Justice 9 Ô-2006) Rërvcl Justluc RT) Ullualloll' LRLC' Ein: Le - L Qffiv I To LF Total Total Statement
Justice 9 Ô-2006) Rërvcl Justluc RT) Ullualloll' LRLC' Ein: Le - L Qffiv I To LF Total Total Statement
Justice 9 Ô-2006) Rërvcl Justluc RT) Ullualloll' LRLC' Ein: Le - L Qffiv I To LF Total Total Statement
For purposes of this schedule, years in existence refer to completed tax years. lf in existence 4 or more years, complete the
schedule for the most recent 4 tax years. lf in existence more than 1 year but less than 4 years, complete the statements for
each year in existence and provide projections of your likely revenues and expenses based on a reasonable and good faith
estimate of your future finances for a total of 3 years of financial information. lf in existence less than 1 year, provide projections
of your likely revenues and expenses for the current year and the 2 following years, based on a reasonable and good faith
estimate of your future finances for a total of 3 years of financial information. (See instructìons.)
13 Total Revenue
Add lines 10 throuqh 12
17 Compensation of officers,
directors, and trustees
o) 18 Other salaries and
19 lnterest
Part VI: Your Members and Other Individuals and Organizations That Receive Benefits From You
Question 1a:
As described in the narrative description of activities, the organization provides avaúety of services to
individuals. In promoting intemet safety, PJFI provides educational materials on its website to raise
awareness and to help parents protect their children from Internet-based sexual predators, Second, it
conducts educational presentations for children, parents and college students on internet safety and how to
detect and avoid such predators. Third, PJFI has areas on its internet forums for helping the survivors of
sexual abuse, such as the "survivor's Discussion Forums," where those who have experienced sexual
abuse can participate in a community of survivors to aid their recovery.
Ouestion lb:
As described in the narrative description of activities, PJFI provides services to law enforcement agencies,
First, PJFI conducts educational presentations and training sessions for law enforcement agencies.
Second, PJFI provides information to law enforcement agencies to assist in their efforts to apprehend and
convict Internet-based sexual predators. Third, PJFI aids law enforcement in their efforts to find children
abducted via the internet.
Question 2a:
PJFI will dedicate only a very small amount of its time to influencing legislation, However, there are
occasions when the organization is contacted about a proposed bill regarding an issue relating to its
activities. In such cases, PJFI will provide its input as to the content of the bill and will work with law
enforcement, legislators, and other organizations to support legislation that is consistent with PJFI's goals
and exempt purposes.
Ouestion 2b:
PJFI has not and is not making an election to have its legislative activities measured by expenditures.
PJFI's attempts to influence legislation are not a substantial part of its activities. This activity generally
consists simply of communication with law enforcement, legislators, and other organization through e-
mail messages, telephone conversations, or meetings in which PJFI provides input regarding proposed
legislation. Accordingly, PJFI spends only an immaterial amount of time and money on attempts to
influence legislation.
Ouestion 4a:
PJFI's primary method of fundraising is through its own website, where individuals and other
organizations can make donations. The website already receives alarge number of "hits" and through
media publicity, this number continues to increase,
Perverted Justice Foundation, Inc.
703 Pier Avenue, Suite B #154
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254-3943
EIN: 16-1775449
The website "Perverted-Justice.com" was launched in July 2003, and Perverted Justice Foundation, Inc.
("PJFI") was incorporated in September 2006. The organization has grown from a website aimed at
raising awâreness ofthe threat posed by online sexual predators to a foundation dedicated to educating
parents and children on safe intèmet practices, protecting children from sexual abuse by such predators,
iraining and assisting law enforcement with respect to the identification and interception of Internet
predators, and counseling the victims of sexual abuse.
The founder of the site was motivated to work to prevent the ease with which pedophiles and other sexual
predators could target underage children in online chat rooms, He had witnessed a growing phenomenon
òfonline sexual solicitations ofunderage children. In order to raise a\ilareness ofthis problem and
promote internet safety, the website was launched to inform the public of the risks and to identif, these
sexual predators,
The most effective way to prevent contact by online sexual predators is for parents to be proactive' Thus,
a primary goal of the webs-ite is to educate parents on'ways to protect their children from such individuals'
Tñe website features the "PeeJ Guide" which includes extensive literature on topics such as the threats
posed by predators, how to prevent predators from contacting your children, how to discuss the risks with
you. and computei software that can be installed to minimize the opporhrnities for predators to
iarget your children, PÈase see attached sample. Further, PJFI no longer simply relies on its website in
ord-er to educate the public. Foundation members conduct speaking engagements and make presentations
to children, parents ánd college students. PJFI is also currently creating a new website targeted
specifically àt parents and chlldren. One branch of this site provides aid for parents in keeping their
,'hildr"t .áf" ottlin", which both parents and preteens can read together, Another branch is focused
specifically on educating teenagers as to the risk of online predators and how to avoid them. Still another
bianch aims to provide survivois and victims information regarding options for escaping domestic
abuse/violence, pressing charges (including statutes of limitations), and other related information'
Approximately twenty-five peìcent of PJFI's time is dedicated to the educational aspect of its work.
Section 501(c)(3) of the Code provides for the exemption from Federal income tax of corporations
organizedand operated exclusively for charitable or educational purposes or for theprwention of crueþ
toihildren or animals, Section t,5Ot1c¡:¡-1(dX3) of the Income Tax Regulations defines 'educational'
as instructing the public on subjects useful to the individual and beneficial to the community. The
instructionaimaterial provided on the applicant's website and through the presentations clearly satisfies
this definition. Furtheì, the Internal Revènue Service has recognized that organizations conducting
analogous activities involving the dissemination of information in the public's interest' in a
nonco--".cial manner, qualìfy for exemption under Section 501(cX3). See e'g. Rev. Rul. 69-447,1'969-
2 C.B . 1 1 5 (holding that an organization providing free information to the public on personal money
1¡unug"-"nì satisfies the educational definition); Rev. Rul. 72-560 , 1972-2 C.8.248 (holding that an
organlzation providing information to the public concerning environmental problems caused by solid
waste materials and the advantages of recycling satisfies the educational definition).
Through its website, PJFI also seeks to make the public aware of the identities and locations of known
sexuaipredators. This is accomplished by posting information in the website's database about predators
Perverted Justice Foundation, Inc.
703 Pier Avenue, Suite B #154
Hermosa Beach, CA 9025 4-3943
EIN: 16-1775449
who have been convicted as a result of PJFI's efforts while aiding law enforcement. The public may
access this information simply by visiting the website, The information is gathered by volunteers who
enter chatrooms and investigate for potential predators. Any information communicated to the volunteers
is verified and is then entered into the database once the predàtor is convicted. Most predators hope to
eventually meet children in a private place, and predators often havel great distánces from their own
homes to find potential victims in order to limit the possibility of being identified. Nevertheless, it is
important for parents to be awaTe of the identities and locations of active sexual predators in their areas
beðause these predators may pose a direct physical (as opposed to online) risk to their children. PJFI's
database makes this possible.
Through its website, PJFI also seeks to educate the public as to strategies and tactics commonly employed
by preãators both online and offline. Armed with this knowledge, parents and children are in a better
pãrìtion to identiff and avoid potential online predators. PJFI posts the chatlogs and phone calls that take
place between a now-convicted predator and a PJFI investigator on its website. This allows parents not
ãnly to learn about the tactics ,rid by predators to gain access to children but also to learn strategies that
they can employ to counteract the efforts of predators to harm their children'
The Internal Revenue Service has recognized that organizations conducting investigations on subjects
important to the public and disseminating the information qualiff for exemption under Section 501(c)(3)'
See Rev. Rul, 74-615 ,7g74-2 C.B. 165 (holding that an organization that investigates the fairness and
accuracy of newspaper reporting and publishes the results is exempt); Rev. Rul. 79,-26,,1979-1 C'B' 196
(holding that an oìgãnizatìon thát evaiuates,the performance of local broadcasters in fulfilling their public
se.viceãbtigations and makes the evaluations available to the general public is exempt).
This aspect of PJFI's work is primarily conducted by volunteers who have been admitted to and have
completed the requisite training program. Volunteers work from home using their own personal
computers. In oràer to apply to itre training program, volunteers must have been a member for at least
four months and have måáoat least 200 poitì o" the various online forums regarding the activities of
PJFI. If admitted to the training program, the volunteer spends between six months and a year learning
how to investigate predators and how to document their investigations according to PJFI's strict
documentation-."qùir.*ents, Approximately twenty percent of PJFI's time is dedicated to this aspect of
its work.
In addition to educating parents and disseminating important information to the public to help parents
protect their childretr, Èln works with law enforcement to stop the predators. In.this ^way, PJFI attacks
ihe problem of online sexual predators from both sides. Law enforcement agencies often lack the time,
resources, manpower and expertise to pursue sexual predators online. Instead, these agencies consult
with members of PJFI in order to helpìhem identiff, arrest and prosecute sexual predators. First, PJFI
provides information to police whichthey can use to track and arrest the predator, Once the predator has
teen arrested, police ur" th" information and data that PJFI has collected in order to obtain search
goes to
warrants to retiieve personal computers and other incriminating evidence. Finally, when the case
trial, the primary is provìded by PJFI's chat logs and well-documented computer forensics. To
date, ovei two hundred individuals have been tried and convicted based on the reliable testimony
and data
collection skills of PJFI's volunteers, Leads stemming from PJFI's files hav
other crimes leading to additional charges and formal police investigations'
training sessions with law enforcement agencies in order to improve their ab
Perverted Justice Foundation, Inc.
703 Pier Avenue. Suite B #154
Hermosa Beach. C^ 9025 4-3943
en'l: 16-1775449
sexual predators. Approximately fifty percent of PJFI's time is dedicated to both training and assisting
law enforcement.
Section 1.501(c)(3)-l(dX2) of the Income Tax Regulations states that the term 'charitable' includes
lessening of the burdens of government, The Internal Revenue Service has recognized that organizations
assisting law enforcement in the apprehension and conviction of criminals qualiff for exemption under
Section 501(cX3) of the Code. See Rev. Ftul.74-246,1974-I C.B. 130 (holding that an organization that
assists police in offering rewards for information leading to the apprehension and conviction of criminals
is exempt); Rev. Rul. 85-1, 1985-1 CB 178 (holding that an organizatronthat provides money to law
enforcement agencies to be used to buy drugs in undercover operations is exempt). The Internal Revenue
Service has also recognized that organizations that provide training to law enforcement qualiff for
exemption under Section 501(c)(3), See Rev. Rul, 85-2, 1985-1 CB 177 (holding that an organization
providing legal advice and training to volunteers serving as guardians ad litem in juvenile court
þroceedingsìs exempt). In addition, the Internal Revenue Service has held that an organization
ir"" opinions to local government officials on improving public safety meets the 'charitable'
requirønentòf Section50l(cX3), SeeRev,Rul.76-418,1.976-2C,B. 145(holdingthatorganization
formed to develop plans and programs to reduce vehicle deaths and injuries by providing free expert
opinions to local gov.^-"nf offtcials regarding hazardous traffic conditions in the community and
cõnducting progrã-. designed to informìhe public about traffic safety is exempt)' Thus, in providing
information and training tó police and other law enforcement authorities that results in the arrest and
conviction of criminals, the-applicant óatisfies the definition of 'charitable' for purposes of exemption
under Section 501(c)(3),
For those unfortunate enough to have been the victims of sexual abuse, PJFI's website provides forums,
such as the 'Survivor's Discussion Forums,' where people can participate in a community of survivors in
order to aid their recovery. Through this activþ, PJFI counsels victims by helping them to deal with
emotional problems caused by their encounters with sexual predators, by providing them with
information regarding organizations that provide related counseling services, and by educating them with
respect to preventing future encounters,
By offering these discussion groups, PJFI is providing form of counseling which the Internal Revenue
Service has also recognized as an 'educational' purpose for determining exempt st¿tus under Section
501(cX3) of the Code. See Rev. Rul. 78-99, Ig78-I C.B. 152 (holding that an organization formed to
provláà índividual and group counseling to widows to assist them in legal, financial, and emotional
þroblems caused by the death of their rpou."r and that provides the widows
with information on available
tenefits and services is exempt). Approximately five percent of PJFI's time is dedicated to the
counseling aspect of its work,
Given the enormous benefits that it can provide both to the public and to law enforcement agencies, PJFI
is striving to increase future awaren.s of itr efforts to combat sexual predators. Thus, PJFI works with
various fórms of media including television, print and radio to achieve this goal, Its most successful
media campaign is its series, "Tõ Catch a Predator," which airs on Dateline NBC' The first episode of
this series was viewed by more than twelve million people. Through this series, PJFI works with law
enforcement agencies to identifl sexual predators, which the agencies then investigate and - if
appropriate - apprehend. By wôrking joìntþ with law enforcement and the media, PJFI has expanded its
utimy to accomplish its goal of educáting the public on the issue of internet safety while simultaneously
Perverted Justice Foundation, Inc.
703 Pier Avenue, Suite B #154
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254-3943
EIN: 16-1775449
accomplishing its goals of training and assisting law enforcement in their efforts to apprehend internet-
based sexual predators.
Additionally, to further promote internet safety, PJFI is working with in-house software developers to
help create software that will assist both law enforcement and the public in making the internet safer for
children. First, PJFI has developed - and continues to upgrade - software that will help law enforcement
agencies to identify and track internet predators. This software will be provided to law enforcement
agencies free of charge. Second, PJFI is working with software developers to evaluate and improve
software that parents can install on their children's computers to monitor their children's internet usage
and identi$, potential risks to which their children may be exposed.
As discussed above, in addition to charitable and educational purposes, Section 501(cX3) provides for the
exemption of corporations organized for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals. See also Rev.
Rul. 67-151 , 1967 -I CB 134 (holding that an organization formed to prevent children from working in
hazardous trades and occupations in violation of state law is exempt). The overall goal of PJFI is the
prevention of crueþ to children, and each activity discussed above, whether charitable or educational, is
iargeted toward this goal. Accordingly, based on PJFI's overall goal of preventing crueþ to children and
on the specific educational and charitable activities that it performs in pursuance of that goal, PJFI
respectfully requests that it be granted status as an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3).
Part Y: Compensation and Other f inancial Arrangements With Your Officers, Directors, Trustees,
Employees, and Independent Contractors
Ouestion 3a:
Xavier Von Erck is President, Chief Executive Offrcer and a member of the Board of Directors. Mr' Von
Erck founded the organization and has been the director of operations and lead administrator of the
website since inception, He works in excess of 4,000 hours per year for the organization, In addition to
his duties as President set forth in Section 5.5 of the bylaws, he is responsible for organizing the central
volunteer system and hiring new volunteer staff members; he acts as a media spokesperson for the
organization; and he is the lead content author for the organization's website,
Dennis Kerr is Vice President, Chief Financial Offtcer, Treasurer and a member of the Board of
Directors. Mr. Kerr has a record of success in various online enterprises and has served the organization
since 2003, He works in excess of 4,000 hours per year for the organization. In addition to his duties as
Vice President set forth in Section 5.6 of the bylaws and his duties as Chief Financial Offrcer set forth in
section 5,8 of the bylaws, he is the coordinator of the organization's growing law enforcementtraining
Perverted Justice Foundation. Inc,
703 Pier Avenue, Suite B #154
Hermosa Beach, C A 90254-3943
EIN: 16-1775449
operations; he interfaces with the organization's media partners at Dateline NBC; and he is responsible
for all business-related concerns of PJFI such as payroll, cash management, accourting and tax.
Alison Shea is Vice President, Secretary and a member of the Board of Directors. Ms. Shea has served
PJFI for the majority of its existence. Prior to her work with PJFI, she had a long history of volunteer
work for other organizations. She works in excess of 4,000 hours per year for the organization. In
addition to her duties as Vice President set forth in Section 5.6 of the bylaws and her duties as Secretary
set forth in Section 5.7 of the bylaws, Ms. Shea is also responsible for the following: creating content for
the education of parents and children; organizingPJFl's program which provides information to law
enforcement agencies; acting as a media spokesperson for the organization; maintaining volunteer records
(such as personal information and nondisclosure agreements); ananging internship programs, instructing
and organizing volunteers who conduct chat-room investigations; and interfacing with law enforcement
and media at large-scale media/law enforcement investigations.
Michael Lebovitz is a member of the Board of Directors. He is a senior partner in the law firm DLA
Piper US LLP, where he specializes in international business and tax planning. He is also currently an
adjunct professor for Loyola Law School's LL.M, program and a member of the Board of Advisors for
the program, Mr, Lebovitz has held numerous leadership positions in the Tax Sections of the Los
Angeles County Bar Association, State Bar of California, and American Bar Association. He has been a
frequent speaker and published author on international tax topics. In addition, he is a member of the
Board of Trustees for both Chadwick School and the Boys and Girls Clubs of Los Angeles Harbor. Mr,
Lebovitz received a Juris Doctor from Loyola Law School. He works (as a volunteer) approximately 10
hours per month on average for the organization. His duties are set forth in the bylaws.
Matthew Stapleton is a Detective Sergeant with the Petaluma Police Department. He has over 20 years of
full-time experience as a police officer. Sergeant Stapleton has served as a Patrol Offlrcer, Patrol
Sergeant, Narcotis Detective, Investigator and has supervised police personnel for the past ten years in
Street Crimes and Investigations. Sergeant Stapleton is also an inst¡uctor at the Santa Rosa Jr. college
where he hains both entry-level and in-service personnel, His duties are set forth in the bylaws.
Mitchell Wagenberg is a25 year veteran broadcast engineer & investigative cameraman as well as the
designer, developer, and operator of custom undercover surveillance systems through his company
Investigative Mechanics Inc. He has taught dozens of law enforcement and government agencies
worldwide in the techniques and tactics of covert surveillance and taught engineering in Asia for the
United States Information Agency. Mr. Wagenberg is also the recipient of over 20 prestigious industry
awards for his investigative field work for ABC, CBS, and NBC network news via his other company
StreeTVision Remote Inc. Additionally, broadcast news projects on which he has worked have won
dozens of Emmys, Polk Awards, and Overseas Press Club Awards.
Leah Kennedy is a member of the Board of Directors. She is currently a special needs teacher in San
Francisco, California. As part of her duties, she specifically educates emotionally disturbed children,
many of whom have suffered horrendous sexual abuse. Being an educator, Ms, Kennedy has practical
day-to-day experience working with the most vulnerable 8-13 year old children, precisely those Internet
predators seek to tzrget. Ms, Kennedy has observed and has been a valuable source of advice from the
very formation of the organization and all throughout its growth. She works on average 6-8 hours per
month for the orsanization. Her duties are set fofth in the bylaws.
Perverted Justice Foundation, Inc.
703 Pier Avenue, Suite B #154
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254-3943
EIN: 16-1775449
As a second method of fundraising, PJFI plans to solicit grants from other foundations to supplement
funds raised through its website. Þotentiál grantors being considered for grant solicitations include Wal-
Mart/Sam's Club ánd Microsoft, which are known to specifically give to organizations focused on
protecting underage children. At this time, PJFI has made no solicitations for grants.
Question 4b:
PJFI has been contacted by other organizations with goals similar to those of PJFI (including various law
enforcement organizations, other businesses, and organizations specializingnraising funds for charities
and other non-piofit organizations). These organizations have offered to help raise funds to support
PJFI's activitiés. Organizations that have contacted PJFI in this regard include the following:
However, at this point, PJFI has not entered into any agreements - oral or written - to have other
organizations raise funds on its behalf'
Question 4d:
PJFI conducts fundraising via its website, which is maintained from its offices in Hermosa Beach, Los
Angeles County, California, In addition any other fundraising activities, such as writing grant proposals,
will also be performed at PJFI's Hermosa Beach offices.
Question 10:
pJFI owns a trademarkfor the name "Perverted Justice," which it places on its website and on
merchandise for sale. such merchandise will be sold via the website,
PJFI also publishes literature related to its purposes, sueh as handbooks for parents and children
promote internet safety, handbooks for law enforcement to aid in identiffing and apprehending internet-
tased sexual predators, and other documentation of the results of PJFI's activities. PJFI places this
literature on the website, so it is made available to the public free of charge'
pJFI has also developed custom software for the identihcation and tracking of Internet-based sexual
predators, which it intends to make freely available to law enforcement agencies,
Additionally, the information and know-how collected and developed by the organization is being used
by NBC to þroduce the television series, Dateline NBC: To Catch a Predator. NBC pays PJFI a
Perverted Justice Foundation, Inc'
703 Pier Avenue, Suite B #154
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254:3943
EIN: 16-1775449
consulting fee for the use of this information and know-how in collaborations with law enforcement to
identifu and apprehend internet-based sexual predators,
In the future, PJFI plans to allow law enforcement agencies to use audio and video footage of
investigations and àpprehensions (unrelated to the NBC series) as evidence in prosecuting apprehended
predatols. pJFI also plans to allow law enforcement to use this footage as training material for classes in
ihe investigation and apprehension of predators. This footage would be provided free of charge.
Additionally, PJFI plans to develop software that parents can install on their computers to protect their
children, foi which it may charge à nominal monthly fee. PJFI also has plans to develop a website
targeted to children, whiðh *outd be available free of charge, Finally, PJFI is currently in negotiations
puù'tirtt a book detailing its activities and concems for which it would earn income that would be used to
further fund its exempt activities.
Schedule G
Question 2a
Perverted Justice was formed as an unincorporated organization in April of 2006. As discussed above,
PJFI was ultimately incorporated in September of 2006. During the period between formation and
incorporation, the Perverted Justice Foundation performed the exempt activities described in the narrative
above. Upon incorporation, PJFI took over the exempt activities of the Perverted Justice Foundation'
Ouestion 2b
Perverted Justice was an unincorporated organization formed to perform the exempt activities described
in the narrative above.
Question 2e
When Perverted Justice was formed in April of 2006, it was planned that the entity would be
incorporated. During the period between Aþril of 2006 and September of 2006, Perverted Justice sought
advice and assistance regarding the requirements and procedure for incorporating. The incorporation
documents were ultimately drafted and signed in September of 2006. At all times between formation and
incorporation, Perverted Justice performed the exempt activities described in the narrative above. As
planned, upon formal incorporation, PJFI took over the activities of Perverted Justice.
Question 3
Perverted Justice's activities were the same as those now performed by PJFI and described in the
narrative above,
Ouestion 5
These persons are now the directors of PJFI. Xavier von Erck, Dennis Kerr, and Alison Shea are the
officeri of PJFI. PJFI has no agreements with these individuals or any for-profit organizations in which
these persons own more than a35Yo interest.
Perverted Justice Foundation, Inc.
703 Pier Avenue, Suite B #154
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254-39 43
EIN: 16-1775449
Perverted Justice Foundation, Inc. ("PJFI") hereby respectfully requests that its
Application for Recognition of Exemption under Section 501(cX3) of the Internal Revenue Code
be approved for expedited processing. PJFI has received no charitable contributions or grants
since formation. Instead, PJFI has relied on funding from its members and receipts from
consulting activities performed pursuant to its exempt purposes. The consulting activities consist
of providing services to NBC and law enforcement officials as part of NBC's program "Dateline:
To Catch a Predator". These activities are described in further detail in PJFI's narrative
description of its activities in Part IV of its Form 1023,
At this time, NBC has expressed uncertainty as to whether it will continue to air this
program, so it is uncertain whether PJFI will continue to take in consulting receipts, PJFI has
received numerous inquiries as to its status under Section 501(c)(3), but prospective donors have
indicated that they will not make contributions to PJFI until it status is determined, Due to the
uncertainty with respect to NBC's continuation of the program for which PJFI provides
consulting services, failure to receive contributions from prospective donors rnay have an
adverse impact on PJFI's ability to continue operations.
Accordingly, PJFI respectfully requests expedited processing of its Forrn 1023. If you
have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our authorized representative þlease see
attached Form 2848), Stephen'Weerts at (T) 310-595-3137 or (F) 310-595-3437,