2nd Meeting

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2nd meeting



In order to apply that general understanding to particular cases, we must acquire, through
proper upbringing and habits, the ability to see, on each occasion, which course of action is best
supported by reasons. Therefore, practical wisdom, as he conceives it, cannot be acquired
solely by learning general rules. We must also acquire, through practice, those deliberative,
emotional, and social skills that enable us to put our general understanding of well-being into
practice in ways that are suitable to each occasion.

Like Plato, he regards the ethical virtues (justice, courage, temperance and so on) as complex
rational, emotional and social skills.

a. The highest good is directed to happiness (continuous contemplation of eternal and

universal truth.
b. Happiness is attained by: 1) a virtuous life, 2) development of reason, 3) the faculty of
theoretical wisdom, and 4) sufficient external goods - such goods as friends, wealth, and
power (4th is important because it serves as fuel to do virtuous activities).
c. Moral virtue is a relative mean between extremes of excess and deficiency. No human
appetite or desire is bad if it is controlled by reason according to a moral principle.
Moral virtue is acquired by a combination of knowledge, habituation, and self-discipline.
d. Virtuous acts require conscious choice and moral purpose or motivation. Man has
personal moral responsibility for his actions.
e. Moral virtue cannot be achieved abstractly — it requires moral action in a social
environment. Ethics and politics are closely related, for politics is the science of creating
a society in which men can live the good life and develop their full potential.


Moral conduct implies a choice.

Virtues may be:

1) Dianoetic (intellectual) – consciousness and acceptance of the rational principles that

guide moral conduct; an intellectual activity where one becomes aware of principles and
concepts as well as see them in their combinations and relationships; its by-product is
wisdom (Sophia).
2) Moral (practical) – refers to a person’s “reasoned control” of his “sensitive and
appetitive life”. It is practical wisdom (phronesis) or knowledge applied to everyday
living or conduct. It is to discover what is the correct means to see the end of his
conduct. Pronesis involves: prudence, thoughtfulness, ability, and intention to do the
right thing. Its by-product is a virtuous and ethical life.

Golden Mean – is a life lived in temperance and moderation. To be good, is to live a life in
between the two extremes of excess and deficiency. These extremes are vices, while the MEAN

Courage – the mean between bravado (too little fear) and cowardice (too much fear).
Friendliness – the mean between obsequiousness and sulkiness.

The mean or virtue is brought about by reason.

Eudaimonia – it is the goodness; and such goodness is doing something expressive of one’s

Aristotle's conclusion about the nature of happiness is in a sense uniquely his own.
He says, not that happiness is virtue, but that it is virtuous activity. Living well consists in doing
something, not just being in a certain state or condition. It consists in those lifelong activities
that actualize the virtues of the rational part of the soul.

Aristotle insists, the highest good, virtuous activity, is not something that comes to us by
chance. Although we must be fortunate enough to have parents and fellow citizens who help us
become virtuous, we ourselves share much of the responsibility for acquiring and exercising the

The highest good roots from our own choice aside from the environment we live in.

Aristotle thinks everyone will agree that the terms designate such end (goodness):

1) “eudaimonia” (“happiness”) and

2) “eu zên” (“living well”)

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