DBW - Corporate Plan Overview English DPS
DBW - Corporate Plan Overview English DPS
DBW - Corporate Plan Overview English DPS
Executive summary
Strategic aims
Growth areas
We are positioned to address the market We believe that for Wales to prosper, our
failure gap outside of the private sector risk businesses need to prosper. When our
1,400 appetite where viable business investment businesses thrive, they create a higher number
new businesses supported opportunities still exist. of better quality jobs. When Welsh businesses
Economic impact are strong, Wales is strong.
reaching over To achieve we must be flexible and responsive
£1bn Annual investment
to the changing market needs in Wales. The
organisation must be demand-driven, creating
We are here to make it easier for businesses
to get the finance they need to start up,
£80m p.a.
solutions to address the needs of the market strengthen and grow. We will deliver social
pan-Wales. as well as economic impact.
by 2020
Public funding is a scarce resource and For future generations we have the potential
PSL a therefore its efficient use is of critical to create a long-term sustainable method
minimum of A minimum of importance. The Development Bank offers of supporting Welsh businesses for many
1:1.15 20,000 a repayable model that through scale offers
exceptional value for money.
generations to come.
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Products Services
We operate a continual schedule of new product development with a growing stakeholder The success of HTBW provides the precedent for developing the services provision within
base. New products form an element of replacement for fully invested funds, such as the the organisation. Alongside our fund products, the Development Bank has the capacity
Wales Micro Loan Fund, but also address new market gaps and deliver against the policy and expertise to support government departments by delivering investment services and
objectives of the Welsh Government. financial administration.
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Partnerships Impact
The Development Bank will not succeed in meeting its objectives alone. To influence long-term Critical to achieving our ambitions, we must be flexible and responsive to the changing
economic growth through a vibrant business environment in Wales, we must link public and private market needs in Wales. The organisation must be demand-driven, creating solutions to
sector partners to provide a connected solution to support businesses. We have an important role address the needs of the market. We will use ongoing, real time market analysis produced
to play in creating an open, co-working environment across initiatives emerging from local, Welsh by Economic Intelligence Wales to inform these needs and combine expert delivery with a
and UK Government as well as partners in the private sector. value for money service, ensuring efficient use of public funds.
Private sector Business Wales City and growth deals UK industrial strategy
Crowding in the private Working together to Collaborating to Bringing productivity Capturing wider impact
sector - complementing simplify the support create added value enhancements into Wales.
rather than competing. and funding offer for funding solutions. The Development Bank will broaden its
businesses mechanisms for capturing its impact,
embedding an impact culture throughout
our operations. Operational changes will Mid and
enable us to benchmark our impact on the UN South Wales
Sustainable Development Goals and Well-being
of Future Generations (Wales) Act. Over the
Demand generation UK Wales
strategic period we will more formally manage
To fully impact economic development in 90% our impact within the themes of Prosperity South East
Wales, businesses need to be supported to fully & Global Opportunity, Decarbonisation & Wales
understand the opportunity in creating and Environment, Innovation and Digital Inclusion
implementing growth plans. The Development 70% and Communities, Health & Social Inclusion.
Bank has a role to play in generating demand Happy non-seekers of Finance application
finance success rates
through reinforcing and promoting the benefits Regions as defined by the Welsh
for funding led growth. (2018) Government's Economical action plan
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Scale Research
Maximising economic development requires a deeper understanding of the unique issues
Maintaining scale is fundamental to the longer term ability to impact on economic development. facing the Welsh economy. Economic Intelligence Wales (EIW) will provide accurate and
The Development Bank benefits from a strong foundation and the full support of the Welsh timely assessments of the Welsh economy. Such insights will inform the new products
Government who have committed over £420m to new funds in our first two years of operation. and partnerships, providing the intelligence to enable agile decision making by the
Development Bank.
Led by demand
Whilst the UK transition from the EU may
The organisation must be demand-driven, create opportunities as well as threats, there
Development Bank investing funds (ex HTBW) creating solutions to address the needs of will undoubtedly be uncertainty. We will use
the market. We will use ongoing, real time ongoing market data to monitor the economic
market analysis produced by EIW to inform climate and create consistency where we can.
these needs and combine expert delivery
with a value for money service, ensuring
efficient use of public funds.
19/20 20/21 21/22 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 26/27 27/28
Total existing funds 2016 Total investing funds 2019 Target new products 2019
Legacy funding
We have the potential to create a long-term models to drive an increase in productivity
sustainable method of supporting Welsh and prosperity, facilitated by the ability to
businesses for many generations to come, generate returns, creating legacy funding, which
delivering exceptional value for Wales. We will we will allocate to ongoing market needs.
support people and businesses through funding
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People Operations
The Development Bank is here to provide more than just investment to maximise economic
Ensuring the right expertise are in place is only the first stage of the Development Bank’s people
development. We will explore ways we can ensure added-value by increasing the breadth
focus. Through a dedicated People Strategy we will promote our employer brand, developing
of our support during this strategic period including functionality for our customers through
creative approaches to attract and retain the best talent, with a drive to achieve long-term
ongoing digital transformation, formalised support networks for our portfolio companies, as
impact for the region in which we live and work.
well as training, awareness and support for businesses.
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Governance Supporting WG policy
The Development Bank of Wales is committed to being an open The Welsh Government strategy, Prosperity for all: a national strategy
and accountable organisation with the highest standards of takes the long term aims of the Programme for Government and sets out
governance. Our overriding financial objective is to provide how they will be delivered by bringing together the efforts from across
an effective, value for money and sustainable service for our the Welsh public sector. This is consolidated within the Prosperity for all:
stakeholders whilst meeting the needs of our customers. economic action plan, with which the Development Bank operations and
delivery align in the following ways.
We invest for impact. Our purpose is to drive economic development with sustainable
investment which positively impacts through assisting in the creation and safeguarding
of jobs, encouraging innovation and working alongside the social enterprise sector.
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Organisation timeline
March 2019
September 2015 April 2016 £177m of further funding committed
Finance Wales established
by Welsh Government and a record
to provide equity and loan Gareth Bullock joins as Chair Giles Thorley joins as CEO
investment year of £80m to support
capital to Welsh SMEs
businesses in Wales
May 2016 October 2018
£45m secured from
May 2015 First Minister Carwyn Jones At its first year anniversary
Objective 1 European
Structural Funds National Assembly for Wales includes plans for a Development Development Bank of Wales has
Finance Committee Inquiry Bank within 'Talking Wales invested £72m (+24%) into 344
into Finance Wales published Forward' The Programme businesses (+23%), leveraging
for Government 2016 – 21 £84m in private investment
£35.9 secured from
Objective 2 European
Structural Funds March 2015
September 2018
Development Bank for Wales September 2016
Ken Skates opens the new
feasibility study published, £136m Wales Business
Development Bank of Wales
authored by an independent Fund launches
2009 Wrexham headquarters
task and finish group
£150m Wales Jeremie
Fund launched, first
of its kind in the UK
2014 June 2018
Help to Buy – Wales
July 2017 Economic Intelligence Wales
launched, administered Cabinet Secretary for Economy launched to provide independent
January 2013 by Finance Wales and Transport Ken Skates formally research on Welsh market activity
Minister for Economy Science and approves launch of the bank
Transport announces independent
review into the availability of
finance for SMEs in Wales
March 2018
October 2017
November 2013 Development Bank of Wales
June 2013 Development Bank of Wales
Access to Finance Stage 2 published, ends its first six months havinh
June 2013 Access to launches with the new £100m Wales
recommends established, raised £233m of additional
Finance Stage 1 published Flexible Investment Fund, bringing
of a Development Bank funding and having invested
the number of Funds managed to 12
a record £68m in 2017/18
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Development Bank of Wales Plc (Banc Datblygu Cymru ccc) is the holding company of a Group that trades as Development Bank of Wales. The Group is made up of a number of
subsidiaries which are registered with names including the initials DBW. Development Bank of Wales Plc is a development finance company wholly owned by the Welsh Ministers and it is
neither authorised nor regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) or the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The Development Bank of Wales has three subsidiaries which are
authorised and regulated by the FCA. Please note that neither the Development Bank of Wales Plc nor any of its subsidiaries are banking institutions or operate as such. This means that
none of the group entities are able to accept deposits from the public. A complete legal structure chart for Development Bank of Wales Plc can be found at developmentbank.wales.