ITT Practice Manual 210805 135213
ITT Practice Manual 210805 135213
ITT Practice Manual 210805 135213
ICITSS-Information Technology
Practice Manual
Board of Studies
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
This Practice Manual has been compiled by faculty of Board of Studies with the objective to (a) provide greater
practical training as a part of the Information Technology Course through case studies and exercises, (b) bring
uniform reference material and coverage across the country as a part of the course, (c) enable students go
gain knowledge in the subject and (d) enable students to get hands-on practical exposure on use of computers.
All attempts have been made to compile relevant case studies and exercises to enable students to acquire
knowledge, skills and hands-on experience. This Practice Manual is also expected to serve as a source of
reference for day-to-day working on computers. In case students need any clarifications or have suggestions to
make further improvements in the material contained herein, they can write to Board of Studies.
All care has been taken to provide the material in a manner useful to the students. However, the material has
not been specifically discussed by the Council of the Institute or any of the Committees and the views
expressed herein may not be taken to necessarily represent the views of the Council or any of its Committees.
The information in this material has been contributed by various authors based on their expertise and research.
While every effort has been made to keep the information cited in this material error free, the Institute or its
officers do not take the responsibility for any typographical or clerical error which may have crept in while
compiling the information provided in this material. There are no warranties/ claims for ready use of this
material, as the material is for educational purpose. The Information provided in this material are subject to
changes in technology, business and regulatory environment. Hence students are advised to apply the content
using their professional judgement. Please visit Institute website for latest updates. All copyrights are
acknowledged. Use of specific hardware/ software in this material is not an endorsement by ICAI.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in
any forms or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior
permission, in writing, from the Institute.
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Edition : January,2018
ISBN : 978-81-8441-823-1
Sale Price : 150/-
Published by : The Publication Department on behalf of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
‘ICAI Bhawan’, Post Box, No. 7100, Indraprastha Marg, New Delhi - 110 002, INDIA.
Printed by :
Table of Contents
1. Introduction to Practice Manual ............................................................................................................................... 5
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
2. Information Technology Course ............................................................................................................................. 5
3. Practice Manual - Organisation.............................................................................................................................. 5
2. MS – Word 2010.......................................................................................................................................................... 7
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
2. Chapter 1 : Introduction to MS – Word 2010 ......................................................................................................... 7
3. Chapter 2 :The Insert Tab .................................................................................................................................... 17
4. Chapter 3 : Managing Documents ....................................................................................................................... 24
5. Chapter 4 : Page Formatting, Printing and Mailing .............................................................................................. 32
Assignments – MS Word 2010 ..................................................................................................................................... 43
3. MS – Excel 2010 ....................................................................................................................................................... 46
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 46
2. Chapter 1 : Introduction to MS - Excel 2010 ........................................................................................................ 46
3. Chapter 2 :Cell Referencing Range and Functions.............................................................................................. 51
4. Chapter 3: Working with Worksheets, Charts, Macros and Hyperlinks ................................................................ 62
5. Chapter 4: Consolidation of Data and Data Analysis ........................................................................................... 69
6. Chapter 5: Data validation & Protection ............................................................................................................... 78
7. Chapter 6: Pivot Tables Reports & Pivot Chart Reports ...................................................................................... 80
8. Chapter 7: Importing / Exporting Data ................................................................................................................. 82
9. Chapter 8: Multi - Dimensional Analysis of Data .................................................................................................. 82
10. Chapter 9: Dash Board Reporting in Excel .......................................................................................................... 84
Assignments – MS Excel 2010 ..................................................................................................................................... 85
4. MS – PowerPoint 2010 ............................................................................................................................................. 91
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 91
2. Chapter 1 : Introduction to MS - PowerPoint 2010............................................................................................... 91
Assignments – MS PowerPoint 2010 .......................................................................................................................... 97
5. MS – Access 2010 .................................................................................................................................................... 98
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................... 98
2. Chapter 1: Introduction to Microsoft Access 2010 ............................................................................................... 98
3. Chapter 2 : Working with Table and Form ........................................................................................................... 99
4. Chapter 3 : Working with Queries and Reports ................................................................................................. 113
6. Computer Assisted Audit Techniques (CAAT) .................................................................................................... 124
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 124
2. Chapter : 3 Data Analysis Using IDEA............................................................................................................... 124
3. Chapter : 4 Advanced Data Analysis Using IDEA .............................................................................................. 126
7. Accounting Package .............................................................................................................................................. 128
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 128
2. Chapter 2: Introduction to Tally.ERP 9 .............................................................................................................. 128
3. Chapter 3: Voucher Entry in Tally. ERP9........................................................................................................... 131
4. Chapter 4: Voucher Entry in Tally. ERP9........................................................................................................... 135
5. Chapter 5: Financial Analysis Tools in Tally.ERP9 ............................................................................................ 141
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Board of Studies
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Introduction to Practice Manual
1. Introduction
ICITSS - Information Technology (IT) is revolutionising the way businesses work, survive and grow in the competitive
global village today. Governments, Businesses Enterprises and Individuals are fast changing the way they operate,
perform business operations and deliver goods and services. Online is the new mantra of today’s information sharing,
governance, and delivery of goods & services.
Professional Accounts have also started making greater use of IT for their activities including communications (e-Mail,
WhatsApp, SMS), Financial Analysis/ Reporting, Accounting, Taxation, Online Returns Filing etc. The survival and
growth of a dynamic profession of Chartered Accountancy depends, to a large extent, on the understanding of
Business Information Systems, Business Process Automation, Telecommunications and Networking to face the
emerging challenges in the globalized competitive business environment. Accountants today need to use and analyse
humongous data, generate relevant information and report findings.
Step-3 Click on Encrypt with Password, Encrypt Document window appears type password on it and click on ok button.
Confirm Password window appear, re-enter same password and click on ok.
b) Hanging Indent
Step-1 Select second Paragraph
Step-2 Open Paragraph Dialog Box
(Through Paragraph Launcher)
Step-3 Select Hanging Indent set by 1
inch from Indentation option
Step-4 Click on Ok button
You are required to report for training at the aforesaid centre 10 minutes prior to scheduled starting of the session.
While every effort has been made to allot IT Training batches of the choice exercised by the student, there may be
difference in the timings actually allotted due to administrative exigencies.
In case you fail to attend the class on the very first day, the seat may be allotted to some other student in
waiting and your name may not be considered for immediate next batch due to limited seat availability.
You are required to study the “Guidelines for Information Technology Course Students available overleaf” for
strict compliance in letter and spirit, to avoid delays in securing Information Technology Course completion certificate.
You are required to bring (a) this letter (b) Colour Passport Size Photograph and (C) Identity Card issued by the
Institute or other photo identity issued by Government agency (Voter ID Card, Driving License, Passport)when
you report for training and in your visits to the IT Training Centre for classes and Module / Online Test.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Chairman / DCO
Head / Convenor
4 Rashmi 67
14. Insert a Quick Table – Tabular List in the document as shown below.
Note: This is just one of the predefined table. Student may choose any of the available quick tables.
Exercise 2.2: Creating a Time Table New
In this exercise we shall learn to update a table formatting to meet our requirements using an exercise file.
1. Open file exercise2.2.docx from MS - Word folder.
Class 1A Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
09.00 - 10.00 Maths Study
10.00 - 11.00 Maths Science
11.00 - 12.00 Geography Science
12.00 - 13.00 History Science
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch Lunch
14.00 - 15.00 English French
15.00 - 16.00 French French
The table contains an incomplete and inaccurate timetable for Class 1A. Your task is to complete the timetable to look
like the completed timetable shown below, using copy, cut and paste techniques.
2. The classes for the different days have been mixed up:
Move the classes from the column Monday and paste them to Tuesday.
Move the classes from the Wednesday column to Thursday.
3. Now copy the correct classes from the columns Tuesday and Thursday and paste them to make up the complete
timetable for Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Avoid typing any entries. The completed timetable should be as
shown below.
Completed Timetable
Class 1A Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
09.00 - 10.00 English Maths History Study History
10.00 - 11.00 Geography Maths History Science Geography
11.00 - 12.00 French Geography Geography Science Study
12.00 - 13.00 French History Maths Science English
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
14.00 - 15.00 Maths English Science French Science
15.00 - 16.00 History French English French Science
Exercise 2.3: Create a Student Registration form using Custom Table as shown below New
For solution please refer Exercise_2.3.pdf file from MS-Word folder.
Exercise 2.4: Using SmartArt Graphics New
MS-PowerPoint and MS - Word have a great feature to graphically present data of Processes, Steps, Cycles and
Organization Charts and the like called SmartArt. In this exercise we shall explore the process of inserting SmartArt in
our documents created using MS - Word.
Generate a Process chart using SmartArt Graphics for Project Development Process. A project analyst doing Analysis
after that Design process of project start, after designing process software is developed by programmer and then
implementation is done by the team and last step is Evaluation.
For solution please refer Exercise_2.4.pdf file from MS - Word folder.
Exercise 2.5: Illustrations SM1
In this exercise we shall learn to Insert picture, resize it and apply 3D effects for better presentation in the document we
are working.
1. Create and save a new word document as exercise2.5.docx
2. Download picture of a computer from the internet and save it on desktop.
3. Insert the downloaded picture and resize it.
4. Replace the picture with a new one downloaded from internet or taken from sample pictures.
5. Insert any picture from the Clip Art gallery.
6. Fill the picture with some colour and apply a 3-D effect to it.
7. Insert a star shape from the gallery. Enter the following text in the shape
• Clip Art
• WordArt
• SmartArt
8. Delete the picture inserted from the Clip Art gallery.
9. Insert a SmartArt graphic with the shape of Continuous Cycle showing the steps:
• Transactions, Posting, Ledger, Final Accounts, and Analysis.
For solution please refer Exercise_2.5.pdf file from MS-Word folder.
Exercise 2.6: Organisation Chart SM1
We often need to generate Organization Chart to graphically depict the structure of our organisation. While many use
boxes and arrows, the SmartArt facility makes the process very easy, better presentable and easy. We shall explore
the process of generating Organisation Chart in this exercise.
Step-1: Create and save a new word document as exercise2.6.docx
Step-2: Create an organization chart as per the following reporting hierarchy (using SmartArt graphics)
Designation Reporting to
Application Systems Analysts Application Systems Development Manager
Application Programmers Application Systems Development Manager
DA/DBA Information Processing Manager
Quality Assurance Professionals Information Processing Manager
Security Professionals Information Processing Manager
Computer Operators Information Processing Manager
Application Systems Development Manager IS Manager
Information Processing Manager IS Manager
IS Manager Top Management / Board of Directors
Step-3: Give the command so that the graph shows the values along with each of the bars.
Step-4: Format the figures so as to show the numbers as 0.00. Insert the chart title above the chart as Region wise
Sales - Different Models
Step-5: Insert titles as the following
(a) X-Axis – Sales Figure
(b) Y-Axis – Model Name
Select the chart, right-click and select Add Data Labels.
Select the chart, right-click, select Format Data Labels and navigate to Number tab.
Exercise 2.9: Inserting Pictures and Hyperlinks SM1
Inserting pictures helps in presenting a better understanding of the topic. Hyperlinks in Word Documents help in
providing further details, which a user may like to view. In this exercise we shall learn the process of inserting pictures
and hyperlinking.
Step-1: Create a new word document and save it as exercise_2.9.docx
Step-2: Insert a built-in equation of Binomial Theorem
Step-3: Insert a caption to this equation.
Step-4: Insert another text box and create a link from the first text box to the second. Now the extra text will
automatically move to the second text box.
Peter Piper picked a peck of If Peter Piper pickled a peck of
pickled peppers, pickled peppers,
A peck of pickled peppers Peter How many pickled peppers did
Piper picked. Peter Piper pick?
Step-5: Insert the name of the author of the document using Quick Parts feature.
Step-6: Enter the following paragraph in the document
Software has been targeted as a growth sector in India. Besides the industry‘s own potential for exports,
software also plays the crucial role in information technology (IT), use of which is fast becoming the key for
competitiveness in any industry. Hence, for the growth of IT industry as well as the other industries, a rapid
growth of software industry, both in terms of size and quality is absolutely essential.
Step-7: Insert Drop Cap (In margin) in the paragraph.
Step-8: Insert a signature line with your name and current date, to the document.
Step-9: Insert current date and time in the top-right corner of the document such that it changes dynamically whenever
the document is opened.
Step-10: Create a new embedded object (bitmap image) as icon.
Step-11: Write the formula of area and perimeter of circle as Area =___ and Perimeter =_____ (using Symbol option)
Step-12: Insert a WordArt with text Word Art and WordArt style 15. Rotate it left by 90
Step-13: Insert the following equation for finding the second derivative in the document.
Enable Show sign date in signature line in Signature Setup dialog box. If Invalid signature is written in the signature
line, then right-click on the signature. Select Signature Details and click on Click here to trust this user’s identity. Click
Step-7: Mark index entries for the words keyboard, printer, screen and sound in the chapter. (While marking, mark all
the entries of a given word.)
Step-8: Insert an index at the end of the chapter.
Step-9: Insert a footnote for Plotter heading with the text as “There are 2 types of plotters: Drum & Flatbed plotter.
Step-10: Now insert a subsequent footnote for the word speakers in section 1.2.4 with the text “A speaker is an electro-
acoustic transducer that converts an electrical signal into sound.”
Step-11: Now change the number format of the footnotes to A, B, C
Step-12: Delete the first footnote.
The Table of Authorities and bibliography are just samples. The student may insert any other citations also.
If all heading levels are not displayed in the Table of Contents, then change the number of heading levels so that all
displayed. Also modify the way heading levels are displayed in table of contents, if required, to match the style given.
Exercise 3.2: Language & Proofing Text SM1
We shall explore the facility of Spell Checking and Grammar, better vocabulary through Thesaurus/ Synonyms and
autocorrect facility in MS - Word, as a part of this exercise.
Step-1: Open the file exercise3.2.docx
Step-2: Check the spelling mistakes using Spelling and Grammar option. Substitute with correct words wherever
Step-3: Find the synonyms of the word comprehend using Thesaurus option.
Step-4: Specify that whenever IT is typed, it is replaced by Information Technology using AutoCorrect feature. Check
this by typing IT in the document (Press Enter or Spacebar after the text)
Step-5: Write the text. The four suits of playing cards are now inserting the symbols of all suits of playing cards, using
AutoCorrect feature.
Step-6: Add a comment to the previous sentence with the text club suit, diamond suit, heart suit, spade suit. Also
respond to this comment with the text Response
Step-7: Write this text into symbols - Cube root of 8 is 2.
Step-8: Check word count of the document. Verify the number of lines by counting manually also.
Step-9: Enable translation screen tip for translation to French.
Select Word Options from the Office Button. Click on Proofing and then go to AutoCorrect Options. In Math AutoCorrect
tab, select the check box Use Math AutoCorrect rules outside of math regions. Now to insert symbol of club suit, for
instance, write \clubsuit. Do the same for other suits. (Write \cbrt)
Hint: Click the Office Button, click on New. Choose any of the template and click on Create.
Exercise 3.9: Creating a New Template New
In the earlier exercise we had seen that MS - Word has many Ready-Made Templates that we can use to generate our
required report. What if we require a the Resume of people applying to our organisation to come in a particular format
with required details? Yes, we can create our own template and either send it to prospective candidates to fill or host
the template on our website for prospective candidates to fill. We can similarly create templates for the Purchase
Orders, Goods Inwards Note, Invoice, Vouchers etc. Templates bring standardisation of data/ information, better
presentation and compliance to requirements.
Students are required to adopt one of the ready-made templates for use by their organisation and save it as a template,
to be used for their organisation.
Step-1: Select new option from File Menu
Step-2: Select My Template option from Available Template Group
Step-3: Select Blank Document from Personal Templates Tab and select Template in Create New Group then click on
ok button.
Step-4: A Template Document open, now select Page border option form Page Layout Ribbon. (as shown in figure)
select the border as your need and click on ok button.
Step-5: Type “Institute of Chartered Accountant of India” at first Line, Align it as Centre and underline it. At next line at
right side type Date and underline it.
Step-5: Select Data Source file from appropriate location (Exercise_4.3.xlsx from MS - Word folder)
Step-7: Place cursor at appropriate Location and insert fields from Insert Merge Fields.
Step-2: Select Label Size through Label Dialog Box (Select Label Vendors- A-ONE and Product Number is – A-ONE
Step-4: Select Data Source file from appropriate location (Exercise_4.3.xlsx from MS - Word folder)
Step-5 Select Excel Sheet in which Data have and click on ok button
Step-6: Place Cursor at first column and insert field through Insert Merge Field. (Insert fields Name, Address, Contact
No, Email Id)
Step-7: Click on Update Label button, as you click on Update Label button all the rows and column automatically filled
with field name.
Step-8: Select Data Source file from appropriate location (__________.xlsx from MSWord folder)
Step-9: Click MS Excel Worksheets via DDE (*.xls), and then click OK.
NOTE: If you don't see MS Excel Worksheets via DDE (*.xls), select the Show all check box.
Step-13: Click on Preview Results to show desire Data from the Data Source in your Payslip Format.
ABC Company Ltd.
Payslip for the month of April-2016
Employee ID 1001 Dept. Information Technology
Name Anna Designation Manager
Step-5: Disable Link to Previous by Click on it. (Click on Link to Previous option to disable it)
Step-6: Type ICAI - Mumbai at header Section
Setp-7: Same steps apply for all other pages where you want a different header and footer at each page.
Exercise 4.7: Header & Footer SM1
Create and format a new word document as per contents and output given below
During this chapter, we will learn:
� Definition of Internet
� History of Internet
� ARPANET Objectives
� Internet Connection Requirement
� Use of Internet
� General Use of Internet
� Sector wise Use of Internet
� Advantages of Internet
� Disadvantage of Internet
In the present age, information including access to the Internet has become the basis for personal, economic
and political advancement. Whether you want to find the latest financial news, browse through library
catalogues, exchange information with colleagues or join in a lively political debate, the Internet is the tool that
will take you beyond telephones, faxes and isolated computers to a burgeoning networked information frontier.
Internet is also defined as “Information Superhighway”. The information superhighway was a popular term
used through the 1990s to refer to digital communication systems.
Designation Reporting to
Sales Supervisor Sales Director
Distribution Manager Sales Director
Business Manager Sales Director
Promotion supervisor Sales Director
Logistics supervisor Sales Director
Sales Engineer Sales Supervisor
Sales Representative Sales Supervisor
Designation Reporting to
Distribution Executive Distribution Manager
Business Assistant Distribution Manager
Business Representative Business Manager
Distribution Executive Promotion supervisor
Logistics staff Logistics supervisor
Staffs Distribution Executive
Staffs Distribution Executive
a) Create a multilevel list of all designations depicting the hierarchical structure of Sales dept. with Sales Director
as the Main Level.
b) Change the font type to ALGERIAN and font size to 16.
c) Insert a Smart Art Graphic to depict Sales hierarchy graphically.
d) Insert a Header “Sales Hierarchy” and a Footer containing page number and align it to Centre.
e) Insert a Page Border.
f) Add a watermark “SALES DEPT.”
g) Under the File Tab, Click Print Preview to check the output of the document.
h) Finally copy the all content to the next page and the remove the formatting throughout.
Assignment 11: Creating a macro for customized page setup
Create a macro named, Customdoc. Once the macro starts running, do the following:
a) From the Page Layout tab, click Page Setup -> Size.
b) Select More Paper Sizes from the drop-down menu.
c) In the Page Setup dialog, select the Paper tab, click Paper Size, choose Custom from the drop-down list.
d) Enter a width size of 5.5 inches and a height size of 8.5 inches and click OK.
e) Again, from the Page Layout tab’s Page Setup group, click the Margin button.
f) Select Custom Margins from the drop-down list.
g) In the Page Setup dialog, choose the Margins tab.
h) From Pages > Multiple Pages, select Normal from the drop-down list. For Sheets per Booklet, select All.
i) Enter margins: Top = 1, Bottom = 1, Left = .5, Right = .5, Gutter = .3 and Gutter Position = Left.
j) For Orientation, choose Portrait, and click OK.
k) Next, select Paragraph under the Page Layout tab. Click the Indents and Spacing tab.
l) In the General panel, select Alignment = Justified; Outline Level = Body Text.
m) In the Indentation panel, select Left = 0; Right = 0; Special = First Line; by = .25.
n) In the Spacing panel, select before = 0; after = 0; Line Spacing = Multiple; at = 1.25. And click OK.
o) Enter a paragraph or any general text.
p) Lastly go to the View tab again, and click Stop Recording.
q) Open a new document and run this macro.
Assignment 12
Creating a Calendar of May 2016 as shown below using the various Table properties.
Assignment 13: Sending same letter to multiple recipients using Mail Merge
a. Using mail merge , send letter of confirmation to students informing them that they have been selected as
articles in your CA firm.
b. The data source has been provided in Excel in the assignments folder (Address list.xlsx).
c. Create the Merged letter with needed formatting and text.
a. Design a name and logo for the company using a graphic and custom style. Create custom styles for the
document’s heading.
b. Create a custom style for the Earnings table and add it to the table gallery.
c. Adjust the size of the Outlook chart.
d. Modify the colour, size, and position of the Forecast clip art.
e. Divide the document into the two columns.
Assignment - 15
The director of The Sports Connection would like a list of members of the Advisory Council to distribute to the council.\
Create the Advisory Council list using the handout and the following instructions:
a. Create a table with an appropriate number of rows and columns. Merge cells where needed.
b. Enter the information in the cells of the table. You may use an appropriate font and different font sizes.
c. Make sure the entire document fits on one page (change margins if necessary). Adjust column widths if
d. Centre the table vertically and horizontally.
e. Choose a table design to make the table look attractive.
f. Save this document as ADVISORYCOUNCIL ROSTER.
MS – Excel 2010
1. Introduction
The advent of Personal Computers in eighties saw the introduction of three very useful Office Productivity Software
including Lotus 1-2-3, dBase and Word Star that really changed the way computers were used. Lotus 1-2-3, Electronic
Spreadsheet Software soon emerged to be the most useful software for Accountants. Soon thereafter, Microsoft
released its integrated Office Productivity Software named MS-Office with a unified interface, which included MS -
Excel the most commonly used Electronic Spreadsheet Software (ESS) today. The ESS enables us to import or feed
required data and undertake analysis as per requirements.
The Workbook of Electronic Spreadsheet consists of Worksheets. Each Worksheet consists of Columns and Rows.
The intersection of a column and row is called a Cell, in which we can enter text, numbers or formulas, as per our
requirements. We can analyse the data in Cells and Worksheets, to generate our required reports – For example Trial
Balance and Final Accounts.
As a part of our study on usage of MS - Excel, we shall be covering the Illustrations and Case Studies as detailed in the
following table, in the respective chapters
Sr. Chapter Title Total
MS – Excel 2010
1 Introduction to MS Excel 2010 2
2 Cell Referencing Ranges and Functions 18
3 Working with Worksheets, Charts, Macros and Hyperlinks 6
4 Consolidation of Data and Data Analysis 12
5 Data Validation and Protection 2
6 PivotTables Reports and PivotCharts Reports 2
7 Importing / Exporting Data 1
8 Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Data 3
9 Dashboard Reporting using Excel 1
Total 47
We shall study the use of MS - Excel Spreadsheet software for importing/ exporting/ consolidating of data from/ to
multiple formats as required and perform data analysis for assurance, collecting and evaluating evidence, performing
what if analysis, statistical analysis and reporting/ exporting to various formats such as XML etc. and presenting in form
of pivot tables, charts as relevant for business/ control issues of accounting, costing, budgeting, tax computations etc.
Step-3: Select cell B12 & B17 and then click on the AutoSum button in the Editing group on the Home tab.
Step-4: Select cell D2 and type =, then click on the cell B12 and also Select cell D13 and type =, the click on the cell
B17 to put same formula here.
Step-5: Select Column A to D and click on Merge & Centre available in Alignment group of Home tab to make column
wider as shown in figure.
Step-6: Select the sheet as shown in below figure and go to Font group select Arial Narrow font and font size as 11.
We shall learn the process of validating that this pattern is in fact followed, in this exercise.
Length of the PAN number = LEN (C3)
Name the vectors: ALPHA –I6:I31 NUMERIC –K6:K14
Second Verification Composition formulae are:
First alphanumeric digit of the PAN number = LEFT (PAN number, 1)
Right most alphanumeric digit of the PAN number = RIGHT (PAN number, 1)
To verify the alphanumeric digit of the PAN number belongs to the ALPHA vector =
To verify the result of the lookup function = ISERROR (=LOOKUP (=LEFT (PAN number, 1), ALPHA, ALPHA))
Solution: For above, use Exercise_2.7.xlsx file from MS - EXCEL folder.
Exercise 2.11: To compute the Net Tax payable for an individual New
Mr. X a resident assessed, his date of birth is 2nd Jan 1980. He is a govt. employee. He resides in Madras. He receives
the following emoluments during the previous year ending March 31, 2010
Basic salary Rs. 3,00,000 per annum
House rent allowance Rs. 50,000 per annum
Dearness allowance 20% of basic salary
Commission 2% of basic salary as per contract
Entertainment allowance Rs. 10,000 per annum
Medical allowance Rs. 16,000 per annum
City compensation allowance Rs. 6,000 per annum
Rs. 35,000. He contributes Rs. 35,000 in
He paid house rent
recognized provident fund, Subscription to
NSC, VIII issue Rs. 15,000.
Tax Deducted at source Rs. 2,500 per month
Solve the above problem using the following format:
Name Hemant Bhatia
DOB 12-12-1991 Age
Gender M
Salary Information
Basic Pay
City Compensation Allowance
Entertainment allowance
Any other Allowances
Gross Income Rs.
Provident Fund
NSC, VIII issue
House Rent Paid
Total Deductions
Net Taxable Income Rs.
Implement the formulas for calculating Gross income, Total Deductions, Net taxable income.
Calculate the tax liability of Mr. X in the given format using function if ( ) wherever applicable.
Education Cess
Higher Education
Less: TDS
Use the following Tax slab for Tax calculations
Net Income Range Income Tax rate Surcharge Education Cess Higher Education Cess
Up to Rs 1,60,000 Nil Nil Nil Nil`
Rs. 1,60,000 – 10% of (Total Income –Rs.
Nil 2% of Income Tax 1% of Income Tax
Rs.3,00,000 1,60,000)
Rs. 3,00,000 – Rs. Rs. 14,000 +20% of (Total
Nil 2% of Income Tax 1% of Income Tax
5,00,000 Income –Rs. 3,00,000)
Rs. 5,00,000 – Rs. Rs. 54,000 +30% of (Total
Nil 2% of Income Tax 1% of Income Tax
10,00,000 Income –Rs. 5,00,000)
Rs. 2,04,000 +30% of (Total 2% of (Income Tax + 1% of (Income Tax +
Above Rs. 10,00000 10% of Income
Income -Rs10,00,000) Surcharge Surcharge
For above, use Exercise_2.11.xlsx file from MS - EXCEL folder.
b) Pie Chart
Create a Pie chart to compare the favourite films data for 15-25 year olds only (be careful not to include any
unnecessary blanks rows or columns in your selected data).
Format this chart so that in this pie chart, the Titanic slice "exploded" and each segment labelled
Solution: For above, use Exercise_3.3_B sheet in Exercise_3.3.xlsx file from MS-EXCEL folder.
Copy the above Clustered Cylinder Chart and Format it like shown below
d) Bar Chart
Prepare Bar Chart of Gold Silver Bronze of top 5 Countries according to colour and show the output given below:-
Solution: For above, use Exercise_3.3_D sheet in Exercise_3.3.xlsx file from MS - EXCEL folder.
e) 3 D Cone Chart
Draw 3-D Cone chart showing the City and the Population
Solution: For above, use Exercise_3.3_E sheet in Exercise_3.3.xlsx file from MS - EXCEL folder.
f) Plot a graph (Column) showing the average sales of different commodities in a shop.
Commodity Jan’04 Feb’04 March’ April’04
Shampoo 10,899 13,999 45,677 19,343
Face Cream 90,898 1,23,455 9,89,234 14,56,787
Hair oil 5,684 10,891 16,878 89,343
Toothpaste 23,456 1,23,456 79,898 23,23,450
Bath Soaps 9,00,123 8,45,670 15,11,300 19,33,710
Liquid Soaps 23,345 91,800 10,817 16,750
Solution: For above, use Exercise_3.3_F sheet in Exercise_3.3.xlsx file from MS - EXCEL folder.
g) The sampling viewership count for the year 2016 has resulted in the following graph. The sampling total was
1,25,89,214 people. Based on the given data calculate
Number of people who watched Sahara Samay.
The average viewership for the two best channels.
Solution: For above, use Exercise_3.3_G sheet in Exercise_3.3.xlsx file from MS - EXCEL folder.
Number of people who watched Sahara Samay - 1384813.54
The average viewership for the two best channels – 3524979.92
Exercise 3.4: Working with Hyper Link New
Open New excel sheet and type Google in a cell. Prepare Screen Tip as Make Hyperlink in a word
Google through web pages. Note after clicking on Google, Google search engine is activated in preferable web browser
Solution: For above, use Exercise_3.4.xlsx file from MS - EXCEL folder.
Exercise 3.5A: Create Macro for Student Marks Calculation New
Step-1: Prepare a student’s mark sheet details as shown in below table in MS Excel.
Step-2: To start off with first we need to record a Macro. Navigate to View tab and click Macros drop down button and
click on Record Macro.
Step-3: Replace the name Macro1 to new name as “Formula” then click on Ok button.
Step-4: To calculate the following fields of Mark sheet put the formulas as given below then macro recorder running at
the back-end recording all the actions.
For Total =SUM (C2:F2) [Select range from Module-1 to Online Test field]
For Percentage = (Total)/5 [Select the value of Total]
For Status = IF (AND (C2>=25, D2>=25, E2>=50, F2>=180),"Pass”, “Fail")
For Grade = IF (I2>=90,"A", IF (I2>=80,"B", IF (I2>=70,"C", IF (I2>=60,"D","No Grade"))))
Step-5: After applying all the formulas you will drag down the cross symbol to the end of the respective columns, the
formula will be applied to all corresponding cells.
Solution: For above, use Exercise_3.5A.xlsx file from MS - EXCEL folder.
Exercise 3.5B: Create Macro to convert currency into word using user defined function New
Step-1: Prepare Employees sheet details as shown in figure in MS - Excel.
Step-2: Press Alt+F11, It will open Microsoft Visual Basic for Application window as shown in figure
Step-4: A new window open and then paste the code available in the notepad file “Exercise_3.5B”
Step-5: Go to your Excel sheet clicking on Excel icon shown in figure
Step-6: Go to your Excel sheet clicking on Excel icon shown in figure then apply the function Amount in words field,
Excel show you the user defined function as “ConvertCurrencyToEnglish()” as shown in below figure.
AB Pvt. Ltd
Training Expenses 2016
Month Cost
Jan 600
Feb 165
Mar 590
Apr 225
May 210
Jun 320
Jul 140
Aug 170
Sep 230
Oct 380
Nov 160
Dec 250
Exercise 4.4: Consolidating data from multiple workbooks. (Consolidation by Category) New
1. Open all three workbooks.
2. Open a blank workbook. On the Data tab,
click Consolidate.
3. Choose the Sum function to sum the
4. Click in the Reference box, select the
range A1:E4 in the district1 workbook,
and click Add.
5. Repeat step 4 for the district2 and
district3 workbook.
6. Check Top row, Left column and Create
links to source data.
7. Click OK.
Similarly add a worst case scenario In the Scenario Values dialog box, type 50, 40, and 30 in the boxes for the variable
Price per regular coffee Rs. 1.25 T otal revenue Rs. 700.00
Cups need to sell 100
Subtotal Rs. 125.00 Regular cups 150
Price per premium latte Rs. 2.00 Premium cups 350
Cups need to sell 175 T otal cups 500
Subtotal Rs. 350.00 Constraints
Price per premium mocha Rs. 2.25 Max cups 500
Cups need to sell 100 Max Premium 350
Subtotal Rs. 225.00 Max mocha 125
1. Name the vector name Part List for the data array.
2. Part No: Set the validation condition as shown in the Data Validation dialog box.
3. The VLookup formula in the respective columns are
• Unit Rate =VLOOKUP(B17,Partlist,3)
• Units =VLOOKUP(B17,Partlist,2)
• Location =VLOOKUP(B17,Partlist,5)
• Supplier=VLOOKUP(B17,Partlist,8)
• Order Qty=VLOOKUP(B17,Partlist,7)
• Total Amount=Order Qty * Unit Rate
Exercise 4.11A: H Lookup Function (with Exact Match) New
Step-1: Prepare a student’s mark sheet with percentage as shown in table in MS - Excel.
Roll Name Module-1 Module-2 Project Online Test Total Percentage Grade Remark
1 Anna 25 25 20 180 ? ? ? ?
2 Antonio 30 25 65 180 ? ? ? ?
3 Thomas 40 40 70 200 ? ? ? ?
4 Christina 50 40 90 220 ? ? ? ?
5 Martin 40 40 90 280 ? ? ? ?
6 Francisco 30 30 70 270 ? ? ? ?
7 Ming-Yang 45 40 85 280 ? ? ? ?
8 Elizabeth 50 50 100 300 ? ? ? ?
9 Sven 30 20 40 160 ? ? ? ?
10 John 30 40 90 240 ? ? ? ?
Step-2: Prepare a student’s Grade Table with percentage as shown in table in MS - Excel.
Percentage 50 60 70 80 90 100
Grade E D C B A A+
Verbal description Failure Marginal Average Good Very Good Excellent
Step-3: Select Grade Table as shown in figure and type Gradetable in Name Box in Excel and press Enter.
Step-4: Click in Grade column and type HLOOKUP Function, Select Percentage value of first student as shown in
figure. The HLOOKUP formula for the respective columns is:
Q10. Grade =HLOOKUP (H2, Gradetable, 2, False) where HLOOKUP will only find an exact match from the
Q11. Remark= HLOOKUP(H2,Gradetable,3,False)
Use Data Validation to restrict data so that the, give the required error alerts also to prompt the user if they enter
values out of the limit.
Training Programme not to exceed Rs.100000
New Hardware not to exceed Rs.200000
New Software not to exceed Rs.325000
Magazines & Periodicals not to exceed Rs.5000
Conveyance not to exceed Rs.50000
Telephone Expenses not to exceed Rs.40000
Find the Repairs & Maintenance cost such that the Total of all the expenses does not exceed Rs. 750000
Solution: For above, use Exercise_5.1B.xlsx file from MS - EXCEL folder.
Annual Department Budget
Training Programme 100000
New Hardware 200000
New Software 325000
Repair and Maintenance Work 30000
Magazines and Periodicals 5000
Conveyance 50000
Telephone Expenses 40000
Total 750000
Exercise 5.2: Adding Security New
Enter a password to open the spreadsheet & workbook structure.
Change the save option of the file using the following steps
Change the save Auto recover Information every 5 minutes.
Change the default file location to C: \Users\....\Desktop.
Enable background error checking.
Change the dictionary language to English (Hindi)
Enable Show Developer tab in the Ribbon.
Protect the sheet and enter new password in password to unprotect password text box. Also protect the workbook
structure. For this above use File MenuOptionsProofing, Save & Customize Ribbon tabs.
Next, filter this pivot chart using the Country filter to only show the total amount of each product exported to the
United States.
Insert Slicer on the pivot table, for the column -> Category to show only the fruit exported to each country.
Insert Slicer on the pivot table, for the column -> Category to show only the fruit exported to each country.
The data is provided in the Exercise8.1.xlsx in MS - Excel folder. Based on the data -
a) Make a pivot table showing expenditure as
Expense Type - Wise
Card Type - Wise
Sum of AmountColumn Labels
Row Labels Gold Platinum Signature Silver Grand Total
Bills 181626949 179086607 182347174 188560954 731621684
Entertainment 130008348 135824899 134038192 144117748 543989187
Food 153230987 164326811 156260557 167567165 641385520
Fuel 149464614 147011753 147328270 174054947 617859584
Grocery 121023610 132473959 139972422 150818927 544288918
Travel 31189896 24253693 27499036 26312986 109255611
Grand Total 766544404 782977722 787445651 851432727 3188400504
Exercise 8.2: Expense Type wise - Show Amount and Percentage for each Expense Type wise in single Table using
data is provided in the Exercise8.1.xlsx in MS - Excel folder.
City (All)
Exercise 8.3: Make a report Year Wise/Quarter- Wise putting Expenses in columns using data is provided in the
Exercise8.1.xlsx in MS - Excel folder.
Showing City Wise, Card Type, Expense Type and Gender - using data is provided in the Exercise9.1.xlsx in MS -
Excel folder.
1. Create Slicer for Card Type, Expense Type and Gender wise.
2. Create relationship between slicer so that your charts change with a single click.
Assignments – MS Excel 2010
Assignment 1: Basic Printing Format
Open Excel Document and fill the column 15 and Row 50 by entering the series in a cells using fill option.
Click Ctrl+P for print, you find that 6 Pages are used if you print directly.
Convert these 6 Pages into 3 pages
Let say you are printing 3 copies of these document Set the settings to print this document page wise rather
than set wise.
Set the page margin to A4 and Narrow.
Set the printer setting to print on both side and print the document only selected text.
Question arise is this document print answer is no reason because your printer is not selected if printer is not
selected then select the printer first and then set the above settings and your output is come into a sheet of
Assignment 2: Create Calendar Using Numerical Values and Formatting.
Prepare the following data in a Excel sheet
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
42461 42462
42463 42464 42465 42466 42467 42468 42469
42470 42471 42472 42473 42474 42475 42476
42477 42478 42479 42480 42481 42482 42483
42484 42485 42486 42487 42488 42489 42490
Convert the above data into date using format and produce the output according to the Computer Calendar
After creating the output copy the output and reconvert the date into above data.
Assignment 3: Text Functions
Find the Data according to the first name and last name as per given below:
First Name Last Name Upper Lower Proper Concatenate Left Right Mid E-mail
Aakash Dixit ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Arun Joshi ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Bharat Shetty ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Chetan Dalvi ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Deep Chhaya ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Geeta Darekar ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Heena Godbole ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Indu Shah ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Kabir Vora ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Kunal Shah ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Meera Lalwani ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Neha Joshi ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Pooja Gokhale ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Sonia Sasan ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Upper according to the First name
Lower according to the First name
Proper according to the First name
Concatenate of First name and Last Name using space in between first and last name.
First 3 letters according to First Name
Last 3 letters according to Last Name
3 letters from 2nd character according to First Name
Email using first character of first name and last name using dot and in last.
Assignment 4: Calculate the maturity value of yearly Rs 24000 at the interest rate of 8% for 10 year duration.
Assignment 5: FV
Calculate the Future value as per the given data
Future value
Present Value Rs. 1,000,000.00
Annual deposit Rs. 100,000.00
ROI 11.00%
Period ( in years) 20.00
Future Value ?
Assignment 6: IRR
Using the IRR Function find out the solution which project is better for investment Input1 or Input2 according to the
following data:
Years Input 1 Input 2
Year 1 Rs. -5,000,000.00 Rs. -9,000,000.00
Year 2 Rs. 1,300,000.00 Rs. 3,600,000.00
Year 3 Rs. 1,900,000.00 Rs. 3,600,000.00
Year 4 Rs. 2,600,000.00 Rs. 3,600,000.00
IRR ? ?
Assignment 7: Macro
Create a Macro to convert text into Lower Case, Upper Case and Proper Case using user defined function.
Assignment 8: PMT and Goal Seek
By using following data, calculate PMT using PMT function. Your output is 790.79
Then determine the interest rate required in B3 in order to make the payment in B4 equal Rs. 900 using goal seek.
Prepare sheet2 by using following data and rename the sheet as Party Voters.
1 Green
2 Reform
3 Whig
4 Islamic Political Party of India
5 Rock & Roll
6 Natural Law
7 Middle Class Party
8 Humanist
9 Pragmatic
10 Congrous Party
11 Parliament Party
12 United Conscious Builders of the Dream Party
13 The Egalitarian Party
14 The Humanitarian Party
15 Hindostan University Party
16 God, Truth & Love Party
17 Superhappy Party
18 Working Families Party
A Democratic
B Republican
C Decline to State
D India Independent
E Citizen Party
F Communist
G Conservative
H Environmentalist
I Ind. Progressive
J Liberal
K Peace & Freedom
L Prohibition
M New Economy
N Socialist
O Socialist Labor
P Pot Party
Q Libertarian
R India National Socialist
S Poor People’s Party
T Free
U National
V Constitution Party
W Vision
X Puritan
Y Federal
Z Misc.
Now show the Political Parties in a Voter sheet using Vlookup Function.
Assignment 12: Data Validation and Conditional Formatting
Prepare file by using the following data
Sales person Region Account Order Amount
Ram Prasad North 29386 ₹ 925.00
Shyam Choubey East 74830 ₹ 875.00
Ankit Jain South 90099 ₹ 500.00
Manoj Kumar East 74830 ₹ 350.00
Gauri Shankar North 82853 ₹ 400.00
Krishan Jain West 72949 ₹ 850.00
Pinki Kumari South 90044 ₹ 1,500.00
Seema West 82853 ₹ 550.00
Manorama Das West 72949 ₹ 400.00
Bally South 55223 ₹ 235.00
Bablu South 10354 ₹ 850.00
Ankit North 50192 ₹ 600.00
Anup South 27589 ₹ 250.00
Shyam Bang West 67275 ₹ 400.00
Prepare list of region using data validation in any cell of E column. According to the list if we select any region then
highlight all the row according to that region and that are applied on all regions according to the list.
MS – PowerPoint 2010
1. Introduction
We were recently informed of a placard stating “In God we Trust, others have to bring data/ analysis” in the board room
of a leading IT company. As managers, we have to highlight major points of a proposal/ activity/ topic/ subject to sell an
idea, impress salient features, teach etc. MS - PowerPoint is the software that enables us to highlight salient points in
the form of slides.
While many of us have made presentations as a part of our school/ college projects or office work, we are sure that you
would learn some new techniques and features to be a more effective and efficient presenter, after undertaking the
case studies and exercises in this section.
We shall be covering the following Illustrations and Case Studies as a part of our study on using MS - PowerPoint for
respective chapters of this topic:
Sr. Chapter Title Total
MS – PowerPoint 2010
1 MS - PowerPoint 2010 7
Total 7
Exercise 1.5: Setup different slide size and Colour theme for output devices New
Open Exercise1.1_My_Presentation.
Go to Design Tab Click on Page Setup
Open Exercise1.1_My_Presentation
Step 2 – Save Table name as Books Details and then add all the fields as given
Step 3 – In Books Details table enter 5 records and also check add new record option as shown in below figure.
Accounts Table
Field Name Type Field Size
Cust_Id Number Integer
Account Number Number Long Integer (Primary Key)
Account Type Text 7
OpeningDate Date/Time
Balance Number Long Integer (4 decimal places)
Step 1: Open MS Access and create a new database, save this file as “Customer Details”
Step 2: Create New Table by using Table Design view as shown in below figure.
Step 3: After creating these 3 new tables save it as per the given names.
Step 5: From Show Tables window add all the 3 tables for crating relationships between them
Step 8: We created relationships between Accounts, Customer and Transaction table as shown below.
Step-2: Now select Field List and from Marksheet Table add all the fields on Details section in Form.
Step-3: After addition of all the fields in Form now select Design Tab and select Textbox Control from the Controls
group, place the selected textbox control at Form Footer section as shown in below figure.
Step-4: Double Click on Total Marks Textbox, display Property Sheet, Choose Control Source form Property Sheet, It
will display Expression Builder type formula as
=[Module1]+[Module2]+[Project]+[OLT] and Click on OK.
Step-5: Repeat Step-3 & Step-4 to Calculate the other Fields(Percentage in Aggregate, Result Status) using following
Percentage in Aggregate=[Total]/5
Step 2: In form design right click on form and select Form Header & Footer. So it will add Form Header and Footer on
Step 3: Now from Form Design Tools group select “Add Existing Fields”. Select Field List and select Customer Table.
Step 4: In form header add a label control and type “Customer Details” in it. Then from the Field List select “Cust_Id
field and drop it in Details section of the form. In the same way drop all the fields of Customer table into Detail section.
Then in Form Footer add Text box control and type “=Now()” function in it that will display current date & time in it.
Exercise 2.6 : Creating Form by Form wizard and add Command Button Control on it New
Create a form based on books details table. Perform below operations on it
a) Add New Record button on it for adding new record in the table
b) By using New Record button add 2 new records in the table.
Solution: For above, use books details.accdb file from MS Access folder.
Step 1 – Start MS Access, open book details database and click on Create Form as shown in below figure
Step 3 – Now select form in design view, then in from Form Design Tools select Command Button and add it in Form
Footer section.
Step 4 – Now by using Command Button Wizard from Categories select “Record Operations” and then from Actions
select “Add New Record” and click Next
Step 5 – Now click on Text and type “Add New Record” and click Next.
Step 6 – Now type “New Record” and click Finish.
Step 7 – Now select Form View and click on “New Record” button. It will display form for adding new record.
Step 8 – Now add 2 records and save and close the Form.
Exercise 2.7: Create a Form using Form Wizard New
Create following forms
A) Main form - Customer and Sub-form - Accounts
B) Transactions Form
B) Step 1: Select Create Menu and then click on Form Wizard.
Step 2: Now select Customer table, add all the fields then select Accounts table and add all the fields. Click Next.
Step 3: Now here to view data by Customer and then select Form with subform(s) options. Click Next.
Step 4: Now here add titles for the form. Click Finish.
Step-2: Display Wizard dialog box Select Sample Query Wizard & click on OK as shown in Fig.
Step-3: Select ICAI_Students table and Select required fields Sample Query Wizard as shown in Fig.
Step-4: Select ITTCentre table and Select required fields and Click on Next Button as shown in Fig.
Step-5: Type the name of the Query as required and click on Finish Button as shown in the below figure.
A. Select Query
Step-1: To create above queries click on Create Tab and Select Query Design from Query Group as shown in figure
Step-2: By Clicking Query Design, Display Show Table dialog box as shown in the figure & Select required Tables from
the dialog box.
Step-3: By adding all tables drag Centre_Name field from ITTCentre table & Scheme_Enrol, Result from ICAI_Students
and ITTResult table respectively as show in in the Figure.
Step-4: Click on Run command to see the result.
B. Crosstab Query
Step-1: To create above queries click on Create Tab and Click Query Wizard & Select Crosstab Query Wizard form
New Query dialog box and click on OK as shown in figure below.
Step-2: Select Query-2 from Crosstab Query Wizard & click on Next button as shown in figure below.
Step-3: Select Centre_Namefield display as row heading as shown in figure below.
Step-4: Select Result field display as Column heading as shown in figure below.
C. Append Query
Step-1: Create a blank table name as BackupTable of same structure of ICAI_Students, copy ICAI_Students table
using(CTR+C) and paste(CTR+V) a dialog box appeared as shown in figure and select Structure Only Paste Option
and change table name as BackupTable.
Step-2: Add all fields of ICAI_Students table in Query Design & Select Append Query from Query type and select
BackupTable then click on Run Command form the Design Tab as shown in figure.
D. Delete Query
Step-1: Select Delete Query Command from Design Tab available Query Tools, Select BackupTable in Query Design
add Scheme_Enrol field with CPT criteria as shown in figure.
Step-2: Select Run Command and click on yes to delete desired records.
Step-2: To create New Table for students details first select Query Type as “Make Table” and then give the new table
name as “New1 Table”.
Step-2: Now select ICAI_Students and ITTCenters Table form Show Table window. Then select Student_Id,
FirstName, Lastname, Centre_Name and Centre_Region fields from these table. Then click on Run button. It will
display confirmation message and create a new table.
F. Update Query
Step-1: To update the students details with their Name and Centre_region here make use of Update Query. Click on
Create Tab and Select Query Design from Query Group as shown in figure below.
Step-2: Select Query Type as “Update” and then select New1 Table from Show Table window. Now select fields
Centre_Name and Centre_Region.
For Centre_Name criteria is “Delhi-Gazipur” and for Centre_Region Update to should be “NORTHERN”
Step-3: Now click on Run button and it will display the confirmation of updating 10 rows for selected criteria field.
Step-4: Close and save the query and check the result in New1 Table.
Step-2: Now select fields Student_Id, FirstName, LastNameand Email from ICAI_Students Table then Centre_Name,
Centre_Region from ITTCentre Table and Total, Percentage and Result from Marksheet Table. Click Next.
Step-3: Now add Grouping Levels as Centre_Region, Centre_Name and Student_Id. Click Next.
Step-4: Then sorting should be on students First name. Click Next.
Inventory Management
1-Apr-2015 to 31-Mar-2016
Outwards Closing Balance
Particulars Gross
Quantity Rate Value Consumption % Qty Rate Value
BPL 21" 12 no. 13500 162000 134400 27600 17.04 11 no. 11200 123200
BPL 25" 10 no. 21000 210000 185000 25000 11.9 22 no. 18500 407000
Copper 0.001 kg 5500 5.50 5.50 5.689 kg 5500 31289.50
Gold 160.000 gms 1418.13 226900 205900 21000 9.26 1323.83 797431.04
Gold Ring 15.000 gms 932.33 13985.02
LG 21" 10 no. 9800 98000 89000 9000 9.18 15 no. 8900 133500
Milk 50 litr 21 1050 925 125 11.9 70 litr 18.50 1295
Onida 21" 12 no. 9500 114000 107040 6960 6.11 5 no. 9080 45400
Onida 25" 13 no. 16500 214500 174720 39780 18.55 4 no. 19620 78480
Raymond 1180.22
250.00 mtrs 510 127500 116750 10750 8.43 454.18 536032.74
Eleganza mtrs
Raymond Royal 650.00 mtrs 641.54 417000 409500 7500 1.80 620.89 1093318.56
Raymond Star 200.00 mtrs 800 160000 146000 14000 8.75 450.00 mtrs 730 328500
Samsung 29" 15 no. 24580 368700 336000 32700 8.87 8 no. 23187.50 185500
Silver 4.504 kg 87919.52 86917.04 1002.48 1.14 8.268 kg 19392.77 160339.44
Samsung 25" 10 no. 17770 177700 125000 52700 29.66 7 no. 17414.29 121900
Grand Total 2365275.02 2117157.54 248117.48 10.49 4057171.30