Learning Activity Sheet in Household Services 10 (Week 1) Learning Competency: LO 1. Prepare Dining Area

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Learning Activity Sheet in Household Services 10

(Week 1)
LO 1. Prepare Dining Area
1.1Show furniture setup correctly following standard (TLE_HEHS9-12HC-IIIa-e-9)

Directions: Read the following questions carefully and choose the letter that best
describes the statement. Write your answer on your test notebook. If you have questions,
raise your hand and ask your teacher.

1. What is the basic set-up performed before the guest arrive designed for a main course
A. basic set-up (ala carte)
B. menu cover
C. table centrepiece
D. table appointments
2. What is the term for a set menu which features pre-arranged items at fixed price meal
based on the types of service use?
A. basic set-up (ala carte
B. menu cover
C. table centrepiece
D. table appointments
3. Which of the following is considered as a central object with a decorative purpose
intended for .table decoration?
A. basic set-up (ala carte)
B. menu cover
C. table centrepiece
D. table appointments
4. Which of the following are the materials used in setting individual covers on a table?
A. basic set-up (ala carte
B. menu cover
C. table centrepiece
D. table appointments
5. What kind of cloth used under the table cloth which deadens noise of dishes and
prevents tablecloth from sliding?
A. silence cloth
B. table cloth
C. table runner
D. center piece
6. What kind of cloth used over the table and improves the overall look of the table?
A. silence cloth
B. table cloth
C. table runner

D. center piece
7. What is the term for small pieces of materials placed on top of tablecloths that
eliminates need for changing the large tablecloth more frequently?
A. silence cloth
B. table cloth
C. table runner
D. center piece
8. Which of the following linens with long, narrow strips of cloth used on bare tables
without under liners and can be used even without tablecloths?
A. silence cloth
B. table cloth
C. table runner
D. center piece
9. What is placed underneath individual plates and dishes to catch crumbs and protects
the tablecloth?
A. table runner
B. center piece
C. place mat
D. napkin
10. What is the term for a small piece of table linen that is used to wipe the mouth and to
cover the lap in order to protect clothing of the guest?
A. table runner
B. center piece
C. place mat
D. napkin

Dining Area Preparation

After the food has been prepared and cooked, the next step will be the place of
delivery. In food service industry, there are different styles to apply ranging from small to
large groups and from simple to elegant Set-up. It may depends on the type of occasion

Some of the room arrangement considerations to remember:

 Size or square footage of the room area.
 Aisle space required for service personnel to go around while serving the food.
 Service areas or wait stations, including the soiled dish areas.
 Placement of the beverage stations, coffee stations, and portable bar.
 Number of seats at each table.
 Shape and size of a table
 Total number of guests
 Activity and flow of the guests
 Fire and safety codes and the emergency exits

Banquet style is generally used to describe room set ups for meal functions.
 Use round tables 66 to 72 inches
 Sit eight to ten guests per table
 Tables are usually ten feet apart from center to center

 Place chains a minimum of two feet from sidewalks.

A. Banquet style set –up

B. Classroom set-up

C. U – shaped set-up

D. Board room set-up

Arrangement of Tables and Chairs

The preparation of the dining room is not complete without well -arranged tables
and chairs. The important guide is to provide enough space as required by the type of
service to be used. Formal services require wider covers compared to the informal ones,
such as the American and English services.
In a buffet service, tables can be arranged in different shapes such as the A shape, G
shape, zigzag, and hollow square. These can be arranged separately to form food stations,
such as a station for roasts, salads, and the like. Folding tables can be constructed for
this type of service to allow for different arrangements.
In arranging the tables, it is important to remember the following:
1. Provide for adequate space for the number of guests served.
2. Set the buffet table as close to the source of food as possible to allow the food servers to
replenish the buffet table promptly and with minimum obstruction
3. Study the logical movement of the diners to prevent crisscrossing, thereby avoiding
traffic and making service prompt and efficient

Directions: Draw Window Frames in your portfolio with cut-out pictures from magazines
and/ or downloaded pictures showing the different table set-up.

Directions: Show correctly the furniture setup in your house following the different
activities enumerated below. Take a picture and submit it to my messenger: Rachelle
Biasong Daguinod. Your performance will be evaluated based on Scoring rubrics shown
below. (Performance output should be submitted on or before March 29,2021)

A.Banquet style set –up

B. U – shaped set-up

C.Board room set-up

Scoring Rubrics for Table Set – Up and Table setting
Highly Skilled Moderately Unskilled No attempt
Skilled Skilled

Proper and Appropriate Appropriate Appropriate and Does not No attempt

effective and effective and effective effective select, to use tools/
use of tools, selection, selection, selection, prepare and equipment to
equipment, preparation preparation preparation and use task given
and and use of and use of use of materials appropriate
materials materials and materials and materials and
(30%) tools and tools/ tools/equipmen tools/
/equipment all equipment t sometimes. equipment
the time. most of the
Work Systematic Systematic Systematic Does not No attempt
Application application of application application of follow to apply
Procedure work of work work procedure systematic procedure to
(30%) procedure all procedure sometimes with application of the task
the time even most of the constant procedure given
without proper time with supervision and highly
supervision minimum dependent on
supervision supervision
Safety and Highly self- Self- Self- motivated Need to be Not
security motivated and motivated and observed motivated motivated
work habits observed all and observed some of the and did not and totally
(25%) safety and safety and safety and observe safety disregard
security security security and security safety and
precautions all precautions precautions precaution security
the time most of the precautions
Speed/Time Finished the Finished the Finished the Finished the No work at
(15%) work ahead of work on time work close to work beyond all
time given time the given


 Household Services LM pp. 306-316

 Household Services TG pp. 77-80
 Household Services CG pp. 18

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