Attempt All The Questions: Inferential Statistics
Attempt All The Questions: Inferential Statistics
Attempt All The Questions: Inferential Statistics
Question: 2
A random sample of 200 married men, all retired, were classified according to education
and number of children.
Education Number of Children
0-1 2-3 Over 3
Elementary 14 37 32
Secondary 19 42 17
College 12 17 10
Test the hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance, that the size of family is independent of the
level of education attained by the father.
(Points: 08)
Question: 3
a) A random sample of size n=50 from a population yielded the sample 𝑥 = 190 and
S2= 800. Find the 95% confidence interval for µ.
b) A random sample of 100 values was taken from a normal population with mean µ
and the following results were obtained ∑ 𝑥=3978.7 and∑ 𝑥 2 = 1583098.3. Find
98% Confidence Interval for µ.
(Points: 08)
Question: 4
A two sample A and B detailed below were taken from normal populations of standard deviation
2.5. Decide whether the difference of sample means is significant at the 0.05 level of
Hint: H0: µ1- µ2=0 against H1: µ1- µ2≠0
Sample A 16 18 23 26 19 24 25 23 21 22
Sample B 20 21 23 25 25 27 24 26 24 28
(Points: 07)
Question: 5