Hegemony in 'Bumi Manusia' Movie

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Hegemony social and culture in ‘Bumi Manusia’ movie

Novita Dewi (17320182)

Department of English Literature, Faculty of Humanities
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.


Everyone has the right to freedom. This is not only human desire but also
necessity. In this study, the authors describe the hegemony of power of Dutch nation
that claimed the freedom of natives people according to the ‘Bumi Manusia’ movie.
Natives people have difficulty expressing their own social and cultural life in this land,
especially with regard to opinion, pribumi have no freedom at all over that. This
hegemony of power occurred during post-colonialism, where the Dutch became the
dominant group that held the highest authority in the land. The author uses descriptive
qualitative methods in this study. The instrument used is Observation by making direct
observations through watching and observing closely the scenes in ‘Bumi Manusia’
movie. The author also uses documentation as a further instrument, by finding data
about matters relating to the movie. In conclusion, this study wants to reveal the
hegemony of power that occurred in this movie, which occurred during the colonial
period. In fact, hegemony did not stop after the era of independence. Even at the time of
independence, the hegemony of power was still rampant, both socially and culturally.

Key word : Hegemony, Culture, Post-Colonialisme, Movie

Background Studies

Freedom is the right of all human beings, no exception. All humans have these
desires, purely from within humans. However, much of this freedom was trampled by
unilateral power. Power built to win their own notion, without caring other notions. In
this film, the audience will understand the freedom of the indigenous people who were
snatched away by the Dutch. As young generation, we do not have the direct meaning
of struggle, the meaning of self-erespect, and the meaning of a dream. At that time,
Eastern culture was far behind Western culture, the intention was how high the power of
Western-blood people, both of Dutch descent, and mixed (native and Dutch), how
worthless the native (East) who were considered uneducated, low class, uncivilized,
referred to as "monkey". his makes the writer interested in analyzing the film adopted
from the novel by Pramoedya Ananta Toer to reveal the hegemony of colonialism 'dark
age' for this nation, which at that time was called the Indies in terms of the hegemony of
Talking about the era of colonialism in Indonesia is the same as reopening the
sufferings of the nation, such as duping, slavery, intimidation, mistresses, low position
for women, persecution, and many more. Not only physical, but also colonized mind.
From the discussion of postcolonialism, the world order at that time was indeed unfair,
postcolonialism believed that justice and human freedom could not be leveled. The way
to achieve freedom and justice must be "something" at the political, economic and
cultural levels1. So what the writer mean by "something" here is the political game. The
colonial impression relationship depicted in a novel or literary works expresses the
confrontation of race, nation and culture because of power, this is the theory of
postcolonialism used in literary works. The confrontation had effects in colonized
society, forming a significant experience. Social life that tells the history of colonialism
and its effects form a literary work, which is very closely related to culture. Along with
the explanation above, the postcolonial analysis is an appropriate reason to explore the
novel "Bumi Manusia" by Pramoedya Ananta Toer which was appointed as a film.

From the background above, the problems discussed in this study are:
• What forms of power hegemony did the characters in the novel 'Bumi Manusia' by
Pramoedya Ananta Toer filmed??
• How relevant is it to current reality?

The Objective of the study :

1. Describing forms of power hegemony did the characters in the novel 'Bumi
Manusia' by Pramoedya Ananta Toer filmed
Anshuman Prasad, Postcolonial Theory and Organizational Analysis: A Critical Engagement, New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
2. Expressing the relevance of power hegemony with current reality

Theoritical Framework

Hegemony comes from the ancient Greek language “eugemonia” (hegemonia),

which means to lead. Term “hegemony” is popularized by Antonio Gramsci (1891 –
1937) in 1930s. He uses the term “hegemony” to explain the power of the ruling class to
persuade, convince other classes that their interests are the interest of all classes
(Aschroft, et al (2007)) 2. Actually, before Grmasci, Lenin has introduced the term “
hegemony”, according to Lenin, mainly, hegemony is understood in terms of alliances
between classes or class groups, then Gramsci added the national dimension of
democracy in the concept of hegemony3. Gramsci stated, if a class only considers their
own interest, the class cannot achieve national leadership and be hegemonic. Therefore,
they must pay attention to the demands and struggles of the people who do not have
pure class character, that is, interests do ot arise directly from production-relations.
Thus, hegemony has a class dimension and a national dimension of democracy.
Hegemony refers to two aspects, namely the colonized and the classified invaders.
Gramci was interested in developing this theory because as a socialist, Gramci dreamed
of a classless society, in which there was no more exploitation and domination by the
bourgeoisie over the workers. Therefore, Gramsci gave rise to thoughts which generally
relied on the question of how to forming a socialistic society free from exploitation and

Pasca-colonial better known as term post-colonial. Etymologically, post-colonial

comes from the word “post” and “colonial”, while the word “colonial” comes from the
word colonia, romanic meaning agricultural land or settlement. The term post
colonialism is considered newer than the term colonialism. Terms of response to the
effects of colonization on culture and society, and how the community responds. In the
1970s, the term post-colonialism emerged to evaluate the state of society starting from
the non-colonized and colonized compilations4. Colonialism is not a business that is
done by chance, colinization is carried out in a planned manner with a complex
mechanism, involving various interests including economic, social, political, and
Bill Ashcroft, et all, “Key Concept in Post-Colonial Studies” , Routledge London and New York.
Endah Siswati, “Anatomi teori hegemoni Antonio Gramsci” , Universitas Islam Balitar, 2018.
Bill Ashcroft, et all, “Key Concept in Post-Colonial Studies” , Routledge London and New York.
cultural. Postcolonialism studies that explain between dominant groups with groups that
are dominated are "mimicry" means groups that are dominated (colonized) not only
depend on the dominant group (invaders) but also doing the imitation aspect. From
imitation, the colonized nation will rise up with its business works. in this film,
imitation that produces something unusual, is done by Nyai Ontosoroh and Minke, as

Research Methodology

Research Design

This research uses descriptive qualitative research, because the results obtained
in the form of description data in the form of words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, etc.
In this study, researchers used the theory of hegemony Gramsci. This research produces
a description of forms the hegemony of power that operates and the fictional elements
used for represent power, and the relevance of power hegemony with current reality.

Data and Data Source

The source of the data is taken from ‘Bumi Manusia’ movie. Indonesian movie
directed by Hanung Bramantyo (2019). The movie is taken from novel ‘Bumi Manusia’

by Pramoedya Ananta Toer in 1980.

Data Collection and Data Anlaysis

The writer uses Observation and Documentation instruments for this research.
For the purpose of getting accurate data and findings, the writer uses some steps to
collect the data and analyze the data.

1. The writer downloaded the video of ‘Bumi Manusia’ movie (2019) from the
Layar Kaca 21 website.
2. The writer watched the full video repeatedly to understand the hegemony of
power in this movie.
3. The writer identified the situation that revealed the hegemony in the movie.
4. The writer search some journal articles that related with this movie.
Finding and Discussion
Based on the problem of study that was mentioned above, the writer analyzes
about power hegemony of social and culture in ‘Bumi Manusia’ movie. In this chapter,
the writer will review the movie and discuss about the forms of power hegemony did
the characters of ‘Bumi Manusia’ movie and the relevance of power hegemony with
current reality.


The story in this movie took place around 1900, the end of the 19th
century and the beginning of the 20th century. At that time the occupation was still
happening in the land of the country, the land was known as the Dutch East Indies.
Education is something extraordinary at that time, not everyone can enjoy it. For the
majority of indigenous people, education is only a dream. Only descent of Dutch or
mixed (native and Dutch) can be educated and for natives only children or aristocratic
descendants. The difference between native, aristocratic, and Dutch blood is very
striking in terms of education, social, and culture. Natives are considered uncivilized,
not dignified, and inferior humans who only deserve to be slaves. Indigenous rights
were snatched away by Dutch rule. Even as intelligent as any native person, there would
be no value in the eyes of the Dutch.

In this discussion, not all characters will be analyzed, the writer will choose
several characters. the selection of figures featured in the discussion is carried out with
consideration to the key character played by the figures relating to the research theme.
The main character shown is Minke (nickname), while the additional figures discussed
in this study are only those who are closely related to the main character and accept the
hegemony of power, namely Nyai Ontosoroh, and her daughter Annelies Mellema.

Minke is the main character in this film, a native and child of a Regent who is
fortunate to have the opportunity to study at HBS, a high school intended for the Dutch
people. Even though he was educated, he still could not do much to raise his rank
because he was a native, his level was lower than the Dutch or mixed. Status as a
colonial nation whose culture and social life differed from that of the Dutch was one of
the hegemony of power.
Nyai Ontosoroh is not the main character in this movie, but the hegemony of
power clearly influences her in this story. He became the mistress of the great Dutch
lord, Mr Mellema. His father sold it for the sake of promotion, which was promised by
Mr. Mellema. The hegemony of property and rank power was evident in the life of the
Dutch great lord, where he could buy a woman with the money and power he had.


Hegemony is the power of a certain class to rule, as explained above. Hegemony

refers to two parties, the colonizing class and the colonized class, or the group leads the
same group and allies with it (Patria & Arief, 2009: 117).

The forms of hegemony in the expression of characters and characterizations in

‘Bumi Manusia’ movie are outlined in the conversation below.

A. Conversation between Robert Mellema and Suurhof, of Dutch descent.

Suuhrof: “Hi Rob, I brought my friend, you don't mind right?” (Suuhrof invites Minke
to meet Robert Mellema)

Robert ignored Mnke, a native, he only looked at him sharply with a look of disgust,
Robert only welcomed Suuhrof as his guest.

From the conversation footage above, it is evident that the natives are very worthless
among Dutch descendants. A native can be seen treated arbitrarily, without being valued
and respected by a little. The culture of colonialism was evident that the indigenous
level was below the Dutch and Dutch ancestry (mixed).

B. Footage of the conversation between Minke (native) and Mr. Mellema (Dutch)

Minke greeted politely in Dutch "good night, sir"

Mr. Mellema looked at him sharply and spoke harshly, "Who gave you permission to
come here, Monkey! Do you think if you already wear European clothes together with
Europeans, can speak Dutch, then you will become European? Monkeys are still
monkeys! "
From the excerpt above, even an educated native, an HBS high school student, does not
exert any influence just because of a native. Even though he has shown that he is not
only an ordinary native but also educated, it can be seen from his polite manner.
Hegemony here shows a very clear difference. Even native people are equated with

There are still many other examples, the law won the Dutch more than the
Natives. As if the natives did not deserve justice. Even the natives do not have the rights
of their children, the result of a marriage with the Dutch. All the assets that were fought
for by an indigenous person (Nyai Ontosoroh, Mr. Mellema's wife), not one percent
belonged to her, although she built the business from 0(zero) and managed it herself for
years, and his daughter's marriage to Minke (native) was not considered at all by law.
Here it is clear that freedom has been usurped by Dutch rule.

The relevance of the current hegemony of power

The postcolonial hegemony that took place after the colonial period to
independence did not stop there. In the post-independence era, hegemony occurred in
another way. Certainly not because of colonialism, but because of differences in race
and ethnic groups that occur at this time. There are certain ethnic groups who feel 'more'
than other ethnic groups. There are also certain ethnic groups that do not want to be
entered by groups that are not from their tribes. For example, Javanese ethnic groups
feel more dominant so that in various regional head elections, for example, there is a
tendency to choose prospective leaders who come from Javanese ethnic groups, because
other ethnic groups are considered unable to become leaders. Another example is the
difference in salary or benefits obtained because of differences in the earna skin. The
hegemony in the law is the same. Hegemony because the law is an absolute power that
can not be negotiable. The law is supposed to protect the right and punish the wrong.
The law must be upheld to prove ultimate truth, not falsehood, upheld for justice. But
then the opposite happened. Not only in the colonial era, in the post-colonial era and
post-independence too, the hegemony of the power of law occurred everywhere. In the
colonial and post-colonial period, it was clear that the beneficiaries and winners were
those who were included in the colonialist group. In the post-independence era, and
until now, what has been won is generally those who have money, power and dare to
bribe legal practitioners (of course not all), but it often happens and becomes reality is
the truth can be distorted. This can be seen from a variety of cases that we read in the
newspaper and hear from radio and television which have many examples today. Here it
is clear that hegemony did not only occur in the era of colonialism, but many occurred
in post-independence.


Based on the discussion above, conclusions can be drawn. During the Dutch
colonial period, natives were very valuable because they were not included in the
'Europeans' group. The native peoples were considered inferior because of racial and
ethnic differences between the Indies and Europe. Europeans are considered to be
advanced, civilized and educated nations, while natives are considered uncivilized and
uneducated slaves, who are very unfit for humanity. Not just a matter of education, but
also the position of law. The hegemony of power in the Dutch colonizers was very high,
so that the natives people could not do anything because the law naturally favored the
colonialist nation as the ruling nation in the Indies. In connection with the relevance of
the current hegemony of power, apparently hegemony is still very much found, even
though it is already independent. From racial and ethnic differences to legal status, it is
still dominated by the dominant group, which is the rich group and uses money to solve


Anshuman Prasad, Postcolonial Theory and Organizational Analysis: A Critical

Engagement, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.

Bill Ashcroft, et all, “Key Concept in Post-Colonial Studies” , Routledge London and
New York.

Patria, Nezar dan Arief, Andi. 2009. Antonio Gramsci Negara & Hegemoni. Yogyakarta
: Pustaka Pelajar

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