Master'S Degree 2: Master Environmental Engineering (Meng) - HTW Dresden - University of Applied Sciences

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Master's degree 2
Master Environmental Engineering (MEng) • HTW Dresden - University of Applied Sciences •
Dresden 2

Master's degree
Master Environmental Engineering (MEng)
HTW Dresden - University of Applied Sciences • Dresden


Degree Master of Engineering (MEng)

Teaching language

Languages Coursework and exams are in English.

The Language Centre of HTW Dresden offers course-related German language courses.

Programme duration 4 semesters

Beginning Winter semester

Application deadline International applicants: 15 June

German applicants: 15 July

Tuition fees per semester in None


Combined Master's degree / No

PhD programme

Joint degree / double degree No


Description/content The study profile of this programme gives some expertise in several topics of environmental
engineering and new technological developments. This course of study focuses on the broad field
of Water and Soil Engineering.

Graduates of the Master's degree programme have acquired deep knowledge and understanding of
water and soil engineering, flood and drought management as well as innovative engineering
technologies, renewable energy, environmental economics, and energy management. They are
able to develop resource management concepts and to find site-specific sustainable solutions, to
investigate, model, and evaluate relevant environmental processes, based on a broad
understanding of material properties, GIS, and remote sensing. Critical discussions throughout the
programme encourage our graduates to combine well-established and innovative technologies, to
effectively apply scientific methods, and to reflect on the impact of their actions on the
environment and society. They will act with a proper awareness of their responsibility.

Course Details

Course organisation The programme is composed of the following compulsory modules:

Hydrology and Hydrometry, Thermal Renewable Energy, Innovation in Industry and

Transportation, Scientific Work – Communication and Project Management, Engineering Hydrology
(Floods and Droughts), Renewable Energy (Solar, Wind, Waterpower), Sustainable Agriculture/
Organic Farming, Urban Ecology, Agile Green Business Design, Environmental Impact Assessment,
Soil Management, Floodplain Ecology

And the following elective modules are offered:

Water – Air and Soil Analysis, Geographic Information Systems, Remote Sensing, Hydraulic
Modelling, Water and Wastewater Treatment, Experimental Soil Mechanics, Construction Materials,
Railway Engineering, Applied Programming (Python), Climate Change, Managed Aquifer Recharge,
Solid Waste Management and Recycling, Building Information Modelling (BIM), Landscape
Development / Soil and Water Bioengineering, German for Environmental Engineering A1, German
for Environmental Engineering A2

The fourth semester is dedicated to writing the Master's thesis. Research work for the thesis can
be conducted in industry or at a research institution (including HTW Dresden).

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Types of assessment Written and/or oral exams, graded lab reports, seminar presentations, completion and defence of
the thesis

A Diploma supplement will Yes

be issued

International elements
International guest lecturers
Projects with partners in Germany and abroad
Study trips
Content-related regional focus

Integrated internships Short internships are possible during semester breaks. The Master's thesis can be completed as an
in-company project.

Course-specific, integrated No
German language courses

Course-specific, integrated No
English language courses

Costs / Funding

Tuition fees per semester in None


Semester contribution The semester contribution amounts to approx. 290 EUR pro semester. The fee includes a semester
ticket covering local public transport (in Dresden and in the region of Saxony) and student services.

Costs of living The cost of living amounts to approx. 600 EUR per month to cover personal expenses. This includes
accommodation at a cost of 200-250 EUR per month.

Funding opportunities Yes

within the university

Description of the above- The university has a scholarship programme for excellent students (Deutschlandstipendium).
mentioned funding Recipients receive approx. 300 EUR per month.
opportunities within the

Requirements / Registration

Academic admission A Bachelor's or "Diploma" degree in Natural Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Civil Engineering,
requirements Chemical Engineering, Water Engineering or Environmental Engineering with 180 ECTS credits
(European Credit Transfer System) is required.
For applicants from other institutions not familiar with the ECTS, uni-assist e.V. will convert the
existing credits or grades.

Language requirements Applicants who are not native English speakers must successfully pass a language test. Applicants
should have a minimum of one of the following:

550 points in TOEFL

6.5 in IELTS
B in the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English
Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English

Application deadline International applicants: 15 June

German applicants: 15 July

Submit application to Foreign applicants must apply online via

German applicants must apply online at



Possibility of finding part- On-campus: A limited number of student assistant positions and tutoring jobs are available.
time employment Knowledge of English is usually sufficient for these positions.

Off-campus: Students are allowed to hold off-campus jobs for a maximum of 20 hours per week
during the lecture period and to work a maximum of 240 half days per year (according to
regulations for foreign students requiring a visa). A minimum of a basic knowledge of German is
usually required for off-campus positions.

Accommodation The Studentenwerk Dresden is responsible for student services. It offers a wide range of
accommodation for students. Students can choose between small apartments for individuals, large
apartments for student families, and numerous single and double rooms in flat shares. Students
have to apply for accommodations via an online application procedure.

Private housing can be found online.

Career advisory service The Career Service of HTW Dresden assist students with job search and applications via workshops,
individual consultations and coaching sessions. HTW Dresden also has a Consulting Centre for
Company Founding ("HTW-Gründungsschmiede"), which helps new startups concretise a business
idea, create a business plan and use work stations and infrastructure for free.

Specific specialist or non-

Welcome event
specialist support for
Accompanying programme
international students and
Pick-up service
doctoral candidates
Specialist counselling

HTW Dresden - University of Applied


HTW Dresden – central building

© HTW Dresden - Peter Sepp

Engineering, economics, design, and "green" disciplines represent the primary focus of the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Dresden
- University of Applied Sciences.
Studies at the HTW Dresden focus on practical education, giving you an excellent hands-on study experience. In addition, the HTW Dresden
is well-connected and works closely with partners in the industry.

State-of-the-art laboratories, the university's globally connected computer network, an extensive library, and language centre also ensure
an effective and top-quality study.

The central campus is located on the southern edge of the Dresden city centre in close proximity to the main railway station and provides a
relaxed social atmosphere that facilitates contact with fellow students as well as activities and social events hosted by the student council.
The campus at Pillnitz is situated in the immediate vicinity of the famous Pillnitz Castle and Park. Rich in tradition and surrounded by a
beautiful natural landscape, this campus is home to the Faculty of Agriculture/Environment/Chemistry.

The HTW Dresden also offers a variety of sports, musical performances and cultural experiences.

University location
Dresden, the capital city of the state of Saxony, is located in the Elbe river valley, one of Germany's most scenic landscapes. Dresden has got
all benefits of a major city and is a great base for excursions to explore the nature that surrounds the city.

The city's cultural life is diverse. Students can explore baroque buildings, the Old Master’s Gallery and treasure chambers like the Green
Room. The city also offers an array of theatres, concert venues, open-air stages, clubs, party locations and festivals. Old Town street cafés
purvey Mediterranean flair, whereas the modern New Town, the "Neustadt", attracts guests to its trendy bar and pub scene and is a
particularly lively place to meet students and friends after class.

In addition to arts and culture, business and science shape the image of Saxony’s capital, which has become one of the top technological
regions in Germany.

Dresden is well connected to other European cities/capitals by plane, train, and bus, offering many options to discover culture in Europe.
Further information is available at:

HTW Dresden - University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Civil Engineering

Jakob Ebermann

Friedrich-List-Platz 1
01069 Dresden

Tel. +49 3514622651
Course website:




Last update 31.07.2021 17:10:04

International Programmes in Germany - Database

DAAD - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst e.V.
German Academic Exchange Service
Section K23 – Information on Studying in Germany
(responsible: Esther Kirk)
Kennedyallee 50
D-53175 Bonn

Consortium for International Higher Education Marketing

The data used for this database was collected and analysed in good faith and with due diligence. The DAAD and the Content5 AG accept no
liability for the correctness of the data contained in the "International Programmes in Germany" and “Language and Short Courses in

The publication is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and by contributions of the participating German
institutions of higher education.

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