Shelf Life Extension of Cheese

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International Journal of Dairy Science 10 (2): 44-60, 2015

ISSN 1811-9743 / DOI: 10.3923/ijds.2015.44.60

© 2015 Academic Journals Inc.

Extension Shelf Life of Cheese: A Review

Abbas Jalilzadeh, 2Yusuf Tunçtürk and 1Jvad Hesari
Department of Food Engineering, Maku Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maku, Iran

Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, University of Yuzuncu Yil,

TR-65080 Van, Turkey

Corresponding Author: Abbas Jalilzadeh, Department of Food Engineering, Maku Branch, Islamic Azad University,
Maku, Iran

Cheese is a versatile nutrient-dense dairy product and susceptible to physical, chemical and
biochemical spoilage. As a nutrient dense dairy product, cheese is a good source of protein, minerals
particularly calcium and phosphorus which are essential components in most highly consumed
foods. Therefore, extension shelf life of this dairy food is very important. This review focuses mainly
on techniques used in extension shelf life of cheese. According to literatures, the main methods for
cheese shelf life extension are addition of preservative, modified atmosphere (MAP), high pressure,
active coating, edible coating and combination of them. Several studies have done on almost all
categories of cheeses including soft fresh cheese, soft ripened cheese, surface mould ripened cheese,
semi-soft cheese, hard cheese and very hard cheeses.

Key words: Shelf life, MAP, HPP, edible coating, active coating

The stability of a food product and its consequent shelf life depends on many factors including
the quality of ingredients, product composition and structure, processing conditions used during
manufacture, packaging characteristics and finally the storage, handling and distribution
conditions. This means that any food product is doomed to fail after a certain amount of storage
time for a variety of reasons (Kilcast and Subramaniam, 2011).
The Institute of Food Science and Technology defined shelf life as “the period of time during
which the food product will (1) remain safe (2) be certain to retain its desired sensory, chemical,
physical, microbiological and functional characteristics; where appropriate, comply with any label
declaration of nutrition data, when stored under recommended conditions”. Shelf life is an
important feature of all foods, including raw materials, ingredients and semi manufactured
products. Any of these products has its own shelf life and all the subjects involved in the food chain,
such as growers, ingredient and packaging suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and
consumers, have a great impact on it and should be aware of it (Nicoli, 2012).
Changes limiting shelf life of dairy product may be physicochemical, chemical or biochemical
in nature. Examples of three such processes include the following: Physicochemical changes such
as creaming of fat, gelation of protein solutions, syneresis of curds and crystallization of minerals;
Chemical reactions such as non-enzymatic browning and oxidation of fat; Biochemical
transformations such as growth of micro-organisms, enzymatic degradation, ripening of cheese and
fermentation (Kilcast and Subramaniam, 2011).

Int. J. Dairy Sci., 10 (2): 44-60, 2015

The stability of short shelf life dairy products depends on the moderation of the growth of and
subsequent degradation by spoilage micro-organisms. In contrast, the shelf life of intermediate and
long life dairy products is largely determined by enzymatic degradation or by chemical
deterioration. Heat-resistant enzymes a notable feature of the spoilage bacteria found in raw milk
is their almost universal ability to produce extra-cellular enzymes. While the bacteria, mostly Gram-
negative psychrotrophs are readily killed by pasteurization, such heat treatment has little effect
on the extra-cellular derivative enzymes. UHT treatment represents the most severe heat treatment
applied to dairy products other than those like evaporated milk and sterilized and clotted creams
which are in container sterilized. An overwhelming proportion of the psychotropic flora found in
milk produces heat-stable enzymes. Cheese, a versatile nutrient-dense dairy product, could be
regarded as the original convenience food which may be consumed as the main component of a
meal, as a dessert, as a snack, as a condiment, or as a food ingredient. In addition, new varieties
of cheese continue to be developed despite the fact that there are over 500 types. This dairy product
is a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals particularly calcium and phosphorus which are
essential components in most highly consumed foods. Therefore, extension shelf life of this dairy
food is very important (Kilcast and Subramaniam, 2011). The current study reviews the most
recent/significant approaches to study the extension shelf life methods of cheese.


May be addition of preservatives is one of the simple and oldest ways to extension shelf life of
cheese. Preservatives in cheese processing may help to retard alterations caused by growth of
microorganisms, or enable physical properties chemical composition and original nutritional value
to remain unaffected. If preservatives are used, control must be exercised to prevent misuse or
unnecessary use of them. Green pepper, sorbic acid, sodium benzoate plus benzoic acid and
hydrogen peroxide, nisin, natamisin and chitosan as additives have been used for prolong cheese
shelf life.
Nisin is a bacteriocin widely used as a food preservative in particular in cheese (Deegan et al.,
2006; Delves-Broughton, 2005). Nisin is active against most Gram-positive bacteria including,
lactococci, bacilli, micrococci, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes and Clostridium
botulinum but shows little or no activity against Gram-negative bacteria, yeast or moulds
(Hurst, 1981).
Natamycin is a fungicide and belongs to polyethylene antibiotics, produced by aerobic
fermentation of Streptomyces natalensis and related species. It is commonly employed in the food
industry, especially in dairy products (cheese) for the prevention of moulds and yeasts
contamination. Natamycin is used at concentrations between 1 and 20 ppm. In general yeasts are
less resistant (minimum inhibitory concentration below 5 ppm) than moulds (minimum inhibitory
concentration above 10 ppm). Natamycin is permitted as an antimycotic in surface and cheese
treatments in 32 countries but its use as a general food additive is more limited. In the European
Union, natamycin is allowed for surface-treatment of hard, semi-hard and semi-soft cheeses as well
as dry sausages. The EFSA Panel on Food Additives and Nutrient Sources to foods has revised its
use, concluding that, given that natamycin is very poorly absorbed, there was an adequate margin
of safety in its current applications and there was no concern for the induction of antimicrobial
resistance (Kallinteri et al., 2013).
Ismail et al. (1972) investigate the effect of green pepper, sorbic acid, sodium benzoate plus
benzoic acid and hydrogen peroxide on the total bacterial and lactobacilli counts and on destruction

Int. J. Dairy Sci., 10 (2): 44-60, 2015

of coliform bacteria in pickled cheese during storage for 12 weeks at 10°C varied with the kind and
amount of preservative. Effects on acidity, pH and free fatty acid production in cheese were also
reported. According this study there were no effects on yield, moisture and fat contents. Lactobacilli
were always more numerous in untreated cheese than in any preservative treated cheese.
Hydrogen peroxide and green pepper did not retard growth of lactobacilli, whereas sorbic acid was
less effective than benzoate. Hydrogen peroxide and green pepper destroyed most of the coliform
bacteria. Free fatty acids were highest in the untreated and in the green pepper-treated cheese and
lowest in the hydrogen peroxide treated cheese. Cheese with green pepper had better flavor, body
and texture.
Several forms of concentrated nisin are now commercially produced and routinely used as a
food additive in products such as pasteurized cheese spreads, sauces and salad dressings
(Mazzotta et al., 1997). In the cheese industry, the use of nisin in free form, such as Nisaplin
(Aplin and Barret, Ltd.), is costly and has drawbacks, including lower activity, stability and
bioavailability. Moreover, free nisin may interfere with cheese-making process or reduce cheese
quality by inhibiting the starter culture or nonstarter lactic acid bacteria important in ripening and
flavor development (Buyong et al., 1998). There has thus been continued interest in developing
other means of incorporating nisin into cheese, such as the use of a mixed starter culture containing
a nisin producing strain. Since most starter cultures show variable sensitivity to nisin (Rada and
Dlabal, 1998), nisin-producing strains should be combined with nisin resistant or tolerant starter
culture to ensure a proper balance between lysed and intact cells (Benech et al., 2002). The efficacy
of nisin can drastically vary when produced in situ. The bactericidal effect of nisin can drastically
increase by incorporation of 10% of gelatin in the dry matter (Aly et al., 2012).
Na2-EDTA and lysozyme are another additives, effective in inhibiting the growth of spoilage
microorganisms such as coliforms and Pseudomonas spp., without any effect on lactic acid bacteria
(Sinigaglia et al., 2008).
Chitosan is an antimicrobial agent and can use to prolong the shelf life of cheese due to it is
environmentally friendly and relatively inexpensive. Chitosan is effective in inhibiting the growth
of spoilage microorganisms such as coliforms and Pseudomonas spp. Moreover, it seems that the
presence of chitosan does not affect the growth of lactic acid bacteria, saving the functional dairy
microbiota (Altieri et al., 2005).
Addition of bioactive lipophilic compound to cheese milk can prolong the shelf life of product but
high losses in whey can be obtained: 50% of phospholipids, 60% of vitamin D, 95% of enzymes
responsible of cheese ripening (Banville et al., 2000). To overcome to this problem, immobilization
method is necessary. The encapsulation of bioactive ingredients in cheese under the form of
emulsified particles allowed increasing their retention in the curd, hence maintaining their
bioactivity and the chemical stability of cheese during storage, with improved cheese yield
(Stratulat et al., 2014).


Maintaining cheese quality during storage requires protection against dehydration and
reduction of undesirable microorganisms, especially pathogens. Protection against dehydration can
be achieved by using packaging films with low water vapor transmission: semi-barrier
(polypropylene, low density polyethylene) or barrier films (aluminum, polyvinylidene chloride,
polyvinyl chloride, orientated polypropylene, high density polyethylene (Day, 1992). The use of
MAP may reduce contamination levels but the sensory characteristics and their evolution

Int. J. Dairy Sci., 10 (2): 44-60, 2015

throughout the storage time are also important. Some authors have pointed out the adverse effects
of CO2 on sensory characteristics (Scott and Smith, 1971; Daniels et al., 1985) (Table 1).
The potential of MAP for extending commercial life of cheese has been clearly demonstrated,
although cheese packaging is dependent on the type of cheese, the starter used during
manufacturing and storage conditions, among very important parameters (Gammariello et al.,
2009). MAP has been studied for many type of cheeses in occasions to different conclusions
(Table 2).
The use of protective atmospheres made up of 100% N2 or 100% CO2 has often proved
unsuitable for packaging of hard or semi-hard long ripened cheeses such as Cheddar cheese
(Colchin et al., 2001), Parmigiano Reggiano cheese (Romani et al., 1999) and Samso cheese
(Juric et al., 2003), as it does not guarantee an optimal preservation and negatively influences the
product’s organoleptic characteristics, thus making the use of different mixtures of the two gases
preferable. Conversely, carbon dioxide concentrations ranging from 10-50% have given interesting
results both for preservation and for sensory characteristics of several dairy products, such as
Cottage cheese (50% CO2) (Fedio et al., 1994), Parmigiano Reggiano cheese (30% CO2)
(Romani et al., 2002), Samsø cheese (20% CO2) (Juric et al., 2003), Taleggio cheese (10% CO2)
(Piergiovanni et al., 1993). Generally, when packaging fresh cheeses, atmospheres with a high CO2
concentration (75%) guarantee the best preservation, since CO2 inhibits microbial growth; has no
negative effect on product (Eliot et al., 1998; Maniar et al., 1994; Mannheim and Soffer, 1996).


High Pressure Processing (HPP) in the range of 200-700 MPa is a non-thermal processing
technology capable of prolonging the shelf-life of a number of food products. In the last 20 years,
application of this technology for reduction of microbial contaminations in different food matrices
has been widely studied (Bermudez-Aguirre and Barbosa-Canovas, 2011; Farkas and Hoover,
2000; Martinez-Rodriguez et al., 2012; Rastogi et al., 2007). High Pressure Processing (HPP) has
already become a commercially implemented technology, spreading from its origins in Han and
Floros (1997) and slowly introduced into other countries such as USA and Spain. Equipment for
large-scale production of HPP products is commercially available nowadays, showing a fast increase
in the number of units installed during the last 10 years (Bermudez-Aguirre and Barbosa-Canovas,
2011). Application of high pressures can cause inactivation of parasites, plant cells, vegetative
microorganisms, some fungal spores, many food borne viruses and inactivation of enzymes. Macro
molecules can change conformation. Small molecules (e.g., flavors) are generally unaffected.
Evert-Arriagada et al. (2014), evaluated commercial application of high-pressure processing for
increasing starter-free fresh cheese shelf-life. In this study, one of the first commercial
industrial-scale applications of HPP on a starter-free fresh cheese, with the aim of increasing its
shelf-life, is presented. The effect of 500 MPa (5 min, 16°C) on physicochemical, microbial, color,
microstructure, texture and sensorial characteristics of starter-free fresh cheeses during cold storage
of 21 days was studied. The results showed that pressurized cheeses presented a shelf-life of about
19-21 days when stored at 4°C, whereas control cheese became unsuitable for consumption on day
7-8. On the other hand, cheese treated at 500 MPa was firmer and more yellow than the untreated
one. However, these changes which were detected by instrumental and sensory analysis, did not
affect the preference for pressurized cheese. These results may lead to practical applications of HPP
in the food industry to produce microbiologically safe cheese with extended shelf-life and sensory

Table 1: References for extension shelf life of cheese by preservative
Cheese Optimum
Preservative type amount Target Results Author
Nisin Ricotta 2.5 mg LG1 Listeria monocytogenes over Effectively inhibit the growth of Davies et al.
long storage (70 days) L. monocytogenes (1997)
Nisin Z in liposomes and in situ Cheddar 300 IU gG1 and The inhibition of Listeria innocua Encapsulation of nisin Z in liposomes Benech et al.
production of nisin Z by L. lactis during 6 months of ripening. improve nisin stability and inhibitory (2002)
subsp. lactis biovar diacetylactis action
Nisin Producing Culture and Cheddar 300 IU gG1 The inhibition of Listeria innocua Same Benech et al.
Liposome-encapsulated Nisin during 6 months of ripening (2003)
Chitosan Mozzarella Improve the shelf-life Inhibited the growth of some spoilage Altieri et al.
microorganisms such as coliforms (2005)
Nisin Galotyri 150 IU LG1 Stored aerobically under refrigeration Extended the shelf-life to 21 days (N2) Kykkidou et al.
for a period of 42 days with good sensory characteristics. (2007)
Lysozyme and Na2-EDTA Mozzarella 0.25 mg mLG1 and 10, Growth of coliforms and Extend the shelf life of mozzarella Sinigaglia et al.
20 and 50 m mol LG1 Pseudomonadaceae cheese (2008)

Phospholipid nano vesicles Control of Listeria monocytogenes The encapsulated BLS showed Teixeira et al.
containing a bacteriocin-like inhibitory activity against (2008)
substance L. monocytogenes
Non-starter lactic acid bacteria Tosèla Influenced positively the sensory Settanni et al.
characteristics and shelf-life of the (2011)
final product
Nisin Lighvan 200 IU gG1 Physicochemical properties Extension shelf life Amir et al.
Int. J. Dairy Sci., 10 (2): 44-60, 2015

Nisin, natamycin and/or their Galotyri Nisin (100 IU gG1), Improve the shelf-life Shelf life data, longest for N1- NA1, Kallinteri et al.
combination (200 IU gG1), Natamycin N1 -NA2, N2-NA1 and N2-NA2 (2013)
(0.01% w/w), (0.02% w/w) cheese samples (>28 days)
Lactobacillus amylovorus as an Cheddar Appearance of Penicillium growth Six-day delay in the appearance of Lynch et al.
antifungal mycelia on the cheese surface (2014)
Ozone Mozzarella Water acting as carrier of spoilage Segat et al.
microorganisms can be successfully (2014)
treated with ozone in order to reduce
microbial cheese contamination
Table 2: References on modified atmosphere packaging of cheese
Effect of CO2 on
Cheese type MAP conditions studied (%) Optimal MAP (%) sensory properties Author
Cottage 100 N2; 100 CO2 None Yes Scott and Smith (1971)
Cottage 100 N2; 100 CO2 Both Yes Rodrigues-Aguilera et al. (2011a)
Fresh cheese 61.7/26.3/6.6 CO2/N2/O2; Air 61.7/26.3/6.6 CO2/N2/O2 No Rodrigues-Aguilera et al. (2011b)
Taleggio 100 N2; 10/90, 20/80, 30/70 CO2/N2; Traditional wrapping 10/90 CO2/N2 Yes (20 and 30) Piergiovanni et al. (1993)
Cottage 100 CO2; 75/25 CO2/N2 100 N2 100 CO2; 75/25 CO2/N2 No Rodrigues-Aguilera et al. (2011a)
Cottage 100 CO2; Air 100 CO2 No Mannheim and Soffer (1996)
Mozzarella 100 CO2; 50/50 CO2/N2 100 N2, 100 CO2 No Rodrigues-Aguilera et al. (2011b)
Mozzarella Air; 100 N2; 10/90, 25/75, 50/50, 75/25 75/25 CO2/N2 Not indicated Eliot et al. (1998)
Cameros Air; 20/80, 50/50, 40/60 CO2/N2; 100 CO2; Vacuum 50/50 or 40/60 CO2/N2 Yes (100) Olarte et al. (1999)
Requeijao 100 N2; 50/50 CO2/N2; 100 CO2; Air 50/50 CO2/N2; 100 CO2 No Rodrigues-Aguilera et al. (2011a)
Requeijao Air; Vacuum Vacuum No Rodrigues-Aguilera et al. (2011b)

Parmigiano Reggiano 50/50, 30/70 CO2/N2; Vacuum 50/50, 30/70 CO2/N2 No Rodrigues-Aguilera et al. (2011a)
Provolone 100 CO2; 10/90, 20/80, 30/70 CO2/N2; 30/70 CO2/N2 Yes (100) Favati et al. (2007)
Greek whey cheese 30/70, 70/30 CO2/N2; Vacuum 30/70, 70/30 CO2/N2 No Papaioannou et al. (2007)
Stracciatella cheese CO2:N2:O2 gas mixtures [50:50:0 (M1), 95:5:0 (M2), 75:25:0 M1 and M2 No Gammariello et al. (2009)
(M3) and 30:65:5 (M4)
Arzúa-Ulloa Vacuum packaging (VP) and (MAP)-100 N2 and (MAP)-100 N2 and No Rodriguez-Alonso et al.
20 O2/80 N2 20 O2/80 N2 (2011)
Int. J. Dairy Sci., 10 (2): 44-60, 2015

Anthotyros MAP1:40 CO2, 55 N2, 5 :O2, MAP2: 60 CO2, 40 N2 MAP2 No Arvanitoyannis et al. (2011)
and MAP3: 50 CO2, 50 N2
Graviera MAP1: 40 CO2/55 N2/5 O2, MAP2: 60 CO2/40 N2 and MAP2 No Arvanitoyannis et al. (2011)
MAP3: 50% CO2/50 N2.
Surface mould ripened 0% O2, 27±6% CO2 and 2 ± 1% O2, 19 ±2% CO2 2 ± 1% O2, 19±2% CO2 No Rodrigues-Aguilera et al. (2011c)
Sliced Mozzarella cheese Vacuum (V) and using a gas mixture of equal parts Both No Olivares et al. (2012)
of CO2 and N2 (G)
Int. J. Dairy Sci., 10 (2): 44-60, 2015

Hossein (2008) evaluated the possibility of using HPP to extend the refrigerated shelf-life of
fresh cheeses by controlling the outgrowth of spoilage yeasts and moulds and the continued
acidification by starter bacteria was investigated in a commercially manufactured fresh lactic curd
cheese (pH 4.3-4.4) and fermented milk models (pH 4.3-6.5). The effects of HPP at 300 and
600 MPa on inactivation of glycolytic enzymes of lactic acid bacteria were also evaluated. Fresh
lactic curd cheeses made from pasteurized bovine milk using a commercial Lactococcus starter
preparation were vacuum packaged and treated with high pressures ranging from 200-600 MPa
(at 22°C, for 5 min) and subsequently stored at 4°C for 8 weeks. In samples subjected to 300 MPa
pressures, the outgrowth of yeasts and moulds was effectively controlled for 6-8 weeks. Treatment
of cheese within the range of 300-600 MPa had no significant effect on variation of titratable
acidity within the first three weeks of storage, although it reduced the viable count of Lactococcus
by 5-7 logs.


Active packaging is one of the innovative food packaging systems that has been introduced in
market. Major active packaging techniques include substances that absorbing moisture, oxygen,
carbon dioxide, ethylene, flavors and odors or releasing carbon dioxide, antimicrobial agents,
antioxidants, flavors. Several applications of active packaging systems that have been
commercialized including oxygen-scavenging, carbon dioxide-absorbing, moisture-scavenging
(desiccation) and antimicrobial systems. Oxygen-scavenging systems have been commercialized in
the form of a sachet that removes oxygen. An oxygen-free environment can prevent food oxidation
and rancidity, as well as the growth of aerobic bacteria and mold. In summary, the major objective
of active packaging technology development is to design functional packaging materials that
contain chemically or physically active substances that are released in a specific, controlled manner
(Vermeiren et al., 1999).
The most important active coating systems include antimicrobial materials. Independently of
the technique used for incorporation, the antimicrobial packaging systems are divided in two main
categories: (1) Those in which the anti-microbial agent migrates from the package into the food and
(2) Those in which the antimicrobial remains immobilized in the package.
Different incorporation mechanisms are currently being used in food industry include:

Addition of sachets: This technique has been applied for volatile compounds from essential oils
(Nadarajah et al., 2005). No direct surface contact occurs and volatile antimicrobials are
released into the headspace of the package where they retard the growth of pathogenic bacteria
(Skandamis and Nychas, 2000).

Dispersion of antimicrobial agents in the packaging polymer: Antimicrobials can be

incorporated by extrusion, heat-press, or casting. The main disadvantage of extrusion is the use
of high temperatures and shearing forces that can reduce antimicrobial activities. Heat-resistant
antimicrobials such as nisin and imazalil are suitable for these packages (Han and Floros, 1997).

Coating or dipping-Coatings and dips serve as carriers of antimicrobial compounds and

are in direct contact with the food surface: The advantages of this method are that the
compounds are not exposed to excessive heat (Cho et al., 2009) and can be applied at any stage of
the food supply chain (Rodrigues and Han, 2000; Rodrigues et al., 2002).

Int. J. Dairy Sci., 10 (2): 44-60, 2015

Antimicrobial macromolecules with film-forming properties: This is the case of the polymer
chitosan (Srinivasa and Tharanathan, 2007).
To design an antimicrobial package, it is essential to select the right antimicrobial agent for the
right package and food and to strike a balance between release of the antimicrobial and microbial
growth. Antimicrobial-package, package-food interactions and environmental conditions are crucial
for ensuring the efficacy of a system. Mechanical, physical, chemical and microbiological
mechanisms determine the efficacy of a particular antimicrobial package for a specific food. Only
multidisciplinary investigations can explore all the potential applications of packaging systems and
make them viable for commercialization. Packaging materials can be formed by biodegradable
materials such as starch, cellulose, proteins, hydroxyl butyrate and hydroxyl valerate, or other
synthetic materials derived from petroleum polymers such as polyethylene and polystyrene. Natural
biopolymers, for example, could be easily used in conventional processing lines (Cutter, 2006).
Experimental active packaging systems that have been used for prolong of cheese shelf life
summarized in Table 3.


Edible films and coatings are produced from edible biopolymers and food-grade additives.
Film-forming biopolymers can be proteins, polysaccharides (carbohydrates and gums), lipids, or a
mixture of these (Gennadios et al., 1997). Plasticizers and other additives are combined with the
film-forming biopolymers to modify the physical properties or other functionality of the edible films.
Edible films and coatings protect from physical, chemical and biological deterioration. The
application of edible films and coatings can readily improve the physical strength of food products,
reduce particle clustering and improve visual and tactile features on product surfaces. It can also
protect food products from moisture migration, microbial growth on the surface, light-induced
chemical changes and oxidation of nutrient.
Edible coating has been used for extension shelf life of cheese for several years. Proteins
(casein, whey protein, wheat gluten), polysaccharides (starch, modified starch, modified cellulose,
alginate, carrageenan, chitosan, gellan gum, chitooligosaccharides (COS)), lipids (sunflower oil,
Tween 20, waxes (beeswax)) as film-forming materials; glycerin, propylene glycol, sorbitol, sucrose,
polyethylene glycol, corn syrup and water as plasticizers and antioxidants, antimicrobials,
nutrients, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, flavors, colors as functional additives have been used
for extension shelf life of cheeses. Several coating application methods including dipping, dripping,
foaming and fluidized bed coating have been studied.
Experimental edible coating packaging systems that have been used for prolong of cheese shelf
life summarized in Table 4.


Combination of some methods that described above can effect positively the shelf life of cheese.
Del Nobile et al. (2009) evaluated the combination of chitosan, coating and modified atmosphere
packaging for prolonging Fior di latte cheese shelf life on the packaged cheese stored at 4°C
microbiological, pH, gas composition and sensory changes were monitored over an 8-day period.
Results showed that the combination of chitosan, active coating and MAP improved ‘‘Fior di latte”
cheese preservation in comparison with the traditional packaging. In fact, the latter showed a very
short shelf life limited to more or less 1 day, whereas the integrated approach developed in this

Table 3: Experimental active coatings for extension shelf life of cheese
Antimicrobial agents Packaging mterials Cheese Microorganisms References
Imazalil LDPE Cheddar Penicillium spp. Weng and Hotchkiss (1992)
Benzoic acid LDPE mozzarella Moulds Dobias et al. (2000)
Chitosan ----- Emmental L. monocytogenes, Listeria innocua Coma et al. (2002)
Allyl isothiocyanate Paper pad Danish Danbo Penicillium spp., Geotrichum spp., Winther and Nielsen (2006)
Aspergillus spp.
Oxygen absorbers (by Atco) PA/PE laminate White cheeses Yeast and moulds and coli group Panfil-Kuncewicz et al.
Humidipak/perforated plastic Humidipak/perforated plastic Saloio Pantaleao et al. (2007)
Natamycin Cellulose Gorgonzola Penicillium roqueforti De-Oliveira et al. (2007)
Lemon extract Agar Mozzarella Total bacteria Conte et al. (2007a)
Lysozyme Polyviny alcohol M. lysodeikticus Conte et al. (2007b)
Lysozyme chickpea albumin extract Zein Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis Güçbilmez et al. (2007)
(CPAE), bovine serum albumin (BSA)
and disodium EDTA
Basil extract linalool or methyl LDPE Cheddar Total bacteria Suppakul et al. (2008)
Lysozyme Cellulose acetate E. coli and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Gemili et al. (2009)

Natamycin Wheat gluten (WG) and methyl Kashar A. niger and Penicillium roquefortii Ture et al. (2011)
cellulose (MC) biopolymers
BHT LDPE Asadero Oxidation and odor stability Soto-Cantu et al. (2008)
Silver nanoparticles Agar haydrogel Fior di Latte Total bacteria Conte et al. (2011)
Chitosan Whey protein film Ricotta Mesophilic and Psychrotrophic Di Pierro et al. (2011)
Sorbic acid Lacquer Gouda Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes Hausera and Wunderlicha
and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (2011)
Int. J. Dairy Sci., 10 (2): 44-60, 2015

Chitosan Whey protein film Ricotta Mesophilic and Psychrotrophic Di Pierro et al. (2011)
Cinnamaldehyde Gliadin films Pasteurized white Penicillium expansum and Aspergillus niger Balaguer et al. (2013)
TiO2 HDPE Short-ripened Lactic acid bacteria and coliforms Gumiero et al. (2013)
Lysozyme Alginate Nano-laminate Coalho Total bacteria Medeiros et al. (2014)
Potassium sorbate (PS), sodium Sodium alginic Mozzarella Total bacteria Lucera et al. (2014b)
benzoate (SB), calcium lactate (CL)
and calcium ascorbate (CA)
Essential oil from Origanum vulgare Polypropylene and polyethylene Zamorano Escherichia coli O157:H7 strains Otero et al. (2014)
(OR) and Ethyl Lauroyl Arginate terephthalate
Sorbic acid/sorbates OE, BOPP, PET Migration test Han and Floros (1998a, b)
Table 4: Experimental edible coatings for extension shelf life of cheese
Coating type Active material Cheese type Target References
k-carrageenan, alginate and gellan White brined cheeses Phsiycal e and sensory evaluation Kampf and Nussinovitch (2000),
Chitosan Emmental L. monocytogenes Coma et al. (2002)
Casein Natamycin Kashar mould growth Yildirim et al. (2006)
Agar, gluten and methyl cellulose Natamycin (NA), rosemary Aspergillus niger and Penicillium Ture et al. (2008)
extract (RE) and NA+RE roquefortii
Galaktomannan, chitosan Regional Cheese spesification Cerqueira et al. (2010)
Wheat gluten (WG) and methyl Natamycin Kashar Growth of Aspergillus niger and Ture et al. (2011)
cellulose (MC) Penicillium roquefortii
Sodyum cazeinat (SC) chitosan Cheese Antimikrobiyal activity Moreira et al. (2011)
(CH) SC/CH coatingr

Beeswax Kashar Mould counts Yilmaz and Dagdemir (2012)
Whey protein isolate, glycerol, guar Lactic acid, natamycin and Queijo Saloio water loss, hardness and color Ramos et al. (2012a)
gum, sunflower oil and Tween 20 chitooligosaccharides
Whey protein isolates as a base material Chitooligosaccharide, lactic acid D. Pedro Gram-negative and Gram-positive Ramos et al. (2012b)
and glycerol as a plasticizer and sodium benzoate bacteria, yeast
Starch-chitosan(WSC) Mung bean Mongolian cheese Cheese spesification Mei et al. (2013)
starch-Chitosan (MSC)
Tapioca starch Natamycin and nisin Port Salut cheese Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Resa et al. (2014)
Int. J. Dairy Sci., 10 (2): 44-60, 2015

Listeria innocua in a mixed culture

Sodium alginat Probiyotic Fiordilatte Pseudomonas spp. ve Angiolillo et al. (2014)
(Lactobacillus rhamnosus) and Enterobacteriaceae
prebiyotic fructooligosaccharides
Int. J. Dairy Sci., 10 (2): 44-60, 2015

study allowed us to obtain a significant shelf life prolongation to 5 days, most probably due to the
synergic effect between the active compounds and the atmospheric conditions in the package
Conte et al. (2011) evaluate the effect of active coating and modified-atmosphere packaging to
extend the shelf life of Fior di Latte cheese. The active coating was based on sodium alginate
(8% w/v) containing lysozyme (0.25 mg mLG1) and EDTA, disodium salt (Na2-EDTA, 50 mM). The
MAP was made up of 30% CO2, 5% O2 and 65% N2. The speed of quality loss for the Fior di Latte
cheese, stored at 10°C, was assessed by monitoring pH and weight loss, as well as microbiological
and sensorial changes. Results showed that the combination of active coating and MAP improved
Fior di Latte cheese preservation, increasing the shelf life to more than 3 days. In addition, the
substitution of brine with coating could allow us to gain a double advantage: Both preserving the
product quality and reducing the cost of its distribution, due to the lower weight of the package.
Gammariello (2011) investigated the bio-based coating containing silver-montmorillonite
nanoparticles (0.25, 0.50 and 1.00 mg mLG1) combined with MAP (30% CO2, 5% O2 and 65% N2) on
microbial and sensory quality decay of Fior di latte cheese. The combination of silver-based
nanocomposite coating and MAP enhanced Fior di latte cheese shelf life. In particular, product
stored in the traditional packaging showed a shelf life of about 3 days, whereas coated cheese stored
under MAP reached a shelf life of more than 5 days, regardless of the concentration of silver
nanoparticles. The synergistic effects between antimicrobial nanoparticles and initial headspace
conditions in the package could allow diffusion of dairy products beyond the local area.
Conte et al. (2011) evaluate the Lysozyme/EDTA disodium salt and modified-atmosphere
packaging to prolong the shelf life of burrata cheese. In this study, 3 concentrations of enzyme were
combined with packaging in air and under MAP (95:5 CO2:N 2). The decline in quality of burrata
cheese stored at 8°C was assessed by monitoring microbiological and sensory quality, in addition
to pH and headspace composition. The combination of lysozyme/Na2-EDTA and MAP prolonged
cheese shelf life, especially at the highest lysozyme concentration.
Lucera et al. (2014a) investigated the effect of active coating (based on sodium alginate
(2%, wt/vol) and potassium sorbate (1%, w/v)) on the shelf life of low-moisture Mozzarella cheese
packaged in air and MAP(75% CO2 and 25% N2 (MAP1), 25% CO2 and 75% N2 (MAP2), or 50% CO2
and 50% N2 (MAP3)). Results showed that the combination of active coating and MAP was able to
improve the preservation of low-moisture Mozzarella cheese. Specifically, the shelf life increased
up to 160 days for samples stored at 4°C and 40 and 11 days for those at 8 and 14°C, respectively.
A faster quality decay for untreated samples packaged in air was observed.

Cheese is a nutrient-dense dairy product and susceptible to physical, chemical and biochemical
spoilage. Growing of mesophilic and psychotropic microorganisms, weight loss, oxidation of lipids
and enzymatic decomposition are the main factors that affect the stability of cheese. Methods that
can control of these factors, capable to extension of shelf life of cheese. MAP system can extend shelf
life of cheeses but in this case temperature control and selection of proper packaging material is
important. Addition of preservative can prolong shelf life of cheeses but in selection of proper
additive, sensory properties of special cheese and dosage of additives must be considered. Although
HP method can inactive parasites, plant cells, vegetative microorganisms, some fungal spores, many
food borne viruses and enzymes, using of special equipment made it some expensive. On the other
hand, applying HP in small plants is not feasible. Active and edible coating in order to prolong of

Int. J. Dairy Sci., 10 (2): 44-60, 2015

cheeses shelf life has been increased in recent years. Because of diversity of cheese and subsequent
difference in properties design of packaging system to each cheese must be specialized. Combination
of described methods due to their synergies can extend shelf life more effectively.

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