Enhancement of Fuel Exibility of Industrial Gas Turbines by Development of Innovative Hydrogen Combustion Systems
Enhancement of Fuel Exibility of Industrial Gas Turbines by Development of Innovative Hydrogen Combustion Systems
Enhancement of Fuel Exibility of Industrial Gas Turbines by Development of Innovative Hydrogen Combustion Systems
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For fuel flexibility enhancement hydrogen represents a possible alternative gas turbine fuel within future low
emission power generation, in case of hydrogen production by the use of renewable energy sources such as
wind energy or biomass. Kawasaki Heavy Industries, LTD. (KHI) has research and development projects for future
hydrogen society; production of hydrogen gas, refinement and liquefaction for transportation and storage, and
utilization with gas turbine / gas engine for the generation of electricity. In the development of hydrogen gas
turbines, a key technology is the stable and low NOx hydrogen combustion, especially, Dry Low Emission (DLE)
or Dry Low NOx (DLN) hydrogen combustion. Due to the large difference in the physical properties of hydrogen
compared to other fuels such as natural gas, well established gas turbine combustion systems cannot be directly
applied for DLE hydrogen combustion. Thus, the development of DLE hydrogen combustion technologies is an
essential and challenging task for the future of hydrogen fueled gas turbines. The DLE Micro-Mix combustion
principle for hydrogen fuel has been in development for many years to significantly reduce NOx emissions. This
combustion principle is based on cross-flow mixing of air and gaseous hydrogen which reacts in multiple minia-
turized “diffusion-type” flames. The major advantages of this combustion principle are the inherent safety
against flashback and the low NOx-emissions due to a very short residence time of the reactants in the flame
region of the micro-flames.
1. INTRODUCTION load, hot start capability, short start time, low mainte-
nance and flexible in fuel to meet the requirements of
Within the last decade the global demand for renewable the renewable energy market.
energy has increased rapidly, which leads to new chal- To enhance fuel flexibility, hydrogen has great poten-
lenges for conventional power generation systems. For tial as a renewable and sustainable energy source derived
nuclear and coal power plants it will be very difficult to be from wind or solar power and gasification of biomass and
part of the power generation in the future, especially in therefore substituting the limited resources of fossil fuels.
Europe. In case of overcoming the new challenges, the It represents a possible alternative gas turbine fuel within
gas turbine technology has realistic chances to solidify future low emission power generation, paired with the
and expand its role in the future power generation. use of renewable energy sources for its production.
In the past “efficiency” was the only key driver for gas Due to the large differences in the physical properties
turbine developments. Nowadays, flexible power gener- of hydrogen compared to other fuels such as natural gas,
ation systems and energy storage systems become the combustion of hydrogen gases is a very challenging
increasingly more important to fulfill the requirements of task, especially for the Dry Low Emission (DLE) combustion.
the renewable energy market. Thus, the gas turbine in Nevertheless, Kawasaki Heavy Industries overcame
the future must offer more operational flexibilities, such these challenges and developed 3 different H2-combus-
as a higher number of starts, lower emissions at partial tion systems, which are illustrated in Figure 1.
ventional operation with natural gas. The second mode the 25 ppm (O2-15 %) guaranteed level. This combus-
“Blend Gas” is the operation with mixtures ratios of natu- tor has also been tested successfully at Akashi Works.
ral gas and hydrogen. The mixture ratio can vary from Using hydrogen in conventional DLE combustors
1 %-99 % hydrogen. The third mode “H2 Gas Only” is the increase the NOx emissions values as well as the risk of
innovative pure hydrogen fuel mode, as visualized in Fig- flashbacks. The established gas turbine combustion sys-
ure 3. tems cannot be directly applied. Thus, the development
The second development in Figure 1b based on a of DLE H2 combustion technologies is indispensable for
conventional DLE combustor with hydrogen injection pure hydrogen (100 Vol%) combustion.
over the supplemental burner up to 60 Vol% hydrogen, Therefore, the innovative Micro-Mix DLE combustion
which correspond to 30 % of the total thermal input. Basi- chamber (MMX combustor) Figure 1c has been devel-
cally the DLE combustor of KHI has pilot, main and sup- oped by using an interactive optimization cycle including
plemental burners. Usually natural gas is supplied from experimental and numerical studies on test burners and
the supplemental burners. Within this combustor, it full scale combustion chamber investigations. The feasi-
can be switched from natural gas to hydrogen or natu- bility is proven in real gas turbine operation, as visualized
ral gas and hydrogen mixing gas fuel via the supple- in Figure 4.
mental burner. The NOx emission can be kept below
flame regions. The Micro-Mix burning principle for gas- Figure 8 shows the NOx emission (2-15 % corrected
eous hydrogen fulfills these requirements. values) for the test burner at 2 bar condition. Horizontal
The gaseous fuel is injected through small injectors per- axis shows the thermal input; load 100 % means full load
pendicularly into an air-crossflow. This leads to a fast and (design point) and 0 % means idle conditions. Fuel supply
intense mixing, which takes place simultaneously to the staging is possible. From idle to 30 % load conditions,
combustion process. As a result, a miniaturized micro flame inner 2 hydrogen rings were used and from 30 % load to
develops and anchors at the burner segment edge down- full load conditions, all 3 rings were used. It can be seen,
stream of the injector nozzle, as visualized in Figure 5. that low NOx values are also achieve at partial load. The
A significant reduction in the formation of NOx emis- NOx values are below 20 ppm over the whole load range.
sions is achieved by miniaturizing the reaction zone cre-
ating multiple micro diffusion flames with a usual size of
5-10 mm in length, instead of several large scale flames
and by improving the mixing process using the fluid
mechanic phenomenon of jets in the crossflow.
Former investigations showed, that the flame anchor-
ing and therewith the NOx formation is mostly domi-
nated by the resulting recirculation zones of the burner
geometry [7] and by the momentum flux ratio of the jet
in cross-flow [8]. Multiple micro flames instead of large
scale flames lower the residence time of the NOx forming
reactants and consequently the averaged molar fraction
of NOx can be reduced significantly.
The first design started with about 1,600 miniaturized
flames, with fuel injector diameters of 0.3 mm.
To increase the energy density of a Micro-Mix com-
bustor it is required to increase the power per fuel injec-
tor. If the power per injector is to be increased, the
required fuel flow per injector must also increase. The
established fuel velocity in each single injector is to be
maintained as a design parameter and in consequence
the injector size must increase. However, the micro flames Figure 6: H2-Micro-Mix test burner [10]
must still established to keep the low NOx characteristics.
This was achieved by stepwise increased hole diameter of
the H2-injectors from 0.3 mm to 0.45 mm, 0.55 mm up to
1.0 mm.
The multiple micro flames at the test burner are visu-
alized in Figure 6. The H2-injection holes and the air
guiding panels are also visible.
The power-increase per injector leads to a reduction
of manufacturing complexity, because the number of
required injectors could be reduced significantly. Within
the development and optimization process the number
of holes was reduced from 1,600 flames down to 410
flames. Detailed information is presented in [11].
For pure hydrogen under gas turbine operational
conditions the low NOx capability of the Micro-Mix prin-
ciple has already been successfully tested.
Figure 7 shows the prototype combustion chamber
and Micro-Mix burner. The Micro-Mix burner with its
three ring segments is implemented in a conventional
can type combustion chamber. The rings are supplied
with H2 from the center which is connected via pipes to
each ring segment. Each ring segment can be controlled Figure 7: Design of the Micro-Mix combustion burner
individually depending on the power load.