Lesson 4: How To Evangelize?

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Ephesians 6:12,18-20
12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but
Objective: The student must learn how to evangelize and against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers
encourage them to share their faith with confidence. of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the
heavenly realms.
Key Verse: 15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach
the gospel to all creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will 18And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of
be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.(Mark prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always
16:15-16) keep on praying for all the saints. 19Pray also for me, that
whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I
I. HOW TO EVANGELIZE? will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20for
which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare
As christians, we are mandated to do the Great Commission it fearlessly, as I should.
(Matthew 28:19-20) to “Go and make disciple”. We can’t accomplish
this if we are not evangelizing. 2. Choose the best method or evangelistic strategy that will
suits your target.
I know everyone of us had their own daily jobs and duties, social
lives and relationships, it can be easy for us to lose track of our
 Church Worship Celebration / Sunday Service
purpose or how God is using us in each circumstance.
 Youth Service
We invest in relationships and in our families through physical,  YAP Gig / Young Adult and Professionals
emotional and spiritual care. But have we considered that we have a  Men and Women’s Net
greater purpose beyond those duties? Have we share the Gospel  Campus Harvest
with them? Have we share the love of Jesus to them?  Friendship Evangelism
 Cell Group or Life Group
Sharing your faith with nonbelievers can be intimidating and difficult,  Web Evangelism
but also incredibly rewarding. Practically, where should we start?  Street Evangelism
 Bible Distribution (Gideons Int’l)
Evangelism is a cornerstone of the Christian faith and can be a great  Bridge Events like:
way to connect with people and share your passion in a tactful, o Film Showing
friendly manner. You can learn to make the whole process easier by o Sports
reading a few simple evangelism tips: o Concerts
o Theater Play
1. Prepare yourself in prayer.
o Medical Mission
It is important to be guided by the Holy Spirit in order to
o Church Big Events (Seeker Services,
obtain effective results. As with all ministry, the work should
be preceded by prayer. Pray before going, while Anniversaries, Thanksgiving Day,
evangelizing, and after evangelizing. The Apostle Paul said Christmas, Outdoor Fellowship, Birthdays,
that we should put on the whole armor of God to combat Parties, Encounter, etc…)
spiritual enemies. A key part of that armor is prayer.
3. Understand the value of an Invitation and make it a habit. 6. Break the Ice.
Most of us became a christian because there is someone Don't rush directly into the topic of witnessing.Start with some
who care of inviting us to come to Jesus. Beside, you are small talk and ask about what has been going on in his or her
here because you are invited. life lately.Whatever you think will connect with people in a
personal way is appropriate.
If you want to share the Gospel with as many receptive
people as possible, let them come to you not you to them. 7. Create a need.
Inviting them to an event, or gathering like in a cell or church Ask a question that will lower the person's guard and get
is a good idea. But sometimes evangelism is the other way them thinking about larger existential issues, making them
around, rather, evangelism is taking the church to the people. receptive to an exchange of ideas. A question like, "What do
you think happens when you die?" or “Have you come to the
Either way, we must share the Gospel. place in your spiritual life where you know for certain that if
you were to die today you will go to heaven?”can be effective
1 Corinthians 9:22-23, “To the weak I became weak, to win at transitioning the conversation into your territory.
the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all
possible means I might save some. 23 I do all this for the 8. Listen and pay attention.
sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.” Evangelism isn't just waiting for an opportunity to speak, it
needs to be a real conversation and exchange of ideas.
4. Pick an appropriate location and time. When you ask a question like, "Are you happy in your life?"
Having an answer at the ready is wise (as Peter points out in or "Do you ever feel as if you're missing out on something?"
1 Peter 3:15), but knowing when to share is just as important. Really listen to the answer someone gives. Aside from giving
A 9:00 a.m. Monday morning marketing meeting is probably them the feeling that they have a willing listener, you need to
not the best time or place to start declaring the word of God pay attention to what they're saying to learn to respond
or to ask if someone needs prayer. And when the whistle accurately and convincingly.
blows to stop a play while you’re at the big game, your friend
probably won’t have her beliefs on her mind. 9. Present the Gospel.
Do not deliver a false-hope Gospel. Deliver the true Gospel,
1 Peter 3:15, Always be prepared to give an answer to the Gospel of the "Good News." Anyone who says that when
everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you become a Christian your life will be always wonderful
you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. and perfect has apparently never read the New Testament.

5. Prepare your personal message. 10. Talk about your testimony to encourage the person.
You might outline and mark particular verses or stories from Tell them about your version of Christianity, what it means to
the Bible you hope to highlight in your evangelism. Prepare you, and how your faith has changed your life for the better.
your Evangelism tools such as:
 One Verse – Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8 or John 3:16 Your testimony should be organized as follows:
 Four Spiritual Laws  What my Life was like before I became a Christian.
 Roman Road  How I became a Christian.
 Gospel Hand  How my life has changed as a result of my trusting
 What Drives Your Life? Jesus as my Lord and Savior.
 Etc.
11. Pray with them. Conclusion:
If the person has never prayed before, they might be curious “Evangelism is more caught than taught.” In other words,
and nervous about the process, which you can help facilitate disciples catch onto evangelism by going to evangelize with more
by walking them through their first prayer session. Say a experienced witnesses. It is good to learn the basics of evangelism
simple and brief prayer, introducing them to it as a practice. in a classroom, but most evangelistic skill is learned through
Tell them how to pray and when to pray. practice.

12. Lay out a plan with them. God does not call everyone to be an evangelist, but He called us to
A person isn't going to become spiritually mature and be evangelize and be evangelistic.
"Saved" after talking to you for five minutes. What's the next
step? What should this person do tomorrow and the next day Student’s Assingment:
to build and maintain their new interest in your faith? Where Write your testimony. Follow the format written below:
might you direct them? a. Your life before you met Christ
 Consider exchanging information, or giving them b. How you met Christ
literature about your Church. c. Your life after you met Christ
 Introduce the One-on-One Series
 Encourage him to attend a cell group and church.

 Get a group together to evangelize as a unit. Don't approach
people in a gang, but take frequent breaks and talk about
how it's going individually. Having a support group will make
the job a lot easier, letting tips and advice flow freely through
the group.

 Remember the new convert will not be spiritually mature right

away. Give the person time to grow.

 If the person you are trying to convert does not wish to

discuss or listen, then talk to someone more receptive.

 Don't start unnecessary arguments by evangelizing to

members of other religions who are satisfied in their faith.
Posting up outside other Churches is asking for conflict.
Don't do it.

 Don’t forget too that how you live your life would be a
powerful tool in evangelism. Don’t just preach it, live it.

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