Title /Course Educational Statistics (8614) Pass marks 50 Code
Instructions for Exams:
1. Attempt All Questions.
2. Write answers in your own words and avoid copying from an internet source or any book. 3. Be precise, avoid unnecessary details, answer to each question must be between 600-800 words. 4. Students are advised to upload their answer sheets/solutions on LMS portal as soon as they complete their answers and not to wait for 8:30 PM. 5. Submissions after due date & time will not be entertained. Attach undertaking with each course code which were allowed to attempt in Urdu. 6. If plagiarism found, Student may be declared fail. Q. Questions Marks No. Educational Statistics is widely applied in teaching-learning process. Discuss and 1 33 elaborate your answer with examples. Identify a problem of your own choice. Briefly discuss the steps you will follow to test 2 33 your hypothesis. Discuss different situations where a teacher can use Correlation and Regression to 3 draw conclusions 34