10 Steps To The Gluten-Free Diet: Breakfasts

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in the beginning, but it can be done of Hidden Gluten is provided for you Step 4.

Make a Gluten-Free Shopping

and will get easier with practice. Even at the end of this fact sheet (List 2). List
if you don’t feel sick after eating gluten- Read the ingredient lists. If you find After you have planned your one
containing foods, you can still damage any sources of gluten in the ingredients, week’s menu, make a gluten-free
your body. While avoiding gluten- do not eat that food. You can either shopping list for foods you wish to buy.
containing foods may seem difficult at get rid of the gluten-containing foods See sample Gluten-Free Shopping List
first, it is easy to identify them once you or place them in a separate part of the (List 3) at the end of this fact sheet.
are familiar with their names. To get cabinet so others in the household can
started, see the list of gluten-containing eat them. Labeling laws now require
foods and ingredients provided at the wheat ingredients to be clearly labeled, Step 5. Read Food Labels Every Time
end of this fact sheet (List 1). Take the however this does not necessarily mean You Buy
list with you when you shop or eat out. the food is gluten-free. A gluten-free Some, but not all products will be
label, on the other hand, identifies a labeled as gluten-free. Ingredients may
food that is safe to eat. change over time for the same brand
10 Steps to the Gluten- product. For foods that are not labeled
Free Diet as gluten-free, be sure to check the
Step 3. Plan One Week's Menu
ingredients for hidden gluten every
Switching to a gluten-free diet around Naturally Gluten-Free Foods
time you buy a packaged product. Take
can be difficult in the beginning. Looking for a place to start? Try the Shopping Guide: Sources of Gluten
Following these 10 steps can make the these suggestions: (List 4) provided at the end of this
changes easier. fact sheet with you when you go food
shopping. However, when purchasing
t Cream of rice cereal with fresh
Step 1. Identify Naturally Gluten-Free items with a gluten-free label, you
fruit or nuts
Foods at Home can be sure that it is gluten-free. In
Many foods are naturally gluten- t Cottage cheese or yogurt with August 2013, the U.S. Food and Drug
fresh fruit Administration (FDA) published a new
free. Before you buy expensive store-
t Scrambled eggs, bacon and regulation defining the term "gluten-
bought gluten-free breads and cereals,
fresh fruit free" for food labeling. The regulation
look in your kitchen cupboards and provides a uniform standard definition.
refrigerator for the following items. t Egg, cheese, and vegetable omelet So, if a manufacturer labels a product
Note that ‘Plain’ refers to no additives. with potatoes and fresh fruit "gluten-free," the food must meet all
t Fresh fruits Lunches and Dinners of the requirements of the definition,
t Baked potato with cheese including that the food must contain
t Fresh beef, pork, chicken, turkey,
and vegetables less than 20 parts per million of gluten.
fish, and seafood
The rule also requires foods with the
t Fresh eggs t Corn tortillas with stir-fried meat claims “no gluten,” “free of gluten,” and
and vegetables “without gluten” to meet the definition
t Fresh, plain milk, butter,
margarine, cream t Stir-fried meat and vegetables for “gluten-free.”
with rice and wheat-free tamari
t Plain beans
t Bean-and-cheese burritos made Step 6. Avoid Cross-Contact
t Plain corn
with corn tortillas If you also shop and prepare
t Plain white rice, brown rice, food for people who do eat gluten-
t Grilled meat or fish, baked potato
wild rice containing foods, it is important to
and vegetables
t Plain nuts and seeds protect your gluten-free foods from
Snacks contact with gluten.
t Oils
t Plain rice cakes with cheese or t Buy two jars of jam, mayonnaise,
t Sugar, honey, molasses peanut butter and peanut butter. One is for you,
t Spices and herbs t Nachos made with plain corn and the other is for everyone else. A
chips, cheese and salsa knife with bread crumbs will leave
Step 2. Identify Gluten-Free Packaged t Celery sticks with cream cheese gluten behind in a shared jar. Be
Foods at Home or peanut butter sure to label which jar is gluten-free.
You can also buy squeeze bottles so
Next, take out all of the packaged t String cheese nobody needs to use a knife.
foods with food labels and put them
on your kitchen table. Some packaged t Plain popcorn with oil and salt t Buy a separate toaster for gluten-
foods have gluten hidden in the t Fresh or canned fruit with yogurt free breads, or put clean aluminum
ingredients. A list of Common Sources or ice cream foil on the rack of your toaster oven
when you use it for gluten-free t Make your first visit to a restaurant enough nutrients from your diet? If
products. Buy a separate colander/ before or after peak dining hours so not, be sure to include some nutrient
strainer for gluten-free pasta. the staff has enough time to answer dense gluten-free foods listed below
Colanders are too hard to clean to your questions. and/or take a multivitamin and mineral
completely remove gluten. Color t Always identify yourself as someone supplement. Additionally, look for
coding with a permanent marker who is allergic to wheat, rye and “whole grain” versions that contain the
can help keep all kitchen utensils barley. Though many people may bran layer (rice bran, brown rice, brown
separate. be familiar with the term “gluten- rice flour). Variety is key to maximize
t Clean counter tops and cutting free,” they may not know what foods protein, fiber, and nutrients.
boards often to remove gluten contain gluten. Bring your own
containing crumbs. gluten-free food when traveling. Step 9. Identify Any Additional Food
t Clean cooking utensils, knives, pans, This way, you will always have Intolerances
grills, thermometers, cloths, and something you can eat. Apples, If you are not feeling better on a
sponges carefully after each use and raisins, fruit leather, rice cakes, and gluten-free diet, you may have other
before cooking gluten-free foods. nuts are good travel snacks. food intolerances such as lactose (milk
t Always ask how the food is sugar), cow’s milk, soy, corn, eggs,
t Store gluten-free foods above
prepared. Talk to the manager nuts, yeast, and acidic foods. Talk to
gluten-containing foods in your
or chef if your server doesn’t your doctor and registered dietitian if
refrigerator and cupboards. By
know. Some specific questions to you are not feeling better on a gluten-
doing this you prevent the risk of
ask include: free diet.
gluten-containing food particles
falling below onto gluten-free foods,  t Is the meat marinated in
causing contamination. soy sauce, teriyaki sauce, or Step 10. Get Support
t Use pure spices rather than blends. Worcestershire sauce? For a successful transition to the
 t Is the chicken dusted with flour gluten-free lifestyle, you need support
t If you bake with gluten-containing from your doctor, dietitian, family,
flours, put away or cover your before pan-frying?
friends, and others.
gluten-free foods when you bake.  t Is the oil used for French fries also
Flour dust can float in the air for used for frying onion rings (or If you have celiac disease, joining a
several hours and contaminate your other breaded foods)? local support group can be very helpful.
gluten-free products. Individuals in this group understand
 t Are there croutons or bacon bits what you are going through better than
t Avoid purchasing staples on the salad? anyone else. They will be able to offer
from bulk bins to minimize  t Do you use wheat flour to make you emotional support and answer
cross contamination. the gravy (or thicken the soup)? all many of the questions you have.
t If your meals will be prepared For a list of support groups, see the
Step 7. Eat Out and Travel Gluten- for you (hospital, college dining Resources section.
Free with Ease hall), ask to speak with the
You can eat out at restaurants. dietary manager.
Although there is concern for cross- Resources
contact when you eat out, you can Major National Celiac Support Groups
Step 8. Eat a Balanced Diet
reduce the risk by planning ahead. (they will give you information on
People on a gluten-free diet may local groups)
t Before you leave home, do a little not get enough calcium, vitamin D,
homework. Many restaurants have Gluten Intolerance Group
iron, B vitamins, or fiber. For example,
a website where they post their www.gluten.net
many gluten-free breads, cereals, and
menus. Write down all the choices pasta are not fortified with vitamins Celiac Disease Foundation
that are gluten-free. Often a menu and may be low in fiber. Are you getting www.celiac.org
with gluten-free options is available
on request.
t Avoid bakery-type restaurants
Table 1. Nutrient Dense, Gluten-Free Foods
or pizza places where the gluten-
containing flour can stay in the Calcium Milk, yogurt, cheese, sardines and salmon with bone, broccoli, collard greens,
almonds, calcium-fortified juice, amaranth, teff, quinoa
air and come in contact with
other foods. Iron Meat, fish, chicken, beans, nuts, seeds, eggs, amaranth, quinoa, teff
B vitamins Eggs, milk, meat, fish, orange juice, beans, nuts, seeds, gluten-free whole grains
t Call ahead and talk to the manager
Vitamin D Vitamin D-fortified milk and yogurt, egg yolks, salmon, sardines, tuna
or chef about items that are prepared
gluten-free. Fiber Vegetables, fruits, beans, amaranth, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, sorghum, teff, flax
List 1. Gluten-Containing Foods and Ingredients (This is not a complete list.) Celiac Sprue Association-USA
Ale Durum Lager Seitan www.csaceliacs.info
Atta Einkorn Malt Semolina Canadian Celiac Association
Autolyzed yeast Emmer Malt extract, malt Soy sauce www.celiac.ca
syrup, malt flavoring,
malt vinegar
Professional and
Barley (pearl, flakes, Farina Malted milk Spelt Government Websites
Beer (gluten-free beer Faro/Farro Matzoh Triticale
American Dietetic Association
is available) www.eatright.org
Brewer’s yeast Fu Modified food starch Wheat Celiac Disease Center at
Bulgur Gluten, gluten flour Oats* Wheat bran Columbia University
Chapatti Graham flour Orzo Wheat flour www.celiacdiseasecenter.columbia.edu
Couscous Hydrolyzed vegetable/ Rye Wheat germ Celiac Disease and Gluten-free
plant protein Resource
Dinkel Kamut Seasoning Wheat starch www.celiac.com
*Those labeled gluten-free are fine. Oats do not contain gluten, but have the risk of cross-contact Center for Celiac Research &
during harvesting or processing.
Treatment at MassGeneral Hospital for
List 2. Common Sources of Hidden Gluten (This is not a complete list.) National Institutes of Health
Baked beans Flavoring Marinades Seasonings http://digestive.niddk.nih.gov/
Blue cheese crumbles French fries Meat loaf Self-basting poultry ddiseases/pubs/celiac/
Breading Gravy Nuts Soups, soup bases University of Chicago Celiac
Broth, bouillon Herbal Teas Processed meat Soy sauce Disease Program
Candy Ice cream Puddings Stuffing
Cereal binding Icing/frosting Rice mixes Thickeners
Chocolates Imitation seafood Roux Vegetarian “burgers”
Guides for Gluten-Free
Color (artificial, Imitation bacon Salad dressings
Dining Out and Travel
Communion wafers Licorice Sauces Bob and Ruth’s Gluten-Free Dining &
Dry roasted nuts Maltodextrin Sausage
Travel Club
Gluten Free on the Go
List 3. Sample Gluten-Free Shopping List
Gluten-free Restaurant
Vegetables Awareness Program
Lettuce Tomatoes Cabbage Carrots www.glutenfreerestaurants.org
Broccoli Potatoes Celery
Fruits The Essential Gluten-Free
Apples Oranges Bananas Grapes Restaurant Guide
Meat, Proteins Triumph Dining Cards
Beef Chicken Fish Eggs www.triumphdining.com
Pork Turkey Shrimp Celiac Chicks
Dairy www.celiacchicks.com/CF-HOME.
Milk* Cheddar cheese Cream cheese* Butter htm
Yogurt* Cottage cheese* Sour cream Waiter, is There Wheat in my Soup?
Binders (for baking) The Offiicial Guide to Dining Out,
Shopping, and Traveling Gluten-Free
Xanthan gum Guar gum Tapioca
and Allergen-Free
Frozen Foods
by LynnRae Ries
Berries Corn Sorbet Gluten-free waffles www.whatnowheat.com
Mangoes Peas
List 3. Sample Gluten-Free Shopping List (continued) Books
Canned and Packaged Foods 100 Best Gluten-Free Recipes
Peaches Pears Green beans Dried beans by Carol Fenster
Gluten-free Grains http://savorypalate.com/index.
Rice* (all forms, even Amaranth Buckwheat Soy
glutinous) Easy Everyday Gluten-Free Cooking
Quinoa Arrowroot Potato flour, starch Teff by Donna Washburn and Heather Butt
Millet Bean flours (garbanzo, Sorghum Tapioca (manioc, www.csaceliacs.info/shop.jsp
fava) cassava)
Corn Magazines
Gluten-Free Living
Popcorn* Corn chips* Nuts and seeds* Jello www.glutenfreeliving.com
Rice cakes, rice Potato chips*
Sully’s Living Without Magazine
Honey Jams, jellies, Herbs Pickles
Ketchup Corn and maple syrup Salt Vinegars
Case, S., Heap, J., Raymond, N. (2006).
Mustard Sugar Pepper Regular mayonnaise
and salad dressings* The Gluten-Free Diet: An Update
for Health Professionals. Practical
Peanut butter Spices Olives Vegetable oils
Gastroenterology. 67-92.
Children’s Digestive Health and Nutrition
Fruit juice Coffee Tea Foundation. (2005). Gluten-Free Diet
*With no gluten-containing additives. Guide for Families. Retrieved from:
List 4. Shopping Guide: Sources of Gluten (This is not a complete list. If in doubt, choose another glutenfreedietguide-e.pdf
brand.) Read labels every time you buy! Ingredients can change at any time. Cranney, A. et al. (2007) The Canadian
Celiac Health Survey. Dig Dis Sci. 52(4)
Foods to Avoid 1087-95.
Ale Dinkel Lager Seasonings Cureton, P. (2006) Gluten-Free Dining Out:
Atta Dry roasted nuts Licorice Seitan Is It Safe? Practical Gastroenterology.
Autolyzed yeast Durum Malt Self-basting poultry 61-68.
Mahan, L., Escott-Stump, S., and Raymond,
Baked beans Einkorn Malt extract, malt Semolina
syrup, malt flavoring J. (2012). Food and the Nutrition Care
Barley (pearl, flakes, Emmer Malted milk Soups, soup bases
Process. St. Louise, Missouri: Elsevier
flour) Saunders.
Beer (gluten-free beer Farina Marinades Soy sauce Niewinski, M. (2008). Advances in Celiac
is available) Disease and Gluten-Free Diet. Journal of
Breading Faro Matzoh Spelt the American Dietetic Association. 108
Brewer’s yeast Flavoring Meat loaf Stuffing
(4), 661–672.
Pagano, A. E. (2006). Whole Grains
Broth, bouillon Fu Modified food starch Textured vegetable
protein (TVP) and the Gluten-Free Diet. Practical
Gastroenterology. 66-78.
Brown rice syrup Gelatinized starch Mono- and Thickeners
di-glycerides Thompson, T. et al. (2005). Gluten-free
Bulgur Graham flour Oats (not labeled Triticale
Diet Survey: Are Americans with Celiac
gluten-free) Disease Consuming Recommended
Cereal binding Gravy Processed meat Wheat Amounts of Fiber, Iron, Calcium and
Grain Foods? J Hum Nutr Diet. 18(3),
Chocolate bars Hydrolyzed vegetable/ Roux Wheat bran
plant protein 163-9.
Color (artificial, Icing/frosting Rye Wheat flour
U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
caramel) (2013). FDA defines “gluten-free” for
Communion wafers Imitation seafood Salad dressings Wheat germ food labeling. Retrieved from: http://
Couscous Imitation bacon Sauces Wheat starch
Dextrin Kamut Sausage

Colorado State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Colorado counties cooperating. CSU Extension programs are available to all without discrimination.
No endorsement of products mentioned is intended nor is criticism implied of products not mentioned.

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