Heart Disease Detection Using Machine Learning: Chithambaram T Logesh Kannan N Gowsalya M (Gowsalya.m@vit - Ac.in)
Heart Disease Detection Using Machine Learning: Chithambaram T Logesh Kannan N Gowsalya M (Gowsalya.m@vit - Ac.in)
Heart Disease Detection Using Machine Learning: Chithambaram T Logesh Kannan N Gowsalya M (Gowsalya.m@vit - Ac.in)
Chithambaram T
Vellore institute of technology and
Logesh Kannan N
Vellore institute of technology
Gowsalya M ( gowsalya.m@vit.ac.in )
Vellore institute of technology
Short Report
Keywords: Heart Disease, Data Processing, Detection, K-Nearest Neighbor, Random Classi er, Correlation,
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-97004/v1
License: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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This paper analyzes the detection of heart disease using machine learning algorithms and python
programming. Over the post decades, heart disease is common and dangerous disease caused by fat
containment. This disease occurs due to over pressure in the human body. Using different types of
parameters in the dataset we can predict the cardiac-disease. We have observed a dataset consists of 12
parameters and 70000 individual data values[5] to analyze the performance of patients. The main
objective of the paper is to get a better accuracy to detect the heart-disease using algorithms in which the
target output counts that a person having heart disease or not.
Python is most powerful programming language having numerous libraries which is used in this project
with machine learning model. Machine learning is a subset model of arti cial intelligence network in
which uses complex algorithms and deep learning neural networks. Cardio vascular disease is a
widespread disease in all over a region. This type of disease may cause due to smoking, high blood
pressure, diabetes, overweight, hyper tension, cholesterol etc that has to be accumulated because of the
fatty foods or unlimited intake of foods or non-moving to anywhere. This disease may occur by various
heart problems such as coronary-artery disease, cardio-vascular, stroke, heart failure and much more.
Chest pain (cp), resting blood pressure, cholesterol, resting electrocardiographic results, fasting blood
sugar(fbs), maximum heart achieved, exercise induced angina, ST depression induced by exercise relative
to rest, slope of the peak exercise ST segment, number of major vessels colored by uoroscopy etc… are
the major reasons for causing heart problems but we have a attributes of individual person like height,
weight, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, smoke, alcohol, active
(physically active person). Python libraries are the pre-requisites for making prediction in which SKLEARN
is basically used in machine learning predictions. From SKLEARN, we will be able to preprocess the data
by splitting the attributes and labels, test and train data, and also scale the values in the data to be values
between 0 and 1 by importing the library STANDARDSCALAR. Also SEABORN is another library used in
our prediction to correlate each and every attributes together. At last the confusion matrix decides
accuracy perfectly by importing CONFUSION MATRIX.
Literature Survey
A. Previous Work:
Prediction of Heart Disease using Naive Bayes Approach, Arti cial Intelligence (AI) networks, Support
Vector Machine (SVM), Random forest algorithm, Simple regression method (Shadman Nashif) [4].
The paper represented in, is Compared with KNN, SVM, Random classi er, decision tree classi er given
accurate result for Heart Disease Prediction System- HDPS. The prediction was made better accuracy of
98.83% by decision tree machine learning method than other methods (O.E.Taylor) [3].
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Better data mining techniques when predicting heart disease (Animesh Hazra). In this paper, c4.5, k-
means, decision tree, SVM, naïve bayes and all other machine learning algorithms are compared to get a
better accuracy of heart disease[1].
On the other hand, Praveen Kumar Reddy, 2019, Try to reduce the occurrences of heart disease using
decision tree algorithm. In this, Support Vector Machine algorithm classi es the data values by using
hyper plane and decision tree is implemented by Gini index method in which highest gain of the attributes
gives a better representation of decision tree algorithm[2].
i. Data collection
We have collected data from dataset provider –Kaggle.com. the dataset which is published by
Svetlana Ulianova as in the title of Cardiovascular Disease dataset, 2019.The dataset collected
consists of 70,000 records of patients data carries 11 features and
Dataset is the information or a tool essential to do any kind of research or a project
Segregation of target data and feature data as training and test data.
Scaling the values in the data to be values between 0 and 1 in which and scale all the values before
training the Machine Learning models.
Comparing 4-machine learning algorithms such as SVM, Decision tree, Random forest classi er and
K- nearest neighbor to get the better accuracy to which highest parameter may cause disease.
For each algorithm, there is a pseudo code helpful to develop any kind of programming language. In
python, there is a simple way to establish any kind of algorithm in which simple and short code
easier to predict accuracy.
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The algorithms used in this project is highly helpful to predict the accurate result to detect heart disease
in which factors that cause a disease can be detected. The following algorithms have built in this project.
KNN is a supervised classi er that carry-outs a observations from within a test set to predict
classi cation labels. KNN is one of the classi cation technique used whenever there is a classi cation. It
has a few assumptions includes dataset has little noise, labeled and it should contains relevant features.
By applying KNN in large datasets takes long time to process. The accuracy gained with this algorithm is
Random forest classi er is a powerful tool in the machine learning library. With this classi er, we will be
able to get higher accuracy and training time should be less. Initially, we have to build a model and by
splitting variables into training and test set. After splitting the data, train the dependent variables and
predict the response. By using the random forest classi er, the accuracy predicted result is of
approximately 71% but actually 71.4%.
In this algorithm, preprocessing made initially by splitting data into training and test data .Feature scaling
can be done because of normalizing the values before prediction. Import a decision tree classi er to t
the training sets of dependent and independent variables in which Gini-index criterion is used to predict
the accuracy or response for the test set. The accuracy gained with this algorithm is 68.4%.
SVM is also one of the classi cation algorithms in machine learning in which better accuracy can be
predicted. In comparison of other algorithms, it is better for predicting accuracy in an expected way.
In our prediction, predicted highest accuracy is 72.5% using linear SVM kernel.
In our prediction, predicted highest accuracy is 86.2% using Gaussian SVM kernel.
Our main goal is to predict the accuracy for future problems that the disease may cause and which
algorithm gives more accuracy that can be made for the target output counts that a person having Heart
disease or not.
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The imported dataset can be processed and correlated to each other and visualize the correlation for
each attribute with another attribute to each other by Heap map shows highest correlation for cholesterol
and glucose.
For the above KNN classi er score in the range 1 to 11, the accuracy rate predicted at 69.8%.If any value
x with the ‘k’ by assuming number of neighbor, it will re ect the prediction rate nearly 69%-70% because
large data is used.
1. Animesh Hazra, Subrata Kumar Mandal, Amit Gupta, Arkomita Mukherjee (2017) Heart Disease
Diagnosis and Prediction Using Machine Learning and Data Mining Techniques. Advances in
Computational Sciences and Technology ISSN 0973-6107 Volume 10, Number 7 (2017) pp. 2137-
2. Praveen Kumar Reddy , T.Sunil Kumar Reddy, Balakrishnan, Syed Muzamil Basha, Ravi Kumar
Poluru, ,August 2019, Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithm, Blue Eyes
Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication https:doi.org/10.35940/ijitee.J9340.0881019.com.
3. E.Taylor, P.S.Ezekiel, F.B.Deedam-Okuchaba (2019). A Model to Detect Heart Disease using Machine
Learning Algorithm. International Journal of computer sciences and engineering E-ISSN:2347-2693
Vol.-7,issue-11,nov 2019https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v7i11.15
4. Nashif, Md. R Raihan, Md. R.Islam, and M.H.Imam (2018) Heart Disease Detection by Using Machine
Learning Algorithms and a Real-Time Cardiovascular Health Monitoring System. World Journal of
Engineering and Technology, 6, 854-873.https://doi.org/10.4236/wjet.2018.64057.
5. Svetlana Ulianova, Cardiovascular Disease dataset. The dataset consists of 70 000 records of
patient data, 11 features + target.
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