order, so some operators will
always cause expressions to be evaluated before other operators. The
default order of evaluation is described as ‘operator precedence’. This is
explained in more detail in the Microsoft document:
3 – Tests and Operators
int age;
int number_of_children;
double salary;
double bonus;
age = 25;
number_of_children = 1;
salary = 20000.00;
bonus = 500.00;
if ((age <= 30) && (salary >= 30000.00) && (number_of_children != 0)) {
textBox1.AppendText("You are a rich young parent\r\n");
} else {
textBox1.AppendText("You are not a rich young parent\r\n");
Try changing some of the operators to understand how they work. For example, I could
change the && to || in the last if test like this:
The output now shows that the test succeeds when previously it failed:
That’s because the test no longer requires that all conditions are met – only that either the
first conditions or the last two conditions are met.
3 – Tests and Operators
Keep it simple!
As a rule, try not to have too many conditions linked with && and || as
the more complex the conditions become the more likely you are to
make a mistake of logic that could result in hard-to-find program bugs.
Let me give you an example a confusing test condition. Take a look at this code:
age = 25;
number_of_children = 1;
salary = 20000.00;
bonus = 500.00;
if (age > 20 && salary > 10000.00 || number_of_children == 1 && bonus > 8000.00){
textBox1.AppendText("You've won the star prize!");
} else {
textBox1.AppendText("Sorry, you are not a winner\n");
Can you work out which of the two specified strings will actually be printed out? If you
can’t figure it out right away, that’s not surprising. Because the test is too complicated.
Let’s run it and see. This is what it shows:
Does it mean that there are two necessary conditions of winning? Namely:
1 that your age is greater than twenty AND your salary is greater than 10,0000
– OR, alternatively, that you have one child …
… and also:
2 that your bonus must be greater than 8000?
3 – Tests and Operators
We can clarify this by putting parentheses around the separate conditions like this so that
condition [1] above is now enclosed within a pair of parentheses:
if((age > 20 && salary > 10000.00) || number_of_children == 1) && bonus > 800.00)
So how does a single pair of parentheses change the results of the test? Let’s see what’s
going on here. In my original code, without the conditions placed between parentheses,
the test was evaluated according to the rules of operator precedence.
As I said earlier, operator precedence can be quite hard to understand, especially in
a test such as the one above that includes both logical (&& and ||) and comparison (> and ==)
By adding parentheses to ensure that a particular set of conditions is evaluated as a
single ‘sub-test’ (which returns true or false), I have changed how the entire test is
evaluated. You could try adding parentheses around different parts of this test to see
how the end result may change.
The lesson to be learnt here is that the test itself is too complicated. It is simply too
hard to understand what exactly it all means just by looking at the code. If you plan to
use test conditions, try to keep them as simple as possible! If they can’t be kept simple,
consider grouping together any bits of the test that should be evaluated together by
placing them between parentheses.
3 – Tests and Operators
Some assignment operators in C#, and other C-like languages, perform a calculation
prior to assigning the result to a variable. These are called ‘compound assignment oper-
Here are some examples of common compound assignment operators along with
the non-compound equivalent.
It is up to you which syntax you prefer to use in your own code. If you are familiar with
other C-like languages, you may already have a preference. Java, C and C++ program-
mers may prefer the short form as in a += b. Basic and Pascal programmers may feel
more comfortable with the slightly longer form as in a = a + b. Here are a few examples
from the Operators project:
int a = 10;
int b = 2;
AddToTextBox("a + b : " + (a + b));
AddToTextBox("a = " + a);
AddToTextBox("a += b : " + (a += b));
AddToTextBox("a = " + a);
AddToTextBox("a - b : " + (a - b));
AddToTextBox("a = " + a);
AddToTextBox("a -= b : " + (a -= b));
AddToTextBox("a = " + a);
AddToTextBox("a * b : " + (a * b));
3 – Tests and Operators
Operators (continued)
AddToTextBox("a = " + a);
AddToTextBox("a *= b : " + (a *= b));
AddToTextBox("a = " + a);
AddToTextBox("a / b : " + (a / b));
AddToTextBox("a = " + a);
AddToTextBox("a /= b : " + (a /= b));
AddToTextBox("a = " + a);
This is what appears in the text box (note how the value of a changes after compound
assignment operators but not when an operation is performed without assignment):
a + b : 12
a = 10
a += b : 12
a = 12
a - b : 10
a = 12
a -= b : 10
a = 10
a * b : 20
a = 10
a *= b : 20
a = 20
a / b : 10
a = 20
a /= b : 10
a = 10
When you want to increment (add to) or decrement (subtract from) the value of a varia-
ble by 1, you may use the ++ and -- operators. Here is an example of the increment (++)
3 – Tests and Operators
Unary operators
++ and -- are called ‘unary operators’ because they only require one
value, one ‘operand’, to work upon (e.g. a++) whereas binary operators
such as + and - require two (e.g. a + b).
You may place the ++ and -- operators either before or after a variable like this: a++ or
like this: ++a. Typically, this is done when you want to increment a variable and assign its
value. When one of these operators is placed before a variable, the value of that variable is
incremented or decremented before any assignment is made:
int a;
a = 10;
b = ++a; // both a and b equal 11
After this code executes, a has the value 11; and b also has the value 11. However, when
the operator is placed after a variable, the assignment of the existing value is done before
the variable’s value is incremented:
int a;
a = 10;
b = a++; // a equals 11, but b equals 10
After the above code executes, a has the value 11; but b has the value 10.
Prefix or Postfix?
Mixing prefix and postfix operators in your code can be confusing and
may lead to hard-to-find bugs. It is to your advantage, whenever possi-
ble, to keep things simple and clear by only ever using one or the other
.In fact, there is nothing wrong with using the longer form by doing an
explicit arithmetical operation and then assigning the result. This may
seem more verbose but it is at least completely unambiguous:
b = a + 1;
b = a – 1;
3 – Tests and Operators
4 – Functions
4 – Functions
Using Functions
private void ShowMessage( string aMessage ) {
// some code goes here…
Access Modifiers
Keywords that affect the ‘visibility’ of functions, such as private and
public are called ‘access modifiers’. We’ll see them again in Chapter 5.
When a function is declared, its parentheses may contain zero or more ‘parameters’
separated by commas. The parameters represent pieces of data that have been passed to
the function. The parameter names are chosen by the programmer and each parameter
must be preceded by its data type. When a function returns some value to the code that
called it, that return value is indicated by preceding it with the return keyword.
4 – Functions
In C#, the word ‘method’ is often used to describe a function. ‘Method’ is the object-
oriented term for a function that is bound into an object. The idea is that your code may
pass a ‘message’ to an object (when it calls a function) and the object looks for some
‘method’ of responding to that message. If you find this idea odd or confusing, don’t
worry. It is sufficient to know that in an object-oriented language such as C#, the words
‘function’ and ‘method’ are used more or less interchangeably. I’ll have more to say
about object orientation in the next chapter.
Parameters are the variables declared between parentheses in the function itself, like this:
Arguments are the values passed to the function when that function is called, like this:
AddNumbers(100, 200);
Arguments or Parameters?
While computer scientists may like to make a clear distinction between
the terms ‘parameter’ and ‘argument’, computer programmers are
often less precise. Informally, a function’s ‘parameter list’ is often
referred to as its ‘argument list’.
When you call a function, you must pass to it the same number of arguments as the
parameters declared by the function. Each argument in the list must be of the same data
type as the matching parameter. If more than one argument is expected, the parameters
must be separated by commas. If no arguments are expected, an empty pair of
parentheses must be placed after the function name. Here are some example functions.
private void SayHello() {
4 – Functions
A function that takes a single argument of the string data-type and returns nothing:
A function that takes two arguments of the int data-type and returns a string:
Calling Functions
To execute the code in a function, your code must ‘call’ the function by name. In C#, to
call a function with no arguments, you must enter the function name followed by an
empty pair of parentheses like this:
To call a function with a single argument, you must enter the function name followed by
a single value or variable of the correct data type (to match the corresponding parameter
that has been declared by the function), like this:
To call a function with more than one argument, you must enter the function name
followed by the correct number and data-type of values or variables, like this:
AddNumbers(100, 200);
If a function returns a value, that value may be assigned (in the calling code) to a variable
of the matching data-type. Here, AddNumbers() function returns a string:
string calcResult;
calcResult = AddNumbers(100, 200);
4 – Functions
Here, two integers are passed to the Add() function which returns an integer. The
returned integer value is assigned to the total variable:
int total;
total = Add(60, 12);
I said earlier that arguments passed to a function must match the corresponding
parameters declared by the function in both number and type. If a function declares
three string parameters and two int parameters then, when that function is called, three
strings and two integers must be passed to it. These may be actual (literal) strings and
integers such as "Mary" and 100 or they may be string and int variables to which strings
and integers have been assigned.
Similarly, if a function returns a value, that value can be assigned to a variable of the
same type. Alternatively, the return value may be passed directly to another function as
an argument. This is done by placing the first function-call inside the pair of parentheses
of the second function-call. This annotated code snippet illustrates this:
Here, the ReturnMessage() function declares a string parameter, aString, and an int
parameter, aNumber. When I call that function, I must call it with one string and one
integer argument. The string argument (such as "You have £") is assigned to the matching
string parameter, aString. The integer argument (such as 100) is assigned to the
matching int argument, aNumber.
The ReturnMessage() function returns a string value. This may be assigned to a
string variable, such as aMsg. Alternatively, the returned value may be passed directly
4 – Functions
By default, when you pass variables to functions or methods these are passed as ‘copies’.
That is, their values are passed as arguments and these values are assigned to the corre-
sponding parameters declared by the function. Any changes made within the method will
affect only the copies (the parameters) within the scope of the method. The original vari-
ables that were passed as arguments (and which were declared outside the method) retain
their original values.
Remember, ‘method’ is just the object oriented name for a function that
is bound into an object. From now on, I will often refer to C# functions
as ‘methods’.
Sometimes, however, you may in fact want any changes that are made to parameters in-
side a method to change the matching variables (the arguments) in the code that called
the method. In order to do that, you can pass variables ‘by reference’. When variables are
passed by reference, the original variables (or, to be more accurate, the references to the
location of those variables in your computer’s memory) are passed to the function. So
any changes made to the parameter values inside the function will also change the varia-
bles that were passed as arguments when the function was called.
To pass arguments by reference, both the parameters defined by the function and the
arguments passed to the function must be preceded by the keyword ref. The following
examples should clarify the difference between ‘by value’ and a ‘by reference’ arguments.
In each case, I assume that two int variables have been declared like this:
int firstnumber;
int secondnumber;
firstnumber = 10;
secondnumber = 20;
4 – Functions
private void ByValue(int num1, int num2) {
num1 = 0;
num2 = 1;
ByValue(firstnumber, secondnumber);
Remember that firstnumber had the initial value of 10, and secondnumber had the initial
value of 20. Only the copies (the values of the parameters, num1 and num2) were changed in
the ByValue() method. So, after I call that method, the values of the two variables that I
passed as arguments are unchanged:
private void ByReference(ref int num1, ref int num2) {
num1 = 0;
num2 = 1;
Once again, firstnumber has the initial value of 10, and secondnumber has the initial value
of 20. But these are now ref parameters, so the parameters num1 and num2 ‘refer’ to the
original variables. When changes are made to the parameters, the original variables are
also changed:
4 – Functions
You may also use out parameters which must be preceded by the out keyword instead of
the ref keyword.
int firstnumber;
int secondnumber;
OutParams(out firstnumber, out secondnumber);
In this case, as with ref parameters, the vales of the variables that were passed as
arguments are changed when the values of the parameters are changed:
At first sight, out parameters may seem similar to ref parameters. However, it is not
obligatory to assign a value to a variable passed as an out argument before you pass it to a
method. It is obligatory to assign a value to a variable passed as a ref argument.
You can see this in the example shown above. I do not initialize the values of
firstnumber and secondnumber before calling the OutParams() method. That would not be
permitted if I were using ordinary (by value) or ref (by reference) parameters. On the
other hand, it is obligatory to assign a value to an out parameter within the method that
declares that parameter. This is not obligatory with a ref argument.
4 – Functions
Local Functions
You can also write ‘local functions’ – that is, functions that are written inside other func-
tions. Local functions may be useful when you need to do some operation repeatedly
within the context of some other function but nowhere else in your code. In the code
show below, AddBonus() is a local function:
private string ShowSalary(string aName, int earnings) {
string msg;
double bonus;
double AddBonus() {
return earnings + (earnings * 0.05);
bonus = AddBonus();
msg = aName + " has a salary of " + bonus + "\r\n";
return msg;
In this example, the AddBonus() function is ‘local’ to the ShowSalary() function because it
is declared inside that function. The AddBonus() function returns a double value. Notice
that I haven’t used the keyword public or private with this local function as I would
with a regular function. That’s because those keywords define the visibility or ‘scope’ of
a function. The scope of AddBonus() is already defined. It is only visible inside the
ShowSalary() function. That means that only the code in the ShowSalary() function is
able to ‘see’ and, therefore, to call the AddBonus() function, as I have done here:
double AddBonus() {
return earnings + (earnings * 0.05);
bonus = AddBonus();
The AddBonus() function can access the variables or parameters defined within its own
scope – in other words, any variables or parameters available inside the ShowSalary()
function. In the code fragment shown above, you can see that AddBonus() accesses the
earnings parameter which was declared by the ShowSalary() function:
5 – Object Orientation
5 – Object Orientation
Everything you work with in C# – from a string such as "Hello world" to a file on disk –
is wrapped up inside an object that contains the data itself (for example, the characters in
a string) and the functions or ‘methods’ that can be used to manipulate that data – such
as, for example, the ToUpper() method, which returns the string in upper case.
Object Orientation
Each object that you use is created from a ‘class’. You can think of a class as a blueprint
that defines the structure (the data) and the behaviour (the methods) of an object. Let’s
look at an example of a very simple class definition:
class MyClass {
private string _s;
public MyClass() {
_s = "Hello world";
You define a class using the class keyword. Here I have decided to call the class MyClass.
It contains a string, _s. I’ve made this string ‘private’ which means that code outside the
class is unable to access the string variable. In order to access the string any code outside
the class use the methods which I’ve written – GetS() and SetS(). It is generally good
5 – Object Orientation
practice to make variables private. By using methods to access variables you are able to
test that data is valid (before assigning or returning values) and control how much access
is permitted to the variables inside an object. A method could, for example, restrict the
amount of currency that can be returned from an internal variable called some_money
whereas if that variable were public, and so could be accessed directly, the user would be
able to withdraw any amount of currency with no limit.
At this point, the MyClass class doesn’t actually do anything. It is simply a definition
or ‘blueprint’ for objects which don’t yet exist. In the MyOb project, I declare an object
variable of the MyClass type:
MyClass ob;
But before I can use the object, I need to create it. I do that by using the new keyword.
This calls the MyClass constructor method and that returns a new MyClass object which I
here assign to the ob variable:
ob = new MyClass();
A constructor is a special method which, in C#, has the same name as the class itself.
This is the MyClass constructor:
public MyClass() {
_s = "Hello world";
The code in this constructor assigns the string "Hello world" to the variable _s. You
aren’t obliged to write any code in a constructor. However, it is quite common – and
good practice – to assign default values to an object’s ‘fields’ or variables in the con-
structor. I have also written a SetS() method:
5 – Object Orientation
You can call SetS() when you want to change the default value of each object’s _s string
And you can retrieve the value of the _s variable using the GetS() method:
textBox1.Text = ob.GetS();
Let’s quickly summarise the essential details of classes, objects and methods. A ‘class’ is
the blueprint for an object. It defines the data an object contains and the way it behaves.
This is the blueprint of a car:
class Car {
private string _name;
private int _speed;
5 – Object Orientation
In the real world, you can’t drive the blueprint of a car. Someone has to construct a car
(a car ‘object’) based on the blueprint. In the Object Orientated world, you can’t use my
Car class until you construct a Car object based on the class.
Whenever a new Car object is constructed, it needs to be assigned a name and a speed. In
C#, I do that in a special ‘constructor’ method that has the same name as the class. Let’s
add a constructor method to my Car class:
class Car {
private string _name;
private int _speed;
public Car() {
_name = "Generic Car\r\n";
_speed = 0;
The constructor assigns default values to the private fields of each newly constructed Car
object. I can now construct numerous different Car objects by calling the constructor
after the new keyword then assigning the Car object to a Car variable:
Car car1;
Car car2;
Car car3;
This is the programmatic equivalent of constructing three cars from one blueprint:
5 – Object Orientation
Having constructed some Car objects, I now want to change their default names and
speeds. I can do that using methods. A ‘method’ is a function or subroutine that is
defined inside the class. These are my methods to change (get or set) the speed of a Car
I can call a method by writing the name of an object, followed by a dot, the name of a
method and a pair of parentheses (with any arguments) and a semicolon, like this:
null objects
If you try to use an object before it has been created, C# throws an
exception (an error). In the Cars project, if you click the button to show
the cars before you have created any car objects, your program will
crash with a ‘NullReferenceException’. I’ll explain how to deal with
exceptions in Chapter 9. For now, in order to avoid this problem, my
code checks if any of my three car objects is null; in C#, null is a special
value that indicates that an object variable does not refer to an actual
object (because the object has not yet been constructed). The code that
calls the Car methods only executes if none of the car objects is null:
5 – Object Orientation
Inheritance is one of the key features of object orientation. The idea is that you create a
simple class and then you define more specialised classes that inherit all the features of
that class and add on additional features of their own. That means you don’t have to re-
code the same features over and over again. Features of ‘ancestor’ classes are automati-
cally ‘inherited’ by descendant classes.
For example, you could create a ‘family tree’ of Car classes. A SportsCar might
inherit all the features of a Car but add on two extra features: TurboThruster and
GoFasterStripe. Another class called LuxuryCar might also descend from the Car class. It
would add on the extra features: DeluxeUpholstery and IntegralCocktailCabinet.
Class Hierarchies
To create a descendant of a class, put a colon : plus the ancestor (or ‘base’) class name
after the name of the descendant class, like this:
A descendant class inherits the features (the methods and variables) of its ancestor so
you don’t need to recode them. Look at the Thing and Treasure classes which you’ll find
in the code file GameClasses.cs in the GameClasses project, (shown on the next page).
Here the Thing class has two private variables, _name and _description (being private
they cannot be accessed from outside the class) and two public properties, Name and
Description, to access those variables.
The Treasure class is a descendant of the Thing class so it automatically has the _name and
_description variables (it ‘inherits’ them from its ancestor class, Thing) and also the Name
and Description properties; it adds on the _value variable and the Value property.
5 – Object Orientation
GameClasses (GameClasses.cs)
public class Thing {
private string _name;
private string _description;
5 – Object Orientation
In fact, my GameClasses project also creates another descendant of Thing. The Room class
also inherits Name and Description. It adds on four direction properties (and variables):
public Room(string aName, string aDescription, int aN, int aS, int aW, int anE)
: base(aName, aDescription) {
_n = aN;
_s = aS;
_w = aW;
_e = anE;
public int N {
get {
return _n;
set {
_n = value;
public int S {
get {
return _s;
set {
_s = value;
public int W {
get {
return _w;
set {
_w = value;
public int E {
get {
return _e;
set {
_e = value;
5 – Object Orientation
Notice that, in order to initialize the data of its ‘superclass’ (that is, its immediate
ancestor) both Treasure and Room need to pass the arguments required by the Thing
constructor method. Here these are the aName and aDescription arguments. They are
passed to the constructor of the superclass using the base keyword after the parameter
list of the descendant class’s constructor, followed by a colon:
public Room(string aName, string aDescription, int aN, int aS, int aW, int anE)
: base(aName, aDescription)
This diagram represents my ‘class hierarchy’ with the Treasure and Room classes both
descending from the Thing class and inheriting Name and Description. Treasure adds
Value. Room adds N, S, W and E:
You aren’t restricted to just one ‘level’ of inheritance. I could go on to add subclasses of
Room and Treasure. For example, I could create a Weapon class that descends from
Treasure. The Weapon class would inherit all the features of its superclass (Treasure) and
of all other ancestors (here its only other ancestor is Thing). It would not inherit features
from classes that are not its ancestors though (such as Room). So if I create a Weapon class
that descends from Treasure it would inherit Name, Description and Value. I could then
add extra features that are specific to Weapon objects – such as DestructivePower. You
may want to try extending the code in the GameClasses project to see if you can create a
Weapon class.
5 – Object Orientation
In C#, you may define several different classes in a single code file. For example, the
Thing, Treasure and Room classes might all be defined (as I have done) in a file called
GameClasses.cs. However, many programmers consider it better to define just one class
per code file. In large projects this may make it easier to find and maintain the classes
you create. In that case, the Thing class would be defined in a file called Thing.cs, the
Treasure class would be defined in Treasure.cs and the Room class would be defined in
Room.cs. This is what I will do when I return to this simple game project in Chapter 10.
Visual Studio has a refactoring tool to help you to extract classes from a
code file containing several classes and put them into separate code
files. Right-click a class name (e.g. Treasure), select Quick Actions and
Refactorings, then Move Type To… In this case, this would move the
definition of the Treasure class into a code file named Treasure.cs.
Access Modifiers
We’ve seen the keywords private and public many times in my code examples. When
placed before an identifier such as the declaration of a variable or function, these limit
the scope or visibility of that variable or function.
A public variable or function can be ‘seen’, and therefore accessed, from code outside
the object in which it occurs; a private variable or function cannot. Typically you will
make variables private and provide public accessor methods when you want to get and
set their values.
When you want a method to be callable from any code that uses an object, you will
declare it as public. If, for some reason, you want a method to be callable only from
other methods inside an object, then you will normally make that private.
5 – Object Orientation
There is another access modifier that you may occasionally encounter called protected. A
protected variable or method can only be accessed from within inside the class in which
it is declared or from inside any descendant of that class. That’s different from a private
variable or method which can be accessed only from inside the current class but not from
inside one of its descendant classes.
While protected variables and methods are sometimes useful, the two most
common accessor levels are public and private. It is good practice to make the variables
or ‘fields’ of objects private.
The Scope project, shown on the next page, uses accessor modifiers with variables. These
modifiers would have the same effect if used with methods. This example illustrates, in
some detail, the differences between public, private and protected. If you don’t plan to
use protected in your own code, you can skip this section for now.
In this example, class B is a descendant of class A. Class A declares three variables, x,
y and z. Its constructor gives each variable a default value whenever a new object is
created. When button1 is clicked, the code in button1_Click() creates the b object which
is an instance of class B.
Within the scope of the Form1 class, I try to display the values of each of the three
variables by accessing them from the B object (b.x, b.y, b.z). Remember that these
variables are all declared and initialized in class A which is the ancestor class of B.
The variable x is no problem. It’s public so it’s visible just about everywhere.
I can’t get at the variable y though because it’s private. That means it’s only visible to
code inside the A class. As a result, I’ve had to comment out this code before my program
even compiles (but try uncommenting it to see the problem):
Nor can I get at y from inside the B class. I’ve commented out the Gety() method of B:
5 – Object Orientation
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace Scope {
public class A {
public int x;
private int y;
protected int z;
public A() {
x = 100;
y = 200;
z = 300;
public class B : A {
public int Getz() {
return z;
5 – Object Orientation
The only place I can get at y is from within the A class where y is declared. Here I can
write a Gety() method to return the value of y.
As this Gety() method is public I can access it from a b object in Form1, as I do here:
And finally let’s look at z. At first sight that seems to be like a private variable because I
can’t call it in the way I can call a public variable: b.z doesn’t work. It’s inaccessible. I’ve
had to comment out this line of code too:
However, unlike a private variable, which, you will remember, is only visible in the class in
which is declared, a protected variable is visible both in that class, and also in its descendant
classes. So while I can’t access y from the B class because y is private, I can access z from
the B class because z is protected:
public class B : A {
public int Getz() {
return z; // this is ok
5 – Object Orientation
protected Accessible within the same class, or in a class that descends from it.
A property is a group of one or two special types of method to get (return) or set (assign)
the value of a variable. This is a typical definition for a property:
private string _name;
Here _name is private but Name is public. This means that code outside the class is able to
refer to the Name property but not to the _name variable. If you omit the get part of a
property, it will be impossible for code outside the class to retrieve the current value of
the associated variable. If you omit the set part it will be impossible for code outside the
class to assign a new value to the associated variable – in other words, it will be ‘read
Alternative Syntax
You can write quite complex code in a property accessor that would let you check a
value before setting it, for example, or format a string, do a calculation on a number or
perform some other programming task.
An alternative syntax for very simple properties which need to do nothing more
than get and set the values of private variables was introduced in version 7 of the C#
language. With this alternative syntax you can use an equals sign followed by a right-
pointing bracket => both to get a variable and to set it using the keyword value. For
5 – Object Orientation
example, the Name property could be written as follows (this is from the adventure-game
project in Chapter 10):
private string _name;
Accessing Properties
Even though properties are like pairs of methods, they do not use the same syntax as
methods when code refers to them. This is how you might get or set a value using a pair
of methods named GetName() and SetName():
myvar = ob.GetName();
ob.SetName("A new name");
But the syntax for accessing a property is the same as for accessing a public variable. This
is how you would get and set a value using a property such as Name:
myvar = ob.Name;
ob.Name = "A new name";
5 – Object Orientation
6 – Arrays, Strings and Loops
An array is a sequential list. You can think of it as a set of slots in which a fixed number
of items can be stored. As with everything else in C#, an array is an object. An array ob-
ject comes with various methods and properties that can help us to deal with the list of
elements stored in the array.
A C# array is an instance of the .NET class, System.Array. Just like other objects, an
array has to be created before it can be used. To see a simple example of this, load up the
Arrays project and find the button1_Click() method. The first line of this method creates
and initializes an array of three strings:
string[] myArray = new string[]{ "one", "two", "three" };
The definition of an array begins with the type of the objects it will hold, followed by a
pair of square brackets. This array contains strings, so it begins with string[].
Next comes the name of the array, myArray. The new keyword is responsible for
creating the array object. I specify that this array is capable of storing strings so I put
string[] after new.
You can optionally, initialize the array with appropriate objects at the time of its
declaration, as I have done here. To initialize the array, I write the array element objects
as a comma-delimited list between curly brackets. Here I initialize myArray with three
6 – Arrays, Strings and Loops
Optionally you may place an integer representing the number of array items between
square brackets. I have done that in the declaration of myArray2:
This integer is not in fact required here because C# can determine the actual number of
strings from the items (the three strings) which I have placed between curly brackets.
Putting comma-separated array items between curly brackets provides a quick way of
initializing an array. Notice that I have even omitted the new keyword when declaring and
initializing myArray3:
The shorthand way of creating and initializing an array without using the new keyword is
only available when you do this in a single line of code. If you declare the array variable
first and initialize it later, you must create the array object using new, like this:
An array can, in principle, hold any type of object. The myObjectArray array, for example,
holds three objects of the class, MyClass:
6 – Arrays, Strings and Loops
To iterate over the items in an array, you may want to write some sort of loop. A loop
may contain some code that is run repeatedly. In the Arrays project you will see several
for loops. The first for loop, fills MyObjectArray with three objects of the MyClass type:
for(int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) {
myObjectArray[i] = new MyClass("Object #" + i + ". ");
Arrays in C# are 0-based, which means that the first item of a three-element array is at
index 0 and the last item is at index 2. A position in an array is indicated by the index
number between square brackets.
for Loops
The code between the parentheses after the word for is used to control the execution of
the loop. This code is divided into three parts:
1. int i = 1 The first part initializes an int variable, i, with the value 1.
2. i < 100 The second part contains a test. The loop executes as long as
this test remains true. Here the test states that the value of
the variable i must be less than 100.
6 – Arrays, Strings and Loops
Let i equal 1.
While i is less than 100 execute the code inside the loop.
Then add 1 to i.
Note that this loop will execute 99 times, not 100, since it will fail when the value of i is
no longer less than 100. Now look at loop 2 in the sample code:
This loop iterates through the list of strings in myArray and displays them in textBox1.
Note the expression in second part of the for loop:
i <= myArray.Length - 1
Instead of using a fixed number, such as 2, to specify final index of the array, I’ve used
the array object’s Length property. However, since Length is always 1 greater than the in-
dex (remember that arrays are indexed from 0, so the first item is at index 0, the second
at index 1 and so on), I have subtracted 1 from Length.
In loop 3 I have used two of the methods that .NET provides specifically for use
with arrays, GetLowerBound(0) and GetUpperBound(0), to determine the start and end
indices of myArray2:
These methods return the actual indices (here 0 and 2) of the array’s first and last
elements. Using these two methods makes the code more generic since it will work with
arrays of any size. The 0 argument here indicates that I am testing the first dimension of an
array. In fact, this array only has one dimension. C# can work with multi-dimensional
arrays (arrays containing other arrays) too.
6 – Arrays, Strings and Loops
The code of loop 4 shows how similar techniques can be used to iterate through an array
of user-defined objects and retrieve values (here the Name property) from each in turn:
foreach Loops
The next loop in the Arrays project (loop 5) is a bit more interesting. Instead of using for
it uses foreach. The foreach statement iterates through each element in an array without
any need for an indexing variable.
A foreach loop is controlled by specifying the data type (here MyClass), an identifier
to be used within the loop (here myob), and the name of the array or the collection (here
foreach(MyClass myob in myObjectArray) {
textBox4.Text = textBox4.Text + myob.Name;
At each turn through the loop, the next MyClass object in myObjectArray is assigned to the
variable, myob. I can then access this object’s methods or properties, such as Name.
while Loops
Sometimes you may want to execute some code an uncertain number of times – that is,
while some test condition remains true. To do that, use a while loop. The WordCount
project (shown on the next page) uses several while loops.
These while loops may test a single condition as in this loop in the
CountWordsAndCharacters() method which runs the code as long as the value of charcount
is less than the length of the string s:
6 – Arrays, Strings and Loops
char[] DELIMS = new char[10] {' ', '.', ',', '?', '!', '-', '_', '+', '*', '/'};
int charcount = 0;
6 – Arrays, Strings and Loops
WordCount (continued)
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
A while loop may also test multiple conditions, as here in the ScrollThroughDelims()
This runs the code in the loop only as long as both of two conditions remain true:
As explained in Chapter 2, a Boolean value is one that is either true or
false. The C# bool data type is used to represent Boolean values. My
IsDelimiter() method returns a bool:
Here is another example. You will find this code in the ScrollThroughWord() method.
This looks almost the same as the last while loop. In fact, the exclamation mark !
changes everything. This time, in order for the entire test to evaluated to true, the Bool-
ean value returned from the IsDelimiter() method must return false. That is because !
is the not operator:
The ! operator negates this test. That means the test IsDelimiter(s[charcount]) only
succeeds if it is not true; in other words, if it is false.
6 – Arrays, Strings and Loops
do…while Loops
In some circumstances, you may want to be certain that the code within a loop runs at
least once. For example, you might want to prompt the user to enter some data – and
you need to ensure that this is done at least once.
One way of doing that would be to write a do...while loop. A do...while loop is
essentially the same as a while loop, apart from the fact that the test condition is placed
at the end of the loop rather than at the beginning. This means that the statements inside
the loop are bound to execute at least once before the test condition is even evaluated.
This is the syntax of a do...while loop:
do {
// one or more statements
} while (condition);
int[] intarray = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
int i;
i = 2;
do {
} while (i < 2);
Here the test condition, (i < 2), evaluates to false the first time it is tested. But since
this test is only performed after the code in the loop, that code is run once. In this case,
this output is shown (the integer at index 2 in intarray):
i = 2;
while (i < 2) {
6 – Arrays, Strings and Loops
Here the test, (i < 2), is the same as the test that I used in the do...while loop. How-
ever, this time the test is evaluated at the start of the loop. It evaluates to false so the
code inside the loop never executes. Not even once.
That is an important difference to understand between a regular while loop with the
test condition at the start and a do...while loop that has the test at the end of the code to
be run. No matter what happens, a do...while loop will run at least once. But in some
cases, if the test condition evaluate to false right away, then the code inside a regular
while loop may never run at all.
Up to know we’ve looked at arrays that contain strings, integers or other types of
object and we’ve seen how to use loops to iterate through the elements in an array. A
string is, in some ways, quite a similar structure to an array. It contains a sequential list of
characters. And, like an array, a string can be indexed to find characters at a specific
position. We will now look at strings and characters in more detail.
In C#, a string can be entered as a series of characters delimited by double quotes like
this: "Hello world". The data type is string (in lower case). This is a shorthand alias for
System.String in the .NET framework.
String objects can make use of a broad range of methods belonging to the
System.String class. There are methods to find substrings, to trim blank spaces and to
return a copy of a string in upper or lower case. To find the length of a string, you can
use the Length property.
A single character has the char data type and is delimited by single quotes:
The characters in a string can be accessed by specifying an integer to index into the
string. Just like arrays, strings are zero-based so the first character is at position 0 rather
than 1.
Assume that the string s contains the text, "Hello world!". The expression,
s.Length, would return a value of 12. This returns the number of characters in the string
from 'H' to '!'.
6 – Arrays, Strings and Loops
However, in order to assign the first character, 'H', and the 12th character, '!', to the
char variables, c1 and c2, you would need to index into the string at position 0 (the first
character) and position 11 (the length of the string minus 1):
char c1 = s[0];
char c2 = s[11];
To see some working examples, try out the code in the Strings project. This code shows
the length of a string:
textBox2.Text = "Length: " + textBox1.Text.Length;
Assuming that the Text (a string) of textBox1 is "Hello world!" (which contains twelve
characters including a space and ‘!’), this is what will be shown in textBox2:
Length: 12
This next bit of code iterates over the characters in the string of textBox1.Text and then
displays each character and its index:
string s = textBox1.Text;
string s2 = "";
for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) {
s2 += "[" + i + "]='" + s[i] + "' ";
textBox2.Text = s2;
[0]='H' [1]='e' [2]='l' [3]='l' [4]='o' [5]=' ' [6]='w' [7]='o' [8]='r' [9]='l'
[10]='d' [11]='!'
String Operations
Strings in C# can be manipulated in numerous ways using built-in methods. Here I just
want to show a few examples of some common methods. You may want refer to
Microsoft’s online documentation for a full list of string methods.
6 – Arrays, Strings and Loops
string s = "Hello";
In the code above, you are creating a string object called s and that object has access to
the methods of the String class (the lowercase string data type is actually an ‘alias’ for
the System.String class).
Concatenation is probably the most common string operation: adding one string
onto the end of another one. While the String class has a Concat() method that can do
this, it is more usual to use the + operator. We’ve already used that many times in the
sample programs in this book:
s = s + " world";
Or you can combine concatenation and assignment by using the += operator like this:
s += " world\r\n";
Escape Characters
Sometimes you may want to embed non-printing characters into
strings. These can be entered as character codes after a \ character. The
most common (which we’ve already used many times) is the newline
character '\n'. Other common escape characters include carriage
return '\r' and tab '\t'. Note that some .NET controls (such as the
TextBox used here) require a carriage return followed by a newline
character ("\r\n") in order to move the focus to a new line in the
control. If you want to enter a double-quote character in a double-
quoted string, do this: "\"" You can enter a backslash character like
this: "\\". This is an example from the EscapeChars sample project:
string s = "Hello world\nTab\t, \\ and \" ";
textBox1.Text = s;
6 – Arrays, Strings and Loops
The StringOps sample project shows examples of various string methods. I’ve numbered
each example so you can easily compare the output with the code:
static void Main(string[] args) {
string s = "Hello";
s += " World";
Char[] TrimChars = { ' ', '*', '-' };
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Hello World");
Console.WriteLine("1 " + s.ToUpper());
Console.WriteLine("2 " + s.ToLower());
Console.WriteLine("3 " + s.PadLeft(30));
Console.WriteLine("4 " + s.PadLeft(30, '-'));
Console.WriteLine("5 " + s.PadRight(30, '*'));
Console.WriteLine("6 " + s.IndexOf("World"));
Console.WriteLine("7 " + s.IndexOf("Moon"));
Console.WriteLine("8 " + s.Replace("World", "Moon"));
Console.WriteLine("9 " + s);
// --- StringBuilder
Console.WriteLine("10 " + sb.Replace("World", "Moon"));
Console.WriteLine("11 " + sb);
sb.Append(" - and goodbye");
Console.WriteLine("12 " + sb);
s = " " + s + "-*-*-";
Console.WriteLine("13 " + s);
Console.WriteLine("14 " + s.TrimStart());
Console.WriteLine("15 " + s.TrimEnd(TrimChars));
Console.WriteLine("16 " + s.Trim(TrimChars));
2 hello world
3 Hello World
4 -------------------Hello World
5 Hello World*******************
6 6
7 -1
8 Hello Moon
9 Hello World
10 Hello Moon
11 Hello Moon
12 Hello Moon - and goodbye
13 Hello World-*-*-
14 Hello World-*-*-
15 Hello World
16 Hello World
6 – Arrays, Strings and Loops
The three trimming methods return a trimmed string. By default ‘whitespace’ chars (non-
printing characters such as spaces and tabs) are trimmed. If you want to remove other
specific characters you can define an array of the characters to be removed and pass that
as an argument to TrimStart(), TrimEnd() or Trim():
But what about operations 10, 11 and 12? These are not applied the string s but to a
StringBuilder variable, sb. So what is the difference between string and StringBuilder?
I’ll explain that next.
The main difference between a StringBuilder object and a string is that a StringBuilder
object can be changed whereas a string can’t. At first sight, it may seem that we made
changes to strings when we used methods such as ToUpper(), ToLower(), Replace() and so
on? But, in fact, we didn’t.
Each of those String methods creates a new string which is set to uppercase or
lowercase or which has one substring replaced by another. The original string object
(here that’s the variable s), remains unchanged.
6 – Arrays, Strings and Loops
A new StringBuilder object can be created and initialized with a string as an argument:
To understand how it differs from a string, look at this example. Here I call Replace()
with the string object s, to replace the substring "World" with "Moon":
This yields a new string object. The original string s, remains unchanged. I can verify this
by displaying first the value yielded by Replace():
8 Hello Moon
9 Hello World
s = s.Replace("World", "Moon");
That would assign the new string object (the value yielded by Replace()) to the variable s.
But when I do the same operation on a StringBuilder object sb (that is, I replace "World"
with "Moon"), I make no assignment back to sb:
And yet the value of sb itself has been changed. If I now call Append() to append another
string, again sb is changed:
10 Hello Moon
11 Hello Moon
12 Hello Moon - and goodbye
6 – Arrays, Strings and Loops
So, in brief, strings are immutable – they cannot be changed. You can only create new
string objects and then, if you wish, you can assign those new objects to a variable
(which might be original string variable). But a StringBuilder object is mutable – it can be
Why does that matter? For now, while you are learning C#, it probably doesn’t
matter very much. Most of the time, strings will do everything you need. StringBuilder
objects only really come into their own when a program makes lots of changes to strings
repeatedly. It is more efficient to make changes to a StringBuilder object by, for example,
adding characters onto the end of an existing string, instead of using a regular string
object to return new strings. There may come a time when this sort of efficiency matters
to you, but for now it’s likely to be simpler and easier to stick to normal strings.
Incidentally, you can convert a StringBuilder object to a regular string using the
ToString() method:
s = sb.ToString();
Format Strings
I first mentioned the very useful String.Format() method back in Chapter 2. You may
recall that the Format() method provides a simple way of substituting values from
variables or expressions into a string.
The string is passed to the method as the first argument, and a comma-delimited
list of values is placed after the string. Numbered placeholders between curly brackets
are placed into the string. Values from the comma-delimited list will be inserted or
‘interpolated’ at the positions of the placeholders:
string s = "";
string mystring = "Test";
6 – Arrays, Strings and Loops
The first value, which is at index 0 (here that’s the variable mystring) replaces the {0}
placeholder, the second value at index 1 (here that’s 3 – the value returned from the ex-
pression 1+2) replaces the {1} placeholder and so on.
You can see from this example, that I am not limited to displaying a simple variable.
I can also show the result of a calculation, I can call a method on an object such as
"hello world".ToUpper(). I can even call a function of my own such as Multiply(10, 5)
and display its return value:
You don’t have to display the arguments in the order in which they appear in the list. In
the next example, I display them in reverse order, the 5th argument, that’s the value 6,
then the 4th which has the value 5 and so on down to the first value at index 0 which is 1,
and I also repeat the arguments {5}, {4} and {3}:
s = String.Format("{5} {4} {3} {2} {1} {0} {5} {4} {3} ", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
This displays:
6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4
String interpolation
s = $"(a) {mystring} of string interpolation: 1+2 = {1 + 2}. {"hello
world".ToUpper()}. {Multiply(10, 5)}";
6 – Arrays, Strings and Loops
Assuming that the mystring variable has been assigned the string "Test", this is the
It turns out that the WriteLine() method of Console, which is used to display a string in a
command window, will evaluate these expressions even without preceding the string
with a $ symbol. But this is a ‘special case’. Usually, the dollar symbol is needed when
you want to evaluate expressions embedded into strings in this way.
Remember that even ordinary strings (without the preceding $) evaluate certain
special characters (see the note on ‘Escape Characters’ earlier in this chapter). For
example, they will substitute a newline for \n and a tab for \t as shown here.
This displays:
This is a {mystring}
Special characters such as newlines and tabs are also evaluated in interpolated strings:
This displays:
This is a Test
Verbatim Strings
But what if you want to prevent any evaluation (that is, you want the string to be
displayed exactly as you wrote it, with no code evaluation and no substitution of
characters such as \t and \n)? In that case, you need to create a verbatim string.
6 – Arrays, Strings and Loops
To create a verbatim string, you must put a @ symbol in front of the string, as in this
When this code displays the string, nothing is evaluated – even \r, \n and\t are shown
\r\nThis is a \t{mystring}\n!!
This chapters’ projects use several different types of dialog box. You may have noticed
that the WordCount project uses the MessageBox dialog. This is defined entirely in code:
MessageBox.Show("delimcount=" + delimcount,
The Editor project implements a simple text editor that can load and save text and rich
text (RTF) format files. You could use this project to experiment with string methods.
For example, you could try adding features to format text in upper or lower case. I’ve
added a Tools menu with a Word count option. At present, word counting is not imple-
mented. However, if you look back at my WordCount project you’ll find guidance on how
6 – Arrays, Strings and Loops
to program that. You might want to play around with this project and see if you can add
a word counter to the Editor.
The Editor project uses OpenFile and SaveFile dialogs which are displayed when
menu items are clicked in the application’s File menu:
private void menuItem2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
openFile1.DefaultExt = "rtf";
openFile1.Filter = "RTF Files (*.rtf)|*.rtf|Text files (*.txt)|*.txt";
These dialogs are configured by setting properties in code – such as the default file
extension, DefaultExt, and the Filter (these are the file extensions that will be available
from the dialog’s File Type selector).
You can, if you wish, create Open and Save dialogs in code, like this:
6 – Arrays, Strings and Loops
However, in this project, I simply dropped the two File dialog controls from the Visual
Studio Toolbox into the Designer. This has the benefit that their properties can be set
using the Properties panel. In fact, if you wish, you can delete the Filter and DefaultExt
assignments from the code and use the Properties panel to set them instead.
7 – Files and Directories
Files and IO
The Editor project from the last chapter implemented a simple text editor which is able
to load and save text files to be displayed in a RichTextBox control. The RichTextBox
control has its own SaveFile() and LoadFile() methods.
So, for example, if the main form of the user interface includes a RichTextBox
control named textBox1, this is how you would save its contents to a file whose name the
user had entered into a SaveFileDialog component named saveFile1 (that is, as the
FileName property):
textBox1.SaveFile(saveFile1.FileName, RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText);
textBox1.SaveFile(saveFile1.FileName, RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText);
Saving data is extremely easy if you happen to be saving it from a RichTextBox control,
which has this behaviour ‘built in’. But what if you happen to be saving data from your
own, non-visual objects or loading data from a file that contains non-text data?
7 – Files and Directories
Before I explain the programming techniques you will require in order to save data to
disk, we first need to learn a bit about the IO (Input/Output) features of the .NET
framework. In particular, I want to explain the concept of a ‘stream’.
Variations on a Stream
There are various ‘specialised’ types of stream in .NET but here I want to concentrate on
the essential features of streams in general. Let’s start by seeing how to use basic Stream
objects to make a copy of a file. In this project, we will be making copies of the file,
Text.txt. My code assumes that this file can be found in the \Test directory on the C
If you want to try out my sample project, first use the Windows Explorer to create
the \Test directory on your C drive and copy the Test.txt file (from \Step07\streams) into
it. If you fail to do this, the sample program will not work! Be sure to keep the Windows
Explorer open on the C:\Test directory when you run the program so you can see which
files are created.
7 – Files and Directories
Now load up the Streams project. Scroll to the top of the code editor. You will see that I
have specified the source file and directory here:
const string SOURCEFN = "C:\\Test\\test.txt";
Note that I have also added System.IO to the using section at the top of the code. The
System.IO namespace contains all the essential IO classes that we’ll need such as File,
StreamWriter, StreamReader and the entire hierarchy of Streams.
Missing namespace?
If you forget to add System.IO to the using section of your code, Visual
Studio will show errors. Right-click the missing class name (e.g. Stream)
in the editor and select ‘Quick Actions and Refactorings’. Then select
using System.IO; to add this automatically.
Switch to the Form Designer. You can switch between the Code View and the Design
view using the View menu of Visual Studio or the default hotkeys (SHIFT-F7 for the
Designer, F7 for Code). Double-click the top button, labelled ‘Write Stream’. This will
take you to the button’s event-handling method: WriteStreamBtn_Click():
private void WriteStreamBtn_Click( object sender, System.EventArgs e ) {
const string OUTPUTFN = "C:\\Test\\Stream.txt";
Stream instream = File.OpenRead(SOURCEFN);
Stream outstream = File.OpenWrite(OUTPUTFN);
byte[] buffer = new Byte[BUFFSIZE];
int numbytes;
7 – Files and Directories
The method begins with the declaration of the output file name, OUTPUTFN, and I then
create two stream objects:
Notice that I use double-slashes "\\" to separate the directory names in the string. That’s
because a single slash in a string is used to indicate that the letter following it represents a
special character. For example "\n" is a new line and "\t" is a tab. When I want to put an
actual '\' character in a string, I need to precede it by another '\' character which is
what I’ve done here: "C:\\Test\\Stream.txt"
Each stream is created by methods of the File class. The OpenRead() and
OpenWrite() methods create files for reading and writing and they each return a
FileStream object.
static Methods
OpenRead() and OpenWrite() are static methods of the File class. This means that you
can use them by referring to the File class itself rather than to a specific File object. You
can think of a static method as a method that ‘belongs’ to the class rather than to an
individual object created from the class. I’ll have more to say on static methods in
Chapter 8.
Now I create a ‘buffer’ (an area of memory used for temporary storage) into which
to read data. This buffer is an array of 1024 bytes (I set the BUFFSIZE constant to 1024 at
the top of the code):
A while loop continually reads bytes from the input stream, instream, into this buffer as
long as there are more bytes to be read (the reading is all done inside the parentheses at
the start of this while loop and the bytes read are assigned to the numbytes variable until
the value is 0 when there are no more bytes to be read). The bytes (whose total number
is stored in numbytes) are then written into the output stream, outstream:
7 – Files and Directories
When all the reading and writing is completed, the two streams are closed:
The real problem with this code is that it is inefficient since it reads and writes data one
byte at a time. You may not notice this when working with a small file. But it might be
noticeable when working with very long files.
I could make the code more efficient by reading larger ‘blocks’ of bytes all in one
go. I can do this by creating a BufferedStream object. You can see an example of this in
the BuffStreamWriteBtn_Click() method:
private void BuffStreamWriteBtn_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
const string OUTPUTFN = "C:\\Test\\BuffStream.txt";
Stream instream = File.OpenRead(SOURCEFN);
Stream outstream = File.OpenWrite(OUTPUTFN);
BufferedStream buffInput = new BufferedStream(instream);
BufferedStream buffOutput = new BufferedStream(outstream);
byte[] buffer = new Byte[BUFFSIZE];
int numbytes;
The only significant difference from the previous method we looked at is that that this
one uses buffered stream objects rather than basic stream objects. To ensure that all data
is written (‘flushed’) to disk, the BufferedStream class provides the Flush() method.
However, when the output stream is closed by the Close() method, any buffered data is
automatically flushed, so it is not necessary to call the Flush() method here.
7 – Files and Directories
private void FileStreamBtn_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
const string OUTPUTFN = "C:\\Test\\FileStream.txt";
FileStream instream = new FileStream(SOURCEFN, FileMode.OpenOrCreate,
FileStream outstream = new FileStream(OUTPUTFN, FileMode.OpenOrCreate,
byte[] buffer = new Byte[BUFFSIZE];
int bytesRead;
There is much more to FileStream than I have space to explore here because it comes
with many methods that can assist in file handling. Refer to the online .NET help docu-
mentation for information. The only new feature here is the FileStream constructor:
The FileStream class has several constructors. The one I use here takes the three argu-
ments: the file name parameter, the file mode parameter (which is a pre-declared constant
that specifies how to open or create a file) and the file access parameter which is a constant
that determines whether the file can be read from or written to.
The three file copying methods I’ve created up to now, operate on bytes and can be
used to copy data of any type. I’ve used them to copy text files but they could just as well
be used to copy an executable file or some other sort of binary data. If the input file
were wordpad.exe and the output file were named mycopy.exe, all three of my file-copying
routines would make a correct copy of the wordpad.exe program.
7 – Files and Directories
private void StreamWriterBtn_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
const string OUTPUTFN = "C:\\Test\\StreamWriter.txt";
StreamReader sread;
StreamWriter swrite;
String aline;
if (!File.Exists(SOURCEFN)) {
MessageBox.Show(SOURCEFN + " does not exist!", "File not found.",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
} else {
sread = File.OpenText(SOURCEFN);
swrite = File.CreateText(OUTPUTFN);
while ((aline = sread.ReadLine()) != null) {
sread = File.OpenText(SOURCEFN);
swrite = File.CreateText(OUTPUTFN);
7 – Files and Directories
To read a line, use StreamReader’s ReadLine() method. To write a line use, StreamWriter’s
WriteLine() method. In my code, a while loop reads through the lines of text from the
input file. The lines of text are read in by the StreamReader object, sread, as long as there
are more lines to be read - that is, until null is returned (null is a value that indicates that
an object is not referenced by a variable, as explained in Chapter 5). The string variable,
aline, is initialized with the current line which is then written by the StreamWriter object,
swrite, to the output file:
In a finished application, it would be good practice always to test whether a file exists
before attempting to read data from it. The StreamWriterBtn_Click() method does this
using this test:
There may be occasions when you want to modify an existing file. For instance, if you
are working with plain text files (or other file types such as RTF, which contain ordinary
ASCII ‘text’ characters), you might want to add some text to the end of the file. The
AppendBtn_Click() method in the Streams project does that:
private void AppendBtn_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
const string OUTPUTFN = "C:\\Test\\FileStream.txt";
StreamReader sread;
StreamWriter swrite;
String aline;
if (!File.Exists(SOURCEFN)) {
MessageBox.Show(SOURCEFN + " does not exist!",
"File not found.",
} else if (!File.Exists(OUTPUTFN)) {
MessageBox.Show(OUTPUTFN + " does not exist!",
"File not found.",
7 – Files and Directories
Streams (continued)
} else {
sread = File.OpenText(SOURCEFN);
swrite = File.AppendText(OUTPUTFN);
while ((aline = sread.ReadLine()) != null) {
The StreamWriter object, swrite, uses the File class’s AppendText() method to write text
at the end of any text that is already in the specified file. If the specified file does not
exist, then it is created ready for text to be written into it.
If you are dealing with files in .NET, it is worth getting to know the File class. All the
methods of this class are static so you won’t have to create new File objects in order to
use them. In the example code shown earlier I used the three methods: CreateText(),
AppendText() and Exist().
The methods of the File class need to be passed a string argument indicating the
directory path and file name. The directory separators take the form of a double
backslash "\\".
The File class has many other useful capabilities. Its GetAttributes() method
retrieve a file’s attributes, Delete() deletes a file, Move() and Copy() move or copy a file.
In fact, I could have used File.Copy() to do all the copying which I laboriously coded in
the Streams project. Of course, if I had done that, I would not have had the opportunity
to try out the Stream and StreamReader classes. See the FileTestBtn_Click method in the
Streams project for an example of using File.Copy().
You may need to use Stream and its descendant classes when you want to process
or save data from user-defined objects. So, while the File methods are useful to know
about, they are no substitute for a full grasp of the inner life of .NET’s streams!
7 – Files and Directories
The Directory class can be used to create, move and enumerate through directories and
subdirectories. It provides static methods which means that (just like the methods of
the File class) you do not need to create an object from the class in order to use its
methods. Take a look at the dirBtn_Click() method in the Dir project (on the next page).
This method retrieves the names of the drives that are active or ‘mapped’ to a drive
identifier on your system. It calls Directory.GetLogicalDrives() method to initialize a
string array of the drive names:
drives = Directory.GetLogicalDrives();
To display the drive names, the code iterates through the strings using a foreach loop:
currdir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
If you want to find the top-level directory, you can use the GetDirectoryRoot() method,
passing to it a string that represents the path of a file or directory. My code uses the
currdir string, which I have already initialized to the current directory:
dirroot = Directory.GetDirectoryRoot(currdir);
7 – Files and Directories
private void dirBtn_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) {
string[] drives;
string currdir;
string dirroot;
string[] subdirs;
string pfdir;
string sysdir;
// Drives
try {
drives = Directory.GetLogicalDrives();
foreach (string drive in drives) {
textBox1.AppendText(drive + "\r\n");
} catch (Exception ex) {
textBox1.AppendText(ex.Message + "\r\n");
// Current Directory
currdir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
textBox1.AppendText("GetCurrentDirectory() = " + currdir + "\r\n");
// SubDirectories
subdirs = Directory.GetDirectories(dirroot);
foreach (string sd in subdirs) {
textBox1.AppendText(sd + "\r\n");
// System Dir
sysdir = Environment.SystemDirectory;
textBox1.AppendText("System Dir = " + sysdir + "\r\n");
Notice that I’ve enclosed the code that attempts to access the drives in
blocks that start with the try and catch keywords. This is a simple
example of ‘exception handling’ to deal with potential errors. Exception
handling is the subject of Chapter 9.
7 – Files and Directories
If you want to retrieve the names of subdirectories, use the GetDirectories() method to
return an array of strings. Then use a foreach loop to iterate through them. My code
iterates through all the directories immediately below the root:
subdirs = Directory.GetDirectories(dirroot);
foreach (string sd in subdirs) {
textBox1.AppendText(sd + "\r\n");
Use the Environment class to obtain paths to special directories such as the System or
Program Files directories. The Directory class can be used to work with the files or sub-
directories in those directories. For example, this code will display the top-level subdi-
rectories under the ‘root’ folder of your hard disk:
subdirs = Directory.GetDirectories(dirroot);
foreach (string sd in subdirs) {
textBox1.AppendText(sd + "\r\n");
Having obtained a string that represents the full path to a file or directory, you may want
to do certain operations such as parse out the file name or the file extension or the path
(the directories and subdirectories) minus the file name. The Path class has these and
other capabilities built in.
The pathBtn_Click() method in the Dir project starts by getting the path to the exe-
cutable file of the Dir.exe program itself (the program that is created when you compile
or run this project). The ExecutablePath property of the Application class supplies this:
string path = Application.ExecutablePath;
Now that you have a variable initialized with this path, you may want to find the direc-
tory name, minus the executable file name. To do that you can pass the path variable to
the GetDirectoryName() method of the Path class as follows:
7 – Files and Directories
In a similar manner, you can pass the path variable to other methods of the Path class
such as:
Each of these methods returns a modified version of the original string. The names of
the methods are self-explanatory and you can view the results by running the Dir project
and clicking the ‘Path Test’ button:
7 – Files and Directories
8 – Classes and Structs
I’ve mentioned previously (see Chapter 5) that it is often considered good practice to
give each class its own code file rather than to put multiple classes into a single code file.
For example, if you create a class named MyClass you can write its code in a file named
MyClass.cs and avoid adding any other classes to that file. That’s fine for fairly small
classes. But what if you write a class that contains many hundreds, or thousands, of lines
of code? In that case, it might be convenient to write the code in more than one file.
While it is generally preferable to keep classes small, sometimes a complicated class may
extend over many ‘screenfulls’ of text which make your code hard to navigate. In that
case, you can divide one class across several different files. You do this by preceding the
class name with the keyword partial.
Partial Classes
There is an example of a partial class in the ClassesAndMore project. You will find this
code in the code file MyClass.cs:
ClassesAndMore [MyClass.cs]
partial class MyClass {
private string _str = "";
public MyClass() {
_str = "A Default String";
8 – Classes and Structs
ClassesAndMore [MyClass2.cs]
partial class MyClass {
8 – Classes and Structs
The definition of MyClass is shared between the two code files shown here (MyClass.cs
and MyClass2.cs). That is permitted only when a class is defined to be a partial class in
both code files:
ClassesAndMore [MyClass.cs]
partial class MyClass {
ClassesAndMore [MyClass2.cs]
partial class MyClass {
In principle, a partial class could be shared across many more than two code files. How-
ever, if a class becomes so complex that its definition requires numerous code files, you
might want to consider whether it would be neater to divide it up into one or more fairly
small classes rather than putting all the code into one huge class.
A class may contain both ordinary methods (which are called by referring to an object)
and static methods (which are called by referring to a class).
Typically, ‘normal’ methods act upon an object’s internal data (it’s ‘fields’) while static
methods act upon ‘external’ data which is passed to them for processing.
For example, the .NET File.Exists() method is static. You can pass a file name
to File.Exists() as an argument and it returns a Boolean value, true or false,
depending on whether or not the file can be found.
In MyClass, I’ve defined the method ToUpCase() as static and ToLowCase() as a
normal (or ‘instance’) method. This is how I call the static method:
8 – Classes and Structs
MyClass ob1;
string s;
ob1 = new MyClass("Hello World");
s = ob1.ToLowCase();
// s now equals "hello world"
If you want to create a class that contains nothing but static methods you can make the
class itself static. I’ve done this with the MyStaticClass class:
ClassesAndMore (MyStaticClass.cs)
namespace ClassesAndMore {
A static class does not permit objects to be created from it. You can think of a static
class as a named group of methods which provide some sort of related functionality that
can be easily accessed by external code. The .NET framework includes several static
classes such as File and Directory.
8 – Classes and Structs
Overloaded Methods
In C# it is permissible to define multiple methods with the same name inside a single
class. You can even create multiple constructors for a single class. Each constructor or
each similarly-named method must have a different set of arguments. It is the argument
list which resolves the ambiguity of the repeated names and allows C# to determine
which method you intend to call.
The MyClass class, for example, defines three alternative methods called
ToLowCase(). Two of these are static methods (these two methods return the lowercase
version of one or more string arguments), but one of them is a normal method that
returns the lowercase version of a MyClass object’s _str variable:
ClassesAndMore [MyClass.cs]
public static string ToLowCase(string aString) {
return aString.ToLower();
The MyClass class also has two constructors. The first takes no arguments and it sets a
default value for _str. The second takes a string argument which is assigned to _str:
public MyClass() {
_str = "A Default String";
MyClass ob1;
MyClass ob2;
ob1 = new MyClass("Hello World");
ob2 = new MyClass();
8 – Classes and Structs
I’ve created ob1 using the constructor that takes a string argument and assigns this to
_str whereas ob2 has been created using a constructor that takes no arguments, so _str
retains its default value. I can now display _str in lowercase by calling ToLowCase() on
each object:
textBox1.AppendText(ob1.ToLowCase() + "\r\n");
textBox1.AppendText(ob2.ToLowCase() + "\r\n");
hello world
a default string
As an alternative to a class, you may create a struct. Unlike a class, a struct cannot have
descendants. In addition, its constructor cannot have an empty argument list. You will
see an example of a struct in the file MyStruct.cs:
ClassesAndMore [MyStruct.cs]
public struct MyPointStruct {
int _x;
int _y;
public int X {
get {
return _x;
set {
_x = value;
8 – Classes and Structs
ClassesAndMore [MyEnums.cs]
public enum CardSuits {
By default, each constant is assigned a numeric value from 0 upwards. However, enums
are often used simply to provide descriptive names rather than to supply associated
values. The identifiers may be assigned to variables of the specific enum type like this:
CardSuits selectedSuit;
selectedSuit = CardSuits.Clubs;
8 – Classes and Structs
If you want to display one of the enum’s identifiers as a string, you can use the ToString()
textBox1.Text = selectedSuit.ToString();
You may optionally assign specific numeric values to elements of an enum like this:
Enums are used in numerous places throughout the .NET framework. For example, if
you select a control in the Form designer, you can change its docking behaviour by
clicking the Dock property. You can anchor a control (so that its edges are auto-resized
when the control containing it is resized) using the Anchor property. These two proper-
ties are assigned values from the DockStyle and AnchorStyles enums like this:
textBox1.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
textBox1.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top;
You can ‘combine’ enum values using the single upright bar | operator. This will not
necessarily result in a sensible value for all enums. However, some enums expect this
sort of operation. The AnchorStyles enum, for example, can anchor a control at the Bottom
and Left of its container like this:
9 – Exception Handling
9 – Exception Handling
Few programs of any ambition are completely bug-free. At least, they aren’t at the outset.
But, with a little care, and a lot of debugging, it should be possible to squash most of the
most troublesome bugs before the end-user is let loose on your application.
In some respects you could say that the programmer’s greatest enemy is the user.
The trouble with users is that they don’t play by the rules. Your code expects them to do
one thing but they go and do something else that you hadn’t even thought of.
It is your responsibility, therefore, to assume that the user will, at some time or
another, do the most stupid things conceivable. That means that you have to build into
your code some means of recovering from potential disaster. Fortunately, C# and .NET
make this fairly easy to do using exception-handling.
Imagine that you’ve created a calculator of some kind. Naturally, you expect the user to
do calculations by entering numbers. But what happens if, instead of entering 1 and 0
(the numbers: one and zero), the user enters I and O (that is, the capital letters: I and O)?
The user may be dumb for doing that, but that’s no excuse for your program to crash.
After all, this could an international banking system and that program crash just lost a
billion dollar transaction. Blaming the user is not going to save your job!
If you plan on having a long, happy and profitable programming career, it is defi-
nitely in your interests to make your programs as crash-proof as humanly possible, no
matter how stupid the users may be.
In C# and .NET, runtime errors (errors that occur when the program is running rather
than those that are spotted by the compiler) are handled by exceptions.
9 – Exception Handling
As with everything else in C#, an exception is an object. When an error happens, an in-
stance of the Exception class (that is, an Exception object) is created. Your code can make
use of this by ‘catching’ the exception object and using its properties and methods.
In the Exceptions project, I’ve designed a simple calculator that is ready to be handed
over to my end users, all of whom are experts at crashing computer programs. Let’s see
if it is easy to crash this program (run this program without the debugger - CTRL F5).
The first user enters “IO” (letters, not numbers) into the subtotal edit box at the
top of the form, then clicks the first button, labelled ‘Calc’ . Right away my program runs
into a problem. An error message informs me that there is an unhandled exception.
This sort of error message may be acceptable when you are developing an application. But
is not the kind of message an end user expects to see when running it. Still, at least it lets
me recover from the error without crashing my entire program. I can click ‘Continue’
button and try again.
Now I click the second button, ‘Calc2’(with “IO” still in edit box). As before, an
error occurs but now I see a different, and altogether more polite, error message. This is
because the code that executes when this button is clicked ‘catches’ the exception object
handles the exception.
9 – Exception Handling
This is the code that runs when the Calc2 button is clicked:
private void calc2Btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
double st = 0.0;
double tax = 0.0;
double gt = 0.0;
try {
st = Convert.ToDouble(subTotBox.Text);
} catch (Exception exc) {
MessageBox.Show("Awfully sorry to bother you, " +
"but apparently the " + exc.Message,
"Oops! There has been an error of the type: " + exc.GetType(),
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
tax = st * 0.175;
gt = st + tax;
taxBox.Text = tax.ToString();
grandTotBox.Text = gt.ToString();
The exception-handling code, which is what traps the error and deals with it, can all be
found between the pairs of curly brackets after try and catch:
try {
// here is code that might generate an error
} catch(Exception exc) {
// here is code to deal with an error
In my program, the bit of code that could potentially cause a problem is the first line in
the try block, which attempts to convert the Text of subTotBox to a double value:
try {
st = Convert.ToDouble(subTotBox.Text);
If this conversion attempt fails (that is, if the text cannot be converted to a double) then
the code block following the catch keyword is run. The catch block takes an argument,
exc (the name here is not important) of the type Exception. When a problem occurs in
the try block, the variable exc is initialized with the exception object which contains
information about the error that has just occurred. This information includes a Message
property which gives access to a string describing the error:
9 – Exception Handling
In the present case, Message provides the error string: “Input string was not in a correct
format”. My code displays this in the message box. The exception object also has a
GetType() method. This returns a string description of the exact error type. Here this is
“System.FormatException”. My code displays this string in the caption of the message box.
An exception object has many other properties and methods that can provide even
more detailed information on an error. Try, for example, editing the code shown above
by replacing exc.Message with exc.ToString().
Exception Types
It is also possible to catch specific types of exception. For an example of this, look at the
code in calc3Btn_Click():
private void calc3Btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
int st = 0;
double tax = 0.0;
double gt = 0.0;
try {
st = Convert.ToInt32(subTotBox.Text);
} catch (OverflowException exc) {
MessageBox.Show("Try a smaller number! "
+ exc.Message,
"Yikes! Overflow error: " + exc.GetType(),
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
} catch (Exception exc) {
MessageBox.Show("Awfully sorry to bother you, " +
"but apparently the " + exc.Message,
"Oops! There seems to have been a slight " +
"error of the type: " + exc.GetType(),
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
tax = st * 0.175;
gt = st + tax;
taxBox.Text = tax.ToString();
grandTotBox.Text = gt.ToString();
9 – Exception Handling
This code expects the user to enter a 32-bit integer into subTotBox, the subtotal edit box.
This means that if the user enters an alphanumeric character such as ‘X’ or a floating-
point number such as 1.5, a FormatException will occur.
However, another type of exception is also possible. An int32 value must fall
between the range of -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647. If the user enters a number
larger or smaller than these values, an OverflowException will occur.
Try it. Enter ‘X’ into the subtotal box and click the Calc3 button. You will see the
same error message as previously. Now enter eleven or more digits (e.g. 999999999999)
into the subtotal box and once again click Calc3. This time, you will see a different error
message which states ‘Try a smaller number!’.
To handle a particular exception type, you need to specify that type by name in a catch
section. In the click event-handler method for the Calc3 button I have added a catch
block to handle OverflowException:
9 – Exception Handling
I could subsequently add separate blocks specifying other type of exception such as
FormatException. Each block will only execute if the specific type of exception object is
found. If not, the code moves on to the next catch block. The final catch block should
normally specify the base Exception class and this will execute if an exception of any type
has occurred which has not already been handled by an earlier catch block.
You may also nest one try...catch block inside another. Here’s an example in which my
code attempts to convert some text entered by the user into a double. This is in the click
event-handler method for the Calc4 button.
If the conversion fails, the exception is trapped in a catch block. This catch block
assumes that the only possible cause of an error would be that the user has not entered
any text:
try {
st = Convert.ToDouble(subTotBox.Text);
inputtext = subTotBox.Text;
} catch (Exception exc) {
if (inputtext.Length == 0) {
MessageBox.Show("You must enter some data " +
"into the subtotal field", "Error",
However, there is a bug in my code (yes, I hate to admit it, but that does happen
sometimes!) because whenever a conversion operation fails, this line is skipped:
inputtext = subTotBox.Text;
When an exception occurs, the program immediately jumps to the catch block. This
code here tests the length of inputtext. But it turns out that inputtext has no length
because it still has the default value which I set at the top of the method, and that is null:
9 – Exception Handling
The end result is that whenever a conversion fails in the try block, no matter what the
reason for that failure, an unhandled exception occurs, and that is very bad news:
I’ve rewritten this code in the event-handler method for the Calc5 button. This time, I’ve
put the test (inputtext.Length == 0) inside its own try block:
try {
if (inputtext.Length == 0) {
MessageBox.Show("You must enter some data into the subtotal field",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
} catch (Exception exc2) {
MessageBox.Show("Program Bug. Please contact support. Error was: " +
exc2.Message, "Error",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
This second exception (exc2) is caught by a catch block nested inside the catch block of
the first exception. Now, even if two exceptions occur here, my program can recover
gracefully and display an explanatory error message rather than just crashing out.
Now, I should say here that I am not wildly keen on nested exception-handling for the
simple reason that it can often be hard to understand precisely in which catch blocks a
nested exception will be caught. Errors of all sort can be tricky to find and fix. It is my
view, therefore, that error-handling should be made as simple as it possibly can be.
9 – Exception Handling
You may optionally use a finally block instead of a catch block or place a finally block
after one or more catch blocks. A finally block will run whether or not an exception
has occurred and it may be used to reset values of any data which may be left in an un-
predictable state following an exception. This finally block is found in the
calc5Btn_Click() method:
try {
// code that might cause an exception
} catch (Exception exc) {
// code to handle exception
} finally {
MessageBox.Show("Thank you for using our calculator", "Goodbye",
MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
tax = st * 0.175;
gt = st + tax;
taxBox.Text = tax.ToString();
grandTotBox.Text = gt.ToString();
statusLabel.Text = msg;
Visual Studio has one of the best debuggers available anywhere, so be sure to make good
use of it. Typically you will start a debugging session by placing breakpoints in your code
to pause execution of your program at one or more points where you want to examine
the values of variables. Let me now give you a quick guide to the main features of the
Visual Studio Debugger. Bear in mind, however, that the Debugger has many more
capabilities – far too many to describe here.
9 – Exception Handling
To place a breakpoint, click in the left-hand shaded margin of a code file. The break-
point is shown as a red circle in the margin and a highlighted red line in the code.
Now press F5 to run your program in the debugger. The program will stop when a
breakpoint is encountered. Use the Locals window to view variables that are in scope or
the Watch window to view selected variables. You can add variables to the Watch window
by entering them as text or by dragging them out of a code window.
You can find debugging commands on the Debug menu or on the Debug Toolbar which
will normally appear above the editing window during a debugging session. If the Debug
toolbar is not visible, right-click the Toolbar area and select ‘Debug’ from the drop-down
9 – Exception Handling
10 – Lists and Generics
I’ve decided I want to write a retro-style text adventure game. In order to do this, I need
to manipulate lists of objects so that, for example, an item can be transferred from one
list (belonging to a Room) to another list (belonging to the Player) when it is taken. To
do that, I shall use some special .NET collection classes.
Generic Collections
The simplest type of list is an array which is a sequential list of items. I explained arrays
in Chapter 6. In fact, the .NET framework also supplies several other collection classes
such as List and Dictionary. These are called ‘generic collection’ classes. Let’s see what
they can do that arrays can’t.
A List represents a strongly-typed collection of objects and it comes with lots of useful
methods to add, remove and find objects in the collection. This is called a ‘generic’ list.
The syntax for declaring a generic list is:
Here T is the name of the type of the items in the list. In real code you might declare lists
of strings or of Thing objects like this:
10 – Lists and Generics
This is how I declare and construct a List typed to hold Thing objects:
public List<Thing> thingList = new List<Thing>();
The .NET Framework also has a Dictionary class. This is a type of list in which the
items are indexed not by a sequential numerical index but by a key which may be a
unique object of any type.
You can think of a C# Dictionary as the programming equivalent of a real-world
dictionary in which each entry has a unique name as its ‘key’ – for example, "Dog" –
followed by a definition which is its ‘value’ – for example: "A furry mammal that woofs
and gnaws on bones."
The declaration of a Dictionary in C# code is a bit like the declaration of a List but
it requires two types (the key and the value) between a pair of angle-brackets. This is how
I might declare and construct a Dictionary with a string key and a string value, and then
add a single item to it:
Dictionary<string, string> petDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
petDictionary.Add("Dog", "A furry mammal that woofs and gnaws on bones");
You can try to get a value associated with a key like this:
string value;
petDictionary.TryGetValue("Dog", out value);
10 – Lists and Generics
In this case, the TryGetValue() method will us the key "Dog" to find the associated value
and it will initialize the out value argument to the string "A furry mammal that woofs and
gnaws on bones".
If the key is not found in the dictionary, value will be initialized with the default for
the object type. Here, the value argument is a string whose default is an empty string.
Since it would not be useful to display an empty string on screen, you can test the return
value of the TryGetValue() method which will be true when a key is found and false
otherwise. You will then be able to display something more useful when the key cannot
be found:
Dictionaries can use all kinds of objects as their keys and values. This is how to declare
and construct a Dictionary with a string key and Room value, then add a single item to it:
Dictionaries have many other methods that they can use. In this example I use the
ContainsKey() method to determine whether a Dictionary object contains a specific key
and the Remove() method to remove an object if it exists:
In the next example, my code iterates over the items in the Dictionary in order to access
the key and the value from each item:
10 – Lists and Generics
In this case, as the Dictionary has been typed to hold key-value pairs in which each value is
a Room object, I am able to access each Room object’s description field (a public string
variable) from the Value property of the loop variable kvp without first having to ‘cast’
Value to a Room.
Overridden Methods
adventure-game [Thing.cs]
public virtual string Describe() {
return Name + " " + Description;
The descendant classes of Thing must be sure to define their own versions of this virtual
method. To do this you must add the keyword override before the Describe() method
name in the descendant classes like this:
virtual methods
A virtual method is one that can overridden. An overridden method is
one that provides a new implementation of a method with the same
name inherited from a base class. This should be clearer by the end of
this chapter.
10 – Lists and Generics
To understand why virtual methods are needed, let’s consider how a normal ‘non-virtual’
method works. Let’s suppose you have defined a class that has a method with the same
name and argument list as a method of its ancestor class. Imagine, for example, that your
program contains an ancestor class, A, and a descendant class, B.
A class (such as B) that descends from another class (such as A) is compatible with
its ancestor. The A class is the ancestor of the B class so you could say that class B is a type
of class A. I’ve written these classes in the MethodTest project:
MethodTest [TestClasses.cs]
class A {
public string Method1() {
return "class A: Method1\r\n";
In this simple example, A.Method1() returns the string, "class A: Method1\r\n" whereas
B.method1() returns "class B: (new) Method1\r\n". Instances of these classes are created
as follows:
MethodTest [Form1.cs]
A mya1 = new A();
B myb1 = new B();
10 – Lists and Generics
Were my code now to call myb1.Method1(), it would, of course, return the string "class
B: (new) Method1\r\n". But now consider what would happen if you were iterating over a
collection of mixed objects, some of which might be A objects, others B objects and
others (if I write some more classes) C, D and E objects. I’ll assume that A is the base class
– the ultimate ancestor of all other classes – and that B (and C, D, E etc.) are descendants
of A.
Since A is the base class, all the objects in such as collection are either A objects or
descendants of A objects. You could add these objects, to a generic List, called oblist, that
is typed to be compatible with the A class:
Now you write a foreach loop that iterates through all the objects in the list, oblist. This
loop has to know which base type of object it is dealing with (here that’s class A). Since
all descendant objects are compatible with class A, it is possible to call Method1() for each
object encountered, like this:
Now consider what will happen if the foreach loop processes the A object mya1 and the B
object myb1. The foreach loop has been told that it is dealing with instances of the A class.
When myb1 is processed within the loop, will b.Method1() or a.Method1() be called?
Let’s try it out. This is what is displayed:
class A: Method1
class A: Method1
Even though the second object is an instance of the B class, it is Method1() as defined by
class A that is called. So all the objects processed within the loop will return the string
"class A: Method1\r\n", even though some of those objects may actually be descendants of
class A with their own unique Method1() implementations.
How can we get around this problem? The answer is to make Method1() in the base
class (A) a ‘virtual’ method and to make Method1() in all the descendant objects (B etc.)
‘overridden’ methods.
10 – Lists and Generics
To do this, you need to insert the keywords virtual and override before the method
type and name, like this:
If you call the virtual Method2() inside the foreach loop, C# works out the exact type of
the object being processed before calling the specified method. So when the B object,
myb1, goes through the loop, the overridden Method2()(defined within the B class) is
executed. And this is what is displayed:
If virtual and overridden methods are new to you, you may find this easier to understand
by running (or debugging) the MethodTest project. You may first want to refer back to the
code of my two classes, A and B (in the TestClasses.cs file) which appears earlier in this
chapter. Notice, by the way, that I have used the new keyword in the definition of
Method1() in the B class:
This is recommended for clarity when an ancestor class defines a non-virtual method
with the same name and argument list. When preceded by the keyword new a method is
specifically declared to be a replacement for a method with the same name in its ancestor
In fact, if you omit the new keyword in a non-virtual method (as in Method3()), the
method will operate in the same way as if the new keyword had been used. However, in
that case, Visual Studio will show a warning.
Now look at the code of testBtn_Click() in the main form, Form1.cs, of the
MethodTest project. The listing is shown on the next page.
10 – Lists and Generics
MethodTest [Form1.cs]
private void testBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
A mya1 = new A();
B myb1 = new B();
This displays:
10 – Lists and Generics
To end this course, I’ve written a small adventure game. This game lets the player move
from place (Room) to place, taking and dropping objects:
The world of the game takes the form of a map of Room objects.
adventure-game [Adventure.cs]
private RoomList _map = new RoomList();
The RoomList class here is a generic List typed to contain Room objects:
adventure-game [RoomList.cs]
public class RoomList : List<Room>
Each Roommay itself contain a list of Thing objects implemented as a ThingList. The
ThingList class is a generic List of Thing objects:
adventure-game [ThingList.cs]
public class ThingList : List<Thing>
10 – Lists and Generics
I’ve created a special class called ThingHolder which has a ThingList as a field. Any
objects that need to ‘contain’ a list of Thing objects (such as Room) descend from the
ThingHolder class:
adventure-game [ThingHolder.cs]
public class Room : ThingHolder
The player can wander around the game from room to room taking and dropping
objects. I am not going to explain this game in detail. It contains code that uses many of
the techniques I discussed earlier in this book. You may find it useful to use this project
for revision. Look through the code and, if you find anything you can’t understand, refer
back to the section in the book that explains those classes, methods or techniques.
The adventure-game project illustrates many of the subjects covered by this book,
include class hierarchies, virtual and overridden methods (see Describe()), enums (see
Dir), generic Lists, properties, switch...case tests, foreach loops, serialization (to save
and load games) and more.
Before leaving this game, I’d like to say a few words about how the ‘game state’ (the
position of the player and treasure objects, for example) is saved and loaded from disk.
As in previous projects, I ‘serialize’ objects so that they can be stored in streams. In this
case I have decided to use the BinaryFormatter class.
This class serializes and de-serializes an object, or an entire graph or ‘tree’ of
connected objects, in binary format. That means that I can give it a ‘top level’ object –
one that contains many other objects, each of which may themselves contain objects –
without having to bother coding all the details of saving and restoring them to and from
Note too that I have had to mark all the classes I want to save with the
[Serializable] attribute. An attribute is a special directive placed between square
brackets. BinaryFormatter requires this attribute to be placed before the definition of any
class to be serialized:
public class Adventure
public class Thing
public class RoomList : List<Room>
// … and so on
10 – Lists and Generics
This is currently a very simple game and you can try to improve it. In fact, I’d encourage
you to use my source code as a starting point and see how many new features you can
add to make this into a bigger and more interesting game. See my TODO comments (in
Visual Studio, select the View menu then Other Windows then Task List) for a few ideas.
To get started, I’d suggest that you take a look at the ThingHolder class and see if
you can make it more ‘self-contained’ by giving it extra methods to delete objects from a
list as well as add them to it. The TransferOb() method in the Adventure class could call
the ThingHolder methods instead of using the Add() and Remove() methods of ThingList
(which it just inherits from List).
You could also add new classes that descend from the ThingHolder class. These
could be used to create ‘container’ objects such as treasure chests which allow the player
to put other objects into them.
You may also extend the game by creating new rooms to make a bigger map. Then
add more treasures and additional commands (“put treasure into container”, “pull lever”,
“push door” and so on). And, of course, you will need to add some puzzles – limited
only by your imagination.
Programming, whether it’s an adventure game or something more ‘serious’, is a
constant challenge to both your skill and your imagination. The only way to get better at
it is by doing it, pushing the limits of your skill, sometimes succeeding, sometimes failing
– and all the time learning.
Programming is an endlessly fascinating activity. I hope this little book has helped
you make some progress towards mastering programming in C#. Where you take that
knowledge next is entirely up to you. I wish you all the best in your programming future.
What Next?
If you’d like to extend your knowledge of C# programming even further, you might be
interested in the range of online video-based programing courses from Huw
Collingbourne, author of The Little Book Of C#. The course Learn To Program C# in
Ten Easy Steps is the perfect complement to this book and it covers a similar range of
topics in over seven hours of video and 117 lessons.
Huw also teaches courses on creating a media player (music and video) with C#,
how to program a C# screen-capture utility that lets you grab picture of your whole
screen, specific windows or selected rectangle. And if you are interested in retro-gaming,
there is even a course on writing a C# text adventure in the style of classic games such as
Zork or Colossal Cave. Huw is the author of the cult adventure game The Golden
10 – Lists and Generics
Wombat Of Destiny and this course gives you the real inside information on writing
classic-style text adventures.
In fact, you can buy the whole bundle of Huw’s C# courses at a huge discount,
available only to purchasers of this book.
Get the Special Deal Now on the Bitwise Courses C# bundle here:
The source code of all the projects described in this book can be downloaded from the
Bitwise Books web site:
The code is provided in a Zip archive and you will need to unzip the archive in
order to extract the code into directories on your disk. The code is supplied as single
Visual Studio solution which, on Windows, can be loaded directly into Microsoft Visual
Studio. If you haven’t got a copy of Visual Studio, you can download a free copy here:
Online Information
For detailed documentation on the huge range of .NET classes and methods, refer to
Microsoft’s online documentation:
The default – and best – IDE for programming C# is Microsoft Visual Studio on
Windows. Throughout this book, I assume that you will use Visual Studio when
programming C#. There are, however, several other code editors and IDEs that can be
used to create and build C# projects. Some of these run on other operating systems.
Please note that the author and publisher of The Little Book Of C# can provide no
technical help on using these tools. If you have a query or problem, you should contact
the tool’s developers or the join their forums to ask questions.
Visual Studio Community is a free and full-featured IDE for building apps for Web,
Windows Store, Windows Desktop, and even Android and iOS using programming
languages including C#, C, C++, HTML/JavaScript, and Visual Basic. At the time of
writing, it is free for students, open source development, individual developers (creating
free or paid-for applications) and small teams. These terms may change so if you plan to
use Visual Studio for commercial development, you should refer to the Terms &
Conditions on the Microsoft site:
Microsoft also has a cross-platform IDE called Visual Studio Code. This supports
editing and debugging (but not visual design) on Windows, Linux and the Mac. It
supports numerous languages including C, C++, Java, Objective-C, PHP, Python, Ruby,
JavaScript and C#. More information and downloads here:
A set of tools and code to help you create native Android, iOS, and Windows apps using
a shared .NET code base:
Microsoft is developing a product, based on Xamarin, called Visual Studio for Mac. This
includes code editing, refactoring and debugging. In spite of its name, however, it is not
very similar to Visual Studio on Windows:
OmniSharp is a set of open source projects that provide .NET development capabilities
within a variety of editors and IDEs, including Atom, Emacs, Vim, Adobe Brackets and
Sublime Text. For the latest information on OmniSharp, see the web site here:
Visual Studio for C# development with the Unity Games Engine. You will need to
install Unity and the Visual Studio Unity development tools. See here:
C# Keywords
Keywords are reserved identifiers that have special meanings to the C# compiler. They
cannot be used as identifiers (for variables, constants, function names and so on) in your
program unless they include @ as a prefix. For example, @if is a valid identifier, but if is
not because if is a keyword. Here are C#’s reserved keywords:
abstract, as, base, bool, break, byte, case, catch, char, checked, class, const,
continue, decimal, default, delegate, do, double, else, enum, event, explicit,
extern, false, finally, fixed, float, for, foreach, goto, if, implicit, in, int,
interface, internal, is, lock, long, namespace, new, null, object, operator,
out, override, params, private, protected, public, readonly, ref, return, sbyte,
sealed, short, sizeof, stackalloc, static, string, struct, switch, this, throw,
true, try, typeof, uint, ulong, unchecked, unsafe, ushort, using, using static,
virtual, void, volatile, while
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