Process Safety and Environmental Protection: Shams Anwar, Faisal Khan, Yahui Zhang
Process Safety and Environmental Protection: Shams Anwar, Faisal Khan, Yahui Zhang
Process Safety and Environmental Protection: Shams Anwar, Faisal Khan, Yahui Zhang
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Electrochemical and corrosion behaviour analysis of Zn-Ni alloy and Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 composite coatings
Received 13 April 2020 electrodeposited on steel from ammonium citrate containing bath was performed. The complexation
Received in revised form 28 May 2020 of zinc and nickel ions in citrate stabilized the electroplating bath. The electrochemical behaviour of
Accepted 29 May 2020
samples showed that Zn-Ni alloy with the incorporation of 0.003 mol/l of titania (TiO2 ) nanoparticles
Available online 5 June 2020
exhibited noble corrosion potential (Ecorr ) and decreasing corrosion current (Icorr ). This leads to increase
impedance modulus with a more compact and durable uniform coating of 25.84 nm grain size. The
surface characterization and crystalline phase texture of the coatings were investigated by scanning
electron microscopy (SEM) integrated with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction
Corrosion prevention (XRD). The topographical structure of the coating was analyzed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). The
Process safety chemical composition result showed that the Zn-Ni+0.003TiO2 coating electrodeposited from a citrate
Loss prevention bath in various immersion tests reduced dezincification in the coating. The presence of higher intensity of
Impedance spectroscopy the ␥-phases (␥-NiZn3 ) (815) and ␥-Ni2 Zn11 (330) (631) plane orientation and -Ti phase provide better
corrosion resistance performance of the coating. The most significant corrosion products for Zn-Ni alloy
electroplating are simonkolleite, hydrozincite, zincite, and wulfingite.
© 2020 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0957-5820/© 2020 Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Anwar et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 141 (2020) 366–379 367
Among the nanomaterials considered titanium dioxide (TiO2 ) has fusion, leading to a decrease in the corrosion rate of the coated
gained more attention in recent years. Successful results have been sample. The composition of the corrosion products layer has a sig-
reported on the co-deposition of TiO2 with Ni, Cu, Zn, and Ag metals nificant impact on the corrosion resistant properties of the Zn-Ni
(Fustes et al., 2008). alloys. The principal corrosion products in moisture environments
Significant advancement has been made in various aspects of are zinc oxide (ZnO) and zinc hydroxide (Zn(OH)2 ) (Friel, 1986).
the nanoscale materials because of the abundant availability of Moreover, due to the standard components of carbon dioxide in
nanoparticles, and they are mostly used in composite coatings the air, the appearance of smithsonite (ZnCO3 ) and hydrozincite
for achieving better corrosion resistant and mechanical proper- (Zn5 (CO3 )2 (OH)6 ) was feasible. Simonkolleite (Zn5 (OH)8 Cl2 .H2 O)
ties. There are different types of titanium dioxide incorporated was the most favorable component formed in the hydrophilic
in the Zn-Ni matrix that have been studied by several authors, solution, and it contains high chloride (Cl− ) contents. However,
Vlasa et al. (Vlasa et al., 2010) reported two different types of TiO2 , simonkolleite was thought to be an active-passive layer (Sriraman
Anatase and degussa incorporated with pure Zn. The anti-corrosion et al., 2013; Bučko et al., 2011). Similarly, Anwar et al. Anwar
behaviour of Zn-nanoTiO2 coating electropdeosited on steel surface et al. (2020) reported the pitting corrosion mechanism of Zn-Ni
was analysed. It was specified that the pure zinc coating exhibited alloy exhibited several species, i.e. Zn2+ , ZnCl+ , Zn(OH)Cl, ZnO,
lower corrosion resistant properties in comparison to the porous and Zn5 (OH)8 Cl2 may exist under present experimental condi-
nanocomposite coatings and this was significantly influenced by tions. However, it could be the formation of a multilayer texture
the TiO2 texture and concentration. Kumar et al. (Punith Kumar of the passive layer on the sample surface. It was affirmed that the
et al., 2012) prepared the composite coating with rutile (a mineral corrosion resistant properties of Zn-Ni alloy electroplating were
composed primarily of TiO2 ) TiO2 nanoparticles (size ≤ 100 nm). dependent on the formation of corrosion products. Hence, it was
The impedance spectroscopy measurements found that the coat- required to do the analysis and observe the corrosion product pro-
ings obtained from 6 g/l of rutile TiO2 nanoparticles (D2 ) showed a cess and the restraining effect of their film during the corrosion
higher impedance modulus relative to other coatings. It was con- mechanism.
cluded that the Kumar et al. (Punith Kumar et al., 2012) successfully As seen from the literature, several experimental analyses have
deposited Zn-TiO2 composite coatings on mild steel from a bath been carried out on Zn-Ni alloy and Zn-Ni-TiO2 with different oper-
solution containing 2, 6, and 10 g/l of rutile TiO2 nanoparticles. The ating settings. Few studies found systematically conducting the
percentage of TiO2 content in D2 provides a condensed and uni- Zn-Ni alloy and Zn-Ni-TiO2 composite coating deposited from an
form surface to the D2 deposition. The decrease of the size was ammonium citrate bath, which stabilizes the bath as a complex-
expected to increase their catalytic activity and total surface area ing agent at optimum TiO2 molar concentration. Additionally, the
(Myagmarjav et al., 2004). However, the authors found that the challenge of suppressing HER to enhance the corrosion resistant
study of titania TiO2 incorporated with the Zn-Ni alloy matrix has performance of the coating has not been explored. This study also
not been explored. considers the formation of corrosion products on the coated sam-
The phase crystalline structure and morphology of the Zn-Ni- ples. Therefore, to fulfil this knowledge gap, research was needed
TiO2 have been studied by Praveen et al. (Praveen and Venkatesha, to find the optimum conditions for the Zn-Ni alloy and Zn-Ni nano-
2011); they analyzed the effects and behaviour of TiO2 as com- sized titania TiO2 electrodeposited from an ammonium citrate bath.
posites coating deposited on mild steel. The potential cathodic line
reduced the hydrogen reduction process and the corrosion rate. It
was deduced that Zn-Ni-TiO2 composite coating has a superior cor- 2. Experiment details
rosion inhibition property than the pure Zn-Ni alloy, while the steel
surface always possesses cracks, gaps, crevices, and micro holes. Zn-Ni alloy and Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 electroplated samples were
Therefore, those gaps were filled by TiO2 and composite coating prepared at (20o C) room temperature in a 200 ml electrolyte
dispersed on the metal. bath. A steel plate with the dimensions of 2.5cm × 4.0cm was
Anwar et al. Anwar et al. (2018, 2019a) studied the constancy used as a working electrode. Before electrodeposition, the sub-
of pure Zn and Zn-Ni alloy electroplating bath and found that the strate was ground with emery paper and polished with diamond
addition of potassium citrate and EDTA in the plating bath extends paste. The steel plates before electroplating were degreased by 10
the precipitation of metal oxide (MO) to an elevated pH (from 2 % hydrochloric acid and 10 % sodium hydroxide for 5 min and then
to 5) and suppresses the formation of hydrogen evolution reaction rinsed with alcohol/acetone for a few seconds. The electroplating
(HER). Zhang and Ivey Zhang and Ivey (2004) prepared the Co-Fe- current density ranged from 30−50 mA/cm2 for 15 min and agi-
Ni plating bath by the addition of potassium citrate to stabilize the tation speed was from 350−700 rpm. The auxiliary electrode was
plating bath and deposit uniform coating, inhibiting the precipita- graphite plate with dimensions of 2.5cm × 10cm, and a saturated
tion of metal hydroxide M(OH)2 at high pH. Based on those studies calomel electrode (SCE) (Hg/Hg2 Cl2 ) was used as a reference elec-
on the citrate bath, it was found that citrate significantly increases trode. After the electrodeposition, the samples were rinsed with
the stability of the bath and that denser plating’s are deposited, due tap water and dehydrated with dry ambient air. The electrochemi-
to higher bath pH. This was examined from the preceding this liter- cal and corrosion behaviour measurements were carried out in the
ature. There is limited information available on the Zn-Ni alloy and three-electrode cell setup in a glass cell employing ASTM G5-94
Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 composite coating deposited from ammonium cit- standards (Designation, 1999).
rate baths, which helps to stabilize the bath and exhibits uniform The nano-TiO2 size can be suspended stably in an aqueous Zn-Ni
corrosion resistant coatings. salt electrolyte due to nano particles; if the particle size is larger, it
Pure zinc and zinc-nickel alloy exposed to the corrosive environ- tends to sedimentation, and it is not easy to deposit uniform com-
ment transformed the alloy into the dealloying and dezincification posite films. The electroplating bath composition of Zn-Ni alloy and
(Stein et al., 1998; Sriraman et al., 2013). Dealloying is the selective Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 composite coatings are shown in Table 1.
corrosion of one and more than one component of the material in The purpose of the exploration tests was to make the factors and
the alloy, and dezincification is the selective removal of zinc from levels approach an optimum electroplating condition. There were
the alloy. One of the main reasons to increase the anti-corrosion four samples plated on same conditions, of which two samples
performance of the coated sample while immersing it in the cor- were used for morphology and two for electrochemical analysis,
rosive solvents is the formation of corrosion products. This was to attain the redundancy and accuracy of the results. The electro-
evidence that the corrosion products act as a barrier against dif- chemical and corrosion measurements were accomplished using an
368 S. Anwar et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 141 (2020) 366–379
Table 1
Bath compositions of citrate-based baths for the electrodeposition of Zn-Ni alloy and Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 composite coatings.
IM6 electrochemical workstation (Zahner, Germany). The surface denser deposition on substrate. Adding citrate also suppresses the
morphological structures of the coatings were studied by SEM inte- hydrogen evolution reaction and improves Zn-Ni corrosion resis-
grated with EDS (FEI MLA 650 F). The topographical structures of tance behaviour. The Zn-Ni electroplating bath without citrate has
the coatings were inspected by AFM (Asylum research MFP 3D). The pH = 2.0, while the Zn-Ni bath with citrate has pH = 4.5. Increas-
crystal phase texture and peaks were investigated by XRD (Rigaku ing the pH from 2.0 to 4.5 decreases the hydrogen concentration
Ultima IV X-ray diffractometer with a copper x-ray source) and a in plating bath up to a hundred times. Thus, increasing the pH of
material database was used to match the generated peaks by using the electroplating baths will cause the suppression of the hydro-
pdf # 03-065-5310 (Johansson et al., 1968) and pdf # 00-004-0831 gen evolution process on the working electrodes (Zn-Ni alloy and
(Nover and Schubert, 1980) RDB Minerals and ICDD. Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 composite).
The Debye-Scherrer equation was used to calculate the average
crystallite size of the coated samples from the peak width at the 2.2. Electrochemical and corrosion behaviour analysis
half maximum of the crystal peaks () (Patterson, 1939);
The electrochemical measurements and corrosion behaviour
t = analysis of the coated samples were conducted in the three-
electrode glass cell. The electroplated sample was a working
where t = crystallite size, electrode, a graphite plate was an auxiliary electrode and a sat-
= wavelength of the XRD ( = 1.5406A◦ ), urated calomel electrode (SCE) was a reference electrode. At the
=Bragg’s angle of the peak and, beginning of the analysis, the open circuit potential (OCP) was mea-
 = angular width of the peak at full width at half maximum sured. The polarization curves were measured to be in the range of
(FWHM). −1.5 V to 0.5 V at a scan rate of 5 mV/s after 12 h, 24 h and 48
h immersion, respectively. An EIS was measured at the frequency
2.1. Establishment of stable baths for Zn-Ni alloy and Zn-Ni range of 105 Hz to 10−2 Hz with the amplitude of 10 mV. The coated
composite coatings samples were immersed in lab scale seawater at the pH of 7.93 at
20 ◦ C for 12 h, 24 h and 48 h, respectively, and then electrochemi-
The negative reduction potential of the Zn/Zn2+ electrode is cal impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was carried out. The impedance
more of a challenge for zinc to be electroplated than hydrogen data was fitted using Thales simulation software and two similar
gas (Faid et al., 2017). The reduction potential of zinc is (EZn/Zn 2+ electroplated samples were measured for each level of the film.
= -0.762 V) and hydrogen (E2H/H2 = 0.000 V). The H+ ions in the The corrosion mechanism and the process of the zinc-nickel alloy
electrolyte solution will be deposited before zinc, as H+ ions have corrosion products compositions were discussed.
a more positive reduction potential under the standard state. To
overcome and modify this problem, the higher pH bath electroplat- 3. Results and discussion
ing is preferable. Generally, a high pH bath (alkaline) is not stable.
Therefore, most of the electroplating is developed as an acidic bath. 3.1. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) analysis
The major problem of using an acidic bath is the hydrogen evolu-
tion reaction occurring in the electrolyte and that lead to developed The electrochemical behaviour of Zn-Ni alloy and Zn-Ni-
non-uniform less corrosion resistant coatings. To electrodeposit nanoTiO2 composite coatings were studied using a cyclic
Zn coatings with suitable composition and microstructure leads to voltammetry technique (shown in Fig. 2). The CV of the Zn-Ni
ideal corrosion resistance and mechanical properties. The develop- deposits was characterized by the presence of three peaks (a1 , a2
ment of a stable plating bath with relatively high pH is vital. Alkalis and a3 ) in an anodic scan and two peaks (c1 and c2 ) in a cathodic
and complexing agents such as acetate, EDTA, and citrate were used scan. The positive scale of the potential corresponds to the anodic
to stabilize the electroplating bath and suppress the hydrogen evo- dissolution of the electroplated samples (electrochemical oxida-
lution process on the cathode. These complexing agents were added tion) in which the anodic peaks are seen, whereas the negative
to the baths for pure Zn, Zn-Ni alloy and Zn-Ni composite coatings scale of the potential represents the cathodic reduction of the elec-
to improve the anti-corrosion property, homogeneity, thickness, troplated samples in which the cathodic peaks are seen. A ␥-phase
compactness, and mechanical properties of the electroplated films with the BCC textures are the most needed Zn-Ni alloy phase for
(Faid et al., 2017; Tomić et al., 2010; Jiang et al., 2005; Silva et al., increasing the anti-corrosion properties of the coating in a high
2010; Garcia et al., 2014; Conde et al., 2011). The images for Zn-Ni percentage of chlorine containing saline seawater. There are three
electrolyte prepared from non-citrate and citrate baths are shown anodic peaks for Zn-Ni alloy and Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 deposits, corre-
in Fig. 1. The electroplating bath prepared from non-citrate showed sponding to the constituents of two-phase at ı-phase (Ni3 Zn22 )
precipitation and instability; the bath made from citrate showed and ␥-phase (Ni2 Zn11 ). The first and second anodic peaks con-
non-precipitation and uniformity throughout the electroplating sist of the dissolution of zinc, starting from the ␦ and ␥-phase,
process. It increases the homogeneity and grain size and form a respectively. The third peak matches the dissolution of Ni from
S. Anwar et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 141 (2020) 366–379 369
Fig. 1. Electroplating bath images for (a) Zn-Ni from non-citrate and (b) Zn-Ni from citrate.
The XRD pattern of the Zn-Ni films prepared from three different
baths is shown in Fig. 4. It is noticed from the graphs that mainly
Fig. 2. Cyclic voltammogram of Zn-Ni and Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 composite coating Zn-Ni coatings contain three dominant peaks, ␥-NiZn3 , Ni3 Zn22 and
deposited at a scan rate of 5 mV/s. ␥-Ni2 Zn11 . The prominent peaks of the pure Zn-Ni coating with and
without citrate bath comprise 38, 43, 52 and 75 degree matches to
the ␥-NiZn3 , ␥-Ni2 Zn11 and Ni3 Zn22 ones the Zn-Ni+0.0033TiO2
their phases (Basavanna and Naik, 2009; Kus et al., 2007; Tozar and Zn-Ni+0.0066TiO2 have the highest intensity of the ␥-phase
and Karahan, 2014). Therefore, the voltammetry behaviour of the (␥-Ni2 Zn11 ) with (330) plane orientation. Moreover, the peak value
coatings affirms the characteristics of the components and the tex- of the ␥-phase with (330) plane orientation is superior to that of
ture of the deposited phase (Tozar and Karahan, 2014). The anodic other ␥-phases, e.g. ␥-NiZn3 ; however, the phase texture of an
current density of Zn-Ni alloy coating is 4 mA/cm2 , while the Zn- alloy and composite coatings possessing a ␥-phase with (330) plane
Ni-nanoTiO2 composite coating is 2 mA/cm2 . Therefore, Zn-Ni alloy orientation plays a determined role in the corrosion resistance per-
coating increases the dissolution rate in comparison to Zn-Ni-TiO2 formance (Boonyongmaneerat and Saenapitak, 2009; Feng et al.,
deposits. 2015a, b). Peak intensity of the ␥-Ni2 Zn11 of samples (c) and (d) is
high in comparison to that of samples (a) and (b). The crystal peak
3.2. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) images intensities illustrate the evidence concerning the number of phases,
and the relative amount of zinc-nickel in the deposits (Mansfeld
The topographical 3D images of the Zn-Ni alloy and composites et al., 1993). Therefore, coating with a higher-intensity of a ␥-phase
electroplated samples’ (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) surfaces obtained by with (330) plane positioning decreases the corrosion rate. Similar
AFM measurements are shown in Fig. 3. The cathodic deposition results were found by Anwar et al. Anwar et al. (2019b). The TiO2
of sample (a) is non-uniform, heterogeneous with a rough surface, peaks on the X-ray diffraction patterns are usually very wide, flat
and a broad peak with large crystal grain size equal to 54.40 nm is and difficult to identify due to the nanosized of the particle; how-
formed. In contrast, Zn-Ni alloy deposited from citrate bath exhibits ever, this XRD pattern did not show any other TiO2 peaks except
a uniform and more homogeneous surface with smaller grain size, -Ti (220) phase orientation because this phase is more stable hav-
equal to 45.09 nm. Furthermore, the surfaces of the Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 ing body-centered cubic structure. Generally, the formation of Ti
composite coatings are less rough than those of the Zn-Ni alloy alloys containing  phase tend to demonstrate significantly lower
coatings. It can also be seen that the Zn-Ni-TiO2 coating deposited elastic modulus values than ␣ and ␣ +  alloys.
from a citrate bath contains a regular surface, is less coarser, and
has a more compact and stronger nanosized uniform coating of 3.4. Surface morphology and chemical compositions of corrosion
25.84 nm grain size, in comparison to the non-composite Zn-Ni products
alloy coating, demonstrating that the Zn-Ni alloy with a citrate bath
shows smoothing ability with the addition of TiO2 nano-composite Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to observe the
particles. The TiO2 nanoparticles are adsorbed on the surface of the surface characterization and texture of the Zn-Ni alloy and com-
zinc-nickel matrix and inhibit the depositions. Therefore, uniform posite films electrodeposited at a different molar concentration of
370 S. Anwar et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 141 (2020) 366–379
Fig. 3. 3D images of Zn-Ni and Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 composite coating electrodeposited at (a) Zn-Ni from non-citrate, (b) Zn-Ni from citrate, (c) Zn-Ni+0.0033 mol/l of TiO2 from
citrate, (d) Zn-Ni+0.0066 mol/l of TiO2 from citrate, (e) Zn-Ni+0.0125 mol/l of TiO2 from citrate.
Fig. 4. XRD patterns for Zn-Ni and Zn-Ni-TiO2 composite coating electrodeposited at (a) Zn-Ni from non-citrate, (b) Zn-Ni from citrate, (c) Zn-Ni+0.0033 mol/l of TiO2 from
citrate, (d) Zn-Ni+0.0066 mol/l of TiO2 from citrate.
TiO2 nanoparticles. The deposited Zn-Ni alloy coating is developed nanoparticles (Fig. 5(c)–(e)) change the crystalline structure of the
regarding its homogeneity, and crystal grain size by changing TiO2 metal deposits and formation of a stabilized bath, which decreases
concentration deposited from citrate and non-citrate baths. Zn-Ni the grain size and shape. The structure of the metal electrodeposi-
from non-citrate bath (Fig. 5(a)) shows discontinuity, heterogene- tion is changed by adding the TiO2 nanoparticles, which are mostly
ity and swelling with larger grain sizes, found due to the HER, and subtle and small particles since the nanoparticles provide more
the bath is not stable. However, Zn-Ni coating from a citrate bath nucleation sites and delay the Zn-Ni matrix growth. TiO2 nanoparti-
(Fig. 5(b)) exhibits more uniform and smaller grain sizes with fewer cles also fill defects and improve corrosion resistance and hardness.
holes and cracks on the coatings, due to the stability of the bath By increasing the mol/l of TiO2 in the electrolyte, the nanoparti-
solution and the occurrence of fewer hydrogen evolution reactions. cles showed a specific susceptibility to forming agglomerates on
It can be observed from the Zn-Ni coating with embedded TiO2 , the coated surface. The large amount of TiO2 enhances the surface
S. Anwar et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 141 (2020) 366–379 371
Fig. 5. The SEM images of Zn-Ni and Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 composite coating electrodeposited at (a) Zn-Ni from non-citrate, (b) Zn-Ni from citrate, (c) Zn-Ni+0.0033 mol/l of TiO2
from citrate, (d) Zn-Ni+0.0066 M mol/l of TiO2 from citrate, (e) Zn-Ni+0.0125 mol/l of TiO2 from citrate.
energy and escalates the interactions among the particles (Praveen covered with cloudy corrosion products with holes, as appears in
and Venkatesha, 2008; Vlasa et al., 2010). These agglomerates are the image (Fig. 8(d)). Nonetheless, the corrosion products layer
incorporated and disperse all over the plating surface (Fig. 5(d) and formed on Zn-Ni+0.0033TiO2 sample (c) (Fig. 8(c)) reveals that
(e)) and their dimensions increase, as the TiO2 content increases. fewer cloudy and compact structures are seen, in comparison to
Figs. 6–8 demonstrated that the surface morphologies of Zn- other samples.
Ni alloy and Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 composite coatings immersed in lab The EDS analysis also determined the presence of TiO2 on the
scale seawater after 12 h, 24 h and 48 h, respectively. The images composite coatings. For deposits obtained from Zn-Ni with TiO2 in
are taken at identical magnification; smaller images are at 2200 the plating bath, EDS spectroscopy revealed the presence of Tita-
and bigger images are at 10,000 magnifications. The Zn-Ni alloy nium (Ti), indicating the occurrence of TiO2 nanoparticles in the
with and without citrate after 12 h of immersion has corrosion Zn-Ni coating (Fig. 9(b)).
products, and it is covered with white islands, observed at low The EDS investigation of the corrosion products composition
magnification images (Fig. 6(a)). Zn-Ni+0.003TiO2 immersed for (Zn, C, O Cl and Ni) of Zn-Ni alloy and Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 samples at
12 h exhibits similar morphology as pure Zn-Ni immersed at 12 after 12 h, 24 h, and 48 h of immersion time is shown in Table 2. It
h (Fig. 6(c)). Some white cloud like structures are observed at some is observed from the EDS data, as the immersion time increase, the
parts of the surfaces due to the active properties of the coating. corrosion product layer is also increasing. This is demonstrated by
The EDS results reveal that these islands and clouds are enriched the enhancement of the oxygen and chlorine on the coated surface
with C, O and Cl, which is related to the aggregation of corrosion and by the dissolution of Zn and Ni contents. Though, all the sam-
products. A similar result has been achieved and reported by Feng ples, the amount of Cl content is high at 12 h of immersion time
et al. (2016a). Although TiO2 concentration increases, the surface except sample (a). The Zn content in the coating is decreased for
shows the cracks and solid corrosion products as observed in the all samples as the immersion time increase showed the dezincifi-
large magnification images (Fig. 6(d) and (e)). cation. However, for sample (a), the Zn content decreased at 24 h
Zn-Ni alloy with and without citrate after 24 h of immersion (21.55 %) and then increase at 48 h (25.14 %). It is observed from
has corrosion products, porosity, cracks, and holes, and is also cov- Table 2 that the Zn-Ni+0.003TiO2 samples exhibit higher Zn and
ered with white islands, observed at larger magnification images. lower Cl contents after the immersion test.
Zn-Ni+0.003TiO2 immersed after 24 h exhibits smaller and intact
corrosion products with some white clouds (Fig. 7(c)). White cloud 3.5. Development of corrosion mechanism
like structures are observed at some parts of the surface due to
the active properties of the coating. As the TiO2 concentration At exposure to the air, there is a formation of natural oxide layers
increases, the surface develops more cracks and pits, and solid cor- on the surface of electroplated samples (Feng et al., 2015a). How-
rosion products have appeared in the large magnification images ever, the oxide layers are loose and porous, and cannot control the
(Fig. 7(d) and (e)). penetration of Cl− ions; therefore, the Zn-Ni exposed surface is cor-
The plating surface thoroughly covers the corrosion products, roded. Accordingly, through the anodic oxidation of zinc and nickel
and most of the layer becomes loosened and porous as the immer- (Eqs. (1 and 2)), the anions and cations discharge into the elec-
sion time increases, especially after a long exposure such as 48 h, trolyte, and the reduction reaction occurs at the working electrode
as shown in Fig. 8. This may signify the reduction in the corrosion (Zn-Ni alloy samples) (Eq. (3)), respectively.
resistance properties of the electroplated samples. Larger islands
and big clouds are seen at low magnification. Similar results have Zn → Zn2+ +2e− (1)
been reported by Feng et al. (2016a, b) and Gomes et al. Gomes Ni → Ni2+ +2e− (2)
et al. (2012). Sample (a) is covered with flake and lamellae structure
corrosion products (Fig. 8(a)). Moreover, sample (d) is completely O2 +2H2 O + 4e → 4OH- (3)
372 S. Anwar et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 141 (2020) 366–379
Fig. 6. The SEM images of corroded Zn-Ni and Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 composite coating electrodeposited at (a) Zn-Ni from non-citrate, (b) Zn-Ni from citrate, (c) Zn-Ni+0.0033
mol/l of TiO2 from citrate, (d) Zn-Ni+0.0066 mol/l of TiO2 from citrate, (e) Zn-Ni+0.0125 mol/l of TiO2 from citrate after 12 h of immersion time.
Fig. 7. The SEM images of corroded Zn-Ni and Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 composite coating electrodeposited at (a) Zn-Ni from non-citrate, (b) Zn-Ni from citrate, (c) Zn-Ni+0.0033
mol/l of TiO2 from citrate, (d) Zn-Ni+0.0066 mol/l of TiO2 from citrate, (e) Zn-Ni+0.0125 mol/l of TiO2 from citrate after 24 h of immersion time.
The corrosion mechanism and the electrochemical process of 5Zn2+ +8OH− +2Cl- → Zn5 (OH)8 Cl2 (5)
the Zn-Ni coated alloy constitute the dissolution of zinc and nickel,
which is equalized by the reduction of O2 at the working elec- The carbonate ions formed through the dissolution of carbon
trode (cathode); subsequently, zinc hydroxide (Zn(OH)2 ) and nickel dioxide (Eqs. (6)–(8)). Subsequently, The OH− ions and Zn2+ ions
hydroxide (Ni(OH)2 ) is formed, and it can desiccate to form zinc produced by Eqs. (1) and (3) combines with CO3 -2 ions to generate
oxide (ZnO) and nickel oxide (NiO) (Eqs. (3 and 4)). In the pres- hydrozincite precipitation (Eq. (9)). The occurrence of hydrozincite
ence of a saline solution, Na+ moves toward the cathode, while signifies the formation of active sites on the Zn-Ni alloy (Fürbeth
Cl− migrates toward the anodic sites saturated with dissolved zinc; and Stratmann, 2001)
therefore, simonkolleite forms, according to Eq. (5). CO2 +H2 O → H2 CO3 (6)
Zn +O2 +H2 O → Zn(OH)2 → ZnO + H2 O (3) H2 CO3 +H2 O → H2 CO3 − +H3 O+ (7)
Ni 2+
+O2 +H2 O → Ni(OH)2 → NiO + H2 O (4) H2 CO3 −
+H2 O → CO3 -2 +H3 O+ (8)
S. Anwar et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 141 (2020) 366–379 373
Fig. 8. The SEM images of corroded Zn-Ni and Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 composite coating electrodeposited at (a) Zn-Ni from non-citrate, (b) Zn-Ni from citrate, (c) Zn-Ni+0.0033
mol/l of TiO2 from citrate, (d) Zn-Ni+0.0066 mol/l of TiO2 from citrate, (e) Zn-Ni+0.0125 mol/l of TiO2 from citrate after 48 h of immersion time.
Fig. 9. EDS peaks of Zn-Ni alloy and Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 composite coating electrodeposited (a) Zn-Ni without TiO2 , (b) Zn-Ni with TiO2 .
Table 2
Corrosion products composition of Zn-Ni and Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 composite coatings.
5Zn2+ +2CO3 −2 +6OH- → Zn5 (CO3 )2 (OH)6 (9) unstable in the strong solution of Cl- ions and can disintegrate into
simonkolleite, corresponding to Eq. (11). The research observed
5ZnO(s) +5CO2(g) +3H2 O → Zn5 (CO3 )2 (OH)6(s) (10) by Odnevall et al. (Odnevall and Leygraf, 1994) and reported that
in an appropriate condition, the hydrozincite, simonkolleite and
The formation of simonkolleite before the precipitation of
zinc oxide layered structure converts from one phase to another.
hydrozincite reveals that enough Cl− is present in the Zn-Ni alloy
As the immersion time increase, this leads to an increase in the
during immersion. However, the formed hydrozincite may be
374 S. Anwar et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 141 (2020) 366–379
Table 3 the Zn-Ni alloy (Abibsi et al., 2017) and Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 (Punith
Polarization data for the Zn-Ni and Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 composite coating.
Kumar et al., 2012) samples, suggesting the sacrificial property on
Samples Ecorr (V vs SCE) Icorr (A/cm2 ) the steel specimen. The corrosion activity of the Zn-Ni alloy coat-
(a) Zn-Ni alloy from non-citrate −1.00 732 ing in corrosion media is directly related to corrosion potentials.
bath The corrosion resistance performance of the electroplated sample
(b) Zn-Ni alloy from citrate bath −1.02 494 is mainly related to their structural morphologies, chemical com-
(c) Zn-Ni+0.0033 mol/l of TiO2 −0.90 176 positions and phase compositions (Mansfeld et al., 1993).
from citrate bath
It is observed from Fig. 11 and Table 3 that the corrosion current
(Icorr ) of Zn-Ni coating deposited from a citrate bath (0.08 mol/l of
active anodic species on the coating surface and produces signifi- ammonium citrate) without immersion is lower (494 A/cm2 ) than
cant amount of zinc oxide. Consequently, the presence of ZnO and the non-citrate bath Zn-Ni coating (732 A/cm2 ). It is also notice-
NiO increases the pH of the electrolyte. The abundance of zinc oxide able that the Zn-Ni alloy coating deposited from the citrate bath
and nickel oxide can also be related with the possibility of hydroz- exhibits less negative corrosion potential (Ecorr ) than the coating
incite (Eq. (12)). Similarly, Wasekar et al. (Wasekar et al., 2015) deposited from the non-citrate bath. Moreover, the Zn-Ni specimen
reported the formation of compact ZnO corrosion products on the from the non-citrate bath shifts more negative corrosion potential
Zn coated surface, and this provides extra strength to enhance the and maximum corrosion current, leading to the formation of holes,
corrosion-resistant properties of the coating. Zn(OH)2 and Ni(OH)2 cracks and non-uniformity on the coated surface, due to the hydro-
is the primary corrosion product; however, it will become ZnO and gen reduction on the cathode forming the hydrogen bubbles on the
NiO in the dry condition. This is because ZnO and NiO is a more coated sample during electroplating.
consistent and stable corrosion product (Tano and Huguchi, 1985). The anodic and cathodic polarization behaviour of Zn-Ni-
nanoTiO2 deposited from the citrate bath (0.16 mol/l of ammonium
Zn5 (CO3 )2 (OH)6 +2Cl− +2OH- → Zn5 (OH)8 Cl2 +CO3 -2 (11) citrate) at a different molar concentration of TiO2 nanoparticles
Zn5 (CO3 )2 (OH)6 +2OH → 5ZnO + 5HCO3 - + 3H2 O (12) without immersion, embedded in the Zn-Ni matrix, is also pre-
sented and analyzed in Fig. 11 and Table 3. As can be seen from
As seen from the surface morphological images and corroded Table 3, except for the case of Zn-Ni+0.0033 mol/l of TiO2 , the cor-
composition tests, the formation of corrosion products on the Zn- rosion potential (Ecorr ) values of the composite coating are more
Ni+0.0033TiO2 samples is fully dispersed, compact and strong. This negative than those of the other Zn-Ni alloy, indicating that Zn-
will lead to formation of the protective layer on the surface of the Ni+0.0033 mol/l of TiO2 composite coatings are more active than
sample from the corrosive environment. pure Zn-Ni and other Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 composite coatings. The
presence of TiO2 particles in the Zn-Ni alloy matrix have emerged as
3.6. Characteristics of corrosion products a uniform passive layer, decrease the coefficient of friction, increase
the wear resistance properties leading to an increase in the cor-
The characterization of the Zn-Ni alloy corrosion products was rosion resistance and mechanical properties of the coating (Vlasa
measured by X-ray diffraction and is shown in Fig. 10. As seen et al., 2010). Similar results were obtained by Vlasa et al. (Vlasa
from Fig. 4, XRD graphs without immersion tests shows a sin- et al., 2010), Praveen et al. (Praveen and Venkatesha, 2011), Kumar
gle ␥-phase at 43 degrees. After 24 h of immersion, the peaks et al. (Punith Kumar et al., 2012), Karimzadeh et al. (Karimzadeh
at 43 degrees indicate the appearance of both ␥-NiZn3 and ␥- et al., 2019) and Gomes et al. (Fustes et al., 2008).
Ni2 Zn11 . The sharp intensity of NiZn3 and Ni2 Zn11 indicates that
Zn-Ni alloy cannot completely dissolve after 24 h of immersion 3.8. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) analysis
in a lab scale 3.5 % NaCl solution. Corrosion products such as
simonkolleite (Zn5 (OH)8 Cl2 .H2 O), hydrozincite (Zn5 (CO3 )2 (OH)6 ), The electrochemical kinetics and corrosion mechanism of
zinc oxide/zincite (ZnO), smithsonite (ZnCO3 ) and zinc hydrox- the Zn-Ni alloy and Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 samples can potentially be
ide wulfingite (Zn(OH)2 ) are found in Zn and Zn alloys and are measured using the EIS method. Moreover, it can estimate the
visible in the immersion test (Friel, 1986; Sriraman et al., 2013; characteristics and kinetics of the electrochemical process occur-
Bučko et al., 2011; Mouanga and Berçot, 2010; Ortiz et al., 2009; ring at the interface of the coating and corrosive media (Punith
Feng et al., 2016a). Simonkolleite and hydrozincite have well- Kumar et al., 2012; Fashu et al., 2015). The impedance measure-
crystallized forms and many intense reflections appear at the peaks. ment of Zn-Ni alloy and Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 composite coatings at
Moreover, the majority of the hydrozincite overlaps on the peaks room temperature are displayed in the form of Nyquist plots and
of simonkolleite. Far away from these peaks, there are also rare shown in Fig. 12. The open circuit potential (OCP’s) range of fre-
appearances and indications of Zn(OH)2 , ZnO, and Zn(CO)3 . Note quency is 10 mHz to100kHz. The shape of the impedance modulus
that the intensity of hydrozincite, smithsonite, and zinc oxide is a semicircle (Mansfeld et al., 1993; Tozar and Karahan, 2014).
peaks is often a broadened reflection, and some peaks are super- The Nyquist plots of the coated samples consist of clearly-defined
imposed with simonkolleite, forming a weak crystallized form of capacitive arcs, and at the high frequency of the plot is thought to
these phases. be the corrosion products. In contrast, at the low-level frequency,
the electrical equivalent circuit is considered as the electric dou-
3.7. Electrochemical measurement analysis ble layer (Winiarski et al., 2016; Feng et al., 2016a), respectively.
The EIS measurement of Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 sample shows maximum
The potentiodynamic polarization curves are used to determine impedance values in comparison to other coated samples. Further
the electrochemical measurement of Zn-Ni alloy and Zn-Ni- impedance measurements carried out for Zn-Ni alloy deposited
nanoTiO2 composite film at room temperature and shown in Fig. 11. from the citrate bath show more impedance modulus in compari-
The polarization values are evaluated at their OCP’s readings of dif- son to Zn-Ni alloy from non-citrate coating. This means that after
ferent electroplating samples and corrosion current densities (Icorr ) the addition of 0.0033 mol/l of TiO2 with citrate bath, better cor-
and corrosion potentials (Ecorr ) are computed from the intercepts rosion resistance performance of the coating is exhibited. Gomes
on the Tafel slopes by extrapolation, and tabulated in Table 3. The et al. Gomes et al. (2012) and Vlasa et al. (Vlasa et al., 2010) have
Ecorr values are more negative corresponding to the steel (Ecorr = observed the analogous result. This indicates the significant influ-
−0.66 V) (Feng et al., 2016a) over the entire immersion time for ence of TiO2 nanoparticles inclusion on the kinetics of both cathodic
S. Anwar et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 141 (2020) 366–379 375
Fig. 11. Polarization curve in logarithmic scale for Zn-Ni and Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 composite coating.
Fig. 12. Nyquist plot for Zn-Ni and Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 composite coating.
and anodic reactions of Zn-Ni coatings. It is also apparent from the minimum impedance modulus is found for Zn-Ni from the non-
Nyquist plot that the Zn-Ni alloy coating without TiO2 , deposited citrate bath and without the addition of TiO2 nanoparticles, shown
from the non-citrate bath, showed the least impedance modulus, in Fig. 12, and this is related to a minimal arc at high frequencies,
due to the un-stabilized and without the presence of TiO2 nanopar- forming the oxide film in the air (Volovitch et al., 2009).
ticles on the Zn-Ni matrix. It also increases the active surface area The impedance spectroscopy analysis with the fitted electrical
on the Zn-Ni coated specimen. Thus, the worst coating with the alternative circuit data assists in identifying the complete electro-
376 S. Anwar et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 141 (2020) 366–379
Fig. 13. Nyquist plot for Zn-Ni and Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 composite coating immersed at 12 h, 24 h and 48 h for (a) Zn-Ni from non-citrate, (b) Zn-Ni from citrate, (c) Zn-Ni+0.0033
mol/l of TiO2 from citrate, and (c) Zn-Ni+0.0125 mol/l of TiO2 from citrate.
Table 4
Optimum EIS fitting parameters of Zn-Ni alloy and Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 deposits with various immersion time.
Zn-Ni alloy deposited from non-citrate bath 12 47.8 194.9 45.4 40.8 0.80 5.0 0.80
24 62.3 318.5 81.4 57.4 0.84 17.8 0.78
48 54.0 453 90.6 303.9 0.89 39.9 0.56
Zn-Ni alloy from citrate bath 12 51.2 139.3 59.9 70 0.70 5.9 0.52
24 59.8 374.9 148.6 127.4 0.65 8.4 0.66
48 59.9 434.4 180.1 216.2 0.64 6.5 0.67
Zn-Ni+0.0033 mol/l of TiO2 from citrate bath 12 52.7 530.9 180.1 97.5 0.71 3.4 0.65
24 79.4 359.9 77.5 366.4 0.70 2.7 0.54
48 62.1 700.1 80.8 149.6 0.80 11.3 0.55
Zn-Ni+0.0125 mol/l of TiO2 from citrate bath 12 42.5 209.9 50.0 57.5 0.69 5.4 0.64
24 59.4 448.1 124.4 242.8 0.69 4.0 0.57
48 46.9 390.6 185.8 395.3 0.81 5.7 0.53
higher Rct value than other coatings. Therefore, the addition of These orientations support the corrosion resistance performance
0.033 mol/l of TiO2 in Zn-Ni coatings is improved their corrosion of the coating.
resistant behaviour than Zn-Ni alloy coatings. For Zn-N+-0.003TiO2 • The impedance measurement of the Zn-Ni+0.0033 mol/l of
samples, the C2 values slightly decrease at 24 h immersion time TiO2 coating deposited from the citrate bath increased the
and increase at 48 h. This is evident that there is the possibility of impedance modulus. The most effective coating with the max-
non-uniformity and sponginess of the corrosion product layer. imum impedance modulus was Zn-Ni+0.0033 mol/l of TiO2 . It
The least values of R1 at 12 h of immersion indicate that the cor- exhibited compact and robust corrosion products after a 48 h
rosive solution easily reaches on the surface of the Zn-Ni alloy and immersion test.
Zn-Ni composite samples. At 24 h of immersion test, the R1 value • The electrical circuit data showed that the Zn-Ni-nanoTiO2 com-
increases for all samples demonstrate the formation of a compact posite coating deposited from 0.033 mol/l of TiO2 at 12 h
corrosion product layer leads to provide protection from corrosion. exhibited a higher R1 and Rct than other coatings. The addition of
The values of R1 and Rct at 48 h of immersion test is higher than TiO2 and complexing agent in the bath is an effective process for
the 24 h for all samples. This behaviour is related to a decrease corrosion resistance and an increase in the mechanical properties
of the corrosion rate on the coated surface; it can also be associ- of the coating.
ated with the formation of uniform, denser and compact corrosion • Increasing the immersion time led to an increase in the com-
product layers. Similar behaviour has been seen for all the coated position of simonkolleite and zinc oxide (ZnO). The corrosion
samples, such as pure Zn-Ni, Zn-Ni, and Zn-Ni-TiO2 samples exhibit resistance performance decreased at 12 h of immersion time, due
the same behaviour values of R1 is increases after 12 h of immer- to the formation of the maximum amount of ZnO. This was also
sion test. Feng et al. (2016a, b), Gomes et al. Gomes et al. (2012) accompanied by the growth of porous corrosion products. Fur-
and Vlasa et al. (Vlasa et al., 2010) also reported a similar result and thermore, the corrosion resistance increased at 24 h and 48 h,
revealed that the addition of complexing agents and the addition due to the disposition of robust and compact corrosion product
of titanium dioxide leads to an increase in the corrosion resistance layers.
performance of the Zn-Ni alloy coated samples.
Declaration of Competing Interest
4. Conclusions
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
This study focuses on the deposition of Zn-Ni alloy and Zn- cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
Ni-nanoTiO2 films to enhance the anti-corrosion performance and influence the work reported in this paper.
mechanical properties of the coated samples. The polarization
result revealed that a stable citrate bath helped to deposit a uniform
coating with decreased hydrogen evolution reaction. The least Icorr
values and small grain or crystal size, compactness and uniform
The authors express gratitude to the financial commitment pro-
texture exhibited better anti-corrosion properties. The important
vided by the Natural Science and Engineering Council of Canada
conclusions of electrochemical and corrosion behaviour of coatings
(NSERC) through Discovery Grant and the Canada Research Chair
(CRC) Tier I Program in offshore safety and risk engineering. The
authors are also thankful to Dr. Erika Merschrod’s for the use of
• The potentiodynamic polarization results reveal that the Zn-
atomic force microscopy (AFM) in Dr. Merschrod’s lab at the Depart-
Ni+0.0033 mol/l of TiO2 coating deposited from the citrate bath ment of Chemistry, Memorial University of Newfoundland, NL,
possesses a lower Icorr value and more positive corrosion poten- Canada.
tial. The lower Icorr reasonable for the stable citrate bath Zn-Ni
with decreased HER. This exhibited uniform and higher corrosion
resistance, and the SEM images showed the formation of denser Appendix A. Supplementary data
and more uniform coating.
• The crystalline phase texture of the Zn-Ni alloy deposits from the Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in
citrate bath has the maximum intensity of the ␥-phase ␥-NiZn3 the online version, at doi:
(815), ␥-Ni2Zn11 (330) (631), and the Ni3Zn22 plane orientation. 048.
378 S. Anwar et al. / Process Safety and Environmental Protection 141 (2020) 366–379
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