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Sample Questions - The Internet: A Guide For Students: Using Browsers

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Sample Questions – The Internet: A Guide for Students

Using Browsers
1. What program gets us on the Internet? 4. What is a link? (A word or phrase that,
(the browser) when clicked, that will take you to a
2. What website are you taken to when you
first open a browser? (a home page) 5. What does the favorites pull-down menu
show? (book marked websites)
3. Where is the browser program located
once it has opened a web page? More on Favorites
(It sits atop the web page.)
1. What three tabs appear when you click
4. What is the most widely used browser? the star-favorites icon? (favorites, feeds,
(Internet Explorer history)

5. How many rows does Internet Explorer 2. Why are book marking web sites
have when all are turned on? (five) helpful? (saves time, helps organize
6. What are Internet Explorer’s actions save research)
called? (commands or tasks)
3. What are two ways to activate Internet
Title Bar and Navigation Arrows Explorer’s help page? (click “help” on
the menu bar, press the F1 key)
1. Where is the title bar located?
(at the top of Internet Explorer) Search Engines

2. Where are the backward and forward 1. How many websites are there?
arrows located? (below the title bar) (hundreds of millions)

3. When are you no longer able to use the 2. What is the most widely used search
navigation arrows? (when the browser engine? (Google)
session is over)
3. What is the first step in finding informa-
The Address and Menu Bars tion when writing a report? (Narrow
the topic.)
1. Where is the address bar located? (to
the right of the navigation arrows) 4. What can you use to cull out unwanted
websites? (advanced search)
2. What two things does the address bar
do? (tells you the address of the Selecting Appropriate Websites
you’re currently visiting, takes you to 1. When researching a report, what does
other websites when you type in their “garbage in, garbage out” mean? (Bad
address) information results in a bad report.)

3. What three things can you do under the 2. What three kinds of websites should you
file menu on the menu bar of Internet stay away from when writing a report?
Explorer? (save, print, send) (dot-com sites, wikis and blogs)

The Internet: A Guide for Students © 2010 Colman Communications Corp.

Sample Questions – The Internet: A Guide for Students, p. 2

3. True or false? Most information on the

web has been reviewed for balance and Cyber Bullies
accuracy by professional editors. (false)
1. What are cyber bullies? (people who
4. What are generally the most reliable humiliate or threaten classmates or
sites? (dot-edu, dot-gov, dot-org sites) others using email or other online
Copying from the Web
2. What should you do if someone cyber
1. True or false? Teachers can’t tell when bullies you? (ignore it, set up an “allow
you have copied large sections of a web list,” block the sender of the messages)
site. (false)

2. Give five reasons why copying is a bad

idea. (defeats the purpose of the assign-
ment, you’re being dishonest, you learn
very little – if anything – when you copy,
can result in a failing grade, can result in
extreme embarrassment)

3. What must you do if you copy sections

of a web page? (credit your source)

Internet Safety

1. What six things must you never do if you

are to use the Internet safely? (share
passwords, share usernames, send your
picture to an online acquaintance, tell
your phone number, tell your address,
ell your real name)

2. What should you do if you get an online

message that makes you uncomfort-
able? (tell your parent or another trusted

3. What should you do if you meet an on-

line acquaintance? (go with your
parent(s), meet in a public place with
of people around.

The Internet: A Guide for Students © 2010 Colman Communications Corp.

Name _________________________

The Internet: A Guide for Students PRE-TEST

Directions: Write your answer in the space below each question.

1. Define the term “browser.”

2. What is the most widely used browser program?

3. When writing a report, what are you allowed to copy from a website?

4. Name six things you must never do to be safe on the Internet.

5. What is the best thing to do if you receive a serious cyber bully threat?

6. How many websites are there?

7. What is a search engine?

8. What is the most commonly used search engine?

9. What are generally the most reliable sites (site extensions)?

10. Give five reasons why copying from web pages is a bad idea.

The Internet: A Guide for Students © 2010 Colman Communications Corp.

Name _________________________

The Internet: A Guide for Students TERMS

Directions: Some of the terms used in the video are found below. Define the terms as
your teacher instructs. Use the back of this paper if you need more room.


1. Download:
2. Email:
3. Internet:
Using Browsers
4. Browser:
5. Program:
6. Home page:
7. Website:
8. Command:
9. Task:

The Title Bar and Navigation Arrows

10. Web Page:

11. Browser Session:

The Address and Menu Bars

12. Pull-Down List:

13. Link:
14. Word Processing Program:
15. Credit:
16. Quote:

The Internet: A Guide for Students © 2010 Colman Communications Corp.


The Internet: A Guide for Students TERMS, p. 2

17. Bookmarked:
18. Favorites:

More on Favorites

19. Icons:
20. Capabilities:

Search Engines

21. Search Engine:

22. Eliminate:
23. Advanced Search Page:
24. Retrieved:

Selecting Appropriate Websites

25. Selective:
26. Wiki:
27. Blog:
28. Unreliable:
29. Professional:
30. Extensions:

Copying from the Net

31. Extensive:

The Internet: A Guide for Students © 2010 Colman Communications Corp.


The Internet: A Guide for Students TERMS, p. 3

Internet Safety

32. Passwords:
33. Usernames:
34. Cyber Criminal:
35. Online Friend:

Cyber Bullies

36. Cyber Bully:

37. Criminal Act:
38. Legislation:
39. Allow List:
40. Social Network Site:

The Internet: A Guide for Students © 2010 Colman Communications Corp.

Name _________________________

Titles and Arrows

Follow the directions below and answer the questions.

1. Open Internet Explorer or another browser if Internet Explorer is not on your

computer. What is title of the home page?

2. Write google.com in the address bar and click the green arrow to the right of
the address bar. What is the title of the page?

3. Click the backward arrow. What is the title of the page?

4. Click the forward arrow. What is the title of the page?

5. Type loc.gov in the address bar and click the green arrow to the right of the
address bar. What is the title of the page?

6. Type gm.com in the address bar and click the green arrow to the right of the
address bar.

7. Type canada.ca in the address bar and click the green arrow to the right of
the address bar. What is the title of the page?

8. Type princeton.edu in the address bar and click the green arrow to the right
of the address bar. What is the title of the page?

9. Click the backward arrow two times. What is the title of the page?

10. Click the backward arrow one time. What is the title of the page?

11. Click the forward arrow two times. What is the title of the page?

12. Click the backward arrow four times. What is the title of the page?

The Internet: A Guide for Students © 2010 Colman Communications Corp.

Name _________________________

Internet Explorer Help Page

Below, you will find a picture of the top portion of the Internet Explorer (Version 8) help
page. Notice on the left side there are four tabs. On the right, there are five links to

Open the Internet Explorer 8 help page, and click “Introducing Internet Explorer.” Read
the third topic, “Accelerators,” under “New Features.” After you have read it, close the
help page and type


in the address bar. Go to the fourth paragraph in the article and highlight the word
“Virginia” on the second line. Click the accelerator icon and then double click “Map with
Live Search.” Note that there are many different accelerators.

Press F1 to reopen the help page. Turn your attention to the tabs on the left side of the
page. Click the search tab. Let’s say you’re having trouble with connection speeds.
Type “connection speed” in the search box and click the “List Topics” button. Double
click “Why is my Internet connection so slow?” to see what might be causing the trouble.

You may find the index and contents tabs useful, also, when trying to get information on
the program.

The Internet: A Guide for Students © 2010 Colman Communications Corp.

Name _________________________

Narrow Your Topic

When searching for appropriate websites, the first thing to do is narrow your topic.
Using the following broad topics below, use your search engine to see how many
websites are cited. Then, narrow the topic, and again see how many websites are
cited. Remember, the narrower the topic, the more precise your search will become.

Broad topic Number of Websites

1. Automobiles
2. Food
3. Computers
4. Illness
5. War
6. Novels
7. Animals
8. Universe
9. Education
10. Newspapers

Narrowed topic Number of Websites


The Internet: A Guide for Students © 2010 Colman Communications Corp.

Name _________________________

Using Advanced Search

Using the 10 narrowed topics you came up with in the last exercise
(Narrow Your Topic), use advanced search to narrow the number of
websites cited. Using the chart below, tell how many websites were
cited when using your narrowed topic and the number of websites
cited when you used advanced search.

Narrowed Topic Number Advanced Search Number











The Internet: A Guide for Students © 2010 Colman Communications Corp.

Name _________________________

Am I Safe Online?

The program you have seen mentions a number of safety rules to make certain
that you are safe when you’re on the Internet. Check each box next to the
statement if you follow the rule. If you check all the boxes, then you are safe. If
any of the boxes are left unchecked, you should consider changing your online
behavior to make certain that you are safe.

 I never tell anyone my passwords.

 I never tell anyone my usernames.

 I never send my picture to an online acquaintance.

 I never tell my real name to a person I’ve met online.

 I never tell my address to people I’ve met online.

 I never give my phone number to people I’ve met online.

 I never meet an online acquaintance in person.

 If I have met an online acquaintance in person, I’ve always brought

along a trusted adult, such as a parent (or both parents).

 If I have met an online acquaintance in person, I’ve always brought

along a trusted adult, and have met the acquaintance in a public
place (such as a shopping mall) where there are lots of people

 I will always tell a parent or other trusted adult if an online

acquaintance writes something in an email or in a chat room that
is personal and makes me feel uncomfortable.

The Internet: A Guide for Students © 2010 Colman Communications Corp.

Name _________________________

My State’s Cyber Bully Laws

As was mentioned in the program, an increasing number of states have passed
laws that make cyber bullying illegal. The reason is that cyber bullying can have
extremely serious consequences – not only fights, but also murder and suicide!
Find out if your state has a cyber bully law by going to bullypolice.org. Click your
state to see if it has a law. If so, what grade has the law been given? Pretend
that you are a lawmaker. In the space below, write a law that makes cyber
bullying a criminal offense. You may use the back of this paper if you need more
room. When you write your law, you must define what a cyberbully act is and tell
the penalty.

The Internet: A Guide for Students © 2010 Colman Communications Corp.

Name _________________________
The Internet: A Guide for Students UNIT EVALUATION, Page 1

Part I
Directions: Put a “T” next to all true statements and an “F” next to all false

___ 1. We get on the Internet by using a search engine.

___ 2. The home page is always the Internet provider’s web page.
___ 3. Some sections of Internet Explorer allow you to perform tasks.
___ 4. Google is the most widely used browser.
___ 5. When turned on, Internet Explorer has five tiers that lie at the bottom of
the web page.
Part II
Directions: Fill in the blank.

1. The three things you can do under the file menu are ______________,
___________________________ and ________________________.
2. The menu bar is on the ___________________tier of Internet Explorer.
3. Navigation arrows let you ____________________________________
4. The address bar is located to the ___________of the navigation arrows.
5. Click the green arrow next to the address bar to __________________.

Part III
Directions: Define the terms.
1. Internet ___________________________________________________
2. Link ______________________________________________________
3. Wiki ______________________________________________________
4. Blog ______________________________________________________
5. Bookmark __________________________________________________

The Internet: A Guide for Students © 2010 Colman Communications Corp.

Name _________________________
The Internet: A Guide for Students UNIT EVALUATION, Page 2

Part IV
Directions: Draw a line from the task or tab to what it’s good for.

Task or tab What it’s good for

Copy Instant retrieval
Advanced Search Help determines if a site is reliable
Bookmark Quote accurately
Extensions Eliminate unwanted sites
Email Send website link

Part V
Directions: Fill in the blanks.
Four reasons why copying is a terrible idea are __________________________,
and ____________________________________________________________.
You can get to the help menu on Internet Explorer by pressing _____________.

Part VI
Directions: In the space below, name seven Internet safety rules. You will get
extra credit for every additional rule you can name.

The Internet: A Guide for Students © 2010 Colman Communications Corp.

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