1. The angle of elevation of the top of a tower from a point A is 30°15’. From 14. A flagpole 3 m high stands at the top of a pedestal 2 m high located at
another point B, the angle of elevation of the top of the tower is 52°33’. one side of a pathway. At the opposite side of the pathway, directly
The points A and B are 332 m apart and on the same horizontal plane as facing the flagpole, the flagpole subtends the same angle as the
the foot of the tower. The horizontal angle subtended by A and B at the pedestal. What is the width of the pathway?
foot of the tower is 90 degrees. Find the height of the tower. A. 4.47 m * C. 6.28 m
A. 90.6 m C. 89.5 m B. 3.21 m D. 8.41 m
B. 176.8 m * D. 155.9 m
15. A right regular hexagonal prism is inscribed in a right circular cylinder
2. The minute hand of a clock is 15 cm long. How far does the tip of the hand whose height is 20 cm. the difference between the circumference of the
travel during 20 minutes? circle and the perimeter of the hexagon is 4 cm. determine the volume of
A. 31.42 cm * C. 25.10 cm the prism.
B. 11.46 cm D. 15.76 cm A. 9756 cc C. 10857 cc
B. 14752 cc D. 10367 cc *
3. The probability that A can solve a given problem is 3/5, that B can solve it
is 3/4 and that C can solve it is 3/7. If all three try, compute the 16. The lateral area of a right circular cone of radius 4 cm is 100.53 sq. cm.
probability that the problem will be solved. Determine the slant height.
A. 0.81 C. 0.96 A. 8 cm * C. 6 cm
B. 0.94 * D. 0.19 B. 9 cm D. 10 cm
4. Rex and Jason traveled at the same time at the rate of 20 m/min, from the 17. The frustum if a regular triangular pyramid has equilateral triangles for its
same point on a circular track of radius 600 m. if Rex walks along the bases and has an altitude of 8 m. the lower base edge is 9 m. if the
circumference and Jason towards the center, find their distance after 10 volume is 135 cu. m, what is the upper base edge?
mins. A. 2 m C. 4 m
A. 193 m C. 241 m B. 5 m D. 3 m *
B. 202 m D. 258 m *
18. Find the volume of a right circular cylinder whose lateral area is 25.918
5. The excess of the sum of the fifth and sixth parts over the difference of the sq. m and base area of 7.068 sq. m.
half and third parts of a number is 139. Find the number. A. 19.44 cu. m * C. 20.53 cu. m
A. 240 C. 420 B. 15.69 cu. m D. 18.12 cu. m
B. 695 * D. 430
19. Determine the equation of the directrix of the curve x^2 = 16y.
6. What is the value of each interior angle of a regular pentagon? A. x + 4 = 0 C. y – 4 = 0
A. pi/5 C. 2pi/3 B. x – 4 = 0 D. y + 4 = 0 *
B. pi/3 D. 3pi/5 *
20. Find the area of the curve x^2 and y^2 + 6x – 2y + 9 = 0
7. A cubical container that measures 2 inches on a side is tightly packed with A. 125 sq. units C. 92 sq. units
8 marbles and in filled with water. All 8 marbles are in contact with the B. 113 sq. units * D. 138 sq. units
walls of the container and the adjacent marbles. All of the marbles are the
same size. What is the volume of the water in the container? 21. Find the distance between the foci of the curve 9x^2 + 25y^2 – 18x +
A. 4.9 cu. in C. 3.8 cu. In * 100y -116 = 0
B. 3.5 cu. in D. 4.2 cu. in A. 7 C. 8 *
B. 6 D. 12
8. In probability theory, the set of possible outcomes of an experiment is
termed as: 22. What is the equivalent rectangular coordinate of a point whose polar
A. a sample space * C. a set of random variables coordinate is (7, 38 deg.)
B. a set of random events D. a fuzzy set A. (3.56, 4.31) C. (5.52, 4.31) *
B. (4.31, 5.52) D. (4.31, 3.56)
9. The locus of a point that moves so that its distance from a fixed point and
a fixed line is always equal is known as: 23. A line has an equation of 3x-ky-8=0. Find he value of k if this line makes
A. parabola * C. ellipse an angle of 45 degrees with the line 2x+5y-17=0.
B. circle D. hyperbola A. 5 C. 8
B. 7 * D. 6
10. A polygon is ________ is no side, when extended, will pass through the
interior of the polygon 24. Find the slope of the line having a parametric equations of x=2+t and
A. concave C. equilateral y=5-3t.
B. convex * D. isoperimetric A. 1 C. -3 *
B. 1/3 D. -1
11. There are 9 arithmetic means between 6 and 18. What is the common
difference? 25. Find an equation for the hyperbola with foci at (1, 3) and (9, 3), and
A. 1.2 * C. 1.4 eccentricity of 2.
B. 1 D. 0.8 A. x^2 – 3y^2 – 30x + 6y + 54 = 0
B. 3x^2 – y^2 – 30x + 6y + 54 = 0
12. Twenty men can finish the job in 30 days. Twenty-five men started the C. x^2 – y^2 – 30x + 6y + 54 = 0 *
job. If ten men quitted the job after 18 days, find the total number of days D. 3x^2 – y^2 – 6x + 30y + 54 = 0
to finish the job.
A. 27 C. 26 26. Find the shortest distance from (3, 8) to the curve x^2 + y^2 + 4x – 6y =
B. 28 * D. 29 12.
A. 1.21 C. 4.09
13. Twelve books consisting of 6 mathematics books, 2 electronics book, B. 2.07 * D. 3.73
and 4 communications books are arranged on a shelf at random.
Determine the probability that books of the same kind are all together. 27. Find the sum of the first 100 positive integers that is exactly divisible by
A. 1/2310 * C. 1/3810 7.
B. 1/5620 D. 1/1860 A. 35,350 * C. 53,350
B. 25,053 D. 25,536
28. If thrice the smaller number exceeds the larger by 12, find the larger A. 35.7 mV C. 2.04 MV
number if the two numbers are consecutive odd integers. B. 28 V * D. 37.5 mV
A. 7 C. 11
B. 9 * D. 13 42. The maximum voltage output from a voltage divider:
A. Is a fraction of the power supply voltage
29. If 3logx –logy = 0, express y in terms of x. B. Depends on the total resistance
A. y = x^3 * C. y = x C. Is equal to the supply voltage *
B. y = x^2 D. y = 3x D. Depends on the ratio of resistances
30. Find the geometric mean between the terms -4 and -9 43. Wire wound resistors are used in high power application because
A. 6 C. -6 * A. they can handle high voltage
B. 7 D. 36 B. they come with higher resistance values and larger
physical size
Electronics Engineering: C. they are designed with lower resistances and larger physical size*
D. they can handle low voltage
31. When the insulator is compared to the semiconductor, (a) which one 44. A diamagnetic material has permeability slightly less than 1 such as
requires the least energy to move an electron and (b) from which point in A. antimony C. copper *
the energy level does the electron leave in its travel to the conduction B. manganese D. nickel
A. (a) Semiconductor (b) Valence band * 45. Bar magnets should be stored in pairs to
B. (a) Insulator (b) Valence band A. to provide a complete path for magnetic flux *
C. (a) Semiconductor (b) Forbidden band B. to minimize storage space
D. (a) Insulator (b) Forbidden band C. to increase magnetizing force
D. both B and C
32. Insulation resistance can best be defined as the ability of an insulating
material to resist what action? 46. What is the direction of the magnetic field around a vertical conductor
A. Electrostatic stress when (a) the current flows upward and (b) the current flows downward?
B. Current leakage * A. (a) counterclockwise (b) clockwise
C. Breakdown by voltage B. (a) clockwise (b) clockwise
D. External factors acting upon the conductor C. (a) clockwise (b) counterclockwise*
D. (a) counterclockwise (b) counterclockwise
33. Volt-Coulomb is a unit of
A. Power C. Force 47. A coil L1 produces 80uWb of magnetic flux. Of this total flux, 60 uWb are
B. Energy * D. Field linked with L2. Find the coefficient of coupling between L1 and L2.
A. 1.33 C. 0.75 *
34. Work equal to 136.0 joules is expended in moving 8.5 X10^18 electrons B. 4.8 X 10^-9 D. 0.48
between two points in an electric circuit. What potential difference does
this establish between the two points? 48. Electrostatic fields have what effect on (a) electrons, and (b) bound
A.100V * C. 85.36V electrons?
B. 90V D. 75.63V A. (a) Attracts them to the negative charges (b) Frees them from their
35. In an RC circuit, the capacitor charges to 20V at the end of 5 time B. (a) Attracts them to the positive charges (b) Frees them from their
constant. What is the voltage across the resistor at 3 time constant of orbits
the discharging cycle? C. (a) Attracts them to the negative charges (b) Distorts their orbits
A. 0.99V * C. 20 V D. (a) Attracts them to the positive charges (b) Distorts their orbits *
B. 19 V D. 0.03 V
49. A phenomenon that occurs when an electric current moving through a
36. One problem produced when an inductive circuit is opened is conductor is exposed to an external magnetic field applied at a right
A. vibration C. arcing * angle, in which an electric potential develops in the conductor at a right
B. smooth contact D. Lenz law angle to both the direction of current and the magnetic field.
A. thermionic effect
37. A coil has an mmf of 600At and reluctance of 2x10^6 At/Wb. Find the B. left hand rule for coils
total flux in uWb. C. left hand rule for current carrying conductors
A. 3x10^-4 C. 0.3 D. hall effect *
B. 30 D. 300 *
50. The electric flux through any closed surface is proportional to the
38. A resistor has a potential difference of 50.0V across its terminals and enclosed electric charge.
120.0C of charge per minute passes a fixed point. Under these A. Coulomb’s law C. Tesla’s law
conditions at what rate is electric energy converted to heat? B. Gauss’ law * D. Oersted’s law
A. 100 joules per second * C. 6000 joules per second
B. 10 joules per second D. 60 joules per second 51. A CMOS integrated circuit:
A. Can only work at low frequencies.
39. A circuit contains 100 ohms resistance and 100 ohms capacitive B. Is susceptible to damage by static. *
reactance and 64 ohms inductive reactance. The impedance is: C. Requires considerable power to function.
A. 141.42 angle -45 C. 106.282 angle -18 * D. Needs very high voltage.
B. 100 angle 0 D. 141.42 angles -90
52. A semiconductor material is made into N type by:
40. A color television set rated at 75W is operated from 7:00 p.m. to 11:30 A. Adding an acceptor impurity. C. Injecting electrons.
p.m. What total energy does this represent in mega joules? B. Adding a donor impurity. * D. Taking electrons away.
A. 1.215 Mj * C. 93.75 Mj
B. 337.5 Mj D. 37.5 Mj 53. Which of the following does not result from adding an acceptor impurity?
A. The material becomes P type.
41. Electrical energy is converted to heat at the rate of 7.56kJ/min in a B. Current flows mainly in the form of holes.
resistor which has 270 C/min passing through. What is the voltage C. Most of the carriers have positive electric charge.
difference across the resistor terminals? D. The substance has an electron surplus. *
54. What determines the color of light emitted by an LED?
A. The type of incandescent bulb used 67. An RF oscillator usually
B. The type of material used * A. produces an output signal with an irregular wave shape
C. The type of bias used B. has most or all of its energy at a single frequency *
D. The type of fluorescent bulb used C. produces a sound that depends on its waveform
D. employs an RC circuit to determine the output amplitude
55. Which breakdown theory explains the action that takes place in a heavily
doped PN junction with a reverse bias below 5 volts? 68. A class C amplifier can be made linear by
A. Zener effect * C. Energy band effect A. reducing the bias
B. Avalanche breakdown D. Valence band gap crossing B. increasing the drive
C. using two transistors in push-pull
56. Which of the following solid-state devices has both gain and fast- D. no means; a class C amplifier is always nonlinear *
switching capabilities?
A. Zener diode C. Junction diode 69. A graphic equalizer is a form of
B. Tunnel diode * D. Point-contact diode A. bias control for an NPN bipolar transistor
B. gain control for an RF oscillator
57. The common collector is also referred to by which of the following terms? C. tone control that can be used in an audio amplifier *
A. Low current gain amplifier C. Emitter follower * D. circuit for adjusting the waveform of an RF oscillator
B. Voltage amplifier D. Grounded emitter
70. A frequency synthesizer has
58. What determines whether a solid material will act as a conductor, a A. high power output C. exceptional stability *
semiconductor, or an insulator? B. high frequency drift rate D. an adjustable wave shape
A. The energy level of the valence band
B. The energy level of the conductor band 71. A tuned RF PA must always be
C. The energy difference across the forbidden gap * A. set to work over a wide range of frequencies
D. The actual construction of the valence electrons B. adjusted for maximum power output *
C. operated at an even harmonic of the input frequency
59. What is the key to FET operation? D. operated in class C
A. The control of the effective cross sectional area of the channel *
B. The control of the effective cross-sectional area of the gate 72. The impedance of the load connected to the output of an oscillator is
C. Both A and B above extremely high,
D. The low input impedance compared A. the frequency will drift excessively
B. the power output will be reduced
60. When the PN-junction diode is reversed biased, what happens to the C. the oscillator might fail to start
majority carriers? D. it is no cause of concern; in fact, it is a good thing *
A. They combine with minority carriers at the junction
B. They move toward the junction 73. Suppose a resistor of 51 ohms, an inductor of 22 uH, and a capacitor of
C. Both A and B above 150 pF are in parallel. The frequency is 1 MHz. What is the complex
D. They move away from the junction * impedance?
A. 51.0 – j14.9 C. 46.2 – j14.9
61. What is the "pinch off" voltage of an FET? B. 51.0 + j14.9 D. 46.2 + j14.9 *
A. The voltage required for the FET to conduct
B. The voltage required to overcome the FET reverse bias 74. Suppose a resistor of 100 ohms, a coil of 4.5 uH, and a capacitor of 220
C. The voltage required to reduce drain current to zero * pF are in parallel. What is the complex admittance at a frequency of 6.5
D. The voltage required to reduce gate voltage to zero MHz?
A. 100 + j0.00354 C. 100 – j0.0144
62. The MOSFET is normally constructed so that it operates in either the B. 0.010 + j0.00354 * D. 0.010 + j0.0144
depletion mode or the enhancement mode. The depletion mode
MOSFET (a) uses what type of bias and (b) has what type of doped 75. A vector pointing southeast in the GB plane would indicate
channel to cause a depletion of current carriers in the channel? A. pure conductance with zero susceptance
A. (a) Reverse (b) lightly C. (a) Reverse (b) heavily * B. conductance and inductive susceptance *
B. (a) Forward (b) lightly D. (a) Forward (b) heavily C. conductance and capacitive susceptance
D. pure susceptance with zero conductance
63. An oscillator at RF requires the use of
A. a common drain or common collector 76. What will happen to the susceptance of a capacitor if the frequency is
B. a stage with gain * doubled and all other factors remain constant?
C. a tapped coil A. it will decrease to half of its former value
D. a quartz crystal B. it will not change
C. it will double *
64. An RF choke D. it will quadruple
A. passes RF signals but blocks dc
B. passes both RF signals and dc 77. When R=0 in a series RLC circuit, but the net reactance is not zero, the
C. passes dc but blocks RF signals * impedance vector
D. blocks both dc and RF signals A. always points straight up
B. always points straight down
65. An oscillator might fail o start for any of the following reasons, except C. always points straight toward the right
A. low battery voltage C. in-phase feedback * D. none of the above is correct *
B. low stage gain D. a high-impedance load
78. The power in pure reactance
66. The frequency at which a quartz crystal oscillator produces energy is A. radiated C. imaginary *
largely dependent on B. true D. apparent
A. the load impedance
B. the physical thickness of the quartz wafer * 79. Which of the following is not an example of true power?
C. the amount of resistance through the crystal A. power in the form of heat, produced by dc flowing through a resistor
D. the power-supply voltage B. power in the form of electromagnetic fields, radiated from a radio
C. the product of the rms ac through a capacitor and the rms voltage
across it * 93. For emitter bias, the voltage across the emitter resistor is the same as
D. power in the form of heat, produced by losses in an RF transmission the voltage between the emitter and the
line A. Base C. Emitter
B. Collector D. Ground *
80. Power factor is equal to
A. apparent power divided by true power 94. To reduce the distortion of an amplified signal, you can increase the
B. imaginary power divided by apparent power A. Collector resistance C. Generator resistance
C. imaginary power divided by true power B. Emitter feedback resistance * D. Load resistance
D. true power divided by apparent power *
95. The emitter of a swamped amplifier
81. Which of the following does not increase the loss in a transmission line? A. Is grounded C. Has an ac voltage *
A. reducing the power output of the source * B. Has no de voltage D. Has no ac voltage
B. increasing the degree of mismatch between the line and the load
C. reducing the diameter of the line conductors 96. A swamped amplifier uses
D. raising the frequency A. Base bias C. Negative feedback *
B. Positive feedback D. A grounded emitter
82. Mutual inductance causes the net value of a set of coils to
A. cancel out, resulting in zero inductance 97. A square wave out of an emitter follower implies
B. be greater that what it would be with no mutual coupling A. No clipping C. Clipping at cutoff
C. be less than what it would be with no mutual coupling B. Clipping at saturation D. Clipping on both peaks*
D. vary, depending on the extent and phase of mutual coupling *
98. A Darlington transistor has
83. In parallel configuration, susceptances A. A very low input impedance C. A very high current gain *
A. simply add up * B. Three transistors D. One VBE drop
B. add like capacitances in series
C. add like inductances in parallel 99. The ac load line of the emitter follower is
D. must be changed to reactances before you can work with them A. The same as the dc load line C. Horizontal
B. Different from the dc load line * D. Vertical
84. Admittance is
A. the reciprocal of reactance 100. The approximation that distorts digital signals the least is the
B. the reciprocal of resistance A. Butterworth C. Elliptic
C. a measure of the opposition a circuit offers to ac B. Chebyshev D. Bessel *
D. a measure of the ease with which a circuit passes ac *
86. Compared to a bipolar transistor, the JFET has a much higher “If you wish to reach the highest, begin at the
A. Voltage gain C. Supply voltage
B. Input resistance * D. Current lowest.”
88. When the drain saturation current is less than IDSS, a JFET acts like a
A. Bipolar transistor C. Resistor *
B. Current source D. Battery