Table of Contents
About 1
Remarks 2
Versions 2
Examples 2
Installation 2
Chapter 2: Conditionals 5
Introduction 5
Syntax 5
Parameters 5
Remarks 5
Examples 6
Else If Statement 6
Unless Operator 7
Introduction 8
Syntax 8
Parameters 8
Remarks 9
Examples 9
Introduction 14
Remarks 14
Examples 14
Each iteration 14
Introduction 16
Remarks 16
Examples 16
Credits 18
You can share this PDF with anyone you feel could benefit from it, downloaded the latest version
from: pug
It is an unofficial and free pug ebook created for educational purposes. All the content is extracted
from Stack Overflow Documentation, which is written by many hardworking individuals at Stack
Overflow. It is neither affiliated with Stack Overflow nor official pug.
The content is released under Creative Commons BY-SA, and the list of contributors to each
chapter are provided in the credits section at the end of this book. Images may be copyright of
their respective owners unless otherwise specified. All trademarks and registered trademarks are
the property of their respective company owners.
Use the content presented in this book at your own risk; it is not guaranteed to be correct nor
accurate, please send your feedback and corrections to info@zzzprojects.com
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Chapter 1: Getting started with pug
Pug is a high performance, robust, elegant, feature rich template engine. It was influenced by
Haml and implemented with JavaScript for Node.js and browsers. Implementations exists for
Laravel, PHP Scala, Ruby, Python and Java.
It features:
• Express integration
• Conditionals
• Filters
• Includes
• Inheritance
• Interpolation
• Iteration
• Mixins
Pug was previously known under the Jade name but has been renamed because of a registered
trademark case.
This remark section should also mention any large subjects within pug, and link out to the related
topics. Since the Documentation for pug is new, you may need to create initial versions of those
related topics.
2.0.0-beta11 2017-02-04
2.0.0-beta10 2017-01-29
2.0.0-beta9 2017-01-25
2.0.0-beta1 2016-06-03
1.11.0 2015-06-11
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1. Have the Node.js environment installed on your machine
2. Run npm install pug --save to install the pug module to your current project.
You can now use pug in your project through the standard require mechanism:
If you are using Express in your application, you do not need to require("pug"). However, you
must set the view engine property of your Express application to pug.
Further, you must set the view directory of your app so that Express knows where to look for your
Pug files (for compilation).
app.set("views", "path/to/views");
Within your Express route, you can then render your Pug files by calling the res.render function
with the path of the file (starting from the directory set by the app.set("views") option).
In the above, index points to a file located at views/index.pug, and locals represents an object of
variables that are exposed to your file. As will be explained in later sections, Pug can access
variables passed to it and perform a variety of actions (conditionals, interpolation, iteration, and
Save this in a file ending with the .pug extension (you can call it anything you like, but we will use
view.pug in the following code to compile it).
All that's left to do, now, is compile that template! Create a JS script file (we'll call ours main.js),
and add the following content:
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const templateCompiler = pug.compileFile('view.pug');
When you run this file with npm main.js, you should get the following HTML code output in your
Congratulations, you just created and compiled your first template! On to more advanced stuff,
such as Conditionals, Iteration, and much more!
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Chapter 2: Conditionals
Pug can conditionally run code based on variables (passed from your server or based in Pug
• if (statement)
// Pug code
• else if (statement)
// Pug code
• else
// Pug code
• unless (statement)
// Pug code
Parameter Details
The code nested underneath the else statement will run only if all previous
statements returned false.
unless The negation of if (statement); the code nested underneath if will run only if
(statement) statement returns false. It is the same as if (!statement).
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Official PugJS documentation on conditionals
If/Else Statement in Pug
Conditionals in Pug can evaluate statements in a manner similar to JavaScript. You can evaluate
variables created in Pug, or those passed to it by your route (res.render, pug.renderFile, etc).
index.pug output
You can choose to prepend an if or else operator with a dash, but it is not necessary. You will
need to wrap the statement in parentheses, though (if you omit a dash, you do not need
index.pug output
Else If Statement
You can chain any number of else if statements to an existing if statement, to evaluate a
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sequence of statements.
index.pug output
<h1>Lots of numbers!</h1>
Unless Operator
index.pug output
Note: else unless statements do not work with unless; you can chain an else if statement to an
unless statement, but else unless does not work.
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Chapter 3: Interpolation with Pug
It's important to be able to use server-side variables in your website. Pug allows you to interpolate
data generated by your server in HTML, CSS, and even JavaScript code.
• res.render(path, variables) // Searches for a pug file to render at path "path", and passes
"variables" to it
• #{variable} // Interpolates "variable" inline with the surrounding Jade code, after evaluating
• !{variable} // Interpolates "variable" inline with the surrounding Jade code, without evaluating
• #[element] // Interpolates "element" inside of an existing Pug HTML element. Syntax of
interpolated HTML elements is identical to that of normal HTML elements.
Parameter Details
Used in res.render. This is the path of the Pug file that we are going to render.
The path is taken from the root of the folder set on your Express app:
app.set("views", "templates/views"). For example, res.render("index") will
search for a Pug file at templates/views/index.pug. Subdirectories can be
specified too; res.render("admin/index") looks for a Pug file at
Used in bracket syntax #{} or !{}. The value of variable will be output in the
context of its surrounding Pug code. If a pound symbol is prepended to the
variable opening curly bracket, variable will be evaluated before being output. If an
exclamation point is prepended to the opening curly brace, variable will not be
Used in square bracket sytax #[]. The HTML element (in Pug syntax, not
element normal HTML syntax) will be evaluated and output inline with the surrounding
Pug code.
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For more information on PugJS interpolation, see the official PugJS interpolation documentation.
Server Side Variable Interpolation
It's possible to pass variables from your server into Pug for dynamic content or script generation.
Pug templates can access variables passed to the res.render function in Express (or
pug.renderFile if you are not using Express, the arguments are identical).
let locals = {
siteColors: colors,
siteLangs: langs,
title: title
res.render("index", locals);
Inside your index.pug file, you then have access to the locals variable by way of its keys. The
names of the variables in your Pug file become siteColors and siteNames.
To set the entirety of an HTML element equal to a variable, use the equals operator = to do so. If
your variable needs to be embedded inline, use bracket syntax #{} to do so.
doctype html
title= title
p My favorite color is #{siteColors[0]}.
p Here's a list of my favorite coding languages
each language in siteLangs
li= language
index.pug output
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My Cool Website</title>
https://riptutorial.com/ 9
<p>My favorite color is Red.</p>
<p>Here's a list of my favorite coding languages</p>
Content interpolated with bracket syntax will be evaluated for code, the output of which is included
in your HTML output.
title follows the basic pattern for evaluating a template local, but the code in between #{
and } is evaluated, escaped, and the result buffered into the output of the template
being rendered. [Source]
If you need to include raw HTML syntax, use an exclamation point instead of a pound symbol (!{}
instead of #{}).
doctype html
index.pug output
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div>You can't escape me!</div>
Interpolating values is helpful if you need to pass a server-side variable to client-side JavaScript
(or other languages that require it).
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In the case of variables, numbers, strings, and the like, you can pass these types of variables
directly into your JavaScript with bracket syntax plus an explanation point (so that the code inside
the brackets is not evaluated.) This is useful for parametrizing JavaScript code that require
something from your server.
In the below example, we have to wrap username in quotation marks in order for JavaScript to
interpret it as a string; Pug will output the content of the variable as-is, so we need to put it in
quotation marks for it to be a proper JavaScript string. This is not necessary for number, where
JavaScript will interpret our number as it we intend it to (as a number).
// Sets the username of the current user to be displayed site-wide
function setUsername(username) {
// ...
var number = #{number};
var username = "#{username}";
p Welcome to my site!
index.pug output
// Sets the username of the current user to be displayed site-wide
function setUsername(username) {
// ...
var number = 24;
var username = "John";
<p>Welcome to my site!</p>
If you need to interpolate the value of a JavaScript object (e.g. all the information about a user),
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you must stringify the output in Pug for it to be treated as a JavaScript object. It's also necessary
to output the raw contents of the variable, instead of the evaluated form of it. If you were to do
output the escaped variable (var user = #{JSON.stringify(user)}), you would receive an escaped
version of the object (where quotation marks and apostrophes are converted to "), which is
not what we want in order for JSON.stringify to work on it.
var myUser = {
name: "Leeroy Jenkins",
id: 1234567890,
address: "123 Wilson Way, New York NY, 10165"
res.render('index', {
user: myUser
doctype html
window.onload = function () {
function setUsername(username) {
return username;
index.pug output
<!DOCTYPE html>
window.onload = function() {
function setUsername(username) {
return username;
var user = {
"name": "Leeroy Jenkins",
"id": 1234567890,
"address": "123 Wilson Way, New York NY, 10165"
document.getElementById("welcome-user").innerHTML = setUsername(user.name);
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<div id="welcome-user"></div>
The innerHTML of #welcome-user becomes equal to Leeroy Jenkins. The contents of the user variable
are printed directly to the HTML source
It may be necessary to nest HTML tags inside of each other. Element interpolation is done in a
syntax similar to variable interpolation; square brackets instead of curly braces are used here. The
syntax of interpolated HTML elements is identical to the implementation of normal HTML
doctype html
title My Awesome Website
p The server room went #[b boom]!
p The fire alarm, however, #[u failed to go off...]
p Not even #[a(href="https://stackoverflow.com/") Stack Overflow] could save them now.
index.pug output
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My Awesome Website</title>
<p>The server room went <b>boom</b>!</p>
<p>The fire alarm, however, <u>failed to go off...</u></p>
<p>Not even <a href="https://stackoverflow.com/">Stack Overflow</a> could save them
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Chapter 4: Iteration with Pug
How to iterate over a simple JSON object and save a lot of typing
You need to have Node.js and Pug installed
Each iteration
Iterate over the data store using an index.pug file and an each loop:
<li>Templating with Pug</li>
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<li>Winston Smith</li>
<li>Node.js will help</li>
<li>Guy Fake</li>
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Chapter 5: Syntax and markup generation
A preview of the difference between pug code and the generated markup
Pug makes possible to write HTML in a simplest way, using a clean, whitespace sensitive syntax.
From Pug to HTML
doctype html
title= pageTitle
if (foo) bar(1 + 5)
h1 Pug - node template engine
if youAreUsingPug
p You are amazing
p Get on it!
Pug is a terse and simple templating language with a
strong focus on performance and powerful features.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script type="text/javascript">
if (foo) bar(1 + 5)
<h1>Pug - node template engine</h1>
<div id="container" class="col">
<p>You are amazing</p>
<p>Pug is a terse and simple templating language with a strong focus on performance and
powerful features.</p>
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Read Syntax and markup generation online: https://riptutorial.com/pug/topic/9549/syntax-and-
https://riptutorial.com/ 17
Chapters Contributors
Interpolation with
3 Shea Belsky
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