100 Ways To Market Your Business - Leonie Dawson
100 Ways To Market Your Business - Leonie Dawson
100 Ways To Market Your Business - Leonie Dawson
You want your peeps to feel welcome, safe and at home in your house, not
confused, unsure + unwelcome.
Go through the tips below to make sure your website functions uber well + makes
your peeps feel at home:
o you have an ABOUT page on your website? You need one. Share about
who you are. I want to hear your story, hon. I want to know what makes you,
YOU. Make an ABOUT page on your website – a page people can come to
“meet” you as an introduction. Answer my questions about you before I’ve asked
them. Let me know that you are MY kinda person. Let your gorgeous freak flag
fly, and let your tribe recognise you as their own.
n your blog and website, make it easy for readers to come back
+ to stay in touch.
For example, you can offer them to:
• Get posts by email – by getting them to sign up to your list
• Sign up for your newsletter
• Friend you on Facebook
• Play with you on other social media platforms
e open about your gifts – what you are passionate about and what you do.
Don’t apologise for being you. Give people the opportunity and space to get
what they might need – you never know if what you are offering is exactly the
thing they need in their life. By you showing up, and showing the world who
you are, you give the rest of the world the chance to live that beautiful dream
with you.
• Write your website like a letter to your favourite person.
atch someone new navigate your website + see what issues they come up
against. Then fix them!
• Pop an “Interview Me” button on your website. Welcome every single dang
opportunity to be interviewed that you can.
ordpress plugins you should use:
o How do we get our guests to become regular drop-in-aholics? The best way
I know is to have a popup box on your website that appears either when
someone’s been on there for more than a few seconds (usually 5–10), or that
appears before they go to leave (dependent on where their mouse arrow
goes on the screen). I recommend checking out the Wordpress course in the
Academy for more on installing plugins, or you can search the Wordpress
plugin vault. Nowadays, I use two paid popup plugins: OptinSkin
(http://optinskin.com/ ) and Popup Domination
(http://www.popupdomination.com/ )
o A
plugin that lets peeps share your work with their social media networks.
There are loads of free sharing button plugins out there: search the
Wordpress plugin vault to find one that works for you (Hint: one that is
SUPER popular is usually the way to go for better functions and support
when you need it!).
My recommendations are: Wordpress Social Sharing Optimizer
(https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpsso/ ) helps make what gets shared look good,
and Social Warfare (https://warfareplugins.com/ ) is tops for amazing looking
sharing buttons. I prefer to use the Share button on Facebook instead of the Like
Facebook button. I think it shows up more prominently in my tribe’s Facebook
feeds + shares the message along more. That’s what we love!
lso, interesting factoid: I’ve noticed different blog communities lean towards
certain social media platforms. Keep this in mind when creating your website!
My tribe tends more towards Instagram or Facebook than Twitter, for instance,
so I have sharing buttons for these ones first.
o you know how to SEO (Search Engine Optimise) your website?
There are plenty of free guides out there! Here’s one:
ant to make your design even more glorious? Font it up. Check out
FontSquirrel.com + DaFont.com , but make sure you don’t make
it hard to read. Font up your headers + titles; your text needs to be easy for
your tribe to read.
• Create as many FAQs as possible for your website and place of business.
dd a YouTube video to your sidebar welcoming new readers, introducing
yourself + your blog/website.
Use the tips below to make sure your profile pic sparkles with gorgeous
• If you use a professional photographer, make sure they are going to do the
*look* that resonates with you and your image. Do not do glamour if it’s not
YOU. Don’t just go for basic studio headshot, either. Make it about you.
• Otherwise, get a friend or your partner to help you.
• Dress up in a way that is authentically you. Wear your favourite colours.
• If you are doing it yourself: go outside. Outside light will make you look
amazingly better than indoor light. Do not stand in direct sunlight. Be
photographed in full shade (not dappled leaf shade).
• Look *at* the camera so people feel they can connect with you.
Leonie’s goddess tips on getting a photo that looks like you:
lose your eyes + centre. Visualise what you want people to feel when they
see your photo. Take a deep breath in, and when you exhale, open your eyes,
smile in a way that is easy for you and look into the camera. Like a beautiful,
gentle exhaling of who you are.
hen you look back at the photos later, choose one that looks like *you* and
your spirit and what you are wanting to share with your people.
• Then if you’re not proficient with Photoshop, use a free online image editor like
canva.com to give it a bit of a pop and contrast.
• Bonus tips: You want a photo where you are looking INTO the camera – not
away. You want to allow people to form a connection with you, not feel like
they are people- watching a stranger on the street.
• I know it’s just one of those things people do with headshots, but do not – I
repeat DO NOT – put your hand near your face for your headshot. No hands
near face. No resting chin on knuckles. No gentle cupping of palm on cheek. It
looks unnatural and like you might have something to hide. And we know you’re
not like that – we know you are radiant and gorgeous and a beautiful soul – so
let your face and eyes and smile do the talking and connecting. Yay!
When you’re clear on these points, use the list below to add extra special juju to
your sales page so it ROCKS!
ake your sales page as VISUAL as possible. Video. Pictures. Diagrams. This
will totally appeal to all your right brainers. And all ze text and bullet points you
write under ze sparkly header sign will appeal to your left brainers. Combine the
two to make extra KAPOWYBAZOOM! magnetic to peeps from both sides of
the (brain) hemispheres.
ake it EASY for people to buy. For everything you sell, including coaching,
make sure you have an instant Buy Now button. Don’t make people email you
in order to buy – they will have to think about it, and work for it, and there are
too many opportunities for life to get in the way. Make it as easy as possible for
people to access your gifts!
• Make the bestest Frequently Asked Questions section evaaaa on your Sacred
Sales page. Wherever you sell your product – whether it is on a third party
website like Etsy or a page on your own website – make sure you answer all the
questions that your lovely people will have. They need to feel safe, taken care of
and understood in order to sign up for your goodies. A lot of potential customers
won’t bother emailing with questions – again, it’s an extra effort on their part.
You want to make it as beautiful, flowing and streamlined a journey for them
as possible.
• For all your products + services once you have clients, get testimonials. (Consider
offering a small group of willing tribe-members a free trial of your product/
service in exchange for a testimonial.) Wherever possible, ask your gorgeous
clients if they’d like to give a testimonial, if you can use a small picture of them,
and include a link to their website.
et clients to do video testimonials to put on your sales page (especially
for Coaching services)
elow your Buy Now buttons, add an image of what cards you accept
from PayPal.
xperiment with buy now buttons. Try making bigger ones! Hand drawn ones!
See what ones convert more!
• Add an icon for safe + secure online shopping (you can find these at PayPal).
• Consider offering payment options! I was SO reticent to do payment options
– I thought they’d be too annoying to manage. And I thought if my product
was under $100 that everyone would be able to afford it. I was wrong. As
soon as I offered payment plan options for the Shining Biz & Life Academy,
I got hundreds more membership orders. Yup, it’s extra admin time. Yup, you
do get a few people who don’t finish paying it off. But 5 people out of 100?
That’s not so bad. And it’s 95 more orders than I would have got before. AND it
means I’m helping women who really, really want to get my goodies, but need
extra time to come up with ze moolah. On a practical level, it’s easy to set up
payment plan options in PayPal – just use the subscription option. You can set
the price + how many times they need to pay it. And it’s all automagic from
there. HURRAH!
ave you thought about offering a guarantee? These help peeps like + trust you
more, which leads to more sales!
• Ask yourself: HOW can I make my sacred sales page more clear?
hink about any fears customers may have about buying your product or
service – is there a way you can help them overcome those fears? Do it.
• It is easier to re-sell to existing customers then it is to find new ones and convert
them into your buying audience. So take care of the people who love you
already – make sure emails are answered, and over-deliver in both your paid
products + your free stuff. Make your lovely tribe feel special.
Are you getting this? The HIGHEST PRIORITY is getting your potential customers
onto your mailing list.
Lemme tell you WHY, just so I can really drum it into your head + heart.
You want people on your mailing list because that’s where people buy
from the MOST.
As your mailing list grows, it becomes a very important business asset. This is
SUPER important, lovebug! Get your mailing list sorted, NOW.
Make sure you DO the points below to really ROCK your mailing list.
Pick and choose which ones are right for you + GO AND DO ZEM!:
ave you set up an autoresponder series? Package together all your best free
goodies or make a free e-course to send out to new subscribers. It’s the very
best way to build a mailing list. To check out what I do for mine, head to here:
an people sign up to your mailing list el pronto? Can I go to your website
+ type my email in a box in 2.5 seconds? Make sure it’s as EASY as possible
for someone to sign up to your list!
hen people buy your goodies, set up an auto responder to ask them
how much they like it (3 days later) + give a discount to another product
(a week later).
If you have got a list already, and you’re stuck about what to send out to it,
try these:
e-publish your favourite blog posts + •G
ive soft selling a go, just to see what
add what services you offer works for you
• Create a free email e-course •C
reate something magical that can
be forwarded on and on and on.
rite love letters to your readers like Posters. Downloads. PDFs. Meditations.
they are your dearest + best friends
• If it’s not working, try something new.
• Give hard selling a go, just to see Want to sing it with me?
what works for you http://bit.ly/leonietrynew
now that it’s really, really okay to have people unsubscribe from your mailing
list or blog. The way I try and think about it is this: Well that’s good. That means
that the ones who are left are true fans, who totally adore what I am doing. I
would rather my list be a group of people who love me and want what I am
offering, than to have a scattered group of people who aren’t sure if they do or
not. I don’t really want to know when people unsubscribe, so I set up my email
system to automatically get rid of unsubscribe reasons. It’s better for my heart
and spirit that way. I need to concentrate on creating miracles!
on’t be afraid to remind people over and over and over again – in a dozen
different ways – about what you are offering. Your beautiful people are busy.
If what you are offering is helpful to them, they want it. They just need to feel
safe in order to take you up on the offer. They need their questions answered.
And they need multiple opportunities to take you up on it. Today might not
be the right day to buy for them – but a week’s time might be. Give them
ake sure your people KNOW what you are offering and give them LOTS of
advance notice. People forget. They don’t read every email. Give them as much
opportunity as possible to respond to your offer.
reate a mailing list auto-responder series to let people fall in love with you and
trust you. Set up a series of emails to go out each week for a month or two to
new subscribers with samples of your best work – articles, popular blog posts,
goodies, samples. Allow them to try out your amazing work so they know just
how gifted you are, and how you can help them. It’s like dating, or forming a
friendship. Let them get just how wonderful you are, and fall in love with you
like any normal person would!
If it’s not profitable or bringing you joy, why don’t you try something else?
I think I’ve gone through about a bazillion incarnations of what I do with email
newsletters. There’s no one right way… the only wrong way is not doing it at all!
Divide up your list into two or four segments, and trial writing different email
headings, and different lengths of email to see which one is more successful. The
email service provider you’re using (MailChimp, ActiveCampaign) should enable
you to split test your email messages easily, and see which ones are the most
successful – you’ll be able to view what percentage of your gorgeous people open
their email, and how many click on the links inside it.
When I first started out, I thought it was stupid to test emails. And then I realised
that my email header could make the difference between 2% of my email list
opening my email, and 78% of them opening it. The difference between 1 person
clicking on the link out of the hundreds that read it, and 150 clicking on the link.
One person clicking on link = sad face. 150 people? That’s muchos more gorgeous
souls who are actually checking out the beautiful thing I have to offer.
So our words and our emails can make a big difference to abundance. You may
as well play, explore and test to see how changing them can change the flow of
people into your business. Over time, you’ll get to know what emails your tribe like
receiving, and what ones work best for you and for them.
• Try making them ridiculously long.
• Try making them 100% business.
• Try making them 90% play, 10% business.
• Try pointing them to a link once.
• Try pointing to a link three times.
• Use a P.S. after your sign off, and add the link + important info there.
• Send emails between Tuesday and Friday.
• Make sales only last three days.
lso: be aware of different time zones and holidays and long weekends when
having a sale.
est pricing in sales. A good rule of thumb is to go either half price, or go one
number below. For example, if your price is $34.95, try $24.95. If you usually
sell for $249, try $189.
• Try only talking about one thing in your emails
When talking about the end of a sale, make sure you write a time on that date.
For example: “Buy by midnight, Friday May 25”.
It’s totes up to you whether you blog every day, every week, every fortnight or
less… I’d recommend once a week to really get a good volume of blog posts up on
your site quickly. But it’s super important to do what works for you and your soul.
If blogging once a week feels uber hard, then don’t! Blog every day if that works
for you. Blog every second day, or when the mood takes you. (WARNING: this
often leads to peeps not blogging at all. Far better to choose a timeframe and stick
to it!)
What’s important is that you DO blog, and blog regularly. Get your words out
to your peeps! Help them discover how you can help them + what you can offer
to make their lives sing.
Here are some ideas for you to try, to get your blog a-sparkle with fun energy:
• Make yourself cry or give yourself goosebumps. That’s how I know that I’ve
written something worth sharing… That’s when I know I’ve written the truth
+ my tribe needs to hear it.
o some brainstorming. If your blog was a magazine, what themes would it
cover? Then make those themes prominent on your blog - whether that’s written
in your banner, or as an image.
• Host a contest on your blog.
• Feature one of your products on your blog and newsletter.
• Do a links roundup on your blog – include your favourite peeps + make sure
your let them know via Twitter, Facebook or email that they are on there! I used
to do “Goddess Inspiration” posts each week. They served as a really gorgeous
gratitude list for me – I was SO happy writing them. They reminded me that
the world is beautiful! Anywaysies, after I wrote them up, I tweeted + included
mentions of the goddesses in each post. It’s a lovely way to share inspiration and
create connections!
• Pour your heart out. Don’t hold back. Write the very best you can.
This is the important thing. The one that the rest doesn’t matter if you don’t do this.
Photograph if you love to photograph. Video blog. Write exceptional articles as
much as you can. Think of the most inspiring blog you know. How could you
make your own blog more inspiring? What would The Most Perfect Blog In The
World To You look like? Why don’t you make it?
At the end of the day, being a social media biz owner is just about hanging
out where everyone else is hanging out. It’s like the busy cafes in town where
everyone goes to chat and meet up and eat and hang out. And all you need to do
is turn up, and talk, and share your gifts and goodness and your zany YOU-ness
so that your tribe can find you.
Your tribe is looking for you, ya know? Ya just gotta go to where they are and
beam your light at them. SO! Some cafes where people are hanging out:
• Facebook • LinkedIn
• Instagram • Twitter
• YouTube • Google+
• Pinterest • Whatever the next big thing is!
You can choose which cafes sing to you, and use those. My main cafes are
Instagram, then Facebook. I used to love Twitter, but that’s not really my scene
anymore. I do love me a good YouTube video though – and have uploaded quite
a few over the years.
I haven’t played much with Linked In yet. At the end of the day, I can’t be
everywhere. But I can turn up to the places I like + sing my song there.
Now, as for what to do once you are there? I tend to do a blend of sharing my
life + sharing my work. I don’t just turn up to talk about my work + I don’t turn
up just to talk about what I ate for dinner. I try to turn up + talk about the things
that inspire me + light me up, and infuse it with my human stuff too.
se the platforms that you like hanging out on, and that your peeps hang out
on too. This doesn’t have to be a forced thing.
Be as authentic as you can. If it makes you feel icky or less than yourself, don’t
do it. If it lights you up inside, do it. That’s when I know I’m speaking the truth,
doing the right thing, walking the path of my spirit.
istake social media popularity for actual, real, hard, lovely cash. You might
be as popular as all get out + be retweeted to buggery + Facebook chatting up
a storm but if it doesn’t end in sales for you, you’re not doing your job.
et it suck up all your time. I spend about 2 hours max on social media per
week. I find I can get sucked into it otherwise + instead of creating, I’m just
hanging out + goofing off. Goofing off is lovely once in a while, but it is not
what I’m here to do.
o crap that leaves you with less energy. Sometimes I try and follow the
next social media “rule” about retweeting everyone or friending everyone or
commenting or liking every person’s stuff but then I feel drained and icky
and dirty. I feel inauthentic and dried up. I’m not creating. I’m here to create
miracles, danggit!
More ways to rock social media:
• Create a Facebook fan page for your website.
• Create Facebook events for your workshops and e-courses.
• Wanna connect with someone? Go follow dem on Twitter or Instagram. Retweet
or comment on their stuff when it’s awesome + @reply to them to strike up a
lovely conversation!
• You do not have to choose to be active on EVERY single social medial platform
out there. Just choose ones that you want to do well. Create boundaries for
yourself around how long you spend on there.
• For the love of all things holy PLEASE get yo’self into some social
media automation!! Try out Edgar (http://meetedgar.com/ )
or Buffer (https://buffer.com/ ) to help you with this.
Want to know the thing that’s lovingly ushered people through the doors into my
blog + onto my mailing list?
Guest blogging.
Your tribe need to find out about you, dearest. You need to show up and shine
your light in different places so that they know about you, and work out if your
song sings to them. It is one of the BEST ways to connect with your audience and
find new people to invite to join your tribe.
Confession: I had Guest blogging on my to-do list for a bazillion years. “Yus yus
yus, SOOOOOO important. OMG must be alll ova dat! But mmm, can’t be
bovered.” Every week, I put it off. Until I kicked my own butt (somewhat lovingly)
into guest blog town.
Second confession: I no longer do guest blogging as a reach-building exercise. I find
that now that I have the reach that I do, there are other things I need to focus on
to maintain my momentum. But guest posting is what got my reach so amazingly
far in the first place, and it is STILL the most effective way of getting new eyes on
your work that I know when you’re in the beginning stages of biz!
I asked all my affiliates if I could guest blog for them (And they could use their
affiliate links to point to my blog).
I popped an “Interview me!” button on my blog.
I contacted all the places I knew that accepted guest blog submissions.
And I asked all my favourite blog peoples if I could write for them.
• Rewrite old blog post content, using the same themes, but don’t copy your posts
word for word. It’s like saying the same thing in a hundred different ways –
new flavours + wisdom + love comes through. And I find it not as exhausting as
coming up with totally new ideas.
ake sure you infuse as much of your trademark language into it as possible.
You need to sound like glorious, wondrous YOU when you guest blog, so that
your peeps know that it’s you they’re looking for! Shoot up a little beacon of a
freak flag so your right people know you are one of their kind.
o really rock at guest blogs, write them CONSTANTLY. At the peak of my
guest blogging phase, I was doing them at least twice a week. It’s a good habit
to get into. And once you fall off the habit, it’s harder to get back on. So WRITE,
dearest. Write write write!!!
Biz, whether it’s online or offline, is not something that we’re born with. It takes
EDUCATION and ongoing effort to build the brain muscles it takes to do this
stuff. I started out as a spiritual hippie chick. I realised that I had to LEARN
business to be successful – so that’s what I did.
Marketing’s the same – educate yourself to see more success! Try the following
tips o help:
ead some business + finance books. Build those amazing business muscles
+ superhero brain of yours! Some of my favourites are:
ave you checked out fiverr.com? Use it to find people who will do stuff for
your business for $5. Think: create original music, make a podcast intro, wear
your t- shirt, transcribe your stuff, make art. Check it out + get creative!
Connecting can also mean hanging out online with people you know offscreen.
It’s a beautiful mix of worlds, where the goal of connecting happens in whatever
delicious way it can.
So pick + choose from the list below, lovebug! Get out into the sunshine, email
people you know in person, play with the possibilities + see what happens.
• Share your process, story and spirit everywhere you turn up. Invite people into
that big, beautiful thing you are doing and how you see the world.
• Email your friends, family, people you know to say “Hey, just wanted you to
know about this beautiful thing I’m doing, if you are feeling called, please check
it out! And do let anyone you know who might be interested know about me
please... thank you oodles and poodles!”
nother habit to get into: Reach out to people who inspire you. Email them.
Tell them why you think they are the best thing since fairy bread, and tell them
what you do as well. Connections are worth gold.
ake it a practice and a habit to connect with like-minded souls. Want to know
where to find them? They are EVERYWHERE. In the places you hang out. You
just need to connect with them. They are hanging out in forums, blogs, on social
media. Hang out, be yourself, connect and share what you do. Make it a habit.
• Want to work for someone in particular? Why don’t you create something for
them or about them, totally free, as a showcase of your work?
• Saying No. What else helped me was creating really clear boundaries about
what I could do and what I couldn’t. I’m a life juicer – I try and squeeze
everything out of every one of life’s moments.
What I’ve found along this biggification journey of mine is that I had to start
saying NO to things I’d normally try and squeeze in. Saying NO to things I might
not have wanted to do in the past, but would have done anyway. My NO muscle
has grown stronger because I haven’t got the energy or time to do a half-hearted
YES anymore. And that feels really, really good.
• You don’t have to do it the way anyone else does it. There is no one right way
to starting or growing your business. There are no shoulds.
For example, at one point I saw other people networking and connecting on
Facebook. So I thought to myself:
But as hard as I tried, it didn’t happen. So I set myself a goal! Fifteen people a
day! Every day!
It went on my To Do list and everything. But try as I might, it didn’t happen. And
when it did, I felt resentful and afraid and drained.
It’s okay to honour yourself. Honour what your particular constellation of cells
needs. Just do the work that lights you up and make a plan that works for YOU.
• Rejoice in other people’s successes – see the world as abundant!
• Do a free call – join up with goddesses you love + offer something together.
• Give a testimonial to an e-product that you use and love.
• Get offline: Hang posters and cards in places where your people hang out.
• Give people the option to test-drive one of your products.
• Meet lovely souls who resonate with you by going to both online and
OFFLINE(OMG!) circles and groups that you actually want to be a part of!
• Send a handwritten note. Because they are adorable + way more fun than a bill.
• Write a media release. Send it to old school newspapers.
ook up the major bloggers in your industry. Use http://alltop.com or http://
blogsearch.google.com. Then start reaching out to them. They are your peers
– make friends with them, lovely!
We all know that the bounce rate on our websites is super high. When you jump
on a blog for the first time, it’s hard to know where to begin and if you belong.
We need a better doormat, a lounge room to welcome them into + help them feel
at home. We need to help them recognise instantly that our blog is the place for
Here are some from my lists of yesteryear, that are still relevant today GO!
Use them!
• Advertise on blogs or websites where your people hang out.
• Create an affiliate program.
• Do giveaways on other blogs.
• Think about raising the price for your stuff.
hen your tribe sees your name on another website – whether it is bought
advertising or unpaid links (because your content is awesome!) – their trust in
you is built.
• Open applications for scholarships. Hold scholarship competitions once a year
and get people to apply to receive your programs or coaching for free. It can be
a real publicity boost along with being a wonderful thing to do!
• Join Help A Reporter Out (http://www.helpareporter.com/ ).
• Make sure everything that you send out – your blog, newsletter and emails has
gentle reminders of what you do. For example:
o My email always has a signature on it
o On my blog posts, I often have a little picture after each blog with one of my
goodies on it.
o In my newsletters, I always include a blurb about the Shining
Biz & Life Academy or the Shining Biz + Life Workbooks.
• Make a video for YouTube. Some ideas for videos:
o A welcome video about what you do.
o Interview someone – either in real life, or using Skype + Call Recorder.
o A video about what they’ll get for signing up to your mailing list
o Answer the top five questions people ask you
o Do a mini-seminar
o Do videos on topics + keywords that you want to make yourself known for
o Document you creating something
o Tour your studio.
ake a marketing calendar + figure out what promotions, specials and
exciting things you can create to sell more of what you do. (See the worksheet
for more!)
So that’s it, gorgeous soul!
100+ ways to market your biz.
Go on a date this week. Write a list of marketing actions to do. And for the love
of all that is glitter-strewn and holy, DO THEM.
Do use it, tick it all off, make your marketing work for you in joyous, amazing
and fun ways!
And for more juicy goodness to help your biz shine this year, why not join over
3000 gorgeous souls in the Shining Biz + Life Academy? Take a look at the
wondrous array of courses here.