Investment Accounting
Investment Accounting
Investment Accounting
Investment is an asset held for earning income by way of
rental income, dividend, interest, royalties & capital
appreciations but not for sale in ordinary course of business.
Exception: shares as stocks are treated as investment(current
investment) not inventory as per AS13.
Investments classified into:
Fixed income bearing securities- ex: Debn , Govt bonds
etc. Can calculate income exactly
Variable income bearing securities- ex: eq sh . connot
Deb/ bonds:
Inv in debn a/c Dr
To bank a/c
Int will be received on FV not Market val
Int will be received as mentioned in prospectus . can be
yearly or half yearly.
On int date , the person in whose name the debn is
receives the int irrespective of ‘period of holding’.
Cum int price is including int
Ex int price is without int
But in both these cases full price Is paid
When debn is purchased, the total price consists of FV of
debn + int accrued (i.e., int from last int date till date of
purchase). Int is always calculated on NV investment
in debn a/c Dr
Int accrued a/c Dr
To Cash a/c
Int recd being a nominal a/c must be closed. So it is trf
to p/l a/c
Bank a/c Dr Interest a/c Dr
To interest a/c To P/l a/c
Sale of invst
Calculate p/l on sale of invst
P/l = Sales proceeds of debn / investment xxx
(excluding int )
(-) Avg cost (total cost /total debn )X no. debn sold (xxx)
As per AS 13 ( Only avg cost . DO NOT USE FIFO OR LIFO)
Investment a/c Dr 20
To P/l a/c 20
P/l a/c Dr 10
To Investment a/c 10
Brokerage exp is directly attributable to acquisition of
invst , hence it is part of the cost ( i.e. invst a/c = ex int
val+ brokerage) . so brokerage is calculated on val of
debn Bought / sold (i.e., brokerage is calculated on ex int
val of debn .
Cost or amt column = ex int price +/- Brokerage ( NOT
When year end and int due dates are different, int must
be accrued for the remaining months from last int date
till year end. In prev yr the entity must have recorded
the foll entry for accrued int:
Pre-acquisition div-
Dividend related to before acquisition date (i.e. this year
purchased share but div received for py year)
It is directly reduced from investment.
It does not include bonus and right share received this
Cash a/c Dr
To investment a/c
Post-acquisition div-
Dividend related to after acquisition date (i.e., sh bought
in py year and div is also related to py year)
It is trf directly to P/l a/c
Cash a/c Dr
To p/l a/c
Interim div-
Div is related to Cy. So both bonus and right shares are
also included.
So its fully post acquisition div
So cash ac Dr
To p/l a/c
But it is shown in investment a/c in Cr side of div column
Reclassification of investment:
When investments are classified from current
investments to long term investments , it is measured at
cost or fmv whichever is lower.
When investments are classified from LI to CI it is
measured at cost or carrying amt whichever is lower.
Carrying cost = cost – impairment loss