Republic of The Philippines) City of Pasig) S.S

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Republic of the Philippines)

City of Pasig )s.s

I, PCpl Jojie O Agustin, of legal age, Filipino, Married, presently residing at 4M
Jimenez Street Brgy Kalawaan Psig City in accordance with law do hereby depose and
That the undersigned has no intention to of any allegation stated in the case to
be filed after me. That on December 2020 my wife is not in good condition she was
suffering from severe stomachache due to multiple gallstone, from January to March
were still waiting for her operation on March 10 she was brought to PNP General
Hospital because she was on pain and after that were still waiting for schedule for
surgery but due to pandemic we have to find another hospital for immediate schedule
and to get second opinion, we come to Pasig City General Hospital on March 29,2021
but we need to wait for GQC as per Dr.Magdayao from PCGH because they are not
conducting any operation/surgery procedure during ECQ so I decided to try to another
hospital in Cabanatuan City which is Good Samaritan General Hospital, Luckily after
one day of check-up and clearance she immediate brought to operating room to
conduct surgery on April 13,2021 throughout her recovery, I supported and took care of
my wife.
And during these times from January to June 2021, my problem almost coincided
from medical problem to financial problem and family problem,at that time, I was almost
exhausted from the loan, and my problems came almost one after another so I was able
to return to work immediately my mind is so confused because of the problem,I feel
depressed that time so in order to increase my problem I chose to surrender my issued
firearm and badge to my former station so that there would be no problem because I'm
also ashamed that I'm always missing my duty

Attached herewith medical certificate/Laboratory Result from Good Samaritan

General Hospital Cabanatuan City.

That the undersigned has no intention to disobey any protocol of the Philippine
National Police and this explanation be given merit for Humanitarian consideration.
That this affidavit is executed in order to attest the truthfulness of the foregoing
statements and for all other legal intents and purposes it may serve.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set hand this 9 th day of July, 2021 at
Taguig City Philippines.

PCpl Jojie o Agustin

Republic of the Philippines)
City of Pasig )s.s


SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before this 9th day of July 2021 in Pasig City

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