"My Story As A Multi-Grade Teacher": Paaralang Eduardo Cojuangco Sr. (Pmpecs)

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RAMILO Position: TEACHER II/Teacher In-Charge


“My Story as A Multi-grade Teacher”

July 18,2002 was my start of journey as Multi-grade teacher. I was assigned to teach in multi-
grade island schools in the Municipality of Balabac, Division of Palawan. Four island schools I been
teaching, all offered multi-grade class then. I won’t forget the memories and experiences I had in those
places. Learnings and lessons in life and as a public servant.
Back then I tried to be hired in the mainland of Palawan where I will be near to my family who
was residing at Barangay Luzviminda Puerto Princesa City but was not given a chance there so I
decided to go to Balabac where my sister was a High school teacher there in that Municipality. I was
hoping to also get a job to a barangay where my sister assigned but did not happen due to no vacancy.
I was just 22 years old, single, new in the service. Those schools I’ve experienced many hardship
but I enjoyed being their despite of loneliness and fear. Yes, it is true because those places where
Muslims area. I heard from other people that lason, pugay and unknown people/ not resident individual
are walking at night because that time the barangay safety and tanods was not that organized compared
now adays, no military pots before. When I was already there I have proven it true.
One of the unforgettable time when I was in Lindagong Elementary School. I was a lone teacher
for many days because my school head was in Puerto doing personal errands because his husband died. I
was staying in their house with her younger sister and 2 children. The location of the school is 200
meters away from houses. Me and pupils pass the corn farm because the houses are situated in aplaya
and school is in Gimba that how they call the place. The school is in the middle of” kaingin”. Tall grass
with trees. One afternoon when we are singing fun action song I was teaching them that tagalog song my
learners enjoyed it and laughing that our voices was heard in housing area. I was surprised that many
parents appeared in school. I ask them why they come. One of the elder told me that they were bothered
of our safety then they told me about the people walking/passing by at night even day time. I was
unaware of that situation or maybe a treat so I decided to hold a class not in school instead in chaos near
This is annoying to say but true. In 2 schools I been through no comfort room, and bathroom at
home. Reality until now it is true for the majority of them. Because according to them it’s being untidy
to build it in or connected to their homes. I won’t forget that one comfort room built in front of their
houses and well, where people get their water. They are not using that comfort room only me and maybe
my school head. Every time I went their they are looking at me because it just mean that I will a bath or
lose my bowel. When I was in Maria Hangin Elementary school yes we have teacher’s cottage then,
but very old and same with previous school I’ve been teaching no comfort room. We teacher’s need to
go to school if we need comfort room. It’s hard and not safe at night. So I decided to transfer a place to
stay where they have comfort room inside their home but sad to say when I was there I was not
comfortable because I was waken up very early in the morning because I heard of noise someone get
inside the house only to find out that man is one of the relative of the owner wants to drink coffee, that’s
what they said. I was sleeping together with the children of the owner of the house because their
bedroom has no door. In that place also I encountered waters scarcity the taste of the water is salty not
good in even using in bathing. People bought and fetch water in nearest barangay.
In Sibaring Elementary school my third station 60% of the residence were Christians and 40 %
were Muslims. The teachers stay in teacher’s cottage where we are paying for the electricity and finance
for the repair while other teachers decided to stay in boarding houses. One of the most difficult is the
transportation allowance every time there is a training and submission of reports personal money is at
stake no passenger boat in this 3 school. We need to hire boat just to cross to district office and going to
mainland and the price is depending on the size of the boat and number of engine used. We paid 3 to 4
thousand for boat where capacity is 6 persons that is only for boat expenses additional expenses is for
board and lodging. It is understandable that we came from the island school we don’t have place to stay
in the mainland and in district.
When I was transferred in Sibaring Elementary school I have to buy my motorcycle for me to go
home because my sister and her family stay in Bugsuk. 14km. / 30 minutes of travel early in the
morning then in the afternoon if I choose to go home. I cross the forest those tall trees everyday even
weekends if call of duty/ service is needed. If my tire got flat and no one to call because of no signal I
just left my motor I walked until I reach the post where is someone to help.
Year 2005, when I got married I decided to seek for transfer in Pang- ala alang Mababang
Paaralang Eduardo Cojuancgo Sr.(PMPECS) to stay in secure/ safe place and where I don’t need to
travel though my husband was not with me due to company policy. This school where I am currently
working from year 2006 to present is still a multi-grade school. Another reason of my transfer in this
was that I found difficulty to get pregnant maybe of my everyday travel. The island of Bugsuk consist of
two Barangay. Barangay Sebaring and Barangay Bugsuk both barangay has elementary and secondary
In my current teaching school it became multi-grade for more than 20 years because it is private.
The public school situated inside this 2 private company. The Agricultural investors incorporated{AII)
where the school situated and the other one is Jewelmer International Corporation(JIC). According to
the history of the school the company requested for the opening or to have a public school inside this
private island. They constructed the building, provided all the facility needed including school repair,
books, teacher’s place to stay, and teachers’ salary for six months when it was starting. Due to company
problem and sequestration, people leave the place. Enrolment decreases every year other reason is that if
you are not employee of the 2 company you cannot enter the premises. There are cases that to those who
wanted to study to enroll in this school parents are asked to write and ask permission to the owner. Yes,
they were allowed as long as they follow the policy of the company. Other parents from other
island/barangay still choose to enroll their children there because of the safety of their children, free
houses to stay, safe water, and away from liquor, gambling and barkada’s for some.
This school year one of fellow teacher transferred to mainland because his husband was not able
to enter maybe because of pandemic. It’s difficult to find person to take care to look for our children
specially babies in this place because they are working even mothers who were able and willing to work
they hired them. This year only 2 of us left in this school.
Yes, we are the smallest enrollment in our district because of those reasons and health and safety
protocols. Aside from asking permission from their management anyway they allow anytime we want to
leave as long as the school head allow the teacher, we also follow other policy like no antigen/rapid test
no enter but it’s ok because this is for the safety of all in this place. Another one is the difficulty in
internet signal. We have to go to the pier area where in 30 min. of travel of motorcycle going there.
Sometimes we go to cave area, seashore and upper land part to find good signal. Every teacher in place
buy power bank, Wi-Fi and just recently PLDT home with long extension wire. We also buy own solar
panel set needed for printing of modules and charging of our gadgets.
Every teacher buy their own motorcycle this year because it is become a necessity. another
difficulty I encountered in this place is the food supplies specially viand. What we do purchase many
/volume supplies for more than a month supplies. For 2 years now San Miguel Corporation working
here for a new project so the supply of fish for the community is not enough. What we do as teachers in
this place buy from barangay Sebaring and sometimes just stated this year we go fishing and picking
shells during weekends this become our unwinding time.
Though we are in one island with my husband for 16th years of marriage only this year started
last March, 2021 our family being complete. Because of company policy and nature of his work we are
apart just this year when San Miguel Corporation requested for security he was one who was chosen to
be part of the extension post in our area.
In my heart there were times that come the point to transfer to mainland and to a big school
because I also wish to experienced it and to apply my other trainings and education. I also dreamed to
get promoted where difficult in my current station. I have already attend trainings in SHDP and taking
up my doctoral units.
Balabac teachers sometime called me the mother of multi-grade teachers in Balabac because
maybe I served longest years in multi-grade. Yes, it is true that it is hard to handle a multi-grade class at
the same time the teacher in-charge. Multi-tasking is very evident, yes I admit I was not able to perfect it
to served fully as classroom teacher or as school head due to signal problem and distance. But we gave
our best the best that we can despite of hindrances. Those big waves we encountered, loneliness for
family, lacking of materials.
What’s good in multi-grade that others cannot see are these. We are lucky because meet diverse
learners in one classroom. Different age level, intelligence, interest, and skills. I was fortunate to be
chosen to one of the DepEd Multi-grade scholar in UP Diliman last 2017. Their I’ve learned a lot how
to handle these learners. Another good thing in MG class is that you know more as to the curriculum
/lessons of different grades compared to monograde teacher. We were also able to adjust the activity to
more advance or less for every learner because you know your learners in their previous year as to what
he/she already met or achieved. There are trainings also intended for MG teachers. We are very thankful
to the pillars of our department for helping and equipping MG teachers these days unlike before. And
one last thing I find advantage of MG teachers all the reports as to coordinator-ship we divide it into 2 or
3. Because the reality even we are a small school we are not exempted in reports projects and programs
of DepEd.

I always thank our God Almighty for giving me strength each day, long patient in every situation
I encountered as MG teacher in all schools I served, always looking on the positive side in everything,
brave heart in every journey I take because I know He will take care of me and there are people praying
for me, and a thankful heart that even in little things I always thanked Him .
Mabuhay Ang MG Teachers!

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