The Management of Society's Resources Is Important Because Resources Is Scarce

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Economics - The study of production, or firms action on the well-being of a bystander.

distribution,and consumption of good and service. → Market power, which is the ability of a single
Oikonomos - management of household. person or firms to unduly influence market
Incentive - anything that encourage a person to do prices.
The management of society’s resources is important COUNTRY’S PRODUCTION
because resources is scarce. → Productivity is the amount of goods and services
Scarcity - means that society has limited resources produced from each hour of a worker’s time.
and therefore cannot produce all the goods and → Standard of living may be measured in different
services people wish to have. ways:
10 Principle of economics → By comparing personal incomes.
1. PEOPLE FACE TRADEOFFS. → By comparing the total market value of a
→ “There is no such thing as a free lunch”. nation’s production’.
→ To get one thing, we usually have to give up 9. PRICES RISE WHEN THE GOVERNMENT
another thing. PRINTS TOO MUCH MONEY
→ “Making decisions requires trading off one goal → Inflation is an increase in the overall level of of
against another” prices in the economy.
2. THE COST OF SOMETHING IS WHAT YOU → One cause of inflation is the growth in the
GIVE UP TO GET IT. quantity of money.
→ Decisions is require comparing costs and benefit → When the government creates large quantities of
of alternatives. money, the value of the money bills.
→ The opportunity cot of an item is what you give 10. SOCIETY FACES A SHORT-RUN TRADE-
up to get that item. OFF BETWEEN INFLATION AND
→ Marginal change is small . incremental → The Phllips curve illustrates the trade-off
adjustments to an existing plan of action. between inflation and unemployment.
→ “People make decisions by comparing costs and Markets and Competition
benefits at the margin”. A market is a group of buyers and sellers of a
4. PEOPLE RESPONDS TO INCENTIVE particular product.
→ Marginal changes in costs or benefits motivate A competitive market is one with many buyers and
people to responds. sellers, each has a negligible effect on price.
→ The decision to choose one alternative over (differentiated)
another occurs when that alternative’s marginal In a perfectly competitive market all goods exactly
benefits exceed its marginal costs! the same (identical)
5. TRADE CAN MAKE EVERYONE BETTER Buyers & sellers so numerous that no one can affect
OFF. market price – each is a “price taker”
→ People gain from their ability to trade with one Ceteris parebus - other things are equal.
another. Equilibrum - meet the supply and demand.
→ Competition results in gains from trading DEMAND
→ Trades allow people to specialize in what they The quantity demanded of any good is the amount of
do best. the good that buyers are willing and able to purchase.
6. MARKETS ARE USUALLY A GOOD WAY TO Law of demand: the claim that the quantity
ORGANIZE ECONOMIC ACTIVITY. demanded of a good falls when the price of the good
→ A market economy is an economy that allocates rises, other things equal
resources through the decentralized decisions of Demand schedule: a table that shows the relationship
many firms and household as they interact in between the price of a good and the quantity
markets for goods and services. demanded
→ Adam smith made the observation that Examples of input prices: wages, prices of raw
household and firms interacting in market act as materials.
if guided by an “invisible hand”. Equilibrium quantity: the quantity supplied and
7. GOVERNMENT CAN SOMETIMES IMPROVE quantity demanded at the equilibrium price
MARKET OUTCOMES Surplus (excess supply):when quantity supplied is
→ Market failure occurs when markets fails to greater than quantity demanded
allocate resources efficiently. Shortage (excess demand):when quantity demanded
→ Market failure may be caused by: is greater than quantity supplied
→ An externally, which is the impact of one person

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