uniFLOW Ports
uniFLOW Ports
uniFLOW Ports
требуемого функционала
uniFLOW Server
Порт Направление Протокол Описание
Веб-сервисы uniFLOW. Практически вся коммкникация
80 uniFLOW ↔ Network HTTP с uniFLOW использует этот порт. Для RPS -
использование в зависимости от конфигурации.
137 - 139 uniFLOW ↔ Network TCP Net Send messages
Веб-сервисы uniFLOW. Практически вся
443 uniFLOW ↔ Network HTTPS
коммкникация от uniFLOW использует этот порт.
The embedded uniFLOW/RPS web server may run on this
8000 uniFLOW ↔ Network port.
RPS: Usage depending on configuration.
HTTPS The embedded uniFLOW/RPS web server runs by default
8443 uniFLOW ↔ Network
Alternate on this port. RPS: Usage depending on configuration.
HTTPS Can be used for the uniFLOW web services.
8080 uniFLOW ↔ Network
Alternate RPS: Usage depending on configuration.
The uniFLOW server is listening on this port for requests
53125 Network → uniFLOW UDP
from clients.
Port Direction Protocol Description
Communication with the uniFLOW server. The uniFLOW
53216 uniFLOW ↔ Network UDP server detects all CMFP applets in the network with this
Only used for activation of the CMFP function on the
161 uniFLOW ↔ Network SNMP device.
Port Direction Protocol Description
9007 uniFLOW ↔ Network UDP/TCP CPCA communication with the uniFLOW server.
47545 Used only by Canon devices for status control or copy log
uniFLOW ↔ Network UDP/CPCA
47546 read outs.
Port Direction Protocol Description
Importing user data from an existing LDAP or Active
Directory server. This port is also used in special
389 uniFLOW → LDAP LDAP configuration with the MAC client.
RPS: Used in case "Online LDAP Authentication" has been
configured as "User Identification" in uniFLOW.
Importing user data from an existing LDAP or Active
Directory server via Secure LDAP. This port is also used in
special configuration with the MAC client.
636 uniFLOW → LDAP SLDAP Please note that port 636 is typically used but may be
different as this port is configurable.
RPS: Used in case "Online LDAP Authentication" has been
configured as "User Identification" in uniFLOW.
Port Direction Protocol Description
MEAP device will try to connect the uniFLOW Server via
445 MEAP → uniFLOW TCP
this port to check availability.
Communication with uniFLOW MEAP applets (V2.x
8000 uniFLOW↔ Network TCP
Communication with uniFLOW MEAP applets when using
8443 uniFLOW↔ Network TCP
HTTPS (V2.x onwards).
Communication between the uniFLOW server, RPS and the
uniFLOW SmartClient to Canon MEAP enabled devices
including job data.
19100 uniFLOW→ MEAP TCP
This port is also required in CRQM environments to
forward print jobs to Canon devices running MEAP V4.2 or
higher (if the command line tool OutputToMEAP.exe is
53213 uniFLOW → MEAP TCP Techsupport Log of uniFLOW MEAP Client.
Communication with the uniFLOW server. The uniFLOW
53213 uniFLOW ↔ Network UDP server detects all MEAP applets in the network with this
445 Network → uniFLOW TCP Used for SMB file sharing and point and print
445 uniFLOW → Network TCP Used for SMB file sharing and point and print.
SMTP Server
Port Direction Protocol Description
The RPS can act as an SMTP Server (incoming traffic).
The RPS/uniFLOW can send Emails from the
25 uniFLOW ↔ Network SMTP
RPS/uniFLOW to users or administrators, such as Budget
messages, Web Queue messages, etc. (outgoing traffic).
Needed for the identification of a POP3 account for
110 uniFLOW → Network POP3 sending mails through the SMTP port. Port 25 needs to be
open, too.