Map Source Manual
Map Source Manual
Map Source Manual
mapping software
© 2008 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
Garmin International, Inc. Garmin (Europe) Ltd. Garmin Corporation
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Garmin hereby grants permission to download a single copy of this manual onto a hard drive or other electronic storage medium to
be viewed and to print one copy of this manual or of any revision hereto, provided that such electronic or printed copy of this manual
must contain the complete text of this copyright notice and provided further that any unauthorized commercial distribution of this
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Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Garmin reserves the right to change or improve its products and
to make changes in the content without obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes or improvements. Visit the
Garmin Web site ( for current updates and supplemental information concerning the use and operation of this and
other Garmin products.
Garmin®, BlueChart®, MapSource®, and iQue® are registered trademarks and Que™ is a trademark of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries,
registered in the USA and other countries. These trademarks may not be used without the express permission of Garmin.
Google Earth™ is a trademark of Google Inc.
To unlock your product with a 25-Character To unlock your product with an 8-character
Unlock Code: Coupon Code:
1. In MapSource, click Utilities > Manage Map NOTE: An Internet connection is required for the
Products. following procedure.
2. Select the Unlock Regions tab, and click Add.
1. In MapSource, click Utilities > Manage Map
2. Select a map product from the list, and click
Unlock Online. The Unlock Maps page loads in
your Web browser.
Unlock Online
Retrieving Unlock Codes 7. Click Retrieve Unlocks. Your unlock codes are
You can retrieve Unlock Codes from Garmin by restored to MapSource.
providing the unit ID and serial number of your device. Registering Your Product
NOTE: An Internet connection is required for the You can register your product on Garmin’s Web site at
following procedure.
1. In MapSource, click Utilities > Manage Map We highly recommend that you register your
Products. MapSource product to gain important benefits:
2. Select a map product from the list, and click • You can be notified of product updates as they
Unlock Online. occur.
3. If the Garmin Communicator Plugin is • You have proof of purchase on file with Garmin
not installed on your computer, follow the
in case your product needs service.
instructions on the Unlock Maps page to install
the Garmin Communicator Plugin. • You have access to reduced-rate mapping data
4. Connect your GPS unit to your computer. For updates.
more information, see page 6 or consult the
owner’s manual for your GPS unit.
5. Click Find Devices. Select your device from the
drop-down list, if necessary. The Unit ID of your
device appears in the Unit ID field.
6. Enter the serial number found on your device.
Using MapSource
Parts of MapSource
The MapSource window contains five main parts: the (1) toolbars, (2) data tabs, (3) splitter bar, (4) Graphic Map,
(5) MiniMap, and (6) status bar.
MapSource User’s Manual
Using MapSource > Loading Maps to Your Garmin GPS Unit
Names of map
To select maps around waypoints, routes, If two maps from different MapSource products
or tracks: overlap on your GPS unit, you need to turn the
Right-click a route, waypoint, or track in its overlapping map off in order to see the other map
Data tab and click Select Maps Around Route underneath. Check your GPS unit owner’s manual to
(Waypoint/Track) from the shortcut menu. learn how to turn MapSource maps on or off.
NOTE: Some MapSource products sell area maps For example, if you select both Topographical and City
separately. You can only select maps that you have
Navigator data for the same geographical area, you will
purchased and installed on your computer.
not see a combination of topographic and road data.
You will only see data from the City Navigator data set.
Adding Maps from Multiple MapSource
In order to see the Topographical data, hide the City
Products Navigator data in your GPS unit.
If you have purchased and unlocked multiple
MapSource products, you can add maps from more
than one MapSource product to a map set. You can
only see data from one product on your GPS unit if the
maps overlap. The maps are not transparent on the unit
and cannot be combined.
Transferring MapSource Data Each time you transfer maps to a data card, you
You can send map sets, waypoints, routes, and tracks to completely erase all data currently stored on the card
your GPS unit or storage card, or you can receive data and replace it with new data. However, if you store
from your GPS unit or storage card. You may use one maps on a data card and you transfer waypoints, routes,
of the following methods to transfer data to or from or tracks, you will not erase the maps on the card.
your GPS unit (check your GPS unit owner’s manual to You can transfer waypoints, routes, and tracks from
see what data transfer options are available): a data card to your GPS unit’s internal memory to
• Serial or USB Cable prevent them from being deleted from your data card.
You cannot save maps from a data card to your GPS
• USB Data Card Programmer or USB Data
unit’s internal memory.
Card Programmer RoHS (USB 2.0)—You can
use this method if your GPS unit uses a Garmin NOTE: Not all units can accept waypoints,
data card (not preprogrammed). The USB Data routes, or tracks from a data card. Check your
Card Programmer RoHS works with Windows GPS unit owner’s manual to see if your unit is
2000 or newer. compatible.
• Compact Flash (CF) or Secure Digital (SD)
Card Reader—If your GPS unit uses a CF, SD, iQue® Users
micro SD, or transflash card, you can purchase a To transfer data to and from an iQue, you may need to
third-party card reader to transfer data. In some synchronize with your personal computer. You may not
instances, you cannot transfer waypoints, routes, be able to send or receive all types of data to/from your
or tracks using a card reader. iQue. For more information, refer to your iQue owner’s
Sending Data to Your GPS Unit • If you are using a USB card programmer,
If your GPS unit has a storage card, verify that the card “USB Data Card Programmer” appears in
is inserted correctly into the unit. Also, connect your the Device field.
GPS unit to your computer and set your unit’s Data • If you are using a CF or SD card reader,
Transfer mode to Garmin, if applicable (see your unit select the correct drive letter from
owner’s manual for instructions). the Device field. For example, select
“Removable Disk (E:).”
You can send maps, waypoints, routes, or tracks to • If you are sending data to an iQue or cf
your GPS unit. Que, select where you want to save data
under Map Storage Location. If necessary,
Note: MapSource transfers all of the data listed
select the correct user name from the
in a data tab to your GPS unit each time you
Device fields.
transfer data.
3. Under What to Send, check the boxes next to
each type of data you want to send.
To send data to a GPS unit or card reader:
1. Verify that the data you want to send appears in 4. Click Send. MapSource begins sending data to
the corresponding data tabs on the left side of your GPS unit or card reader. After you begin
the MapSource window. transferring data, you can check the box next to
Turn Off GPS After Transfer, if available.
2. Click Send To Device or click Transfer >
Send To Device.... The name of your GPS unit 5. If you are using an iQue or cf Que, synchronize
or card reader should appear automatically in with your personal computer, if necessary, so
the Device menu. If not, click Find Device. that your unit receives the data.
Receiving Data from Your GPS Unit • If you are using a USB card programmer,
If your GPS unit has a storage card, verify that the card “USB Data Card Programmer” appears in
is inserted correctly into the unit. Also, connect your the Device field.
GPS unit or card reader to your computer and set your • If you are using a CF or SD card reader,
unit’s Data Transfer mode to Garmin, if applicable select the correct drive letter from
(see your unit owner’s manual for instructions). the Device field. For example, select
“Removable Disk (E:).”
You can receive waypoints, routes, and tracks from • If you are using an iQue, select the correct
your GPS unit. user name from the Device field.
3. Under What to Receive, check the boxes next
To receive data from a GPS unit or card
to each type of data you want to receive.
1. If you are using an iQue, synchronize with your 4. Click Receive. MapSource begins receiving
personal computer, if necessary, so that you data from your GPS unit or card reader. The
can send information to MapSource. data appears in the corresponding data tabs on
the left side of the window.
2. Click Receive From Device , or click
Transfer > Receive From Device. The name
of your GPS unit or card reader should appear
automatically in the Device menu. If not, click
Find Device.
Creating Waypoints
When you create a waypoint, MapSource automatically
names the waypoint based on its location. If you create
a waypoint on an existing map feature, MapSource
bases the waypoint name on the feature. If you create Waypoint Properties dialog box
a waypoint on an open location, MapSource names the
waypoint with a number. Each waypoint you create
appears in the Waypoints tab on the left side of 3. Make changes to the waypoint properties
the window. as necessary. Click More Details to view all
available waypoint properties.
4. Click OK to save the waypoint. Click Cancel to
exit without creating the waypoint.
Creating and Editing Routes To create a route using the Route Properties
Routes tell you how to get from one place to another. dialog box:
Depending on your MapSource product, you can create 1. Press Ctrl + R or click Edit > New Route to
a direct route (a straight-line route), or an auto-route open the Route Properties dialog box.
(turn-by-turn over roads). 2. To add a city, point of interest, address, or
intersection, click the Find Places button
Creating Routes inside the dialog box.
You can create and modify routes in MapSource by 3. If you have previously created waypoints
using the Route Properties dialog box, the Route tool and want to add them the route, click Insert
, or the Waypoints tab. A route can contain several Waypoint. Select the waypoint from the list that
points; each point is called a via point. appears. To select multiple waypoints, press
the Ctrl or Shift key while you click several
Note: Not all MapSource products can create waypoints. Then click OK.
an auto-route. You must be using a routable 4. Repeat steps 2–3 until you are finished adding
MapSource product for MapSource to calculate an points to your route. Each point you add is
auto-route. listed in order from first to last under the Via
Points tab.
5. To rearrange the points in the list, highlight each
point and click the arrows to move the point up
or down in the list. To reorder the points from
last to first, click Invert.
Customizing MapSource
After you become comfortable using MapSource, you
may want to customize preferences to meet your needs.
You can change many settings by opening MapSource
Preferences. Click Edit > Preferences to open the
Preferences dialog box.
Warnings and Cautions WARNING: This product has been produced, in part or whole,
from the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office products. No
CAUTION: GARMIN MAKES NO WARRANTY AS TO liability is accepted for the use of this product and it must not
THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE MAP be used to assist in navigation. The digital chart(s) contained
DATA IN THIS PRODUCT AND DISCLAIMS ANY AND herein have not been verified or updated. For your safety,
ALL EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY WARRANTIES, users are advised to consult official updated nautical charts for
INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF navigational purposes. The Hydrographic Office has not verified
MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR the extracted data and the printed chart should be consulted for
PURPOSE. IT IS THE USER’S RESPONSIBILITY TO full navigational details.
USE THIS PRODUCT PRUDENTLY. THIS PRODUCT IS CAUTION: The Australian Hydrographic Office does not
INTENDED TO BE USED ONLY AS A TRAVEL AID AND check the information on this product and the Commonwealth
MUST NOT BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE REQUIRING accepts no liability for the accuracy of copying or for any
PRECISE MEASUREMENT OF DIRECTION, DISTANCE, modifications that may have been made to the information
LOCATION, OR TOPOGRAPHY. which it has supplied. Furthermore, the Commonwealth does
The following Warnings and Cautions may apply to some or all not warrant that this product meets any regulations as an
of the content in the MapSource BlueChart® installation disk: appropriate product for navigation or that it contains the latest
WARNING: No National Hydrographic Office has verified hydrographic information available.
the information in this product and none accept liability for the WARNING: The external boundaries of India as depicted
accuracy of reproduction or any modifications made thereafter. in map(s) are neither correct nor authentic. Other external
No National Hydrographic Office warrants that this product boundaries as depicted in the map(s) may neither be correct nor
satisfies national or international regulations regarding the use authentic.
of the appropriate products for navigation.
Index F
Favorites 16
from multiple MapSource
products 11
creating 19
editing 20
Finding Nearest Places 18 selecting maps 9 inverting 19
A Finding Places 17 sending maps 14 selecting maps around 11
Auto-Routing 10, 19 Finding Recently Found Places tutorial 9 Route Properties 19
BlueChart G Maps Tab 10 Saving Files 16
selecting maps 10 Google Earth 22 Map Set 10 Secure Digital (SD) Card 12,
GPS Unit Map Tool 9 14
C MiniMap 8 Selecting Maps 9
connecting to a computer
Card Reader 12, 14 Modifying MapSource 5 around routes, waypoints,
Cartography ii Modify Coverage Areas 5 and tracks 11
loading maps to 9
Cautions and Warnings 23 My Locations 16 Selection Tool 17
Graphic Map 8
cf Que Users 14 Sending Data 14
Compact Flash (CF) Card H P Send To Device 14
12, 14 Help Files i Points of Interest (POI) 17 Serial Number ii
Connecting Your GPS to a reloading database 13 Serial Port 6
Computer 6 I Pre-programmed Data Cards Splitter Bar 8
Contact Garmin ii Installing MapSource 13 Status Bar 8
Coupon Code 1, 2–3 modifying 5 Storage Card 12
Customizing MapSource 22 removing 6 R
iQue Users 12, 14, 15 Receive From Device 15 T
D Receiving Data 15 Toolbars 8
Data Card 12 L Registering Your Product 4 Tracks
Data Tabs 8 Loading Maps to Your GPS 9 Removing Mapsource 6 filtering 22
Data Transfer Mode 14 compatibility 9 Repairing MapSource 5 selecting maps around 11
deselecting maps 10 Routes 19–24 viewing 22
Uninstalling MapSource 6
Unlock Certificate 1, 3
Unlock Code 1, 2
retrieving 4
viewing 3
Unlocking Maps 1
USB Data Card Programmer
12, 14, 15
USB Port 7
Warnings and Cautions 23
Waypoints 16–19
adding to routes 19–23
creating 16
editing 17
selecting maps around
Waypoints Tab 16
Waypoint Properties 16
Garmin Corporation
No. 68, Jangshu 2nd Road, Shijr, Taipei County, Taiwan