Unit 9 Labor Relation and Labour Regulation in Nepal
Unit 9 Labor Relation and Labour Regulation in Nepal
Unit 9 Labor Relation and Labour Regulation in Nepal
Vimal Gurung
5. Collective bargaining: a union operated through collective bargaining. Labour and management
come to the bargaining table negotiate and reach a settlement.
Collective Bargaining
Collective bargaining is a process of negotiation, drafting, administrating and interpretation of a written
agreement between an employee and a union leader for a specific period of time. The wages, working
hour condition, premonition etc are negotiated for period of usually two or three years at a time.
Collective bargaining is very important part of human resource management. As a major part of
industrial relation the objective of collective bargaining is to agree upon an acceptable contract to
management, union representatives and the union remember. Collective means that representatives
attempt to negotiate an agreement. The major participants are representatives of management, trade
union and government. Goods faith bargaining is the cornerstone of effective labour management
relation in which we see sincerer intention of both parities o to negotiate difference and reach a
mutually acceptable agreement. Bargaining items of collective bargaining may be
Vimal Gurung
1. Voluntary bargaining items: these are neither mandatory nor illegal i.e. they become a part of
negotiation mainly through the joint efforts of both management and union for example
continuance of past contract, scope of bargaining unit, pension benefits of retire employee etc.
2. Mandatory bargaining items: These are obligatory that may be the provision of act or decision of
court. For example wages, fares of employment, overtime pay, holidays, vacation, pension,
insurance benefits etc.
3. Illegal bargaining items: They are forbidden law. For example separation of employee based on
race, closed shop i.e the company can hire only union member (printing industry in USA closed shop
practice after forbidden by law) bargaining items and issues depends on legal framework
establishment, growth and practice of organization ,union and government.
Vimal Gurung
Causes of labor disputes
1. Economic causes
Unfair distribution of the income, bonus or other benefits within the organization. Unhealthy
working condition or environmental, lack of drinking water, poor ventilation etc.
2. Managerial causes
Not giving the recognition to the union or trade union member by the managers. Defective
recruitment policies. The defective promotion, transfer and placement policies encourage
dissatisfaction among workers.
3. Political causes
Political shelter to the trade union members, political access, political instability etc.
4. Other causes
Sympathy strike, protest of police atrocities, corruption in industry and public life, easy money, work
load, contract demand, safety measures, etc.
Vimal Gurung
4. Arbitration: Arbitration is a process whereby a third party takes a final decision to solve dispute or
conflict. Arbitrator should be refereed by both conflicting groups and participants. The arbitrator
dictates the settle terms. The case of dispute or conflict after arbitration is not recovered by court.
His decision is final.
5. Legal action: This is the legalistic view of managing conflicts or disputes. It is a mandatory
settlement of industrial disputes or conflicts by ordinary courts, tribunals or a labor court. Legal
action is also called “litigation”. The verdict of or final decision of court binds both parties. Legal
action is also called adjudication.
6. Fact finding: A neutral third party studies the issues in a dispute and recommends a reasonable
settlement, which is also used to solve dispute or conflicts.