Role of Advisors Towards of E-Advisory
Role of Advisors Towards of E-Advisory
Role of Advisors Towards of E-Advisory
Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University Ahmedabad
June & July , 2016-17
Company Certificate
This is to certified that Mr. Saumil verma & Mr. Darshil Shah Enrolment
No. 157290592164 & 157290592129 student of L. J. Institute of
Management Studies (LJ MBA), have carried out the reserach on the
subject titled on “Perception of Advisors Towards of E-Advisory” at “NJ
India Invest Pvt. Ltd,” under the supervision Mr. GAURAV SANGHAVI,
Branch Manager of Maninagar AhmedabadFrom 06/06/2016 To
30/07/2016. We also certify that, The above mentoined students have carried
the research work Satisfactory.
We, Saumil Verma & Darshil Shah , Enrolment No. 157290592164 &
157290592129 student of L J Institute of Management Studies (LJ MBA)
here by declare that the repot for Summer Intership Programme entitled "
Perception of Advisors Towards of E-Advisory " in the academic year
2015-16. Is a result of our own work and indebtedness to other work
pubication, references, if any , have been duly acknowledged in this project
Place : Signature :
Date: ( Student Name )
(Enrolment no)
Institute’s Certificate
(On separate page)
We have got the opportunity to make for the project from NJ INDIA
We have started looking for the project concepts and valuable guidance right
from Prof. Dr. Neha Mehta
Reading theories in the text book without tasting the practical
implementation into corporate context seems to be a distant dream to digest
the concepts whole heartedly. Fortunately I came in contact with some NJ
employees who assisted and co-operated me trough this learning odyssey of
Service quality domain.
We are thankful to MR.GAURAV SANGHAVI, Branch Head Of
for his motivational support and guidance with the help of which I
could make my summer internship report successfully.
We are highly indebted to Prof. DR. NEHA MEHTA OF L J
Institute Management Studies for her guidance, constant
supervision & their support in completing the Report.
We would like to express my gratitude to my DIRECTOR MR.
P.K MEHTA SIR who has given me the opportunity to prepare this
We would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to all
Maninagar Branch team Mr. Ashok Karangiya, Mr.Rahul
Rachhadiya and Mr.Raviraj Khatri, the Sales Manager, both the
Patel and Mr. Parth Thakkar And last but not the least Mr.
Babubhai Parmar and Mr. Ashish Solanki for giving me such
attention and time.
We thanks and appreciations also goes to my colleague in
developing the Report and people who have willingly helped me
out with their abilities.
One of the biggest reasons for investors to postpone their mutual fund purchase is the
paperwork involved in account opening and fulfilling of Know Your Customer (KYC)
Online mutual funds platforms are therefore trying to tap these customers by either
minimizing the paperwork or making it completely online.
To make the mutual fund investment process convenient and faster, the online platforms
have been adding more and more features to their offerings.
A majority of new investors are using the online fund platforms to buy and sell mutual
funds, say industry players. Anyone who owns a demat account can also use these trading
accounts to do investments, which is more convenient. If anyone owns a net-banking
account, he/she can again transact in mutual funds through their respective banks.
These platforms let investors carry out all kinds of transactions that they would offline.
Other than just investing in mutual funds either in lump sum or via SIP, a person can also
mandate their companies to systematically transfer money from one fund to another fund.
Shrinking profit margins and paper work in a slowing economy are nudging independent
financial advisors to join online advisory platforms, ashift hastened by the growing
propensity of potential client to look for personal finance solutions online. Although there
is no official data to analyze, the advisor community claimsthe shift is taking place, with
online platforms such as njfundz being the popular one.
The job of the offline financial advisor has traditionally involved plenty of legwork –
from meeting potential clients, filling out paper forms and depositing cheques to
interacting with fund houses and tracking transactions. The process is usually lengthy,
involves heavy cost and is more often than fraught with problems-details entered in
cheques by some clients may be incorrect and they may not be easily available for filling
out a fresh one. Removal of entry load in mutual funds has further eroded margins. A
combination of these factors, along with a lackluster stock market over the last few years,
has forced many such independent financial advisors to rethink their business model.
The online platform also makes it easy for advisors to survey client overseas. Online
transactions eliminate human errors to a great extent, such as wrong scheme names on
cheques, incorrect and delayed submission. The online transaction model also helps
advisors recommend products that they could not offer online. For example, fixed
maturity plans are opened for a short period and it would not be possible for an advisor to
physically meet all clients in that period.
While the model gives investors more investment options, advisors get higher revenue
through sale of these products. Such platforms give advisors the opportunity to charge a
fee from clients, which typically advisors find it difficult to demand separ
The mutual fund industry in India started in 1963 with the formation of Unit
Trust of India, at the initiative of the Government of India and Reserve Bank
of India. The history of mutual funds in India can be broadly divided into
four distinct phases
With the entry of private sector funds in 1993, a new era started in the Indian
mutual fund industry, giving the Indian investors a wider choice of fund
families. Also, 1993 was the year in which the first Mutual Fund
Regulations came into being, under which all mutual funds, except UTI were
to be registered and governed. The erstwhile Kothari Pioneer (now merged
with Franklin Templeton) was the first private sector mutual fund registered
in July 1993.
The 1993 SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations were substituted by a more
comprehensive and revised Mutual Fund Regulations in 1996. The industry
now functions under the SEBI (Mutual Fund) Regulations 1996.
The number of mutual fund houses went on increasing, with many foreign
mutual funds setting up funds in India and also the industry has witnessed
several mergers and acquisitions. As at the end of January 2003, there were
33 mutual funds with total assets of Rs. 1,21,805 crores. The Unit Trust of
India with Rs. 44,541 crores of assets under management was way ahead of
other mutual funds.
In February 2003, following the repeal of the Unit Trust of India Act 1963
UTI was bifurcated into two separate entities. One is the Specified
Undertaking of the Unit Trust of India with assets under management of Rs.
29,835 crores as at the end of January 2003, representing broadly, the assets
of US 64 scheme, assured return and certain other schemes. The Specified
Undertaking of Unit Trust of India, functioning under an administrator and
under the rules framed by Government of India and does not come under the
purview of the Mutual Fund Regulations.
The second is the UTI Mutual Fund, sponsored by SBI, PNB, BOB and LIC.
It is registered with SEBI and functions under the Mutual Fund Regulations.
With the bifurcation of the erstwhile UTI which had in March 2000 more
than Rs. 76,000 crores of assets under management and with the setting up
of a UTI Mutual Fund, conforming to the SEBI Mutual Fund Regulations,
and with recent mergers taking place among different private sector funds,
the mutual fund industry has entered its current phase of consolidation and
Open-End Funds
An open-end fund is one that is available for subscription all through the
year and is not listed on the stock exchanges. The majority of mutual funds
are open-end funds. Investors have the flexibility to buy or sell any part of
their investment at any time at a price linked to the fund's Net Asset Value.
Closed-End Funds
A closed-end fund has a fixed number of shares outstanding and operates for
a fixed duration (generally ranging from 3 to 15 years). The fund would be
open for subscription only during a specified period and there is an even
balance of buyers and sellers, so someone would have to be selling in order
for you to be able to buy it. Closed-end funds are also listed on the stock
exchange so it is traded just like other stocks on an exchange or over the
counter. Usually the redemption is also specified which means that they
terminate on specified dates when the investors can redeem their units.
Interval Funds
These schemes combine the features of open-ended and closed ended funds.
They may be traded on the stock exchange or may be open for sale or
redemption during pre determined intervals at NAV based prices.
Growth Funds
Aggressive growth means that you will be buying into stocks which have a
chance for dramatic growth and may gain value rapidly. This type of
investing carries a high element of risk with it since stocks with dramatic
price appreciation potential often lose value quickly during downturns in the
economy. It is a great option for investors who do not need their money
within the next five years, but have a more long-term perspective. Do not
choose this option when you are looking to conserve capital but rather when
you can afford to potentially lose the value of your investment.
As with aggressive growth, growth seeks to achieve high returns; however,
the portfolios will consist of a mixture of large-, medium- and small-sized
companies. The fund portfolio chooses to invest in stable, well established,
blue-chip companies together with a small portion in small and new
businesses. The fund manager will pick, growth stocks which will use their
profits grow, rather than to pay out dividends. It is a medium - long-term
commitment, however, looking at past figures, sticking to growth funds for
the long-term will almost always benefit you. They will be relatively volatile
over the years so you need to be able to assume some risk and be patient.
Balanced Funds
A combination of growth and income funds, also known as balanced
funds, are those that have a mix of goals. They seek to provide investors
with current income while still offering the potential for growth. Some funds
buy stocks and bonds so that the portfolio will generate income whilst still
keeping ahead of inflation. They are able to achieve multiple objectives
which may be exactly what you are looking for. Equities provide the growth
potential, while the exposures to fixed income securities provide stability to
the portfolio during volatile times in the equity markets. Growth and income
funds have a low-to-moderate stability along with a moderate potential for
current income and growth. You need to be able to assume some risk to be
comfortable with this type of fund objective.
Income Funds
That brings us to income funds. These funds will generally invest in a
number of fixed-income securities. This will provide you with regular
income. Retired investors could benefit from this type of fund because they
would receive regular dividends. The fund manager will choose to buy
debentures, company fixed deposits etc. in order to provide you with a
steady income. Even though this is a stable option, it does not go without
some risk. As interest-rates go up or down, the prices of income fund shares,
particularly bonds, will move in the opposite direction. This makes income
funds interest rate sensitive. Some conservative bond funds may not even be
able to maintain your investments' buying power due to inflation.
Sector Funds
Equity funds that invest in a particular sector/industry of the market are
known as Sector Funds. The exposure of these funds is limited to a
particular sector (say Information Technology, Auto, Banking,
Pharmaceuticals or Fast Moving Consumer Goods) which is why they are
more risky than equity funds that invest in multiple sectors.
Index Funds
These funds have the objective to match the performance of a specific stock
market index. The portfolio of these funds comprises of the same companies
that form the index and is constituted in the same proportion as the index.
Equity index funds that follow broad indices (like S&P CNX Nifty, Sensex)
are less risky than equity index funds that follow narrow sectorial indices
(like BSEBANKEX or CNX Bank Index etc.). Narrow indices are less
diversified and therefore, are more risky.
Fund of Funds
Mutual funds that do not invest in financial or physical assets, but do invest
in other mutual fund schemes offered by different AMCs, are known as
Fund of Funds. Fund of Funds maintain a portfolio comprising of units of
other mutual fund schemes, just like conventional mutual funds maintain a
portfolio comprising of equity/debt/money market instruments or non-
financial assets.
The mutual fund not just advantage of investor but also has disadvantages
for the funds. The fund manager not always made profits but might create
loss for not properly managed portfolio. The fund manager have own
strategy for investment to hold, to sell, to purchase unit at particular time
Costs Control Not in the Hands of an Investor: Investor has to pay
investment management fees and fund distribution costs as a
percentage of the value of his investments (as long as he holds the
units), irrespective of the performance of the fund.
No Customized Portfolios: The portfolio of securities in which a
fund invests is a decision taken by the fund manager. Investors have
no right to interfere in the decision making process of a fund manager,
which some investors find as a constraint in achieving their financial
Difficulty in Selecting a Suitable Fund Scheme: Many investors
find it difficult to select one option from the plethora of
funds/schemes/plans available. For this, they may have to take advice
from financial planners in order to invest in the right fund to achieve
their objectives.
Market Risk:
Sometimes prices and yields of all securities rise and fall. Broad outside
influences affecting the market in general lead to this. This is true, may it be
big corporations or smaller mid-sized companies. This is known as Market
Risk. A Systematic Investment Plan (―SIP‖) that works on the concept of
Rupee Cost Averaging (―RCA‖) might help mitigate this risk.
Credit Risk:
The debt servicing ability (may it be interest payments or repayment of
principal) of a company through its cashflows determines the Credit Risk
faced by you.
This credit risk is measured by independent rating agencies like CRISIL who
rate companies and their paper. A ‗AAA‘ rating is considered the safest
whereas a ‗D‘ rating is considered poor credit quality. A well-diversified
portfolio might help mitigate this risk.
Inflation Risk:
Things we hear people talk about: "Rs.100 today is worth more than Rs.100
tomorrow." "Remember the time when a bus ride costed 5 rupees?" The
root cause is, Inflation. Inflation is the loss of purchasing power over time. A
lot of times people make conservative investment decisions to protect their
capital but end up with a sum of money that can buy less than what the
principal could at the time of the investment. This happens when inflation
grows faster than the return on your investment. A well-diversified portfolio
with some investment in equities might help mitigate this risk.
Interest Rate Risk:
In a free market economy interest rates are difficult if not impossible to
predict. Changes in interest rates affect the prices of bonds as well as
equities. If interest rates rise the prices of bonds fall and vice versa. Equity
might be negatively affected as well in a rising interest rate environment. A
well-diversified portfolio might help mitigate this risk.
Political/Government Policy Risk:
Changes in government policy and political decision can change the
investment environment. They can create a favorable environment for
investment or vice versa.
Liquidity Risk:
Liquidity risk arises when it becomes difficult to sell the securities that one
has purchased. Liquidity Risk can be partly mitigated by diversification,
staggering of maturities as well as internal risk controls that lean towards
purchase of liquid securities.
To define and maintain high professional and ethical standards in all
areas of operation.
They work towards building trusted relationship with our stakeholders, for
inclusive growth through constant process of innovation; time bound
implementation & execution of ideas and technological developments. They
stretch our means and go overboard to make sure that our clients'
aspirations, dreams and expectations are met with, through high service
NJ realizes the importance of corporate governance and seeks to implement
the best practices for the same. They strongly believe that they have an
obligation or duty as corporate entities to all their stakeholders; from
employees, customers and vendors to business partners, authorities and
society at large. They aim to strike the right balance between minimizing
business risks while attempting to maximize business growth.
Corporate governance at NJ is based on the following main principles:
Timely and strict compliance to all established rules, regulations and
Building sound system of risk management and internal control.
Timely and balanced disclosure and communication of all material
Transparency and accountability in all practices.
Fair and equitable treatment of all its stakeholders including
employees, associates.
The existing customers may approach NJ Customer Care Help Desk for any
queries / clarification that they may face in NJ. Also customers may E mail
NJ for any queries or grievances.
Help desk: 1800 200 0155. (Toll Free)
NJ aims at providing high quality services on investment front through
systematic and professional approach backed by total management
commitment and team work. To achieve customer satisfaction at a cost that
represents value. They as a whole are committed to practice a policy “right
at the first time” and then continuous improvement in their action and
Industry Profile
Name: NJ India Pvt Ltd
Type : Private
Product Basket
Mutual funds
Portfolio Management
NJ Businesses
NJ India Invest is engaged in many businesses, which are as follows:
Distributors Network
Asset Management
Real estate
Insurance Broking
Product basket
•Domestic mutual funds (all AMCs)
•Capital Markets - direct equity and ETFs
•Fixed Deposits of companies
•PMS products (Third party & NJ)
•Government/ RBI/ Infrastructure bonds
•Residential & commercial properties
Partner Services
•Dedicated Relationship Manager
•Marketing & Sales support
•Research support
•Training & Education support
•Dedicated Customer Care / Query management support
•Technological support, including online business / 'Partners Desk' with
CRM & Employee Management modules
Customer services
Online family "Client Desk" enabling single portfolio view of 'entire' wealth
portfolio Trading & Demat Account with online transacting & call-&-trade
service in mutual funds, direct equity & ETF
•Freedom Portfolio:
Objective: To stay invested in equity mutual fund schemes at all times,
deliver superior portfolio returns by selecting better performing schemes and
encashing on opportunities offered by markets.
At the heart of NJ Insurance is the strong vision for continued financial well-
being for customers - individuals and families, regardless of any
circumstances. The key is to offer 'right' advice which is unbiased and
customer centric and encompasses the right risk to insure, the right coverage,
the right product and at the right time. The idea to offer clients with
comprehensive solutions extends further to cover quality claim settlement
and other services.
Product basket:
•Life insurance products from leading life insurers
•General insurance products, especially Health, Motor & Personal Accident,
from leading general insurers
NJ Global Invest, is a venture that leverages from rich experience & success
of financial products distribution business in India. Incorporated in
Mauritius, NJ Global Invest is set up an offshore fund distribution company
and is a licensed 'Investment Dealer (Full Service Dealer, excluding
underwriting)" by FSC, Mauritius.
Mr. Neeraj Choksi & Mr. Jignesh Desai (R) are two first generation
entrepreneurs who began the journey of 'NJ' in 1994. The promoters of the
NJ Group were friends since their college years and the bond between Mr.
Neeraj & Mr. Jignesh has been instrumental in the success of NJ. Discussing
upon important things before taking any decision, is a habit that they have
followed ever since they shared their hostel room in Vidhyanagar, where Mr.
Neeraj was studying his management courses and Mr. Jignesh was into
engineering. They both have a complementary style of functioning that
augurs perfectly well for the business.
Driven by their passion for financial well-being of customers & the mission
for transforming lives, the promoters have successfully put NJ on the
forefront of innovation & growth. With a humble beginning from home, the
promoters have successfully shaped the group's forays into many diversified
businesses. Both believe that 'Trust' has played a very important role in NJ's
journey, and in every step that they have taken. The words of the promoters
aptly describes this journey of NJ – 'Built on Trust'.
Operation Department
It is department that supports the activity of Sales department to maintain the
flow of activities. The different activities in this department are:
Customer Care
IT Department
It is the department which provides te4chnological support to the NJ India
Investment Pvt Ltd. The company named FinLogic Pvt Ltd provides
different technological platform to NJ. There are 500 employees working in
the head office at Surat.
Account Department
NJ has a separate accounts and finance department at its head office.
Audit Department
There is a separate department of audit at NJ head office. The main work is
checking the performance of the account department. This department is
continuously engaged in analysis in different statements of the company.
Marketing Department
Marketing department takes care of the marketing and promotional activities
of the company and its products. There is a separate department of
marketing at the NJ head office.
Today, technology is something that has the power to change history in a very short time
and there are numerous industries which have changed their character. The most amazing
transformation is being seen in how we shop. The e-commerce industry in India is
expected to grow at 40% CAGR from US$ 5.9 billion in 2010 to US$ 34.2 billion in
2015. One interesting observation is that the e-commerce wave has come after we
became more comfortable with the social media sites. Today, the digital world has
penetrated every aspect of our lives, from ordering grocery, booking hotels, making
friends, buying homes, searching jobs, selling old items and of course finding your
spouse. To make things even better, we now have mobile devices connected to internet so
that we can do things at any time, anywhere. There are a number of factors behind e-
commerce boom and here are some key enablers and trends that you would like to
Rising household income and spending ability. Annual household income rising from
$2632 in 2005 to estimated $3823 in 2015.
The rise of the great Indian middle class. Estimates for 2015 predict the share of
households under the bottom of the pyramid as 29% compared 64% in year 2006.
Falling mobile & computing device prices, internet costs and the rise in internet
speeds. Internet penetration is up from 5m in 2000 to 140m in 2012 and estimated at
400m in 2016.
Credit and Debit Card penetration increasing along with the value of transactions.
Together, they have risen from 4.5m cards in 1999 and expected to cross 420m in
Phenomenal growth of mobile e-commerce. In 2016, mobile shopping likely to be 27
times of that in year 2012. Mobile shopping grew 800% in 2013 alone
In the use of digital technologies, financial services in India lags behind other categories.
Technology discontinuities such as the mobile Internet, cloud storage, automation of
knowledge work, digital identity verification and digital payments provide tremendous
opportunity to reinvent financial services. We are already seeing the change taking shape
in banking industry where innovative solutions are emerging that allow you to make
payments and transfer amounts. Today we can access information, compare and do
research in virtually any financial product. The scope of products which you apply for
and/or transact online today is larger than ever. The list is dominated by shares and
mutual funds at the top followed by fixed income securities, insurance, loans, credit
cards, etc. Since long we are used to having equity shares in the demat mode with online
trading facility. Now there is an increasing awareness and appreciation for the advantages
of going for online transactions in other financial products, especially mutual funds. To
start investing online through mutual funds, the investors need to have a "NJ E-Wealth
A/c" or Trading Account and Demat Account. While trading account is needed to
undertake transactions, the online demat account is needed to hold the securities in
dematerialised form.
Year 2015 saw the penetration of e-commerce to newer areas including health care,
groceries, education, governance in India. However, there is one big area which is still
relatively less penetrated – and its' “investing” online. Though, among investment
products, online investing or perhaps 'trading' in equities has been already there for some
time, its' suitability for retail investors has been in question.
Mutual funds, which is nothing but a vehicle to hold any asset class, is suitable for all
kinds of investors. While India had very long ago shifted fully to the demat holding
format for equities, mutual funds units are still being held by a vast majority in physical
mode. Today one can hold mutual fund units in demat format just like shares. One can
also very easily transact in mutual funds online.
While we are very happy to benefit from ease of doing our transactions online and also
fully understand the benefits of holding shares in demat form, a question must be asked –
why are we reluctant to take the next step of transacting online in say, mutual funds?
No one can doubt the below list of the advantages that transacting & holding mutual
funds and other financial products in online mode can offer...
Any Time, Any Where Investing: freedom from dependence on your financial
advisor for processing transactions. With the advice, you can transact at your own
convenience within matter of few seconds. There would be no time or geographical
or mobility restrictions.
Increased Accuracy & Efficiency: With freedom from paperwork, the chances of
physical rejections, errors, etc. is almost eliminated and the overall system /data
management gets much more efficient.
Know Your Holdings: your actual holdings in the demat account can be easily and
accurately known at any time at just one place. This becomes a big challenge when
the holdings are in physical format.
Better Information flow: With every online transaction, you can track the status of
the transaction and also get instant alerts related to transactions requested. All
information will be easily available on the online account.
There is no doubt a big sea change in how the Indian customer has evolved with time.
Today he is not shy, afraid or illiterate to log on, create accounts, make posts, give orders
and make payments. But what is driving this behavioral change? Here are some pointers
that come to my mind...
Need for Convenience: Ease, comfort, efficiency and time savingsby going online.
Need for Choice: Availability is no longer an issue. Consumers can easily compare
and choose from the many options available.
Need for Freedom: To be free from any dependence on physical stores, freedom
from mobility, time and geographical restrictions. Any one can now transact any time
and any where.
Need for Control: Being online is also about having a sense of control in your own
hands at all times.
Increased Confidence: Much improved confidence in online brands and payment
Increased familiarity with technology: With almost everyone being a Facebook
user, Indians are increasingly more comfortable with technology and are using same
across different platforms.
However, there are also challenges that the industry faces. The above numbers may look
very optimistic but the fact remains that in a huge country like India, the share of
organised retail online was only 0.3% compared to 8.7% of organised retail off-line and
91% of unorganised retail. There are also challenges of internet broadband speed which is
minuscule compared to the speeds in US, Japan or European countries. The infrastructure
and logistics is also a big challenge for the players. There are also questions whether the
ecosystem consisting of payment gateways, technology, skilled manpower, regulations,
supply chains, etc. can match up with the opportunity. The good news is that 2014 also
marked an inflection point in the Indian politics with the formation of the new
government. Clearly there is new found optimism and confidence. The government is
playing its' cards well with initiatives like Jan Dhan Yojana, Digital India, projects like
National Bill Payment System, National Optical Fiber Network, the focus on
infrastructure coupled with policy & procedural revamp efforts. The initiatives are today
laying foundation for a new, connected, efficient and digital India tomorrow.
Essentially, these firms eliminate the costly in-person relationship between an investor and his or
her financial adviser by automating the process, thereby allowing more clients with less assets to
be serviced
profitably. Some of these services specialize in a particular area of financial expertise as opposed
to commandeering the financial adviser role all together. Either way, these online services, for the
most part, remove the person-to-person aspect of receiving investment advice, portfolio
management service, asset allocation analysis or other services of that nature.
NJ has ventured in asset management business with NJ Advisory Services Pvt. Ltd., a
group company, launching its discretionary PMS products.
At the heart of NJ Advisory Services is the idea to provide customers with solutions that
give them the freedom from active management of investments while having an
assurance that they would be doing so in the best possible manner. Their conviction,
matched by their passion and expertise, is all about ensuring the peace of mind of the
investor. The PMS products currently offered are aimed at meeting investor's need for
successful long-term wealth creation by following strategies that control risk and
optimise returns in a mutual fund portfolio.
NJ Advisory Services leverages upon with its rich experience in portfolio management
with in-depth knowledge & expertise in mutual funds. The decisions on the mutual fund
portfolio also combine results of time tested proprietary research models, extensive due-
diligence of fund houses, interactions with fund managers & internal risk controls. The
defined processes and smart use of technology further ensures that the investors are
offered with quality portfolio management and administrative services, ensuring a
complete peace of mind.
Every investor while investing wishes to maximise his returns while minimising his risk.
Asset Allocation and Superior scheme selection are time tested proven ways for doing the
same. But time and again it has been proven that for an investor to manage his asset
allocation and select superior schemes is extremely tough and difficult to execute due to
operational and behavioural reasons.
They believe their steps to streamline the client online experience, provide
greater transparency and improve the economics for the mass segments are
irreversible. While traditional firms will continue to focus on the wealthier
segments, those that also want to compete for the lower end of the market and/or
improve their clients’ digital experience will need to determine if and how to
adjust their offerings accordingly. All in all, this offers new opportunities for
expansion while challenging some of the aspects of the traditional advice model.
NJ India Invest Pvt. Ltd. a member of BSE & NSE and a registered DP with CDSL,
also offers the services of Trading Account & Demat account with many unique features
and benefits as listed below.
Single Window Multiple Products– currently live segments are Mutual Fund &
Capital Market. Even bidding for IPOs can be done through NJ E-Wealth
Multiple modes of transactions (Online, Call & Trade, Mobile App and even
Single access point for multiple AMCs and mutual fund schemes
Inter AMC switch & STP is possible.
Thus you save on time and efforts in filling form and form submission. With NJ E-
Wealth A/c, transactions can be done instantly through the online NJ E-Wealth A/c
Account, mobile application or through Call & Trade service.With online transactions
you would …
One of the many problems of physical transacting is having to remember and manage
investor information across multiple AMCs. Quite often important investor details may
differ leading to many problems. Updating any such information proves very troublesome
for any investor. With NJ E-Wealth A/c, we are no longer worried about such non-
financial information and records as they are maintained at the single level and are
applicable for all your holdings.
One of the biggest reasons for investors to postpone their mutual fund purchase is the
paperwork involved in account opening and fulfilling of Know Your Customer (KYC)
Online mutual funds platforms are therefore trying to tap these customers by either
minimizing the paperwork or making it completely online.
To make the mutual fund investment process convenient and faster, the online platforms
have been adding more and more features to their offerings.
A majority of new investors are using the online fund platforms to buy and sell mutual
funds, say industry players. Anyone who owns a demat account can also use these trading
accounts to do investments, which is more convenient. If anyone owns a net-banking
account, he/she can again transact in mutual funds through their respective banks.
These platforms let investors carry out all kinds of transactions that they would offline.
Other than just investing in mutual funds either in lump sum or via SIP, a person can also
mandate their companies to systematically transfer money from one fund to another fund.
From the viewpoint of Advisors they consider it “In the online world, they can acquire
and service a customer anywhere in the world, as there are no geographical boundaries,”
Shrinking profit margins and paper work in a slowing economy are nudging independent
financial advisors to join online advisory platforms, ashift hastened by the growing
propensity of potential client to look for personal finance solutions online. Although there
is no official data to analyze, the advisor community claimsthe shift is taking place, with
online platforms such as njfundz being the popular one.
The job of the offline financial advisor has traditionally involved plenty of legwork –
from meeting potential clients, filling out paper forms and depositing cheques to
interacting with fund houses and tracking transactions. The process is usually lengthy,
involves heavy cost and is more often than fraught with problems-details entered in
cheques by some clients may be incorrect and they may not be easily available for filling
out a fresh one. Removal of entry load in mutual funds has further eroded margins. A
combination of these factors, along with a lackluster stock market over the last few years,
has forced many such independent financial advisors to rethink their business model.
In comparison, financial services websites reduce an advisor’s lag work to a one time
agreement with a client for an online account. The online platform also makes it easy for
advisors to survey client overseas. Online transactions eliminate human errors to a great
extent, such as wrong scheme names on cheques, incorrect and delayed submission. The
online transaction model also helps advisors recommend products that they could not
offer online. For example, fixed maturity plans are opened for a short period and it would
not be possible for an advisor to physically meet all clients in that period.
While the model gives investors more investment options, advisors get higher revenue
through sale of these products. Such platforms give advisors the opportunity to charge a
fee from clients, which typically advisors find it difficult to demand separately.
Chapter - 2
2.1 As on Project Full
1.Andrew, O.(2016).Is the twilight of the Robo advisor already at hand. CNBC
The article talks about the future of investing and they are expecting to have lots of competition.
These wed based platforms are easy to use tools to build and manage a diversified portfolio at a
low cost. The companies are investing huge amount in the robo technologies rather than doing
marketing and advertisement campaigns.
2.Bhasin, T. (2015). Online mutual fund platforms are fast and convenient. Business
Standard .
A majority of new investors is using the online fund platforms to buy and sell mutual funds, say
industry players. These platforms let investors carry out all kinds of transactions that they would
do offline. Other than just investing in mutual funds either in lump sum or via SIP, a person can
also mandate these companies to systematically transfer money from one fund to the other.
The platforms also have their research in place to help customer take informed decisions though
each one may do it differently.
It also shows customers funds that have received maximum investment in the current month to
let the person see what others are buying. All of these platforms also do risk assessment of
The recommendations can be tailored to their profile and/or goals. The key to their business of an
online platform is convenience and speed. You can view consolidated portfolio at the click of a
button. You can
Online platforms offer bouquet of services depending on the need of the customer. They are
evolving to be one-stop shop for all your mutual fund needs.
As mutual funds platforms are still evolving, all services are free of charge. These companies
earn commission from your investments.
3. Barnett, C. (2015). FinTech Trends: Wealth Management and The Rise of Robo Advisors.
These technology-backed advisors were built on the premise that many of the activities
performed by a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) can be replicated by advanced intuitive
software. They promise lower costs, simplicity and even the bonus potential of making investing
“fun”..Already the robo advisors have shown its significance in many developed countries. But
the process of creative destruction in the FinTech industry is happening so swiftly that it raised
questioning whether relatively new success stories like these can already be jeopardized by
competitive threats.
5 . Vyakaranam, N. (2015). Robo-advisers are ensuring advice for all. The Economic Times .
Robo-advisers have been a hot topic of discussion across the financial world. In the US
and other developed countries, they have made a serious dent in the market and have
been growing at a rapid pace. They essentially provide online, automated, algorithm-
based, wealth management advice.
Unlike traditional wealth managers, they do not have a minimum investment requirement
for providing advice. Robo-advisers are at the forefront of solving this problem by
delivering cost-effective, unbiased, customised, comprehensive and high-quality financial
advice to retail customers.
They not only solve the problem of access to advice, but also address other important
issues, such as lack of transparency and excessive product-centric approach, which
consistently plague the financial services industry. For retail customers, this is a welcome
change and a sure way to start securing their financial future with professional help,
irrespective of their asset size.
6 .Bearssley, B. (2015). bcg.perspective. Retrieved from Boston counsaltancy group.
About 75% of wealth management clients want interactive multi channels offerings and only 25%
of wealth managers provide customized advice online. What’s more sophisticated functionalities
that make use of big data and advanced portfolio analytics remain largely nascent.
The potential of digitization is significant. Wealth managers with an advanced- yet not leading
digital offering reduced attrition by as much as 5% , increased revenue from cross-selling
offerings by 2 to 5% and realized efficiency gains of 10 to 15%.
Instead of diluting the traditional wealth manager – client relationship, as many fear, digital
transformation enrich the quality of client service by improving the end to end experience
Many AMCs are now introducing the soft wares and tests and they do the psychometric
evaluation of these financial advisors. They used psychometric analytical tools to profile the top
50 IFAs and understand what helps them be successful.
8. shashikant, U. (2014). Financial advisors must be professionals or lose their relevance. E
wealth. The trust gap that exists between financial advisors and investors today arises from the
advisors' inability to establish to the investor that they are taking care of his money, as if it were
their own. The needs for professional financial advisors arise as the investors have less
knowledge of the market and limited amount of time. A professional is one who is willing to
state, in unambiguous terms, the services that he would offer. He reports, informs and
communicates transparently how his advice has added value.
The financial services profession, including banks, brokers and independent advisors, has done
precious little to establish these credentials. There are associations of mutual funds, insurance
agents and financial advisors, we still do not have a self-regulatory body for advisors that sets
standards and imposes a code of conduct and ethics, and penalises wrongful conduct.
It says that firms and individuals has developed a variety of applications and technologies to
capture this knowledge for academic research and practical use. Knowledge Management (KM)
research has focused on its nature, concepts, framework, tools, functions and methodologies for
real applications of KM technologies.
Unlike travel agents, online advisers are using computer models available on their
websites to tailor portfolios for individual investors and offering to manage those
investments automatically.
Most online firms are formed by investors of large tech firms.
These firms promise to save customers money by charging low management fees and
advisory avoiding pricy investment products. By contrast, traditional advisors develop
personal relationship with the clients but sometimes imports hefty management and
investment fees.
The online advisors can be good option who wants low cost advice about appropriate mix
of stocks and bonds. Also they are attracting high profile investment and are rolling out
new services to compete.
Online advisors often accepts client with relatively small amount of investments. These
advisors greets the visitors through a questionnaire aimed at knowing their appetite for
risk and based on this they make a portfolio for them considering their goals for
investment and risk tolerance capacity.
11. Dhiraj Jain, A. J. (2013). Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Management Reveiw ;
Vol 2 No 2, 2013; PP: 46-56.
The article is about the role of financial advisory in the area of wealth management. It
also talks about the scams and frauds conducted due to lack of the regulatory body.
A sub-committee of Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC) was
constituted in December 2010 and is in the process of being finally formulated in this
regard. While the RBI and SEBI would be playing a dominant role, other regulators like
IRDA would be roped in whenever necessary and needed.
Chapter – 3
Scope Of Research
H0: E-advisory will not be able to substitute the manual way of advising
and form filling.
H1: E-advisory will be able to substitute the manual way of advising and
form filling.
H0: The ratio of number of queries raised have not decreased while
adopting the
e-advisory service.
H1: The ratio of number of queries raised have decreased while adopting
e-advisory service.
4. H0: E-advisory cannot reduce the personalized service which the
traditional or manual platform provides.
H1:E-advisory can reduce the personalized service which the traditional
or manual platform provides.
The research is carried out to know what the advisors perceive for the new
trend of advising through online platform and what will be its benefits to
them and to the investors.
The research includes the study of habits of the advisors of using the
internet for various works and their adaptability to online platform to
perform their jobs.
It also includes the study of the ratio of the clients of the advisors who have
the access to internet and also uses the e-advisory service.
This research work does not include the study of behaviour of clients
towards investment neither it focuses on perception of advisors for
traditional methods of advising.
The research design for the project will be Descriptive, as the study will include
the information which is collected without changing the environment and it is not
truly experimental.
The study will involve a onetime interaction with group of peoples and data
collection using existing records.
Sampling units :The sampling units for the research are the Financial
Sampling Size :The sampling size for the research is kept 100.
Sampling method: Here I have used simple random sampling method. I
have randomly selected any advisor who comes to visit NJ Wealth Advisors
Research instrument: The research instrument is Questionnaire.
Research tools: SPSS Software,
Time Budget:
- Estimated time frame for various activities allotted is mentioned in the below in
the table:-
Frequency Percent Cumulative
Valid 18 TO 25 8 16 16
25 TO 35 14 28 44
35 TO 50 20 40 84
ABOVE 50 8 16 100
Total 50 100
From the above graph it can be said that out of total 50 respondents,
maximum respondents are between the age group of 35 to 50 years.
Frequency Percent cumulative
0Valid YES 48 96 96
NO 2 4 100
Total 50 100
It can be interpreted that out of all the advisors surveyed, almost everyone of
them had a smart phone except for the few. Out of total 100%, 96% had the
smart phone and 4% didn’t.
Q2 Do you
use any
in your
Frequency Percent Cumulative
Valid YES 41 82 82
NO 9 18 100
Total 50 100
Q.4 From
How Many
years are
partner of
N.J ??
Frequency Percent Cumulative
Valid 1 year 11 22 22
2 year 18 36 58
more then 16 32 90
2 year
more then 5 10 100
5 year
Total 50 100
Q.5 Are
you aware
about the
account ?
Frequency Percent Cumulative
Valid YES 45 90 90
NO 5 10 100
Total 50 100
Q.6. which
you find
easy ??
Frequency Percent Cumulative
Valid physical 6 12 12
E-form 44 88 100
Total 50 100
Whether u
Find “E-
Easy ??
Q8. Do
You think
are easy
process to
account ?
Q.9. How
many of
have this
Frequency Percent Cumulative
Valid 0-10 % 6 12 12
11-20 % 22 44 56
21-50 % 14 28 84
more then 8 16 100
50 %
Total 50 100
are the
benefits of
the NJ E-
Frequency Percent Cumulative
Valid Ease of 9 18 18
Time 22 44 62
More 8 16 78
numbers of
Inter AMC 1 2 80
STP/SWP 2 4 84
inter AMC
Mobile App 2 4 88
MARS 1 2 90
Others 5 10 100
Total 50 100 100
What can
be the
for your
client not
access on
Frequency Percent Cumulative
Valid Lack of 3 6 6
Not safe 6 12 18
inconvenient 18 36 54
Risk of 0 0 54
Lack of 16 32 86
Others 7 14 100
Total 50 100
Q.12. Do
you think
number of
are less in
then the
Frequency Percent Cumulative
Valid YES 41 82 82
NO 9 18 100
Total 50 100
Q.13. Do
you think
Frequency Percent Cumulative
Valid YES 38 76 76
NO 12 24 100
Total 50 100
Q.14. Will
suggest to
your client
to open E-
account ?
Frequency Percent Cumulative
Valid YES 50 100 100
NO 0 0 100
Total 50 100
We feel very pleased to conclude our project. It was nice experience from
both part that is theoretical knowledge as well as practical aspect. The
mutual fund industry is still in growing phase in India.
With the help of this project We got the opportunity to meet new people,
made new contacts and relations. We have felt development in our
personality and grooming power. We can now present ourself with improved
confidence in front of audience.
With the help of project, We could know and understand the basic of share
market, mutual fund industry and how it worked. So We can say that Indian
mutual fund industry is slowly but surely is moving & shifting to higher
growth profile in nearest future.
The awareness of mutual fund product is also estimated to be quite low, and
less percentage of population invest in mutual fund .
NJ India is leading distribution channel of mutual fund in India. It has
developed a long term relationship and a profitable business with its team of
sub-distributors by providing excellent services and guidelines.
We, the student of MBA from L.J Institute of Management Studies , Ahmedabad is
undertaking a study on the above captioned topic as a part of summer internship
project work.
Gender : Male ( ) Female ( )
[ ] Yes [ ] No
[ ] Yes [ ] No
[ ] Yes [ ] No
( ) 1 year ( ) 2 years
( ) Yes ( ) No
( ) Physical ( ) Online
( ) Physically ( )E-Form
8.Do You think E-Form are easy process to open Demate account ?
( ) Yes ( ) No
10. What are the benefits of the NJ E-wealth Account platform? (You can mark more than
1 option)
11. What can be the reasons for your client not having access on E-Wealth account?
12. Do you think the number of queries are less in E-form then the physical form?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
13. Do you think E-Advisory will reduced the physically form filling process?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
14. Will you suggest to your client to open E-wealth account ??
[ ] Yes [ ] No
Thank you...