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YCC 54 CONDOMINIUM RULES March 2018 (Checked)

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York Condominium Corporation No.

Condominium Rules
Revised March 2018













York Condominium Corporation No. 54
Condominium Rules


The following rules made pursuant to the Condominium Act, 1998, S.O. 1998,
c.19 shall be observed by all owners (collectively the “Owners” and any other
person(s) occupying the Unit with the Owner’s approval, including, without
limitation, members of the Owner’s family, his tenants, guests, and invitees).

Any losses, costs or damages incurred by York Condominium Corporation No.

54(the “Corporation”), by reason of a breach of any Rules in force from time to
time by any Owner, or his family, guests, agents, or occupants of his Unit, shall
be borne and/or paid for by such Owner in the same manner as common expenses.


a) Use of the common elements and units shall be subject to the Rules which
the Board may make to promote the safety, security, or welfare of the
Owners and of the property or for the purpose of preventing unreasonable
interference with the use and enjoyment of the common elements and of
other units.

b) Rules as deemed necessary and altered from time to time by the

Corporation shall be binding on all Owners and occupants, their families,
guests, visitors and agents.

c) Any losses, costs, or damages incurred by the Corporation by reason of a

breach of any Rules in force from time to time by any Owner or occupant,
their families, guests, visitors, servants, and agents shall be borne by such
Owner and may be recovered by the Corporation against such Owner in
the same manner as common expenses.

d) No animal, which is deemed by the Board or the Property Manage, in their

absolute discretion, to be a nuisance shall be kept by any Owner in any
Unit. Such Owner shall, within two (2) weeks of receipt of a written notice
from the Board requesting the removal of such animal, permanently

York Condominium Corporation No. 54
Condominium Rules

remove such animal from the Property. Notwithstanding the generality of

the foregoing, no attack dogs shall be allowed in any Unit. No breeding of
animals for sale shall be carried on, in or around any Unit.

e) Where health and safety are at issue in the event of a breach of these
Rules, corrective action may be taken by the Corporation without
notification to the Owner. Where practicable seven (7) days written notice
of breach to these Rules will be delivered to the Owner of the Unit before
a corrective action will be taken. A breach of pet rules stipulates two (2)
weeks notice period.


a) Owners and their families, guests, visitors, servants, and agents shall not
create nor permit the creation or continuation of any noise or nuisance which,
in the opinion of the Board or Property Manager may disturb the comfort or
quiet enjoyment of the Units or common elements by other Owners or their
respective families, guests, visitors and persons having business with them.

b) No noise shall be permitted to be transmitted from one Unit to another. If the

Board determines that any noise is transmitted to anther Unit and that such
noise is an annoyance, is a nuisance, or is disruptive, then the Owner of such
Unit shall, at their expense, take such steps as necessary to abate such noise
and the Owner shall be liable to the Corporation for all expenses hereby
incurred in abating the noise (including solicitor’s fees).

c) Pets shall not be permitted to make noise by barking or otherwise such that the
noise is transmitted to other Units. A pet which makes noise so as to interfere
with the quiet enjoyment of other Owners shall be deemed to be a nuisance by
the Board. The Owner shall, within two (2) weeks of receipt of written notice
from the Board or Property Manager requesting removal of such pet
permanently remove such pet from the property.

York Condominium Corporation No. 54
Condominium Rules
d) No mops, brooms, dusters, rugs, or bedding shall be shaken or beaten from
any window, door, or those parts of the common elements over which the
Owner has exclusive use.

e) Firecrackers or other fireworks are not permitted in any Unit or on the

common elements.

f) Any repairs to the Units or common elements shall be made only during
reasonable hours.

g) No noise caused by any instrument, any device or otherwise, which in the

opinion of the Board or the Property Manager disturbs the comfort of the
other Owners, shall be permitted.


a) No duplication of building entrance keys shall be permitted; the names of

persons authorized to have keys shall be furnished to the Board at all times.

b) No owner or occupant shall place or cause to be placed on the access doors to

any Unit, additional or alternate locks without the prior written approval of the
Board. All door locks and keys must be compatible with the lock systems on
the property and a copy of each new key must be delivered to the Property

c) Owners shall supply to the Board the names of all residents and tenants of all
dwelling units and the license number of all motor vehicles that are parked in
parking units.

d) Residents are to immediately report any suspicious person(s) seen on the

property to the Property Manager, Superintendent or Security.


York Condominium Corporation No. 54
Condominium Rules
a) No storage of any combustible or offensive goods, provisions or materials
shall be kept in any of the Units or common elements.

b) No propane or natural gas tank shall be kept in any of the residential portions
of the Unit.

c) Owners and occupants shall not overload existing electrical circuits.

d) Water shall not be left running unless in actual use. Turn off washing machine
valves after each use.

e) Nothing shall be place on the outside of the sills, projections or balcony


f) No Owner or occupant shall do, or permit, anything in their Unit or bring or

keep anything therein which will, in anyway, increase the risk of fire or the
rate of fire insurance on any building or on property kept therein; obstruct or
interfere with the rights of other Owners, on in any way injure or annoy them;
conflict with any insurance policy carried by the Corporation or any Owner;
conflict with any of the rules and ordinances of the Board of Health or with
any statute or municipal by-law.

g) Barbecues (propane/gas/charcoal) are not allowed on any balcony. Owners of

townhouses shall ensure that their barbecue is place at least three feet away
from fencing during use and cool down. Safety precautions are to be observed
at all times. Any damaged caused by the use of a barbecue must be repaired
immediately at the Owner’s expense.


a) Common Element Fees are due and payable on the 1st day of each and every
month. If an owner is in default in payment for a period of (15) days, the

York Condominium Corporation No. 54
Condominium Rules
Board may bring legal action to enforce collection including all cost of such

b) No one shall harm, mutilate, destroy, alter or litter the common elements or
any of the landscaping work on the property, including grass, trees, shrubs,
hedges, flowers and flowerbeds.

c) No building, structure, or tent shall be erected, place, located, kept or

maintained on the common elements and no trailer, either with or without
living, sleeping, or eating accommodation, shall be placed, located, kept or
maintained on the common elements including exclusive use common

d) Pets shall not be allowed to relieve themselves on the lawn and shrub areas as
this causes grass to burn and shrub kill. In addition, this constitutes a health
hazard to children in play areas. Pet activity is restricted to areas completely
off the property. Should a per owner fail to observe this, the pet shall be
deemed a nuisance by the Board and the Owner shall, within two (2) weeks of
receipt of written notice from the Board or the Property Manager requesting
removal of such pet, permanently remove such pet from the property. Pets are
to be on a leash at all times in the common elements.

e) No sign, advertisement, or notice shall be inscribed, painted affixed, or placed

on any part of the inside or outside of the buildings or common elements

f) No furnishing or equipment shall be removed from the common elements by

or on behalf of any Owner or occupant of a unit.

g) No antenna, aerial, tower, satellite dish, or similar structure and appurtenances

thereto shall be erected on or fastened to any Unit, or any portion of the
common elements, except by the Corporation in connection with a common
television cable system.

York Condominium Corporation No. 54
Condominium Rules

h) No paintings by Owners shall be done to the exterior of the buildings, railings,

odors, windows, or any other part of the common elements.

i) The sidewalks entries, passageways, hallways, stairwells, walkways, and

driveways, which are part of the common elements, shall not be obstructed by
any of the Owners or occupants or used by them for any purpose other than
for entering or exiting units or some other parts of the common elements.

j) Nothing shall be placed, located, kept, installed or maintained on the common

elements. Any goods or chattels placed, left, or stored on the common
elements, in contravention of these Rules, will be removed, all at the expense
of the Owner or occupant. This includes, but is not limited to, planters,
bicycles, wagons, and strollers.

k) Any physical damage to the common elements caused by an Owner or

occupant, his family, guests, visitors or agents, shall be repaired by
arrangement and under the direction of the Property Manager at the cost and
expense of such Owner or occupant. Bicycles are to be secured to the bicycle
racks provided. They are not to be secured to trees or railings or to be placed
in any other common element area including exclusive use areas. As directed
by the Property Manager, to effect snow removal, the common area bicycle
racks may be removed for the winter during which time Owners will be
required to relocate bicycles to their own Unit. This is the only time that, if
deemed by the Board of Directors or the Property Manager to be derelict,
bicycles will be removed. A notice will be placed on such bicycles for seven
(7) days prior to removal.

l) No awning, foil paper, or shaded shall be erected over, or on the outside of the
windows, balconies or terraces without the prior written consent of the Board.


York Condominium Corporation No. 54
Condominium Rules

a) The toilets, sinks, showers, bath tubs, and other parts of the plumbing system
shall be used only for purposes for which they were constructed.

b) No Owner or occupant shall make any major plumbing, electrical,

mechanical, structural or television cable alteration in or to their unit without
the prior written consent of the Board or Property Manager.

c) Any maintenance work for which the Corporation is deemed responsible shall
be made by completing a Maintenance Request Form. The Corporation will
not carry out any repairs, except in cases of emergency, without a prior
written request.

d) The owner or occupant of each dwelling shall install a backing material of a

white or off-white colour on each curtain, drapery, vertical blind, wooden
shutter, or other window coverings that is not white or off-white and which
may be visible from outside the Unit through a door or window of the Unit.

e) Units shall be used for residential purposes only. No immoral, improper

offensive or unlawful use shall be made of any Unit. All municipal and other
zoning ordinances, laws, rules, and regulations of all government regulatory
agencies shall be strictly observed.

f) No major electrical appliances, except a stove, refrigerator, washing machine,

clothes dryer, dishwasher, other common household appliances, and any
appliances originally provided by the Declarant, shall be installed or used in
any unit without the consent of the Board and until the Owner has entered into
a satisfactory agreement with the Corporation with respect to the payment of
the costs of electricity for the operation of such additional appliance. In the
event that anyone shall install or use any such appliance or shall permit the
use of any such appliance without first entering into such an agreement, the
Corporation shall have the right to assess the owner of such until an amount
estimated to cover the costs of electrical consumption in the same manner as

York Condominium Corporation No. 54
Condominium Rules
common expenses and, not withstanding such payments, the Board shall be
entitled to demand the removal of such appliance forthwith.

g) No Owner shall overload existing electrical circuits in his Unit and shall not
alter in any way the amperage of the existing circuit breakers in their Unit.

h) No Owner shall permit an infestation of pests, insects, vermin, or rodents to

exist at any time in their Unit or adjacent common elements. Each Owner
shall immediately report to the Property Manager all incidents of pests,
insects, vermin or rodents. All Owners shall fully cooperate with the Manager
to provide access to each Unit for the purpose of conducting a spraying
program to eliminate any incident of pests, insects, vermin, or rodents within
the buildings.

i) Residents shall attempt to conserve electrical energy when feasible in order to

reduce common expenses. When practicable, residents are encouraged to use
heavy load appliances, such as dishwashers, washers, air conditioners, and
cooking appliances, during off-peak hours to reduce peak-load electricity
charges. Residents are encouraged to turn off lights and appliances when not
in use, to minimize consumption of hot water, to keep windows closed in
winter, to minimize air conditioner use, and to turn down thermostats when
going to sleep or when the Unit is vacated.

j) As a fire prevention measure, each Owner or occupant shall remove the lint
and other debris accumulating in the front and rear lint traps in any clothes
dryer on a regular basis including dismantling and cleaning of the laundry rear
dryer duct at least every two years, whether personally or by contacting an
appropriate repairman to do so. If the Owner fails to do this, the Corporation
shall be entitled to hire an appliance repairman to do so at the cost of the
Owner, which cost shall be added to the common expenses applicable to the

k) Owner’s unit and may be collected in accordance with the lien provisions set
out in the Condominium Act.

York Condominium Corporation No. 54
Condominium Rules
l) Owners and occupants shall repair any dripping taps with the appropriate
washers and replacement components to avoid unnecessary consumption of
water. When replacing washers or other components, the appropriate shutoff
valve must first be turned off.


a) No hanging or drying of clothes is allowed on any balcony or exclusive use


b) Balconies and exclusive use areas shall not be used for the storage of any
goods or materials.

c) No Owner, occupant or tenant is permitted to install any type of flooring

material to the balcony floor. However, scattered mats and other seasonal
floor coverings are permitted. These floor coverings must be placed in such a
way as to prevent them blowing off the balcony.

d) Only seasonal furniture is allowed on balconies and exclusive use areas. All
such items shall be safely secured in order to prevent such items from being
blown off the balcony of exclusive use areas by high winds.

e) No Owner, occupant, or tenant shall do or permit anything to be done on a

balcony or exclusive use area which does or may unreasonably disturb, annoy,
or interfere with the comfort and/or quiet enjoyment of the Units and /or
common elements by other Owners, occupants, or tenants.

f) No awnings or shades shall be erected over or outside of balconies and

exclusive use areas.

g) Pets are not allowed on the balconies or exclusive use areas unless the Owner
is also present on the balcony or exclusive use area. In no circumstances is

York Condominium Corporation No. 54
Condominium Rules
such pet to make noise or engage in any activity which interferes with the
quiet enjoyment of other Owners. Contravention of this rule will result in the
pet being deemed a nuisance and the Owner shall, within two (2) weeks of
receipt of written notice from the Board or the Property Manager requesting
removal of such pet, permanently remove such pet from the property.

h) Owners of those residential Units who have the exclusive use of a terrace may
make such non-extensive and non-structural alteration or additions to the
terrace as the Board may from time to time permit.

i) Without limiting the generality of sub-paragraph (h) above, the Board may
restrict or limit any installation on or improvement to any terrace where
necessary in its discretion, to preserve or protect the structural integrity
immediately beneath same.


For the purpose of these Rules, “motor vehicle” means a private passenger
automobile, station wagon, compact van, or motorcycle as customarily
understood. No motor vehicle parked upon any common element shall exceed a
height of 1.85 meters.

a) No vehicles, equipment, or machinery, other than motor vehicles, shall be

parked or left on any part of the common elements.

b) No repairs, lubrication, or oil changes shall be made to any motor vehicle on

any part of the common elements.

c) No motor vehicle shall be driven on any part of the common elements other
than on a driveway.

York Condominium Corporation No. 54
Condominium Rules
d) No motor vehicle shall be driven on any part of the common elements at a
speed in excess of the posted speed. Except where otherwise posted, the fixed
speed limit for motor vehicles or bicycles on the common elements shall be
ten (10) kilometers per hour.

e) No Owner or occupant shall park a motor vehicle on any part of the common
elements or on any parking unit other than their own. Vehicles parked in
violation of this rule may be subject to towing without notice.

f) No motor vehicle shall be parked on any part of the common elements that are
designated as driveways, fire zone, delivery, or garbage pickup areas.

g) In no instance shall any portion of any motor vehicle protrude beyond the
boundaries of the parking unit or encroach upon any portion of the common

h) No motor vehicle having a propane or natural gas propulsion system shall be

parked on any underground parking unit.

i) No parking unit shall be used for any other purpose other than to park a motor

j) Owners or occupants of each parking unit shall maintain each unit in a clean
and sightly condition and shall be responsible for the repair of any damage
caused by the Owner or occupant to those portions of the unit.

k) All motor vehicles operated by Owners must be registered with the Property
Manager. Each Owner shall provide to the Property Manager the license plate
number for all motor vehicles driven by residents of the unit.

York Condominium Corporation No. 54
Condominium Rules
l) Motorcycles shall be licensed and equipped with the most recent noise control
devices and operated on the roadways and in a manner as not to obstruct
traffic. No mopeds or bicycles are permitted to be operated on sidewalks.

m) No unlicensed motor vehicle, including mopeds and go-carts, shall be driven

within the property complex and no person shall operate a motorized vehicle
within the complex without a proper operating license.

n) No person shall park or use a motor vehicle in contravention of these Rules.

Otherwise, such person shall be liable to be fines or to have their motor

vehicle towed from the property, in which event neither the Corporation not
its agents shall be liable whatsoever for the damage, costs, or expenses
whatsoever caused to such motor vehicle or to the Owner thereof.

o) No derelict vehicles, as deemed by the Board, shall be parked in a parking unit

or on any part of the common elements, including those parts that an Owner
has exclusive use of. The term “derelict” shall include, but not necessarily be
limited to, unlicensed vehicles damaged vehicles, parted vehicles, inactive
vehicles, and vehicles leaking fluids.


a) Garbage is not to be left outside the Units. All garbage must first be properly
bound, packaged, or bagged to prevent mess, odors, and disintegration and put
down the garbage chute or placed in the containers designated by the Board of
Directors or Property Manage.

b) Newspapers and magazines shall be securely bound and deposited in the

recycling bin designated for this purpose. Cardboard boxes are to be broken

York Condominium Corporation No. 54
Condominium Rules
c) Bottles, plastic jugs and metal cans shall be deposited in the recycling bin
designated for that purpose.

d) Plastic bags may not be placed in the recycling. They are to be placed in the
garbage bin.

e) Furniture, mattresses, lamps, and other large items shall not be placed in the
garbage area. Contact the Property Manager for information on how to
dispose of these items.

f) All bookings for moves and deliveries must be pre-arranged with the office by
completing the Agreement and Elevator Booking Form. A $250.00 security
deposit is required at the time of the booking.


a) Each unit shall be occupied and used only as a PRIVATE SINGLE FAMILY
dwelling and for no other purposes.

b) No Unit shall be occupied under a lease unless, prior to the tenant permitted to
occupy the unit, the Owner shall have delivered to the Corporation a
completed Tenant information Form, a duly executed Tenant’s Undertaking
and Acknowledgement/Offer to Lease, and the Lease itself.

c) In the event that the Owner fails to provide the foregoing documentation in
compliance with paragraph (b) above prior to the commencement date of the
tenancy, and in compliance with Section 134 of the Condominium Act (the
“Act”), any person or persons intending to reside in the Owner’s Unit shall be
deemed to be a trespasser and entry to or upon the common elements may be

York Condominium Corporation No. 54
Condominium Rules
expressly denied by the Corporation until and unless such person or persons
and the Owner comply with the rules and with the Act.

d) Within seven (7) days of ceasing to rent their Unit (or within seven (7) days of
being advised that his tenant has vacated or abandoned the Unit, as the case
may be), the Owner shall notify the Corporation in writing that the Unit is no
longer rented.

e) The foregoing documentation shall be supplied promptly and without charge

to and upon request for same by the Corporation.

f) No lease shall be for a period less than one (1) year without the approval of
the Board.

g) No owner shall allow their tenant to sublet their Unit to another tenant.

h) All Owners shall be responsible for any damage or additional maintenance to

the common elements caused by their tenants and will be assessed and
charged therefore.

i) During the period of occupancy by the tenant, the Owner shall have no right
to use of any part of the common areas or University City Recreation Centre.

j) The Owner shall supply to the Board their current address and telephone
number during the period of occupancy by the tenant.



“No contractor, trade, or service personnel may enter upon the property to
perform any work or services in or about any Unit (including an “ exclusive use”

York Condominium Corporation No. 54
Condominium Rules
common element area) that may or will affect the common elements or common
building services unless such persons or firms are:

a) Employed directly by the Condominium Corporation, or

b) Employed by a Unit Owner in circumstances where the intended

performance of work and/or services in or about a unit has been approved,
in writing, by the Corporation and where the work and/or service are
supervised by an approved contractor or service personnel in accordance
with the Corporation’s written direction; and the Owner of the Unit has

c) provided to the Corporation a deposit in a reasonable amount to cover the

Corporation’s initial costs of supervision (to be adjusted upon completion
of the work); and where the Unit Owner has entered into a written
understanding, to indemnify the Corporation with respect to any
expenses, damages, or costs whatsoever incurred by the Corporation
arising from the carrying out of the work by the Unit Owner’s contractor,
trade or service personnel including any resulting damage to the common
elements or to common building services which arises during or following
completion of the work. Any such expenses, resulting damages, and costs
may be collected by the Corporation from the Unit Owner in the same
manner as common expenses.


The Corporation’s existing Rules are hereby amended by adding the following s. 12
(Smoking) and 13 (Drugs):


(a) No person shall light, smoke or activate any cigarette, e-cigarette, cigar,
illegal drug, pipe or other device producing smoke, fumes, odour or
vapour (collectively, the “Smoking Implements”) in any interior common

York Condominium Corporation No. 54
Condominium Rules
elements of the Corporation’s building, amenities or structures, including,
without limitation, any lobby, elevator, stairwell, hallway, amenity room,
common facilities, parking garage or other common element area.

(b) No person shall light, smoke or activate any Smoking Implements within a
9 metre (29.5 feet) radius surrounding any entrance or exit of the
Corporation’s building, including, without limitation, the front entrance.

(c) No person shall dispose of any butts or by-products of any Smoking

Implements on or under any part of the common elements, interior or

exterior, or in any garbage bins or containers other than those designated

for such purpose. All Smoking Implements, and any butts or by-products
thereof, shall be completely extinguished before disposal thereof so as to
pose no risk of smoke or fire. No person shall drop or throw from any
window, balcony, terrace or patio any Smoking Implement or butt or by-
product thereof.

(d) Subject to s. 12(e) and (f), no person shall smoke any Smoking
Implements in any unit or on any exclusive use common elements,
including, without limitation, any balcony, terrace or patio.

(e) Section 12(d) is not enforceable against any occupant who occupies a unit
in the Corporation prior to the date on which these Smoking & Drug Rules
are passed by the board (the “Grandfathered Occupant”), provided that
any such Grandfathered Occupant shall not create or permit the creation or
continuation of any smoking nuisance which, in the opinion of the board
or manager, may or does disturb the comfort or quiet enjoyment of the
property by others.

(f) Section 12(d) is not enforceable against any occupant who is a registered
patient legally entitled to consume marijuana pursuant to a doctor’s
prescription based on a medical need (the “Eligible Occupant”), provided
that such Eligible Occupant promptly produces evidence (medical or

York Condominium Corporation No. 54
Condominium Rules
otherwise), as may be requested by the board or manager from time to
time, demonstrating:

i. that the Eligible Occupant has a disability that necessitates the use of
medical marijuana;

ii. that the disability impacts physical mobility in such a way that
enforcing s. 12(d) would cause undue hardship;
iii. that the marijuana is prescribed legally by a medical doctor, with the
Eligible Occupant possessing a valid prescription not more than one
(1) year old; and

iv. that the Eligible Occupant possesses a government-issued medical

marijuana certification or card.

(g) Any Eligible Occupant that satisfies the criteria under s. 12(f) shall not
create or permit the creation or continuation of any nuisance from the
smoking of medical marijuana which, in the opinion of the board or
manager, may or does unduly disturb the comfort or quiet enjoyment of
the property by other Occupants.

(h) Any Grandfathered Occupant who smokes upon the exclusive use
common elements adjoining a unit, including, without limitation, any
balcony, terrace or patio, shall ensure that smoke does not drift towards
the Corporation’s building.

(i) A Grandfathered Occupant will continue to be grandfathered under s.

12(e) for so long as he/she resides in the unit. For clarity, grandfathering
will not extend to any subsequent occupant of the Grandfather Occupant’s

(j) In the event that an Occupant registers a valid smoke complaint pertaining
to smoke penetration into the Occupant’s unit emanating from a
neighbouring unit, then the Corporation may require the Owner of the unit
from which the smoke is emanating (the “Offending Owner”), to retain a

York Condominium Corporation No. 54
Condominium Rules
qualified smoke/odour transmission expert or contractor to conduct
appropriate inspections and tests and to report to the Corporation the
results thereof for the purpose of eliminating the smoke nuisance, at the
Offending Owner’s sole expense.

(k) Where a qualified smoke/odour transmission expert or contractor

commissions a report pursuant to s. 12(j), the Offending Owner shall
undertake all rectifications and repairs to eliminate the smoke/odour
nuisance as set out in the report, at the Offending Owner’s sole expense,
within thirty (30) after receipt of the report, failing which, the Corporation
shall arrange for a qualified smoke/odour transmission expert or contractor

(l) to make such rectifications and repairs, at a time specified by the

Corporation, and at the Offending Owner’s sole expense.

(m) The Corporation may collect any expenditures under s. 12(k) in the same
manner as common expenses.

(a) No person shall consume, give, sell or distribute to any other person any
restricted drug, illegal substance, marijuana or excessive alcohol so as to
cause an undue nuisance or disturbance to the detriment of any other
person in the Corporation’s building.

(b) No person shall enable a grow-op within a unit or produce, cultivate,

grow, tend or harvest any marijuana or any illegal drug, plant or substance
in a unit or upon the common elements, except an Eligible Occupant in
accordance with the restricted criteria applicable to medical marijuana as
set out in these Smoke & Drug Rules.

(c) An Eligible Occupant shall be entitled to produce, cultivate, grow, tend or

harvest medical marijuana in a specified space within his unit, as approved
by the board, for the sole purpose of personal consumption, subject to
compliance with all requirements from the following sources, as may be

York Condominium Corporation No. 54
Condominium Rules
amended from time to time: Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes
Regulations; Controlled Drugs and Substances Act; Criminal Code; all
other relevant federal, provincial and municipal laws, regulations, by-laws
and ordinances, including, without limitation, those affecting zoning,
electric safety and fire safety; edicts or orders of any applicable public
authority or judge; all relevant inspection and remediation requirements;
and the criteria set out in these Smoking & Marijuana Rules.

(d) An Eligible Occupant wishing to produce, cultivate, grow, tend or harvest

medical marijuana shall comply with the requirements under s. 12(f).

(e) An Eligible Occupant producing, cultivating, growing, tending or

harvesting medical marijuana shall not create or permit the creation or
continuation of any nuisance which, in the opinion of the board or
manager, may or does disturb the comfort or quiet enjoyment of the
property by other occupants.

(f) Sections 12(j), (k) and (l) concerning smoke/odour complaints,

transmission and remediation shall apply to an Eligible Occupant
producing, cultivating, growing, tending or harvesting medical marijuana,
with any reference to smoke/odour expanded to include any other type of
nuisance, including, without limitation, noise.

(g) The Corporation’s representatives may access a unit wherein medical

marijuana is being produced, cultivated, grown, tended or harvested at any
reasonable time during daylight hours, on reasonable notice, to observe
and inspect such activities and to ensure that no risk of harm, damage,
nuisance or disturbance is posed to any person or property.


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