Geotechnical Engineering - 2 LAB (CE1605) : Name - Ashutosh Kumar Swamy Registration No. - 2018ugce038
Geotechnical Engineering - 2 LAB (CE1605) : Name - Ashutosh Kumar Swamy Registration No. - 2018ugce038
Geotechnical Engineering - 2 LAB (CE1605) : Name - Ashutosh Kumar Swamy Registration No. - 2018ugce038
The test program involves the direct measurement of pile head displacement in
response to a physically applied load. The test pile is loaded using a calibrated
hydraulic jack that applies the test load to the pile by pushing against a beam placed
directly over the test pile. The test beam is restrained by an anchorage system
consisting of reaction piles installed in the adjacent ground to provide tension
resistance. Once the load test frame is in place and fully instrumented, the hydraulic
jack applies the test load in a series of increments according to the testing
requirements specified by the project’s engineer. Each load is held for a
predetermined amount of time until either twice the design load or pile failure is
reached, whichever comes first. Pile movement is recorded with each incremental
load, and the results are typically presented in a graphical format to the structural
engineer of record.
Piles can be tested for compression, tension or lateral loads. By providing actual
capacity and deflection values, the test results can be used to confirm that the pile
design load can be adequately supported. Depending on the test pile’s performance,
the results may also allow for project cost savings by permitting an increase in the
pile design load, a reduction in the overall pile length, or a quantification of capacity
in difficult or unknown soil conditions. Additionally, the results will offer an
improved knowledge of pile-soil behavior, as well as provide valuable data that can
be used for future research.
• Reaction Truss (in case of truss loading)
• Dial Gauges
• Anchor Pile
• Test Pile
• Hydraulic Jack
• Anchor Girder or Reaction Girders
• The set-up consists of two anchor piles provided with an anchor girder or
• The test pile is installed between the anchor piles as like foundation pile is
installed. The test pile should be at least 3B or 2.5m clear from the anchor
• The test is conducted after a rest period of 3 days after the installation in
sandy soils and period of one month in silts and soft clays
• The load is applied through a hydraulic jack resting on the reaction girder or
Truss. The measurement of pile movement are taken with respect to a fixed
reference mark.
• he load is applied in equal increment of about 20% of the allowable load.
• Each stage of the loading is maintained till the rate of movement of the pile
top is not more than 0.1mm per hour in sandy soils and 0.02mm per hour in
• The loading should be continued up to twice the safe load or the load at which
• The load is removed in the same decrements at 1 hour interval & the final
rebound recorded 24 hours after the entire load has been removed.
Sn = St – Se
• Where ,
St = Total settlement (gross settlement)
Se = Elastic settlement (rebound)
Now, we will draw Net Load
Settlement curve.
• Now we will draw net load->settlement curve
• At the ULTIMATE LOAD (Qu), the load-settlement curve becomes either
linear as curve (2)
• According to IS: 2911, 1. the safe load is taken as one-half of the load at
which the total settlement is equal to 10% of the pile diameter or 2. Twothird
of the final load at which the total settlement is 12mm, whichever is less. 3.
Two-third of the final load which causes a net settlement (residual settlement
after removal of load) of 6 mm.
IS 2911:Part 4(2013)