0.6m (2ft) Ultra High Performance Low Profile Single Polar Antenna
0.6m (2ft) Ultra High Performance Low Profile Single Polar Antenna
0.6m (2ft) Ultra High Performance Low Profile Single Polar Antenna
General Specifications
Electrical Specifications
Antenna Type WTC06-127DHR-QOYC
Frequency Band (GHz) 12.75~13.25 PBR120
Standard Flange
Gain (dBi), Low 35.5
Gain (dBi), Mid 35.6
Gain (dBi), High 35.8
3 dB BW (°) 2.7
VSWR 1.30
F/B Ratio (dB) 61
XPD(dB) 30
ETSI Standard R1, C3
Mechanical Specifications
Wind Velocity Operational, km/h 200
Ice Load, mm 25
Strengthening Rod NA
Adjustable Rod NA
The axial, side and twisting moment forces stated are maximum loads applied to the tower by the antenna at a survival wind speed of
250 km/h. They are, in every case, the result of wind from the most critical direction for each parameter. The individual maximums
may not occur simultaneously. All forces are referenced to the antenna mounting pipe.