Separation of Regulatory Powers: NITI Aayog
Separation of Regulatory Powers: NITI Aayog
Separation of Regulatory Powers: NITI Aayog
This Act
was repealed and a new Act, The Indian Medical Council Act, 1956, was enacted. This latter Act was
further amended in 1964, 1993 and in 2001.
The objectives of the Indian Medical Council, as per the Act, are as follows:
1. Maintenance of uniform standards of medical education, both undergraduate and postgraduate.
2. Recommendation for recognition/de-recognition of medical qualifications of medical institutions
of India or foreign countries.
3. Permanent registration/provisional registration of doctors with recognised medical qualifications.
4. Reciprocity with foreign countries in the matter of mutual recognition of medical qualifications.
It also undertook the promotion of medical ethics; ensuring ethical medical practice and punishing
wrong-doers; providing guidance to medical professionals on good medical practice, and advice on novel
forms of treatment bristling with ethical implications (the use of embryos in medical research and the use
of stem cells in clinical practice being just two recent examples) do not feature in the stated objectives
Issues of MCI
Separation of regulatory powers
The council regulated medical education as well as medical practice leading to the
centralization of all regulatory functions in one single body.
There should be a separation between the regulation of medical
education from regulation of medical practice. Expert committee- Ranjit Roy
committee 2014 –recommended structural re-configuration of the council by separation
of power.
Composition of MCI
5. With the aim of promoting transparency, Section No such provision is provided under the IMC Act.
6(7) of the NMC Act provides that the Chairperson
or members, post leaving the respective offices,
shall not accept any employment[3] for a period of
two years
Repeal of IMC Act: Section 61 of the NMC Act clarifies that notwithstanding the repeal
of the IMC Act, the educational standards, requirements and other provisions of the IMC
Act, and the rules and regulations made thereunder, shall continue to be in force and
operate till new standards or requirements are specified under the NMC Act or new rules
or regulations are made thereunder.
The Act provides for the constitution of a National Medical Commission (hereinafter
referred to as ‘Commission’) which shall be a corporate body having perpetual
succession. The Commission shall perform the functions as mention in the Act. The
Commission shall be empowered to lay down policies for maintenance and regulation of
medical institutions and medical professionals. The Commission is also empowered to
frame guidelines for determining the fees and related charges in respect of 50%
seats in private medical institutions and deemed universities.
The Act further provides for constitution of a Medical Advisory Council. The Council
shall be a platform for the States and Union Territories to put forth their views and
concerns before the Commission. The Act provides for National Eligibility-cum-Entrance
Test at undergraduate level and National Exit Test for grant of license after completion of
course for granting of license.
The Act establishes other regulatory bodies and committees such as Advisory Board,
Search Committee, Under Graduate Medical Education Board, Post Graduate Medical
Education Board, Medical Assessment and Rating Board and Ethics and Medical
Registration Board for regulating and structuring formal medical education.
The Act specifically states that no person shall be allowed to open a new medical college
or commence a new post graduate course or increase the number of existing seats without
the prior permission of the Medical Assessment and Rating Board (hereinafter referred to
as ‘MARB’). For obtaining the permission the applicant will be required to submit a
scheme to the MARB in the prescribed form accompanied by the prescribed fees. The
scheme can either be approved or disapproved by MARB within 6 months of receiving
the receipt of application. If no decision is made by MARB within 6 months the applicant
can then appeal to the Commission. A second appeal to the Central Government can be
preferred if the scheme is disapproved by the Commission too. The criteria for approval
or disapproval of the scheme depends upon several factors such as: adequate availability
of financial resources, adequacy in medical faculties and other necesrsary resources,
adequate hospital facilities and other facilities as may be prescribed.
Community health service providers can now be granted a limited license to practice. These
health service providers can only prescribe specified medicine for primary and preventive
Medical education and medical professionals affect everybody directly or indirectly. The Act
provides a comprehensive framework for development of the same in India. The compliance for
opening up a medical college is now been made clearer and the provision for appeal gives an
equal representation to the applicant for being heard. There are many students who complete
their medical education outside India, the position of their qualification has also been clarified
now. The provision of limited license to community service providers will now help to curate
faster medical attention and is a step towards the betterment of the society.