Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Grade 3
• Blackline Masters and
Leveled Practice organized
by lesson
• Answer Keys
• Weekly Tests for Key Skills
Observation Checklists and other
Informal Assessments can be found
in the Assessment section of the
Grab-and-Go™ Resources for this grade.
Contents Lesson 2
Blackline Masters
Home Letter, Blackline Master 2.1...................................................................................3
Weekly To-Do List, Blackline Master 2.2..........................................................................4
Vocabulary Word Cards, Blackline Master 2.3.................................................................5
Target Vocabulary, Blackline Master 2.4..........................................................................6
Leveled Reader Graphic Organizer, Blackline Masters 2.5–2.8................................7–10
Leveled Practice
Struggling Readers, SR2.1–SR2.3.......................................................................... 11–13
Advanced, A2.1–A2.3.............................................................................................. 14–16
English Language Learners, ELL2.1–ELL2.3.......................................................... 17–19
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The Trial of
Home Letter Cardigan Jones
Home Letter
Dear Family,
This week we explore the question “Why This week’s…
are courts an important part of our Target Vocabulary: convinced, trial, jury,
government?” In the fantasy selection The guilty, pointed, honest, murmur, stand
Trial of Cardigan Jones, we’ll read about the
trial of a moose wrongly accused of stealing a Phonics Skills: Long vowels a, e, i, o, u;
words with the VCe pattern
pie. Students will also read the informational
text You Be the Jury, which introduces Vocabulary Strategy: Dictionary/glossary
students to the jury process. Comprehension Skill: Conclusions—
refer explicitly to the text to figure out
ideas that the author doesn’t state
Comprehension Strategy: Infer/
predict—use clues to figure out more
about the selection
Writing Focus: Narrative writing—
Activities to Do Together
Make up sentences using the Target Vocabulary words, but leave the target word out
as you say the sentence aloud. Then have your child fill in the word. For example, “I am
convinced that she knows the truth.”
Take It to the Judge
Work with your child to find information about the Supreme Court of the United States.
Also look for information about local and state courts in your community. Discuss how
local, state, and national courts are alike and different.
Law of the Land
Talk with your child about local laws, such as those that forbid littering. Ask your child to
write a paragraph about whether he or she agrees with one of the laws you’ve discussed.
Must Do May Do
Practice pages Reading Log
Vocabulary in Context Cards
Comprehension and Spelling
Fluency Literacy Center
Word Study
Literacy Center Other ______________________
Think and Write
Literacy Center ___________________________
Other ______________________
I read…
convinced pointed
trial honest
jury murmur
guilty stand
Finally, a lawyer
Graphic Organizer 8
Conclusion Kitty thinks that Cat Carson has taken Puss N. Boots.
Graphic Organizer 8
1. gust plume
2. mane mashed
3. spin glide
4. fled eve
5. pull tube
6. hops hoped
7. pace pass
8. toss vote
9. rude rubber
letter noun 1. A symbol that is part of the alphabet: The first letter of the
alphabet is A. 2. A written message to a person: He wrote a letter to his
let•ter (lĕtˈər) ◊ noun letters
Read each word. Write another word that uses the same long
vowel sound. Then use each pair of words in a sentence.
1. broken
2. flute
3. eve
4. taped
5. spike
Word Box
save verb 1. To rescue from danger: The firefighters were able to save the
man from the burning building. 2. To not waste something: You should
save some time for doing your homework rather than play all afternoon.
3. To hold onto or keep money for future use: He wants to save enough
money to buy a car. 4. noun An act that prevents a goal in sports: We won
the game because of the save you made.
save (sāv) ◊ verb saving, saved
Match each word to the picture of the word with the same
long vowel sound.
1. both
2. huge
3. he
4. pile
5. waved
Word Box
1. 2.
cube whale
3. 4.
dime mole
TOTAL 50 35
Vocabulary Vocabulary
Answer Numbers 1 through 10. Choose the best answer for each question.
1 What does the word convinced mean 3 What does the word trial mean in the
in the sentence below? sentence below?
The crowd was convinced that the The judge banged his gavel once
show would be worth the wait. during the trial.
A clapping A test
B excited B experiment
C happy C a look at the facts
D sure in court
D a look at the facts in
a school
2 What does the word honest mean in
the sentence below?
4 What does the word guilty mean in the
I counted on Tim’s word because sentence below?
he was honest.
Mark thought that Sally was
F funny guilty of eating the last cupcake.
G lying
F excited for
H smart
G worried about
I true
H responsible for
I surprised about
5 What does the word murmur mean in 7 Read this dictionary entry.
the sentence below?
strike (strayk)
When Paul was not sure about the verb
answer, he would murmur. 1. to stop working
A speak loudly 2. to think of
3. to hit against
B talk too little
4. to find suddenly
C speak quietly
D talk too much What is the correct definition of the
word strike in the sentence below?
The boat is about to strike a rock.
6 Read this dictionary entry. A definition 1
crack (krak) B definition 2
noun C definition 3
1. an opening in the ground
D definition 4
2. a sudden sharp sound
3. to hit something
4. to break but not completely
What is the correct definition of the
word crack in the sentence below?
The crack of the branches during
the storm was scary.
F definition 1
G definition 2
H definition 3
I definition 4
Comprehension Comprehension
Answer Numbers 1 through 10. Base your answers on the story “The
Trial of Cardigan Jones.”
1 Why did the animals NOT know what 4 Which word helps you imagine the
Cardigan was up to in the beginning of sound of the statue when it fell?
the story?
F bumped
A He was a moose. G crashing
B He was new in town. H sent
C He was mean to people. I turned
D He was always in trouble.
6 Which word did the judge use to tell 9 Which word tells about
about Cardigan’s antlers? the judge?
F curious A fair
G giant B greedy
H rotten C lonely
I silly D silly
7 Which word helps you imagine how 10 Which conclusion can the reader draw
the pie looked while it was in the about the animals at the end of the
bushes? story?
A fresh-baked F They wanted a new judge.
B smushed G They wanted to hear all the facts.
C terrible H They wanted Cardigan to go to jail.
D upset I They wanted to let Cardigan
go free.
Phonics Phonics
Answer Numbers 1 through 10. Choose the best answer for each question.
1 Which word has the same sound as the 4 Which word has the same sound as the
u in amuse? a in brave?
A mouse F cart
B soon G gave
C tub H have
D use I ladder
2 Which word has the same sound as the 5 Which word has the same sound as the
a in shape? e in prefix?
F chat A fence
G date B head
H happy C prize
I hat D tree
3 Which word has the same sound as the 6 Which word has the same sound as the
i in tide? a in wake?
A flip F animal
B mile G bakery
C silly H sack
D trip I tack
7 Which word has the same sound as the 9 Which word has the same sound as the
o in vote? a in grade?
A clock A cannot
B cook B carve
C dock C cave
D explode D have
8 Which word has the same sound as the 10 Which word has the same sound as the
a in sale? i in drive?
F anchor F hike
G fallen G hint
H wall H mint
I whale I sister
Phonics Phonics
Answer Numbers 1 through 10. Choose the best answer for each question.
1 What is the last syllable in the word 4 What is the last syllable in the word
package? exercise?
A ge F e
B age G se
C kage H ise
D ckage I cise
2 What is the last syllable in the word 5 What is the last syllable in the word
welcome? decide?
F e A de
G me B ide
H ome C dec
I come D cide
3 What is the last syllable in the word 6 What is the last syllable in the word
became? machine?
A me F ine
B ame G hine
C came H chine
D ecame I machine
7 What is the last syllable in the word 9 What is the first syllable in the word
landscape? spaceship?
A ape A spa
B cape B space
C scape C spaces
D dscape D spacesh
8 What is the last syllable in the word 10 What is the first syllable in the word
rewrite? wakeboard?
F te F wak
G ite G wake
H rit H wakeb
I write I board
Grammar Grammar
Answer Numbers 1 through 10. Choose the best answer for each question.
1 Which kind of sentence is the sentence 3 Which kind of sentence is the sentence
below? below?
Is anybody going home after Wash your hands before dinner.
A command
A command B exclamation
B exclamation C question
C question D statement
D statement
with a partner. Then switch roles and act them out again.
the pie? A judge and a jury would It was an accident. They let Cardigan
decide. Mrs. Brown took the stand. go and had a big party for him.
She said she saw a moose near her pie.
She pointed to Cardigan. There was a
murmur in the room. People thought
that Cardigan was guilty.
ELL Lesson 2
Selection Summary
The Trial of Cardigan
Grade 3, Unit 1
Lesson 2 Lesson 2
Name Date Name Date
Answer Key
The Supreme Court The Catnapper
Target Vocabulary Target Vocabulary Inference Map: Conclusions
Graphic Organizer 8
Write a Target Vocabulary word in each blank to complete Title The Catnapper
the passage. Possible responses shown.
A man named Rollo was on the witness
stand , accused of bank robbery.
Answer Key
Lauren Otter The Case of the
Inference Map: Conclusions Inference Map: Conclusions Missing Grass
Graphic Organizer 8 Graphic Organizer 8
Answer Key
Lauren Helps Sammy The Trial of
Inference Map: Conclusions Graphic Organizer 8 Long Vowels a, e, i, o, u Cardigan Jones
Phonics: Long Vowels a, e, i, o, u
Title Lauren Helps Sammy Circle the letter of the best answer to each question.
Possible responses shown. The first one has been done for you. (1 point each)
B mist
C mitt
Answer Key
The Trial of The Trial of
Words with the VCe Pattern Cardigan Jones Dictionary/Glossary Cardigan Jones
Phonics: Words with the Vocabulary Strategies:
VCe Pattern Dictionary/Glossary
Read each pair of words. Circle the word that has Read the sample dictionary/glossary entry. Then circle
the VCe letter pattern and a long vowel sound. The first one the letter for the correct answer for each question. (1 point each)
has been done for you. (1 point each)
letter noun 1. A symbol that is part of the alphabet: The first letter of the
1. gust plume alphabet is A. 2. A written message to a person: He wrote a letter to his
2. mane mashed let•ter (lĕtˈər) ◊ noun letters
3. spin glide
4. fled eve
9. rude rubber 2. How many different meanings of the word letter does this
entry give?
10. hiss hide A one
B two
C three
3. How many syllables does the word letter have?
A one
B two
C three
4. What ending does the entry show how to add?
A -ing
B -ed
C -s
Read directions to students. Assessment Tip: Total 9 Points Read directions to students. Assessment Tip: Total 5 Points
Phonics 12 Grade 3, Unit 1 Vocabulary Strategies 13 Grade 3, Unit 1
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
3_RNLEAN893549_U1L02.indd 12 3_RNLEAN893549_U1L02.indd
3/8/12 11:37 AM 13 05/01/11 12:41 PM
Answer Key
The Trial of The Trial of
Long Vowels a, e, i, o, u Cardigan Jones Words with the VCe Pattern Cardigan Jones
Phonics: Long Vowels a, e, i, o, u Phonics: Words with the
VCe Pattern
Read each word. Write another word that uses the same long Complete the sentences with the words from the word box.
vowel sound. Then use each pair of words in a sentence. Then read each completed sentence. The first one has been
Responses will vary. (3 points each)
done for you. (1 point each)
1. broken
Word Box
2. flute
5. The price of the item is three dimes.
Read directions to students. Assessment Tip: Total 15 Points Read directions to students. Assessment Tip: Total 9 Points
Phonics 14 Grade 3, Unit 1 Phonics 15 Grade 3, Unit 1
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Answer Key
The Trial of The Trial of
Dictionary/Glossary Cardigan Jones Long Vowels a, e, i, o, u Cardigan Jones
Vocabulary Strategies: Phonics: Long Vowels a, e, i, o, u
Read the sample dictionary/glossary entry. Then use the Match each word to the picture of the word with the same
entry to answer the questions below. (Possible responses shown.) long vowel sound. (1 point each)
save verb 1. To rescue from danger: The firefighters were able to save the 1. both
man from the burning building. 2. To not waste something: You should
save some time for doing your homework rather than play all afternoon.
3. To hold onto or keep money for future use: He wants to save enough
money to buy a car. 4. noun An act that prevents a goal in sports: We won
the game because of the save you made. 2. huge
save (sāv) ◊ verb saving, saved
of a book and usually only includes words used in the text. (2 points)
I tried to save a baby bird that fell out of its nest. 4. pile
Read directions to students. Assessment Tip: Total 6 Points Read directions to students. Assessment Tip: Total 5 Points
Vocabulary Strategies 16 Grade 3, Unit 1 Phonics 17 Grade 3, Unit 1
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
3_RNLEAN893549_U1L02.indd 16 3_RNLEAN893549_U1L02.indd
05/01/11 10:21 AM 17 3/8/12 1:22 PM
Answer Key
The Trial of The Trial of
Words with the VCe Pattern Cardigan Jones Dictionary/Glossary Cardigan Jones
Phonics: Words with the Vocabulary Strategies:
VCe Pattern Dictionary/Glossary
There are three words that use the same long vowel sound Read the sample dictionary/glossary entry. Then draw a line
as each picture. Fill in the three missing words using words from each label to where it appears in the entry. The first one
from the word box. (3 points each) has been done for you. (1 point each)
1. 2.
cube whale
rule place
mule trade
cute grape
3. 4.
dime mole
twine role
nice phone
slide hole
Read directions to students. Assessment Tip: Total 12 Points Read directions to students. Assessment Tip: Total 5 Points
Phonics 18 Grade 3, Unit 1 Vocabulary Strategies 19 Grade 3, Unit 1
© Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
• Blackline Masters and
Leveled Practice organized
by lesson
• Answer Keys
• Weekly Tests for Key Skills
Observation Checklists and other
Informal Assessments can be found
in the Assessment section of the
Grab-and-Go™ Resources for this grade.