Communication: Ops Asst (Ats)

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Means of Communication

1. The different means of communication are as follows: -

(a) Land Line Telephone - L/L

(b) Inter Communication - INTERCOM

(c) Tannoy - One Way Commn

(d) Visual Signaling - V/S

(e) Despatch Rider - D/R

(f) Tele Printer - T/P

(g) Wireless Telegraphy - W/T

(h) Radio Telephony - R/T

(i) Tele Briefing System

(j) Mail

(k) Trained Animals/ birds

(l) Television

(m) Internet

(n) IMT

(p) AF Net

Requirements of an Efficient Communication System

2. The following are the requirements of an efficient communication system: -

(a) Reliability. The first and foremost requirement of a communication

system is that it should be reliable and dependable at all times.

(b) Clarity. The intelligence that is conveyed by the communication channel

should be clear. Lack of clarity will lead to misunderstanding of idea conveyed or
ambiguity in instructions etc.
(c) Free from Interference. An efficient communication system should be
least affected by external interferences.

(d) Security. The communication channel must be such that chances of

interception, jamming etc. be minimum.

(e) Speed. Speed in establishing communication between two or more

parties and also the speed with which maximum information that could be
cleared on the channels is an essential gradient.

Transmission of Numbers

3. All numbers except whole hundred/ thousands and their combination shall be
transmitted by pronouncing each digit separately.

For example: 10 – ONE ZERO, 600 – SIX HUNDRED, 100.3- ONE ZERO ZERO



1. Recording of conversation on RT and other important communication channels

maintained by ATC units is necessary to facilitate investigation of accidents/incidents
and training. Presently DVDR (Digital Voice and Data Recorder) has been used for
this purpose at most of the ATC units in IAF.

Digital Voice And Data Recorder

2. DVDR is a computerized recorder which has capacity of 10,000 channel hours

of recording. It consists of two identical decks each of 80 GB hard disk and 4.7 GB
backup disk facility. Out of 32 channels 30 channels are available for recording and 02
is kept for Alarm and Replay functions.

3. Channels to be Recorded. The following channels are to be recorded on

DVDR and remaining channels may be used in case of any un-serviceability or to meet
any future requirements:-

(a) Aerodrome frequency

(b) Approach (Confidential)

(c) Approach (Open)

(d) Approach Confidential (SRE)

(e) Precision Approach Confidential (PAR)

(f) Precision Approach Open (PAR)

(g) Surface Movement control (SMC)

(h) RCFF/SAR Communication

(j) Fax /STD Line

(k) EPAX Telephone

(l) ATC PBX (Upto three lines)

(m) Intercom Crash Bay/FCC/Tower


(n) Intercom between GCA and Tower

(o) Point to Point Lines with diversions/SU/ FIC

(p) Time RT

(q) HF RT

(r) Training Frequency (If established)

(s) Personal Communicator (Upto two channels)

(t) RT cabin (EPAX/Intercom/PABX).

4. Switching On/Off Recorders. SNCO IC RT cabin is to switch on and off the

tape recorders on commencement and cessation of flying respectively on instructions
from DATCO and he should make necessary entry in Signals Office Diary (SOD) to
this effect.

5. The SNCO i/c TR cabin/Duty Mechanic will be responsible for ensuring that time
set in DVDR is synchronized with ATC clock.

6. Change of DVD. SNCO i/c RT cabin/ Duty Mechanic is to change DVD as

and when required or when instructed by SATCO /DATCO. He will annotate Sl. No of
the DVD with date and time.

7. Storage of DVD. All used/unused and recorded / unrecorded DVDs will be

held on the charge of SATCO. Recorded DVDs are be kept for a period of 30 days and
may be reused thereafter. COO may authorise reuse of stored DVD before 30 days
provided DVD is not required in connection with aircraft accident/ incident.

8. Collection and Sealing of DVD connected with Aircraft Accident or Incident.

On receipt of information regarding an accident/incident/air miss etc, COO is to
order custody of the concerned DVD and preserve the same for investigation.

9. Replaying of DVD. Recorded DVDs are to be replayed only upon specific

written requisition to Flt Cdr Signal Flt by COO/, SFSI&O, SATCO. Occasions when
such requests are made, will include cases involving ac accidents/incidents/airmiss with
details of date, time and purpose for replaying.

10. Equipment Failure Manual Logging. In case of failure, recording of

Aerodrome and Approach frequencies may be resorted to using the old AFTR. Manual
logging of these frequencies by RTO tradesman may be adopted as a last resort.



1. In order to assist a pilot in determining his/her aircraft’s position during flight in

relation to height, distance and direction, various radio and electronic systems are used.
These are known as radio and navigation aids.

2. The radio and navigation aids are broadly categorized as:-

(a) Pilot-interpreted aids

(b) Controller-interpreted aids

Pilot-interpreted Aids

3. These aids require no active co-operation from an operator on ground. The

instrument fitted in an aircraft determines the position with or without the help of
associated system fitted on ground or in space.

4. Some of these aids are as following:-

(a) NDB (Non Direction Beacon) It is a medium frequency radio transmitter

installed on ground which transmits the location code (generally of two or three
letters) in Morse code in all directions at regular intervals on a specified frequency.
ADF (Automatic Direction Finder) fitted in aircraft, when tuned to the frequency
of NDB detects the code and indicates the direction of NDB transmitter. It has
range of 50-200 NM depending upon power output.

(b) VOR (VHF Omni-directional Radio Range) It is also a radio transmitter

but works in VHF range. It transmits the location code (generally of three letters) in
Morse code or voice. The VOR indicator fitted in aircraft detects the code and
gives directional information to aircraft. The indications in the VOR indicator are in
terms of deviation to the left or right of the selected track. The information is
comparatively more accurate. It has a range of about 130 NM.

(c) DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) It is a secondary radar system

and consists of a transponder (installed on ground) and an interrogator (carried in
aircraft). It provides slant distance information from ground station to the aircraft. It
is generally co-located with VOR and has a range of 200 NM.

(d) ILS (Instrument Landing System) It is an approach and landing system

which consist of following radio transmitters at an aerodrome:-

(i) Distance Marker Beacons Three beacons (Outer, Middle and Inner) are
installed on extended centre line of runway at specific distances. These
provide distance information from runway threshold to approaching aircraft.

(ii) Localizer Beacon It is installed on opposite side of runway on extended

centre line and provides runway centre line alignment information to landing

(iii) Glide Path Beacon It is installed beside the runway threshold and
provides glide slope information to landing aircraft. It is about 300 to 400 ft
from the runway threshold.

(e) GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) This system employs a

constellation of orbiting satellites working in conjunction with a network of ground
stations. The receiver fitted in aircraft can determine its position in terms of
longitude, latitude and altitude using the satellites. It can also calculate velocity
and time. Presently, three such systems are operational:-

(i) USA owned ‘GPS’ (Global Positioning System).

(ii) European Union owned ‘Galileo’ (Galileo Positioning System).

(iii) Indo-Russia owned ‘GLONASS’ (Global Navigation Sputnik


(f) TACAN (Tactical Air Navigation) It is a compact version of VOR-DME

system that provides range and bearing information. This system is primarily
used by military aircraft.

(g) RSBN and PRMG These are Russian invented and vehicle mounted
navigation aids and used by most of Russian origin aircraft. RSBN
(Radiotechnický systém blízké navigace) is secondary radar system which
provides range and bearing information. PRMG (Pristavacich radio majaku) is a
set of transmitters which provides approach and landing guidance to aircraft.

(h) INS (Inertial Navigation System) It is an independent airborne electronic

navigation aid that needs no external assistance. It consists of computer,
gyroscope and accelerometer to calculate the position of aircraft.

(j) LORAN (Long Range Navigation) It consists of a pair of radio

transmitters (one master and other slave). The receiver fitted in the aircraft
measures the difference in arrival times of signals transmitted by both stations and
determines the position of aircraft. It has range of 1000-1500 NM.

Controller-interpreted Navigation Aids


5. These aids require active co-operation from an operator on ground. The system
fitted on ground presents information on aircraft to controller on ground who in turn
provides the information to pilot.

6. Some of these aids are as following:-

(a) Radar Following types of radars are used for providing guidance to an

(i) SRE (Surveillance Radar Element) It is primary radar and

used for measuring position of aircraft in terms of range and bearing.

(ii) PAR (Precision Approach Radar) It is used for providing

landing guidance to the aircraft.

(iii) SSR (Secondary Surveillance Radar) It is a system which not

only detects and measures the position of aircraft but also requests
additional information from the aircraft such as its identity, altitude etc.
It consists of an interrogator (installed on ground) and a transponder
(carried in aircraft).

(b) Communication Aided Direction Finder It is an aid that detects the

direction of object which transmits on a specific frequency on RT. Following types
of Direction Finders are in use:-

(i) DRDF (Digital Resolution Direction Finder) Its display panel

consists of a CRT and two NBIs (Numerical Bearing Indicators). Two
frequencies V/UHF frequencies can be monitored at a time on this

(ii) CADF (Commutated Aerial Direction Finder) It differs slightly in

technical specifications from DRDF. However, the display system is similar.

(iii) Commutated Aerial Direction Finder (ELTA) It is computerized

direction finder with all facilities of DRDF/CADF in which the Navigational
Information can be seen on different monitors of computers with the help of
modem and telephone wires. It can serve max 6 set of computers.

Classification of Bearing and Position

7. Whenever, the accuracy of any radio and navigational aid is evaluated, it is

classified as following and the information on the accuracy is disseminated to pilots.

(a) Bearing

Class ‘A’ - Accurate within + 2º

Class ‘B’ - Accurate within + 5º

Class ‘C’ - Accurate within + 10º

(b) Position

Class ‘A’ - Accurate within + 5 NM

Class ‘B’ - Accurate within + 10NM

Class ‘C’ - Accurate within + 50 NM




1. A well established and reliable telecommunication network is an essential

element of any ATC unit for provision of Air Traffic Services to any aircraft. Therefore,
ATC units in IAF are also equipped with a variety of communication facilities in order to
communicate with aircraft and other ground stations.

Categories of Communication System

2. Telecommunication facilities provided at ATC units can be broadly categorized

as follows:-

(a) Ground to Air Communication

(b) Ground to Ground Communication

Ground to Air Communication

3. Ground to Air Communication system is basically the system which is used to

establish communication by ATC unit with any aircraft. Generally radio telephony
system is used for this purpose. In radio telephony, mainly Very High and Ultra High
Radio Frequency (VHF and UHF) bands are used due to their increased ground to
air range. However, use of VHF is preferred. Each ATC unit is allotted with one or more
number of specific frequencies depending upon its scope and same is published in
aeronautical charts, Aeradio, FLIP Pt II and other publications. Some ATC units are also
allotted with high frequency (HF) depending upon the requirement. Appropriate
equipment sets (fixed and portable) tuned to these frequencies are established in ATC

Ground to Ground Communication

4. Ground to Ground Communication system comprises various elements and is

used for establishing communication between an ATC unit and other ground stations.

5. Major elements of ground to ground communication system are as following:-

(a) Radio Telephony. In this element radio telephony based on VHF or HF

frequency is used to establish communication between ATC unit and mobile or
fixed ground station such as Porto phone / Motorola set, Tower – GCA Intercom,
Inter-station HF RT sets, etc. Porto phone / Motorola set is a hand held set used
for communication between different agencies related to flying ( ATC, Safety Bay,

CFT, Runway Controller, Sqns, BHCT(Bird Hazard Combat Team), RT Cabin,

Met Section, etc).

(b) Direct Speech Circuits. The ATC units are also established with
various direct speech circuits to have communication with diversionary
aerodromes, ADDC, MLU(Movement Liaison Unit), Area Control Centre/Flight
Information Centre etc. These circuits are generally based on Tropo or BSNL
network. Since such circuits provide point to point communication, they are also
known as hot lines.

(c) Extension line from Main Exchange. The ATC units are also equipped
with one or more number of extension lines from IAF’s Main Exchange to facilitate
communication between ATC unit and external civil or military agencies through
auto junction or lines available with the Exchange.

(d) Intercom Facilities. This element of the system will comprise an

automatic private exchange to facilitate communication with various elements of
the ATC unit itself and other agencies at the aerodrome level. An emergency
private automatic exchange (EPAX) is also set to be used to establish
communication with various internal agencies in case of activation of pre accident

(e) STD line. ATC units are also established with a STD line and FAX
system to enhance its communication capability. This is a dedicated circuit and
can be used to establish communication with the agencies which are not available
on the above network.

(f) Tannoy and Talk Back System. ATC units are also established with the
Tannoy and Talk Back system to monitor and establish communication with
parent ADDC as and when situation arises.


1. Introduction SATCO or any Ops related office, being hub centre for all
flying operations, the information or documents dealt are always at the risk of falling into
the hands of enemy. Therefore, the personnel deployed at these sensitive areas must
prevent leakage of information of any sort.

Precautions against Leakage of Information

2. The main sources of leakage of information to the enemy are ‘Careless talk’ or
‘Careless writing’. Any careless talks and writing regarding the service information
would help the enemy directly. Hence, it is forbidden to communicate about the
following subjects, unless while carrying out the duty, on the basis of need to know

(a) The intention, plans and employment of personnel, equipment or aircraft.

(b) The organisation, administration, signal communication sources and

system of supply.

(c) The composition, strength, disposition, armaments, equipment, training

and morale of forces.

(d) Security measures and methods, adopted to meet security.

(e) Details of secret military exercises.

(f) Move and location of formations/units.

(g) Strength and location of units.

(h) Location and layout of airfield, disposition of aircraft, vital points etc.



1. Objective.

At the end of this chapter, the trainees will be able to understand

 The Equipment DMTT RS GCC 230.

Digital Mobile Tropo Terminal (DMTT)

2. Introduction. The equipment DMTT RS GCC 230 is a transportable

version of Troposcatter communication equipment, with a capability of establishing
a link between 60 Kms to 140 Kms over any terrain. Being tactical equipment, the
system can be deployed within 2 hours after the terminals reach predetermined
locations and a working communications link is established. The equipment has its own
power supply system through diesel generator sets.

3. The equipment also includes antennae (erection and deployment made possible
through hydraulic systems), radio equipment and multiplexing equipment housed in a
shelter. All the accessories meant to extend voice links or interfaces to other related
equipment and spares for maintenance of the equipment are carried along with the

4. As the system uses tropospheric scattering phenomenon for reception of

transmitted radio signals, the establishment of bearing or direction of antennae is similar
to LOS systems as per geographical maps.

5. The antennas are usually placed to look horizontally towards each other. Due to
use of troposphere as the medium for communication link, the range of the link is more
than 60 Kms as compared to 25 Kms (maximum) for an LOS link. However, it must
be noted that this equipment can also be deployed like LOS equipment when the link
distance is less than 20 Kms approximately.

6. An important requirement for establishing a Tropo link is to have a clearance

for approximately 1-2 Kms in front of antenna so that the firing from antenna is near 0°
i.e. horizontal. Thus this equipment shall find good use in desert terrain, where the
clearance of 1-2 Kms in front of antenna may not be of much problem. This
equipment is meant to maintain a range requirement, in a war-field, greater than the
range delivered by LOS equipment.

7. The equipment has been configured over two trucks. One truck contains one
DG set, one antenna with associated hydraulic erection system and a shelter housing
all electronic assemblies. Additionally it carries accessories required for link operations.

8. The other truck contains two DG sets, one antenna unit with associated hydraulic
erection system and accessories like flexible Wave Guide etc. Each of the DG set has
a rating of 19 KVA and is capable of powering the whole system.

9. The use of troposphere as the medium of communication sometimes creates

fading of received signal, making the received signal less than the threshold level. To
overcome the problem of fading, two antennae are used to have space diversity in
reception. However, keeping in mind the tactical use of the equipment, a provision for
angle diversity has been made in antennae feed system.

10. The principle in angle diversity is that one antenna looks at two different scatter
angles. Use of angle diversity will help to initiate operations with a single vehicle
containing shelter.



1. Objective.

At the end of this chapter, the trainees will be able to understand

 The Satellite Communication.

2. Introduction. The most exciting and rapidly evolving of all the

developments in transmission is the communications satellite. The world’s first
commercial satellite, Early Bird, was launched in April 1965. The success of the
experiment resulted in spectacular progress in the field. Before long earth stations were
being built around the World and new and more powerful satellites entered the field.

3. The satellite in geostationary earth orbit has a height and velocity such that it
appears stationary to earth-bound observation. In this context, it is the earth’s period of
rotation relative to the fixed stars in space that is important. The height above the
earth’s surface of 35765 Kms and Velocity of 3073 Kms/Sec required for the
geostationary orbit.

4. Satellite Communication. Satellite Communication was first thought of due to

the limited range of microwave communication, when it is earth bound. Microwaves are
not reflected by the ionosphere unlike the lower frequencies, which depend on sky wave
reflected from ionosphere for long distance communication. Therefore, satellites were
used as reflecting objects in the sky to extend the range of microwave communication.

5. Early satellites were called Echo-I and Echo-II. They were passive satellites
with a surface coating of aluminum in plastic film. Their orbits were relatively low, not
exceeding around 1000 miles in height above
earth. The reflected signals obtained from them were very weak due to the path losses
over long distances involved.

6. The first active satellite was Telestar-I. Transponders were carried by the
satellite to receive and re-transmit information. It carried thousands of solar cells to
generate the required power supply. In addition, storage batteries were used to store
energy to be
used when the satellite passed through the shadow (dark side) of earth.
Commands for circuit adjustments were sent through telemetry, using command
decoders. However, the Telestar failed to serve its purpose due to damages caused by
electron bombardment and radiation.

7. The defects were rectified in Telestar-II. It was successfully used for multi
channel telephone communication, transmission of television signals, Tele type and
facsimile transmission over long distances.

8. When satellites are put in high orbits, exceeding 35,765 Kms, it is possible to
synchronise its velocity with that of the rotation of the earth to make it geo stationary,
i.e. the relative velocity of the satellite, with respect of its position above earth becomes
zero. Three such satellites may be uniformly spaced to cover the entire Earth. Thus,
it is possible to have communication with any part of the earth. Our INSATs are geo
stationary satellites. They give photo graphic data, using both light and infra red rays
to enable mapping of earth covered by the satellite. Information so available may be
correlated between satellites by inter-satellite communication. Spy satellites when
passing over enemy territories can locate troop movements and collect other strategic
information, viz, missile deployments.

9. Utilisation of INSATs in India. The following are the important utilisation of


(a) It is used to transmit television signals to any part of India.

(b) It is used by post and telegraph department for long distance

communication without microwave link station.

(c) The Met department is using INSAT for weather forecast and cyclone
forecast, based on the television signals.
(d) Survey of minerals is also being undertaken.


1. Objective.

At the end of this chapter, the trainees will be able to understand

 About Radio Relay System.

 About Digital Mobile Radio Relay


2. An efficient communication system is a prerequisite for smooth conduct of

operations in AD system. Mobile AD units are deployed at ops locations need to
communicate with the ADDC/CRC for passing surveillance data, information of
operational importance and to seek instructions from higher formations. The
communication system provided to the AD units is as per their role. Presently the
communication systems used by IAF are DMTT, MTT, TCRR, MCRR and HF. The HF
R/T is used as standby communication in the event of main communication failure.

Radio Relay

3. Radio relay system is a radio system deployed for high speed voice and data
communication between two stations. It uses space wave propagation hence all types
of noise interference and fading are minimized which leads to more reliability in
comparison to MTT and DMTT.

Radio Relay 10 Channels

4. 10 Channel Radio Relay is a fully digitalised system designed to meet the

communication need between mobile AD units and ADDC/CRC. Due to smaller in size,
low RF power, low operating frequency, simple and compact in design, easy
installation, very low

initial / maintenance cost and versatile networking management system, it is most

suited for mobile AD units deployed within 70 KM to have voice and data

5. System General Information

(a) Frequency System. It has been designed to operate in the defence

frequency band of 720 to 845 MHz.

(b) Range System. It is capable of providing a range of 70 Kms in repeated

hop configuration.

(c) Aerial System. It consists of 18 Mtrs high telescopic pneumatic mast and
high gain Yagi antenna with boom length of 2 mtrs and consists of 18 elements.
One aerial is used for transmission and reception simultaneously with the help of

(d) Receiver Bandwidth. Heterodyne type of receive with band width of

750 KHz for 10 channels is used.

(e) IF. This system provides three IF configuration at 685MHz, 70 MHz and
60 MHz.

(f) Power Supply. The primary source of power is batteries. Float cum boost
charger (FCBC) has been provided to charge the batteries. AC power has been
provided using 2.8 KVA DG Sets.

(g) Mode of Carriage The complete system is mounted on TATA 1 TON

truck and is transportable by road.

6. Technical Specification. The technical specification of RR system is as


(a) General.

(i) Vehicle Type : Tata 1 Ton

(ii) Shelter Type : House Type Body

(iii) Mast Type : Telescopic, Pneumatic

(iv) Erected Mast Height : 18 Mtrs

(v) Antenna Type : High Gain Yagi

(vi) Battery Type : Lead Acid

(vii) Battery Voltage/Capacity : 24 V, 40 Ah

(viii) Gen Set Capacity : 2.8 KVA

(b) Electrical. The electrical specification of RR system is as follows:-

(i) Operating Freq. Range : 720-845 MHz


(ii) No. of Channels At RF : 10

(iii) Type of Repeater : Regenerative

(iv) Data Rate : 9600 Kbps or


(v) PSU Requirement : 24 V

(vi) Battery Backup : 8 Hrs min

(vii) Type of Radiation : Dipole

(viii) Operating Temp. : -100 to +550

(ix) Type of propagation : Space wave

7. Additional Key Features. The additional key features of RR system are as


(a) Repeated configuration

(b) Un-attended operation possible
(c) Low power consumption
(d) Various types of voice and data interface
(e) Fully digital
(f) Wide frequency band operation
(g) Regenerative repeater
(h) High link survival
(j) Light weight Yagi antenna
Digital Mobile Radio Relay/Mobile Communication Terminal


8. Digital Mobile Radio Relay (DMRR) is a shelterized mobile

communication terminal, which provides the communication media for transfer of
Data / Voice between DMRR to Hub or between DMRRs. DMRR is a self-contained
system, which will be used to provide reliable communication between the end

points. Each DMRR will be used to provide the last mile access connectivity to
National Long Distance Service Provider (NLSDP), Point of Presence (PoP) over
Radio Link (LOS) or through IAF laid ruggedized Fiber or through direct Satcom link
to the designated Hub Terminal.

9. The OFC and Radio Link will be the primary mode of communication. In case
of the degradation/failure of link or due to non-availability of PoP, Very Small
Aperture Terminal (VSAT) will be used to establish the connectivity.

Digital mobile radio relay

(dmrr) Vehicle

10. A ruggedized, cross-country High Mobility Vehicle TATA LPTA 1623 (6x6) is
provided as the prime mover for the system. A sturdy, all weather proof vehicle
designed to withstand high/low temperature and humid conditions and meets all kinds of
terrain operations. This is designed for a maximum payload of 10 tons.

LOS Mast


Brief Technical Description

11. DMRR is employed to cater to the requirements of IP based data and voice
communication between various IAF stations / Radars / Network Operation
Controller (NOC). A fully integrated system within the shelter comprises of following
communication links.

(a) Ku Band V-SAT Link system.

(b) Line Of Sight Link on Radio.
(c) Optical Fiber Connectivity over WAN
(d) Optical Fiber Connectivity for local LAN extension

12. The system also has IP security devices, Intrusion Protection System, data
access network and Power sub-systems. The entire system is mounted on the
ruggedized all terrain vehicle chassis with the hydraulic stabilization platform. A 22m
pneumatic mast is provided on the vehicle bed for deployment of the LOS system.

Technical Specifications System Configuration

13. Shelterized Communication Vehicle with 1.8m Antenna.

VSAT Communication

VSAT Operation Ku Band

Satellite GSAT-2 / to be Specified by Customer
Tx Freq. Range 14-14.5GHz
Rx Freq. Range : 10.95-11.7GHz (Ku1)
Line Of Sight : 11.7 – 12.2GHz (Ku2)
Communication : 12.25- 12.75GHz (Ku3)
(Operational Tx & Rx Freq. depends on Transponder allocation)
1.8m VSAT Roof-mount
Mobile Antenna
Antenna :
Tx frequency: 14.0 GHz to 14.5 GHz
Rx frequency: 10.95 GHz to 12.75 GHz

LOS Operation frequency : 4.7 GHz to 6.1 GHz

Mast Height : 22m Pneumatic from the Vehicle Bed
Antenna : A. Parabolic Dish Antenna
B. Grid Antenna

Antenna Orientation : With the help of Antenna Positioner

Az El + 180°
-15 ° to +15°
LOS Range : 30 km max.
(depending on Frequency of Operation,
Antenna, Zone Clearance, Soil Condition
and Atmospheric Condition)


14. It is a well known fact that real time and secure data transfer plays a vital role in
any warfare and AD system is the worst affected by the lack of it. We have graduated
from rudimentary systems like bulky HF/VHF eqpt and don 8 cable type field telephones
to RR system. Till the time RR is not replaced by SATCOM this system is likely to stay
and provide its best in the event of any future war.



Basics of Fibre Optics

1. Introduction. Communication forms the back bone of any fighting force.

Real time transmission of data is a must for successful conduct of operations. We have
come a long way from the time of land line to modern data transmission. Still the loss
incurred in transmission of data to a longer distance was an area of concern. The
development of technology in the field of communication is to improve the transmission
fidelity and to increase the data rate, so that more information could be sent from one
point to another.

2. Development. The transmission of information using radio waves on co-

axial cables or simple wire pair has been in practice for many years. As the radio
spectrum has become progressively congested, these resources have begun to run out
with increasing demand. Limitations are encountered on copper wire such as message
carrying capacity in terms of transmission speed was problem, bulky and very
expensive over a long distance. Regular maintenance and man power requirement was
high to overcome these inherent drawbacks in wires, the transmission of optical wave
length through fibre cables have emerged as an effective alternative.

3. Construction. Optical Fibres are essentially light guides used in optical

communication as wave guides. They are transparent dielectrics and are able to guide
visible and infrared light over long distance. An optical Fibre is cylindrical in shape
and it has three regions.

(a) Core. It is the inner part which is a cylindrical material and is made of
glass or plastic and is called the core.

(b) Cladding. It is the outer part which is a concentric cylinder

surrounding the core which reduces scattering loss and to protects the core from
absorbing surface contamination.

(c) Sheath The cladding is enclosed in a poly jacket sheath which

protects it from moisture and excessive temperature.

4. This wave guide is normally in cylindrical form. It confines the electromagnetic

energy in the form of light within surfaces and guides the light in the direction parallel to
the axis of core region.





Application of Fibre Optics

5. Basics of Point to Point Communication System Using Optical Fibres.

Optical Fibre Communication is the transmission of information by propagation of
optical signal through optical fibres over the required distances, which involves deriving
optical signal from electrical signal at the transmitting end and conversion of optical
signal back to electrical signal at the receiving end. A simple example we can consider
the basic of point to point communication system

6. Other Applications. The other applications of Fibre Optics are as


(a) Sensing Device. Optical fibres can be used as sensing devices

wherein they are employed to sense parameters such as pressure, voltage or
current, and the information is then fed to processor from which the information is

(b) Data Link. A data link is a communication over a distance which is

much shorter than what is required for a telecommunication trunk, but the required
reliability is much higher. In such application metal cables are used, which suffers
the problem of cross talk, impedance mismatching and reliability reduces. Such
problem can be overcome by employing Optical Fibres as means of

(c) Local Area Network. Optical Fibres provide more efficient communication
facility in LAN. Wherein the information is required to be exchanged between
terminals which are located at different places.

7. Advantages of Optical Fibre


(a) Low transmission loss and wide bandwidth. Optical fibres have low
transmission losses and wider bandwidth than copper wires. This meant that with
Optical Fibre cable system decreasing the number of wires and reducing the
number of repeaters could send more data over longer distances. This reduction in
equipment and components decreases the system cost and complexity.

(b) Small in size and weight. The low weight and small dimensions of
fibres offer a distinct advantage over heavy, bulky wire cable. This is also of
importance in aircraft, satellites and ships, where small light weight cables are
advantageous and in tactical military applications.

(c) Immunity to interference. An important feature of optical fibres

relates to dielectric nature. This provides optical wave guides with immunity to
electromagnetic interference, such as pickup from signal carrying wires and

(d) Electrical Isolation Since optical fibres are constructed of glass, which is
an electrical insulator, so there is no need to worry about ground loops, fibre to
fibre cross talk is very low and equipment interface problems are simplified.

(e) Signal Security. High degree of data security is possible, since the
optical signal is well confined within the wave guide. This makes fibres attractive
in applications where information security is important such as banking, computer
network and military systems.

(f) Abundant Raw Material. The optical fibres are made of Silica raw
material. This raw material is abundant and inexpensive. It is found in ordinary

(g) Compatible. It perfectly matches with the modern electronic

communication systems because of light weight, and low transmission loss.

8. Disadvantages of Optical Communication System

(a) Splicing (connecting two fibres) is skillful task, the optical connector are
highly expensive.

(b) Bending of fibres to smaller curvature may break and the loss becomes

(c) Fibres undergo expansion and contraction with temperature that upset some
critical alignments which leads to loss in signal power.

(d) These systems are limited to point to point ground installation and not
feasible for mobile communication.




1. Indian Air Force units were connected in a network provided by RCPO called
Tropo / LOS /Sat com communication links and leased lines from BSNL. The circuits
provided by Tropo / LOS /Sat com communication links can be categorized as AD
circuits. Intra base communication of a station was provided by the local exchanges.
There were many limitations of this communication network.

2. Keeping in view of the above limitations there was a need to set up a single
network which supports latest technological trends of voice as well as data
communication. At the same time there was high demand of the frequency spectrum
for the commercial mobile operators as mobile industry is expanding at a very rapid
pace. So GOI decided to transfer the frequency spectrum held by the IAF for 3G
mobile operations and a suitable alternate to the IAF may be provided as
compensation. Then concept of AFNET came into existence. A communication network
supported by OFC and latest components of the industry has emerged. The Inter base
communication links are provided by BSNL.

Overview Of The AFNET

4. The AF Net project is a Wide Area Network in which almost all AF locations are
connected with the help of communication links provided by BSNL.(16 AF locations
have been identified as core sites and 162 AF locations have been identified as Access
sites). The Core locations and Access locations are interconnected on ring topology
using FOCL and different type of routers and switches. However, at few locations
where connectivity through OFC is not feasible due to terrain conditions, the link has
been achieved through radio links. The RRs (Radio Relays), proposed Ku band
Satcom network acts as stand by to BSNL network.

Overview of Core network

5. The equipment called L2 switches are placed near to the subscriber premises such
as IP phones, PCs etc through UTP cable. OFC cables which is the back bone of this
network has been laid by BSNL and the terminal equipment have been supplied and
installed by HCL.

NOC (Network Operations Centre)

6. All the network assets are managed by one agency called Network Operations
Centre. NOC is located at Basant Nagar (Delhi) and Kanehri Hills (Mumbai). It is
manned round the clock for monitoring the smooth functioning of entire AFNET. It also
controls fault management, fault rectification and configuration of AFNET devices. NOC

monitors health of all the sites connected in the network and prevent
unauthorized hacking of network

DCMU (Data Center Management Unit)

7. DCMU (Data Center Management Unit) is located at HQ TC, Bangalore to carry

out remote maintenance role, disaster recovery role and infrastructure maintenance.
MCC Bamraulli
Data Centres

Kanheri Shillong
Hills Peak

VoIP Phone Models Bangalore

8. VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) phones are of following models.

Tannoy System,
Scramble and
Talk back.

8. AF Net, a customized VoIP based system provides seamless communication

between an IACCS, its sensor and weapon elements for ground as well as RT
Operation. Other functionalities provided in Air Defence AF Net include IP Phones,
intercom calls between operators, voice mail, SMS, email, etc.

9. Tannoy (Scramble) System. This system is installed at various air bases for
Scramble and Talkback functions. It also has provisions to send acknowledgements of
scramble calls received by Base Ops Room, ATC, and ORPs.

(a) Scramble Orders. On selection, the scramble orders will be transmitted

to the respective Airbase for display at TWCC, ATC and ORP.
Acknowledgements from each of the aforesaid locations will be received from the
Air base on talk back and will be indicated at the concerned Operator
Workstation. System will be capable of integrating with the VCCS element in

such a way that selection of Scramble Order function activates the relevant
functionalities both in the ADDC system as well as the VCCS

(b) Scramble Order Reception. Scramble Order sent from the

controlling IACCS Tac Node over the IACCS Network. The Scramble Orders
will be displayed at the TWCC, with suitable warning to the operators. These
orders will be redistributed to the ORP and the ATC sub-systems. The system
will receive acknowledgements from the ATC and ORP sub-systems and
forward the same over the IACCS Network to the controlling IACCS Tac

Summary. Development of VoIP based state of the art indigenous Voice

Communication and Control System as per operational requirements provide by IAF is a
big leap forward for attaining automation in Air Defence operations. The customized
GUI and enhanced features of VCCS make it extremely user friendly and easy to
operate in an IACCS environment. Remoting of RT through PC based consoles is the
key feature of the system and needs to be exploited for operational use.

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